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Panacea Massage in Coolum, Queensland, Australia | Massage service

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Panacea Massage

Locality: Coolum, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 410 496 476

Address: 170 Grandview Drive 4573 Coolum, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Leave the past behind. Let go. You do not need to carry the baggage of your past. Each day you have the opportunity to start over and begin a new journey.

25.01.2022 This soldier surprised his mom in the most amazing way! Credit: storyful

25.01.2022 He looks angry too

25.01.2022 WHAT DO YOUR FEET TELL YOU? The feet tell you a lot about what’s happening above them, at rest and during movement. The posture (position) your feet are is the result of what’s happening upstream. Your foot position is intimately related to how well you control the position of your pelvis and how well your hips are able to function as a result of this. The stability, strength, and control of your hips and pelvic musculature determines whether you can maintain control of every joint beneath them, and therefore maintain the desired position of your joints at rest and during movement. It comes down to having control over your joints, and attaining/maintaining the desired joint positions as you move. The feet can grant your body a huge amount of stability IF they are in a good position. If you can use your hips and pelvic control to get your feet where you want them, then they have a huge amount of intrinsic muscles that can work to your advantage. But the feet need to be in a desirable position (posture) in order to work optimally. All of this can be worked on and changed. The body changes and adapts to what you expose it to. Learning to control your body requires attention and focus at the start, but is essential for overall musculoskeletal/joint health.

24.01.2022 KNEE PAIN? IT CAN BE PATELLA MALTRACKING Patella maltracking is one of the main causes of knee problems, so it’s important to understand why it occurs. If you... have general knee problems, this brief guide will help clarify exactly what patella maltracking is and how it might be responsible for your pain. We will explain what the patella is, why it tracks incorrectly and the problems this can cause, as well as briefly touch on what can be done to relieve pain. What is the patella? The patella is what most people know as the kneecap. It is the point highlighted green in the picture. The movements of areas of the whole body can have an impact on the way the patella tracks over the knee, so the movement of the kneecap can point to different problems. In the immediate area around the knee, we are most concerned with the impact of these quadricep muscles. What is patella maltracking? Patella maltracking is an imbalance problem. The muscles in the upper thigh, the vastus medialis (inside) and vastus lateralis (outside) pull on the patella tendon in different directions. If one side is tighter than the other, it will pull the patella out of balance. Demonstrated with this simple diagram, the patella should ideally run smoothly down the middle of the groove between the condyles (the two sides) of the femur, at the end of your thigh bone. In most cases of patella maltracking, the lateral (outer) quad is overactive and stronger than the medial (inner) quad, which is weak and underused. In these cases, the patella gets pulled out of the groove, to the side, and rubs against the femur, and this is what causes the pain you feel. When the outer quad is especially tight, it can even pull the patella out of the joint and cause a dislocation. To tackle patella maltracking, therefore, you have to address the tightening of the muscle and the strength imbalance. What causes the muscle tightness? There are a number of reasons that the patella movement can become imbalanced, but muscle tightness is caused by an imbalance in strength or through muscles being overworked or used incorrectly. The muscle tightness stemming from improper muscle use comes from an evolutionary survival mechanism. When the muscle is overworked, there is a risk that it will tear and be damaged. In order to prevent this, the body sends impulses for the muscle to contract and avoid overstraining. This contraction forms a permanent knot in the muscle, which shortens the muscle. The shortened muscles then pulls tighter on the joint, causing it to feel stiff. The stiff feeling makes you want to avoid using the joint. The corrective measures made by your body are well-intentioned, as they may prevent you from performing seriously harmful actions, but these warning signs leave lasting stiffness in the body. The muscle knots causing this stiffness can be removed manually. If you remove the knot, the muscle can be restored to its full length, preventing tightness and alleviating the pain. You can do this, simply, by massaging the knot. This breaks it down, switching off the nervous impulse and releasing the waste products caught in the knot. It also restores blood-flow to the muscle.

24.01.2022 There is a terrorist among us. I don’t think he accomplished anything he set out to do, but I do know he managed to blow himself up. Please help me welcome the... most beloved terrorist throughout the world... Achmed the Dead Terrorist! Check out some of the "best of" moments from your favorite silencing, skeletal saboteur. Let me know in the comments what Achmed bit keels you? See more

23.01.2022 This is comedy gold!

21.01.2022 Appointments still available for this week! Ph: 0410496476

21.01.2022 Sometimes we need to step back. To displace ourselves from certain situations that no longer serve us. It's okay to be the one that breaks the chains. You are setting yourself and those around you free.

20.01.2022 There's not much I can do today because of the weather, so if anyone wants a treatment today, send me a text or call! Ph: 0410496476

20.01.2022 IMPROVE YOUR HAND MOBILITY - FLEXTOR AND EXTENSOR EXERCISE Technique 1 Sit or stand upright. Flex the elbow at a 90-degree angle, and extend the wrist as ...far as possible. Point the fingers upward. With the right hand, push the fingers on the left hand toward the elbow. Technique 2 Sit or stand upright. Turn the left arm so that the palm faces up and flex the elbow to a 90-degree angle. Flex the wrist to a 90-degree angle, and flex the fingers so that they are pointed toward the elbow. Place the right hand on top of the fingers and press the fingers down toward the forearm. Technique 3 Squeeze against the ball for 1 second. Open & spread against the cord for 1 second. Repeat until comfortable fatigue. Let's stay pain free and share the knowledge!

20.01.2022 Due to the Brisbane lockdown, I have a appointment available for tomorrow morning! Ph: 0410496476

18.01.2022 Most people think the brain is the epicentre of sending and receiving information but that's not true - there is a lot of merit behind the phrase follow your & here's why This is a sneak peak from my August Nail It & Scale It business master class - something very important that everyone at today's #NISI event have just received an in depth break down of! #HeartMath #NISI2020 #TrustYourInstincts

18.01.2022 The last appointments available for this week are this afternoon. Be quick! Ph: 0410496476

18.01.2022 Why taking your shoes off inside is completely pointless... #JustonMcKinney #standupcomedy #comedy

17.01.2022 ROTATOR CUFF SYNDROME What Does A Torn Rotator Cuff Feel Like? Rotator cuff injury is one of the common causes of shoulder pain in individuals. To ensure tha...t your shoulder pain is only because of torn rotator cuff, it is important to study the causes of pain, symptoms and also the reason of such condition. It is important to know what it feels like to have a torn rotator cuff and how long does rotator cuff injury take to heal. This information can give you an insight into understanding the possibility of rotator cuff in your case and prompt you to seek timely medical opinion. Torn rotator cuff can be defined as a tear in one or more of the tendons of the four rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder. This rotator cuff tear can be chronic or acute due to pathological reason or traumatic injury. What Does A Torn Rotator Cuff Feel Like? When you wonder what it feels like to have a torn rotator cuff, you need to know the signs and symptoms of torn rotator cuff. Some of the commonest signs of what rotator cuff looks like include: Pain The pain occurring from rotator cuff injury occurs at the outer side of shoulder and the upper arm. Such pain also occurs while performing overhead activities or usually happens in the night. If in case the torn rotator cuff is serious, then the pain might awaken the patients from sleep and make them feel stressed. Decreased Strength Strength of each rotator cuff tendons can be tested separately by the doctor. They can isolate each tendon and work to find out the extent of tear on each one of them. If in case, significant tears have occurred, the patient will find it difficult to raise their arms over head. Individuals might also find it difficult to hold arm directly out from the body and this is one of the prominent signs of rotator cuff tear. Inability To Do Normal Tasks Individuals suffering from rotator cuff tear find it difficult to perform their day to day activities, which include combing their hair, sleeping on the affected shoulder, hooking or unhooking their bra buttons etc. While approaching the doctor patient should ensure to specify activities which have got limited due to shoulder pain. On average, with appropriate treatment for a torn rotator cuff, it may take around four to six months to heal. However, it depends on the severity of the injury, type of treatment and the rehabilitation. EXERCISE TO PREVENT SHOULDER PAIN Pendulum exercise Stand with your good hand resting on a chair. Let your other arm hang down and try to swing it gently backwards and forwards and in a circular motion. Repeat about 5 times. Try this 23 times a day. Shoulder stretch Stand and raise your shoulders. Hold for 5 seconds. Squeeze your shoulder blades back and together and hold for 5 seconds. Pull your shoulder blades downward and hold for 5 seconds. Relax and repeat 10 times. Door lean Stand in a doorway with both arms on the wall slightly above your head. Slowly lean forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your shoulders. Hold for 1530 seconds. Repeat 3 times. This exercise isn’t suitable if you have a shoulder impingement.

17.01.2022 This is so funny. Via Viralhog

17.01.2022 Merry Christmas Everyone!!

17.01.2022 This is a great message coming from a beautiful and talented young girl. Credit: Jadyn Rylee - jadynrylee -

14.01.2022 relationship goals #funnymemes #memes #dailymemes #funnyroos #comedy

14.01.2022 One of my client's reactions to energy work!

14.01.2022 SYMPTOMS OF A PINCHED NERVE A pinched (compressed) nerve is an uncomfortable sensation and numbness caused by increased pressure and compression of nerve tha...t leads to damage and irritation of peripheral nerves. A pinched nerve is mostly associated with back pain and neck injury. What Are The Causes Of Pinched Nerve? A pinched nerve occurs due to compression of a nerve mostly in areas where there is less soft tissue such as bone, ligaments and tendons. Pinched nerve in the upper back and neck area is very common due to intricacy of the region as many nerves pass through the area. Pinched nerve could be caused due to poor posture and improper body position (prolonged leaning on elbows), frequent crossing of legs and with time this may lead to pressure injury of nerves in these areas. It is a result of either disc herniation, degenerative changes such as arthritis or autoimmune diseases, hypothyroidism, pregnancy, and repetitive motions such as typing or using certain tools. The pressure on nerve due to above activities can lead to irritation of nerve or its protective covering (myelin sheath) or both. This causes abnormal nerve conduction leading to numbness. The damage from pinched nerve can be mild or severe and can be temporary or permanent; most of the times reversible, but in some cases can be irreversible. What Are The Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve In Your Upper Back? The most common symptom of a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine and cervical spine is numbness and tingling sensation in the upper back or neck region that might also radiate to the arms, shoulders, hands, fingers and upper chest area and is felt as pins and needles sensation or a burning sensation. Initially, the sensations are fluctuating, but with time, they become persistent. It may also be accompanied by pain that is typically felt as a sharp or an electric sensation or on occasion’s dull sensation in the middle of the back. The pain might also radiate to the front of the chest, abdomen, shoulders, arms and hands. Pain might also be accompanied by muscle or back spasms along with muscle stiffness in few people. Nerve compression in the cervical/neck region might also cause severe headaches that might be felt on the same side as the numbness or pain. In severe cases, it might lead to muscle weakness leading to decreased contraction of muscles even with enough force or temporary paralysis of muscles below the thoracic spine or cervical spine such as the legs or arms depending on severity of nerve injury. These symptoms typically subside with proper treatment. The common areas of pinched nerve in hands are medial nerve at the wrist causing carpal tunnel and ulnar nerves at the elbows (due to frequent leaning on elbows while sitting or driving) and cervical spine causing pain and tingling in the neck that might radiate to the arms and shoulders. How Is Pinched Nerve Treated? The primary aim of treatment of pinched nerve is to reduce the inflammation and release pressure around the nerve. This can be achieved by resting and icing of the area, especially if it is caused by repetitive motion. For cervical pain, neck collars and for carpal tunnel, wrist braces can be used to rest the area and restrict movement of the joints. In the beginning, conservative treatment with anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen is done along with postural correction. Antispasmodics can also be used if muscle spasms are present. If this does not cure the symptoms then home exercises and/or physical therapy and corticosteroid injections can be opted for. It usually cures the symptoms, but if there is persistence of symptoms then the last resort is surgery to release pressure of the compressed nerve. Nowadays, alternative medicine is also becoming popular and some people prefer to go to a chiropractor or acupuncturist and benefit from the sessions too.

14.01.2022 I cannot say enough good things about Shane and what he brings to the massage table. He has extensive knowledge of the body and knows exactly where to concentr...ate his efforts to relieve my pain. Usually my pain is in a different part of my body to where he puts attention and his healing touch. He has been in the remedial massage business for over a decade, I think this explains his vast knowledge of anatomy, strong hands and ability to perform a deep massage. He also has massaged my 9 and 11 year old children. I loved the way he lightens his technique to suit them, while still addressing their problems, giving them relief for pain and helping with thier body alignment. Both kids are keen for additional treatments and say it makes them feel better. The first visit they were nervous to go, but Shane was very funny and made them feel comfortable very quickly. He is progressive in his thinking and has additional skills, he has performed some pretty powerful energy work on me. If you are open to that, and request it, he will work with you and I am sure you will benefit from it. If energy work is not your thing, you can expect the most fantastic remedial massage. I highly recommend Shane. See more

13.01.2022 Okay, if this doesn't put a smile on your face, there's something wrong with you :-).

12.01.2022 Blind and Deaf Puppy Recognizes Owner When he Comes Home Credit : Jukin Media

12.01.2022 Einstein is talking his way into the New Year and has three new tunes that he tweeted for your enjoyment. Pizza seems to be on his mind as well as a big roar! Ending with raspberries, I hope he didn't eat too many black-eyed peas!

11.01.2022 Here's me commentary on super relaxed animals (Vol. 5)

11.01.2022 I'm open all day today! 17 years experience, Health Fund rebates. Ph: 0410496476

11.01.2022 SURFACE ANATOMY OF FOOT The tendons in the ankle region can be identified satisfactorily only when their muscles are acting. If the foot is actively inverted..., the tendon of the tibialis posterior may be palpated as it passes posterior and distal to the medial malleolus, then superior to the sustentaculum tali, to reach its attachment to the tuberosity of the navicular. Hence, the tibialis posterior tendon is the guide to the navicular. The tendon of the tibialis posterior also indicates the site for palpating the posterior tibial pulse (halfway between the medial malleolus and the calcaneal tendon. The tendons of the fibularis longus and brevis may be followed distally, posterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus, and then anteriorly along the lateral aspect of the foot. The fibularis longus tendon can be palpated as far as the cuboid, and then, it disappears as it turns into the sole. The fibularis brevis tendon can easily be traced to its attachment to the dorsal surface of the tuberosity on the base of the 5th metatarsal. This tuberosity is located at the middle of the lateral border of the foot. With toes actively extended, the small fleshy belly of the extensor digitorum brevis may be seen and palpated anterior to the lateral malleolus. Its position should be observed and palpated so that it may not be mistaken subsequently for an abnormal edema (swelling). The tendons on the anterior aspect of the ankle (from medial to lateral side) are easily palpated when the foot is dorsiflexed: The large tendon of the tibialis anterior leaves the cover of the superior extensor tendon, from which level the tendon is invested by a continuous synovial sheath; the tendon may be traced to its attachment to the 1st cuneiform and the base of the 1st metatarsal. The tendon of the extensor hallucis longus , obvious when the great toe is extended against resistance, may be followed to its attachment to the base of the distal phalanx of the great toe. The tendons of the extensor digitorum longus may be followed easily to their attachments to the lateral four toes. The tendon of the fibularis tertius may also be traced to its attachment to the base of the 5th metatarsal. This muscle is of minor importance and may be absent.

10.01.2022 I often see wildlife on my morning walks, but WTF!!

09.01.2022 Baby goats do their "Happy Dance." Credit: ViralHog Jukin Media Newsflare

09.01.2022 I still have appointments left for Saturday morning! Ph: 0410496476

09.01.2022 Please know that this was copied and I am still researching this subject, if you have any additional information, please add it here. Please protect your pineal gland from temperature check guns PLEASE CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING RELATING TO TEMPERATURE CHECKS. This is the post I found it copied to: From an Australian nurse: I’m really worried. I’ve started implementing the new protocols in force. One of my new tasks is taking and recording each person’s temperature. I aim for the center of their forehead with my thermometer shaped gun, I pull the trigger, wait for the beep and record the temperature. I always apologize to the person before proceeding! After doing this a dozen or more times, I suddenly had a realization: Are we being desensitized to be targeted at the head and also causing potential health issues by aiming an infrared ray to the pineal gland? So I started taking the temperature on the wrist, which turned out to be more accurate given that the forehead is cooler than the wrist and the results differ by more than one degree in some cases. I went to a shopping mall and people were lining up to get their temperature taken by an employee who obviously was not a medic and was not properly educated on how to correctly perform this procedure. Many were shocked when it was my turn and I took the gun that was being directed at my forehead and re-directed it to my wrist. I spoke softly but firmly and told the employee that an infrared thermometer must never be pointed at someone’s forehead, especially babies and young children. In addition it requires basic knowledge of how to properly read someone’s temperature, i.e. placing a thermometer on the wrist or elbow fold is much more accurate and much less harmful. It was very disturbing to me to observe children getting used to seeing an object in the shape of a gun aiming at their forehead and without any negative reaction from the adults as if this was normal and acceptable. As a medical professional, I refuse to directly target the pineal gland which is located directly in the center of the forehead, with an infrared ray . However, most people agree to go through this several times a day! Our pineal glands must be protected as it is crucial for our health both now and in the future. The pineal gland is a small, pinecone-shaped gland of the endocrine system. A structure of the diencephalon of the brain, the pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin. Melatonin influences sexual development and sleep-wake cycles. The pineal gland is composed of cells called pinealocytes and cells of the nervous system called glial cells. The pineal gland connects the endocrine system with the nervous system in that it converts nerve signals from the sympathetic system of the peripheral nervous system into hormone signals. Over time, calcium deposits build-up in the pineal and its accumulation can lead to calcification in the elderly. Function The pineal gland is involved in several functions of the body including: Secretion of the hormone melatoninRegulation of endocrine functionsConversion of nervous system signals to endocrine signalsCauses sleepinessInfluences sexual developmentInfluences immune system functionAntioxidant activity Ask yourself: Is it ever wise to aim an infrared laser light at the pineal gland? The pineal gland is also your link to the subtle higher realms and energies and is critical for life. Wifi, cell phones, fluoride and many other things cause calcification of the pineal gland, all of which I believe are a direct attack on our spiritual abilities. Please protect it.

09.01.2022 WHAT IS THE LINK BETWEEN BACK PAIN AND INDIGESTION? The answer may lie in the link between the digestive and nervous systems. Nerves from the spinal cord conn...ect to both muscles and organs. Those same nerves that link to specific organs also link to specific muscles in the back. When you are experiencing stress in one of your digestive organs, that organ will send a message back to the spinal cord via the same nerve that goes to a corresponding muscle. As a result, the corresponding muscle will become tense, contracted and painful. You may have heard that left shoulder or arm pain may be the only symptom that a person is having a heart attack. The primary nerves that go from the spinal cord to the heart are also the nerves that go from the spinal cord to the muscles of the left arm. When the heart experiences stress, the muscles of the left arm contract and become painful. The same pattern exists for all our digestive organs. Whenever one of the digestive organs is stressed we get contractions and pain in the muscles that share the organ’s corresponding nerve root. Massage therapy will ease the muscular tension, however it is very important to identify the root cause of the problem. Therefore, as professional massage therapists, we should always carry out a consultation with our clients, so if necessary, we can refer them to see a specialist. Do you always carry out a consultation with new clients? How long does it normally take it?

08.01.2022 Cooking is deffo not for me #funnymemes #memes #dailymemes #funnyroos #comedy

08.01.2022 I'll be open next week, and have 2 spots available on Tuesday and one Thursday. I will return calls until 12pm today, otherwise from Monday onwards. Have a Happy Christmas!

07.01.2022 Happy National Beach Day! #GabrielIglesias

04.01.2022 There's no better feeling for a dog than when its owner returns home

04.01.2022 Check your selfie before you wreck your selfie!

04.01.2022 Sadio Mane, The Liverpool Star from Senegal (earning approximately 10.2 million dollars annually),has given the world a lesson in modesty after some fans spotte...d him carrying a cracked Iphone.His response is legendary: "Why would I want ten Ferraris, 20 diamond watches and two jet planes? What would that do for the world? I starved, I worked in the fields, I played barefoot, and I didn't go to school. Now I can help people. I prefer to build schools and give poor people food or clothing. I have built schools [and] a stadium; we provide clothes, shoes, and food for people in extreme poverty. In addition, I give 70 euros per month to all people from a very poor Senegalese region in order to contribute to their family economy. I do not need to display luxury cars, luxury homes, trips, and even planes. I prefer that my people receive a little of what life has given me," Mane said.

02.01.2022 Since it's a short business week, I'll be available this afternoon for an appointment if someone needs one! Ph: 0410496476

02.01.2022 I'm available this afternoon for an appointment if anyone's needing it!

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