Papa John's Raw Honey | Local business
Papa John's Raw Honey
Phone: +61 432 049 288
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24.01.2022 I did the first racking of the mead on Wednesday. First taste is not bad if I say so myself but then I do have a sweet tooth and like lime. Time will tell. The second picture is the sediment on the bottom of the demijohn and yes we will have a taste test in a couple of months time. However I was told today that could be up to a year away which will be the subject of the next post.
16.01.2022 Iliria's parents gave us some limes the other day so I have decided to have my first attempt to making Ginger and Lime Mead. Just waiting now for the Must to return to room temperature before I add the yeast.
16.01.2022 So this time I have decided to try and make a Plum mead (5kgs of honey and 6 plums) and using I am using a different brand of yeast (Mangrove Jack's MO5).
16.01.2022 Today I gave a bee presentation and honey tasting (6 different flavours) to just over 150 ladies from the Aspley VIEW (Voices, Interests and Education of Women) Club. The club raises funds to support The Smith Family Foundation. The Aspley Club supports no less than 30 disadvantage children. Great effort ladies and I hope you raise heaps when you raffle the 1.5kg of "Beekeeper Reserve honey" that I gave you. 1st picture. Waiting in the lounge at the Kittyhawk Room at the K...edron-Wavell RSL. 2nd picture. I must be a beekeeper as I have "Bee socks" on. (thanks to Tom & Iliria) 3rd picture. About to start 4th picture. Can't shut me up. I spoke for just over an hour which included many questions from the ladies. Luckily I was able to answer them all. See more
10.01.2022 I was shown some mead today that was racked in October last year and will not be touched for at least another 6 months. So I was thinking if I going to have to wait that long maybe I should start a second batch. Now decisions, decisions which honey will I use?
08.01.2022 Huston we have lift off. Its alive. Since taking these pictures this morning it is now bubbling every couple of seconds.
08.01.2022 Spring is here and I have tried my hand at grafting a queen bee. It is not easy finding a one day old larva that is white, about 1mm long and the width of a human hair in a white solution of royal jelly. I got 1 out of 6 attempts. I placed the cup and the queen cell into a queen less nuc yesterday. The queen will hatch sometime today or tomorrow morning and it will be another 2-3 weeks before I know if I have been successful.
08.01.2022 A drone layer. This happens when brood is lifted out of the brood box into the first honey super and the bees think they have to make another queen. The new queen is unable to get through the queen excluder and thus never mates. She is only able to lay unfertilised eggs which always turn into drones. Thus the answer to the riddle "who am I? I have no father but I do have a grandfather". The drones are also unable to get through the queen excluder and thus die of starvation as the nursery bees do not feed them. Drones sole purpose is to mate with the queen. They can not feed or clean / groom themselves. They have to rely upon the females to do that for them.
07.01.2022 Every now & then a post urging the general public to put food out for bees do the rounds on FB, but please: Do not put food out for Bees To the public, please d...o not feed bees in gardens, etc by giving them sugar, grated fruit&water mixes or heaven forbid, honey. As beekeepers, honey bees are our livestock, to care for and to manage according to their needs. Beekeeping is a primary industry, producing honey and other bee-related products is farming. As we all know, it is the nature of bees to fly around and they are certainly not bound by fences and borders, however, even when they are out there gathering food, they are still our stock and the management of what they are fed or not fed at the time is down to the beekeeper. For instance, if a bee is fed sugar and they deposit their sugar in honey comb destined for harvest, the harvested honey will be contaminated with sugar and the beekeeper may end up selling sugar contaminated honey unwittingly. Feeding bees honey is not only very dangerous to bee colonies as it could spread diseases which may lead to them being euthanised, in the case of American Foulbrood, but it also against the WA Department of Agriculture guidelines. The public can help bees, European Honey Bees as well as our Native Australian Bees, by planting bee friendly flowering plants, such as herbs, fruit trees and most native flowering plants. Another huge help would be for people to stop using poisons and weedkillers, poisons (sprays) are the number 1 threat to bees. ***Please feel free to Share this message far & wide ***
06.01.2022 As a rule of thumb I do not do much to the hives from Anzac Day until the "Ekka" Wednesday public holiday. That is one of the reasons there are so few posts of late. June July and August are the honey competition months. In the club competition I received 2 firsts, 1 second and 3 third. At the Mt Gravatt show I received 3 seconds and 2 thirds. The Ekka results came in last night and I received 1 second and 1 fourth. Looks like I have retained my "novice" status for another year.
02.01.2022 Success. We have a mated queen and she is now laying. Up to 20% of virgin queens are lost on their maiden flight. I was also able to catch her and give her a "beauty spot"
01.01.2022 I have not posted anything for a while as I have been the only beekeeper in my club (approx 40 members) who has been able to extract any honey. The drought and bushfires has taken it toll on them. One of the advantages of suburban beekeeping is that there is nearly always something flowering as people are always watering their garden. I have never had to feed my bees to keep them alive. An added bonus for me is that one of my neighbours has an indoor plant business and Tony ...has planted out his backyard out as a smorgasbord for my bees. The other advantage of suburban beekeeping is that I can get my "beekeeping fix" any time without breaking my self imposed quarantine (I am 65 and had a heart operation several years ago) In March, I was fortunate to be able to get to my hives at Cabarita just before the border closure. I had just finished swapping a couple of frames over in each hive for a frame of foundation when the rain started to bucket down. It the attached picture you can normally see the ocean from the point where the photo was taken. By the time I was able to walk the 100 or so meters up the hill to the car I was drenched. With the recent rain and flowering of gum trees in the area those hives should be getting very full. Just have to wait for the borders to open and I should swimming in honey again. Stay posted.
01.01.2022 Papa Johns is expanding (courtesy of Tim & Laura) and shortly we will be getting a new little helper. As the smallest bee suit is only suitable for a 4 year old it may be a couple of years before they are "job ready".