Palm Place Nursery and Tree Farm in Greenvale, Victoria, Australia | Garden centre
Palm Place Nursery and Tree Farm
Locality: Greenvale, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9333 3736
Address: 685 Mickleham Rd 3059 Greenvale, VIC, Australia
Likes: 4697
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25.01.2022 Poinsetia Peach and Princetia Pure White could make your Xmas in July even more Xmasy. Grab yours at Palm Place Nursery but make sure you wear your mask. We have a strict rule starting Thursday morning NO MASK NO ENTRY!... See more
24.01.2022 Clerodendrum ugandense (syn. Rotheca myricoides) "Blue Butterfly Bush" Commonly known as Butterfly Bush this 2-3m tall shrub belongs to Verbenaceae family and comes from tropical Africa. ... It will grow in full sun/light shade position and produce abundance of butterfly shaped flowers in summer through to early autumn, though they might flower sporadically throughout the rest of the year conditions are right. It prefers moist fertile and well drained soil but should adapt to most conditions. It will require yearly trimming to keep its wild nature tame, otherwise it might grow a bit leggy (about 30% pruning after flowering will keep this bush under control and looking dandy). It might shoot suckers so watch out for those as well. Keep it well watered, especially during the warm months and you are up for a stunning display that will attract a lot of attention, both from humans and insects. We got a few dozens of these stunning shrubs in 14cm pots.
24.01.2022 These 3 Wodyetia bifurcata - Foxtail Palm are waiting for their new home. Just over 3m tall in 100ltr pots these can, even though they need warm conditions, handle some light to moderate frost. They are easy to grow and tolerant to most soil types. We don't recommend growing these in the open area, but if well protected they can be grown outdoors even in Melbourne. We would rather see these in a large decorative pot and they would certainly make a statement if you have a two...-story interior. We are open for click and collect until further restrictions are lifted, and hoping to open for retail soon so you can come in and see these beauties yourself. If you haven't got that much space, we can supply smaller versions of these wonderful palms in 30cm pots. Give us a call to see which other exciting palms and indoor plants we have in store or coming soon to our Greenvale store.
23.01.2022 Schefflera Arboricola The Umbrella Tree available right now at The Palm Place Nursery and Tree Farm Indoors filtered light... Dappled shade Great for pots Delightful evergreen shrub with glossy, umbrella like foliage and a compact habit. Ideal indoor plant, especially for low light areas and a great shrub for foliage effects in tropical gardens. Prefers a warm, sheltered site with filtered light. Keep moist but do not over water. Liquid feed or fertilise regularly, more often in summer. - For more information, feel free to call us on (03) 9333 3736 685 Mickleham Rd Greenvale, Victoria, Australia 3059 #palmplacenursery #scheffleraarboricola #umbrellatree #umbrella #plant #tree #indoor #outdoor #tropical #jungle #garden #plantlover #plantsmakepeoplehappy
22.01.2022 We went a bit crazy taking photos of all the new indigenous stock we have here now- theres so much of it. Some gorgeous varieties of Boronia, Correa, Eremophila and Hardenbergia are now available, as well as Orthrosanthus multiflorus, a really magnificient blue flowering plant similar to Dietes but much more delicate. If youre passionate about indigenous plants like we are, its a selection of stock not to miss. (:
22.01.2022 Who DIDNT see this? Another way to control pesky gall wasp on your citrus trees.
21.01.2022 MAPLE DELIVERY. Our staff just finished putting all these gorgeous maples on irrigation. Weve got some weeping Inaba Shidare, some Beni Kagami, lots of coral coloured Senkaki and many more. Now available for you to purchase here at Palm Place Nursery and Tree Farm. If you are in one of the affected suburbs, we may be able to deliver to you so just give us a ring on 9333 3736 if youre interested.
21.01.2022 Pinanga coronata - Ivory Cane Palm (now available at Palm Place Nursery in 25cm pots) This attractive cream-coloured, multiple trunk palm form a clump thick enough to be used as a screening plant, simmilar to Cascade Palm, but is also attractive enough to stand alone as a specimen. It will, as most other clumping pals, need a good drainage and even though they thrive in moist soil, will not like having their feet in water. Adding some sand, perlite or vermiculite to your p...otting mix might improve drainage. It will appreciate a good, nutrient-rich soil, and It is best to apply a fertilizer specifically designed for palms (this is available at Palm Place Nursery in 5kg bags). It is important to make sure all the air pockets, when repotting or planting your palm, are pushed out of the soil, as roots might die in these conditions. This practice should be applied when re-potting all plants! Water your Ivory Cane Palm plants regularly, but best when the plant needs water rather than watering small amounts daily - check the soil moisture with your finger or moisture probe. These palms can be grown indoor, but will grow well outdoors in a protected spot. They can handle full sun, but will perform better if exposed only to morning sun. Protect them from cold wind and frost and you will enjoy a wonderful display for many years. Mulch well when you plant your palm in the garden mulch will condition your soil, protect the roots and save water!
21.01.2022 More of these giant Monsters are available now! We sold the first few trays so quickly, so we wanted to get you guys more as soon as possible- theyre still $14.90 like the previous trays.
17.01.2022 Palm Place is open as per Governments latest instructions - trades customers only for contactless pickup. 9:00am through 3:00pm Mon-Fri Victorian COVID19 Stage 4 restrictions will come into full force from midnight tomorrow.... We will update you with our Stage 4 strategy and let you know as it comes to light, but we can assure you that will still be able to purchase plants and all other garden supplies through our online store, marketplace, phone orders through our delivery services we provide. We are also working on some new offers on which we will advise soon, so watch this space for new deals soon to be announced.
16.01.2022 Cream De Mint Variegated Pittosporum Tobira looking beautiful in the nursery Full sun... Water wise Good for pots A low maintenance, compact plant with glossy mint green leaves edged with a creamy white boarder! Pretty white flowers appear in clusters and bloom during spring. - For more information, feel free to call us on (03) 9333 3736 685 Mickleham Rd Greenvale, Victoria, Australia 3059 #palmplacenursery #plant #tree #indoor #outdoor #tropical #jungle #garden #plantlover #plantsmakepeoplehappy #creamdemint #pittosporumtobira #pittosporum #tobira
16.01.2022 We're excited to announce we are opening for retail customers on 28th of October. Our trading hours are 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday and Saturdays we are open from 9am to 4pm. Even though we are allowed to reopen we will still have some rules that apply, such as mandatory masks within the nursery and minimum 1.5m social distancing. The density quotient of one person per four square meters applies to all indoor venues and spaces and that rule will apply to our indoor show... room as well. Please listen to the advice from our friendly staff and follow the rules that have been clearly outlined by the Government bodies this is for both for your and our own safety. Looking forward to seeing you and hope this new normal is only going to get better for all of us.
16.01.2022 Sending this beautiful 2m clear trunk Butia capitata to her new home. This palm grows up to 8m tall (in ideal conditions) and has beautiful blueish grey arching feathery foliage. This is a hardy long lived palm (can tolerate temperatures to -10 degrees C). It will also tolerate any poor sandy soils but prefers well drained moist soil richer in organic matter. ... They are cultivated for grape-like fruits that are edible and have a taste that resembles mixture of pineapple, apricot, banana and vanilla. In their motherland used for juices, liquor, ice-cream and preserves, hence one of the common names Jelly Palm. We have these available at our nursery in Greenvale grown in smaller pots so if you have a garden suitable for a fairly large palm consider putting in one of these wonderful palms. Drop in and check our range of palms, fruit trees, indoor and outdoor plants and garden products.
16.01.2022 Super dwarf Cavendish banana plant, Musa accuminata Nathan is one of the best varieties for cool climates. It should produce a nice amount of fruit even in Melbourne’s cool climate and will suit perfectly for any sheltered position, even in a small garden as they will grow only about 2.2m tall. They are well suited for planting in pots so you can adjust their position during winter and have them even more protected if your garden is open to cold Melbourne’s winter winds. Pla...nt in sheltered position in your garden (or in a pot that can be moved around), water well during warm months - almost every day in summer. If planted indoors it will require a well lit position and often misting, feed well every 2 to 3 weeks during growing period using either liquid fertiliser or appropriate slow release garden fertilizer. These are non toxic to pets and kids and will be a good addition to a hose full of fur-ball friends and children. Only downside is that they are fragile so they might be damaged by playful kid or pet. We have a fresh batch of these in 20cm pots at only $49.90 so come in and grab one before they all sell out.
15.01.2022 Hopefully restrictions will be lifted in a week or two so we can invite you all to come over and see how we’ve redone our show room #tropicalplant #tropicalplantsgarden #tropicalplantsofinstagram #plantnursery #plantnurserylife #plantsindoors #indoorplantsmelbourne
15.01.2022 Epipremnum Marble Queen is looking super variegated and weve got plenty of these babies fresh off the truck here in store right now. Get your variegation fix here at Palm Place Nursery and Tree Farm.
14.01.2022 Peperomia caperata Emerald Ripple an all time favourite available at Palm Place Nursery in 13cm pot. This peperomia is one of easy care plants that will take irregular watering, will like it best in bright indirect light but will be absolutely happy with artificial light so your home office desk might be just the right place for this gem. There are a few things to remember though. Keep them warm, they dont like temperatures under 15C and they dont like wet feet so make sur...e when repotting make sure you use well draining indoor potting mix. Happy Monday everyone and stay safe #peperomia #peperomiaemeraldripple #peperomiacaperata #easycareplants
14.01.2022 Agave Blue Glow Limited quantity available in 14cm pot
13.01.2022 THE PLANT CLEARANCE HAS STARTED! Come on down here, because plants are FLYING out the door- weve got around eight pallets of clearance stock out the front! Ctenanthes, a couple of BIG monstera weve had for awhile, ferns, Cordyline fruticosa, Philodendrons, stromanthe, and tons more. Looking forward to seeing everyone grabbing a bargain.
13.01.2022 Emerald Queen You guessed it...MORE FERNS at Palm Place Nursery and Tree Farm! Part sun... Shady, damp position Garden beds Pots Fill your garden with texture and colour this weekend with our beautiful Emerald Queen Fern also known as Nephrolepsis Obliterata! - For more information, feel free to call us on (03) 9333 3736 685 Mickleham Rd Greenvale, Victoria, Australia 3059 #palmplacenursery #plant #tree #indoor #outdoor #tropical #jungle #garden #plantlover #plantsmakepeoplehappy #fern #emeraldqueen
12.01.2022 As summer is approaching we are restocking some rare palms. Now available Baccariophoenix fenesyralis - Madagascar Coconut Palm, Licuala ramsayi - QLD Fan Palm, Areca vestiaria - Red Crownshaft Palm Orange Form, Chambeyronia macrocarpa - Flame Thrower Palm and Dypsis pembana - Pemba Palm #arecavestiaria #licualaramsayi #chambeyroniamacrocarpa #flamethrowerpalm #dypsispembana #pembapalm #beccariophoenixfenestralis #madagascarcoconutpalm
12.01.2022 New operating hours Due to the stage 4 coronavirus restrictions we have altered our opening hours. We are now open 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday and are closed Saturday and Sunday.... Retail customers are now able to shop with us only through our delivery service. Orders can be placed through our website, e-mail, phone or social media. Trade customers who operate within a permitted industry under the Victorian Governments Stage 4 Restrictions are able to click-and-collect. Orders can be placed through our website, e-mail, phone or social media. We would ask you to call ahead upon collection. On behalf of all the Team at Palm Place Nursery and Garden Supplies we would like thank-you for your continued support, understanding and patience at this time.
12.01.2022 Cacti and succulents just in.
12.01.2022 Some nice new Bromeliads just arrived
11.01.2022 Collectors corner is just one of numerous changes we have introduced while waiting to reopen for public, don’t miss out on these gems. We are open weekdays from 9am to 4.30pm and Saturdays from 9am to 4pm. #rareplants #collectorsitems
10.01.2022 MISS MUFFET Come down to the Palm Place Nursery and Tree Farm today for this absolute stunner! Full sun... Frost tolerant Good for tubs, boarders & rockeries Miss Muffet has proven to be one of the most popular and versatile landscape plants in Australia! A compact shrub that is both hardy and elegant. This dwarf pittosporum will grow to 1 metre high with a spread of 2 meters forming a low tuft. Ideal as an edging plant and bears small cream perfumed flowers. - For more information, feel free to call us on (03) 9333 3736 685 Mickleham Rd Greenvale, Victoria, Australia 3059 #palmplacenursery #plant #tree #indoor #outdoor #tropical #jungle #garden #plantlover #plantsmakepeoplehappy #missmuffet #pittosporumtobira #pittosporum #tobira
10.01.2022 Adianthum fragrans (Maidenhair Fern) Most of us have killed one or two of these, and we will probably kill a few more, but we are worth it, and these pretty little ferns make us happy for at least a month or so. Adianthum fragrans or Maidenhair Fern can be grown outdoors, but they need a well-protected position. Planted under another plant might limit overhead moisture that they would be exposed and could give them a better chance.... When growing indoors they should be kept in well-lit position and exposed to as much light as possible, but not too close to windows, as this can either overheat or cool the plant too much. Keep them away from heaters or air conditioners as blowing vents can dehydrate the foliage and cause damage. They like being watered with small amounts of water, regularly and should not sit in a tray filled with water. They will require a good fern soil mix (ratio of 3:1 fern fibre and peat moss added to your premium potting mix). Water them every 2-3 days with or cup of water (depending on the size of the plant) and avoid spraying water over the foliage, maidenhair fern dislike having wet hair and thats most likely the reason for your plant having brown fronds. For best results water around the edges of the pot and only on the potting mix. Fertilise your fern regularly, at least once a month. Potting mix that you are going to use here is a well-draining mixture and will leach all the nutrients quickly. We recommend liquid Focus foliage fertilizer every 3-4 weeks, as per directions on the product label. If you are anything like us, you have probably grown a few of these and they have shown a large amount of brown foliage. If this occurs, simply cut the brow bits off, and try to follow the tips above. If, however they brown off completely, try cutting all foliage few centimetres of the base of the plant, fertilise it and keep in sheltered, warm and well-lit position. They should (might) regrow in no time. There are not a lot of pests that like these plants, but you should keep an eye out for slugs, caterpillars, and earwigs as they may damage young fronds and rhizomes. #adiantum #maidenhairfern #fern #ferns #maidenhair #foliagelove
10.01.2022 We just stocked up on a heap of indoor and outdoor pots and planters, and all at great prices! Don’t forget we are now open for public and you are free to come into the nursery, complying with a few rules that apply. We are open Saturdays as well so don’t miss out on these. #planters #plantpots #tripodstand #tripod-planter
10.01.2022 JUST IN! Stromanthe Triostar in 25cm pot We have limited number of these available in the nursery, make sure you dont miss out.... #stromanthetriostar #stromanthe #stromanthetricolor
10.01.2022 Some HUGE Monstera deliciosa came in today in just 140mm pots! Theyre so tall. One tray of 12 have already gone just this morning, so unfortunately youll probably have to try and get here before Saturday afternoon if you want one! Also, legitimate question: why is there no Monstera emoji?!
09.01.2022 Lots of petite ferns such as Maidenhair (the common one and also Pacific Maid), Nephrolepsis exalta, Davallia fejeensis and Pellaea rotundifolia available at the moment for understory planting and ferneries. AND a big new delivery of tree ferns arrived! Lots of tree ferns in all different sizes now available in our fernery.
09.01.2022 Check out these newcomers we just stocked in today. Ficus Audrey is the national tree of India and will be a great addition to your indoor plant collection. They are easy to care for and with some indirect, bright light will grow to over 2 meters indoors. Water when first few centimeters of top soil are dry. These are available in 20cm pot... Bamboo Baby Panda is a lovely dwarf bamboo that has a bushy, clumping growth habit and will perform well both indoor and outdoors. It is great for planting in pots, containers and around water features and ponds. Available in 14cm pot
09.01.2022 A few snapshots of some of the stock weve got in just in time for the weekend- some Maranta leuconeura Red Vein, super variegated Marble Queen pothos as seen in our previous post, Cyathea cooperi tree ferns in 300mm, Sansevieria parva and Sansevieria Hahnii. We will still be open this weekend but please take precautions in coming here- wear a mask if possible. We will have hand sanitiser at the front counter. Please dont come here if you have any symptoms- go get tested!
08.01.2022 A striking red-orange foliage on this hybrid Philodendron Prince of Orange is a must have as a contrast plant in any indoor forest you are trying to create. It will not require any support, will suit most filtered light positions in your home but will need well drained moist soil and some love. Available in limited numbers at Palm Place Nursery #philodendronprinceoforange #philodendron #indoorfoliage #lowlightplants #orangefoliage #easycareplants #loveplants #loveplants#palmplacenursery @ Palm Place Nursery and Tree Farm
08.01.2022 For propagating your indoor plants!
07.01.2022 Ficus elastica‘Shivereana’ Available in limited quantity in 40cm pots. We are open for collection of online or phone purchases or we can deliver to Melbourne metropolitan area. #ficusshivereana #ficuselastica #ficuselasticashivereana
07.01.2022 GRASS TREES Back again with fresh stock ready for the weekend! A Palm Place Nursery favourite, Grass trees (xanthorrhoea) make a stunning visual display in any garden and are totally unique from any other plant in the world.... Did you know? Palm Place Nursery and Tree Farm is the largest supplier of Grass Trees (xanthorrhoea) in Victoria! With years of experience in handling these majestic plants. That experience can help you choose the tree right for you and we are more than happy to show you the best methods to keep your grass tree going strong. - For more information, feel free to call us on (03) 9333 3736 685 Mickleham Rd Greenvale, Victoria, Australia 3059 #palmplacenursery #grass #tree #grasstree #plants #tropical #jungle #garden #plantlover #plantlovers #plantsmakepeoplehappy
06.01.2022 Plant addict problems.
06.01.2022 Our wholesale and trade customers can now visit our stand at Caribbean Markets. Don’t miss out on last Trade Day of the year and contact us if you wish to preorder any of these beauties. #tradeday #ngivtradeday #indoorplantnursery
05.01.2022 Looking for a low maintenance and good looking plant? Look no further and grab one of these Aglaonema Silver Queen #aglaonemasilverqueen #aglaonemaplants #lowmaintenanceplants #bulletproofplants
04.01.2022 These just in :) Available in 6 and 4 cells starting from $5.90
04.01.2022 Palm Place is open as per Government's latest instructions - trades customers only for contactless pickup. 9:00am through 3:00pm Mon-Fri Victorian COVID19 Stage 4 restrictions will come into full force from midnight tomorrow.... We will update you with our Stage 4 strategy and let you know as it comes to light, but we can assure you that will still be able to purchase plants and all other garden supplies through our online store, marketplace, phone orders through our delivery services we provide. We are also working on some new offers on which we will advise soon, so watch this space for new deals soon to be announced.
04.01.2022 This is a Green Lacewing egg. You may have seen them around, stuck on foliage or plant stems, even in a symmetrical arrangement or straight line sometimes. DONT SPRAY THEM OR GET RID OF THEM. Green Lacewings are beneficial insects- they keep away the aphids! These guys are your natural pest control when it comes to aphids. This photo and the original post was made for an American audience, but we also have Green Lacewings in our yards here in Australia. When horticulturalist...s use biological controls to get rid of pests (this means using living insects to eat OTHER bad insects), they often use Lacewings to get rid of aphids. These guys are the GOOD guys. Dont kill them! See more
03.01.2022 This place is right here in Victoria! Cactus Country is in Strathmerton and should be on your list of places to go. Maybe plan a trip there once were all free again. Some of the most advanced, incredible cacti and succulents on display there.
03.01.2022 Its a crazy time- yesterday we announced our HUGE pot sale, and today were preparing for a massive plant clearance sale for EOFYS starting TOMORROW! A lot of secondary stock will be available, in sizes from 140mm pots to 400mm pots. Prices are as follows: 140mm: $8.50... 200mm: $15 250mm: $30 300mm: $45 Get in quick to get hold of the best stuff! * Please note: image below is just an example, plant not necessarily included in clearance sale.
03.01.2022 Did you know Palm Place Nursery can also supply quality garden soil, mulch, toppings, rock products and firewood usually with same or next day delivery. If you have any questions then please give us a call to discuss or place an order. #whiteicepebbles #gardensoil #crushedrock #tuscantoppings #gardensupplies #soildelivery #gardensuppliesdelivery #premiumgardenblend #topsil #firewood #silicasand #soilyard #nursery #plantnursery
03.01.2022 A different Sansevieria variety now in stock- Sansevieria parva. These slow growing, succulent-like Sansevierias are no different in terms of care than any other Sansevieria you already have. However, they have very beautiful bands along the foliage and theyre a paler green than the colour of the more common Sansevieria trifasciata. A great one to add to your collection.
02.01.2022 How many frogs do you have to kiss before you find the prince? Your favourite tropical plant nursery stocked in some nice aquatic plants to make sure your pond looks attractive and fun for more potential happy endings :) Check out our new range of aquatic plants that will make your fishpond look like a real little oasis.... #waterplant #aquaticplants #waterlily #waterlilypond #fishpond See more
01.01.2022 AS PROMISED- POT CLEARANCE, STARTING TOMORROW! Weve got all sorts of sizes, starting at 10-15cm and up to 40-50cm in diameter. A lot of light fibreglass pieces perfect for outdoor features and patio gardens. Prices starting as low as EIGHT DOLLARS. ... Some of the much loved Winston range available as well, starting at $15-$20, in charcoal and white. See more
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