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25.01.2022 4 months old There's no denying that I miss my previous carefree well rested life. But I wouldn't ever switch it for you Clara girl.
23.01.2022 We're half way through school holidays here in QLD. I obviously don't have kids in school, but I do enjoy the little snippets of time I get to spend with my niece and nephews. Last week Christian came over for the day and it made my heart burst. We cuddled watching a movie, we played copious amounts of board/card games, he helped with Clara with such pride, we made yummy food together. I miss his little-ness but also love his big-ness. He cried when he lost Monopoly. He didn't want to cry and tried to hide it. It was so sweet. I broke his little (big) heart after hours of playing. Do you go easy on kids in games or just smash them? I promise I went somewhere in the middle. Beautiful Snowy River Wreath styled by @melwyse - find on our website under wall decals or felt flowers.
23.01.2022 I'm so glad I followed through with my random idea to make art kits for kids in iso. They've been such a hit and I can't thank you enough for your support. I made close to 100 kits just before having Clara so they're ready to go on the website! If what you're after has sold out send me a DM and I'll get it organised for you. Just haven't had a chance to sit down and do a big restock session yet. by @thevaratribe
23.01.2022 Always feel like a sleepy head, but never the one sleeping. Add in more to do than can be done in a day, and that's a basic wrap up of motherhood, right? . Our awesome Rainbow DIY Art Kit in blues. by @squiggly_monkeys
22.01.2022 Made this mood board over a year ago, and still vibing it! I've got some new nautical pieces coming your way soon.
21.01.2022 Have you even wondered what it would be like to live in a lighthouse? I have. As much as it sounds amazing with those views, it's a big no thanks from me on a practical level. A round house. Tiny spaces. Stairs. Oh the stairs. Nope. I'm happy with my average suburban house for now. 25% off for 3 more days! Code: CHRISTMAS By @melwyse
20.01.2022 Clara girl Even though your brothers and sisters are in heaven, and we have been a mummy and a daddy for a long time, you made it feel real. Really real! We love you! Happy father's day to your daddy.
17.01.2022 It's all in the details. This nursery took my breathe away!! My caption writing needs work lately. I'm so sleep deprived I am lacking creativity on a level I've not experienced before. I know so many of you know this feeling all too well! We are still on sale, 25% off wall decals, prints, art, kits & felt flowers. 1 week to go! Styling by @_angeharrison_ for her little lady due in a couple of weeks! Naw!!
15.01.2022 T W O M O N T H S of loving you. Through the good and bad days. The good and bad nights. Through the screaming for no reason. Love your guts anyway Clara Seraphina.
11.01.2022 What do you do when you should be sleeping? I'm laying in bed, and have been for 30 mins. I'm exhausted. But I love a quiet late night Instagram scroll. It's relaxing. It's sometimes inspirational (as corny as it sounds). I can catch up on all my DM's and connect with people. I can see what friends have posted and interact with them. I also love watching stories and having a cackle at everyone's real life fun, memes, I can see beautiful spaces and products. I think you ...get me. As I was scrolling tonight something reminded me of Shylah's old room by @life.with.odeas. If you follow Sherise you'll know Shylah's had a big room revamp with horses. But I still love this room!! I hope to do something similar for Clara in her nursery. It's just so beautiful with all the gum leaves and Australian flora. So, what is your guilty late night activity you do when you should get sleeping? Netflix? Knitting? Eating copious amounts of chocolate? See more
08.01.2022 I wanted to do something to give back to thank you all for your support, advice and encouraging words since Clara was born. I'm so lucky to have such an awesome tribe. I'm going to run a little fun Friday discount lottery over the next few Friday's. Each Friday discount codes will be available for various Items. today is wall decals! Discounts and codes in the next slide. It's first in best dressed for the bigger codes. And they're very generous!! Enjoy!... PS. Today's discount codes will only be applied to wall decals. Other items in your cart will Be regular pricing. x
07.01.2022 I'm trapped under a sleeping baby at the moment. Loving having her nap on me but I'm also one of those ppl who love to move move move all day and get things done. Learning to slow down is something I'm still learning! I've got a new goal I'm working towards. 3 things per day. That's what I aim for. Today I have done groceries/errands. I've got something lined up for later tonight but I'm going to try and tackle something on my cleaning list as my third. Once I can get this warm little possum off my lap.
07.01.2022 Hi, I'm Christy! And that is little Clara. I don't show my face in my feed very often. Thought I better fix that up. A big HELLO to the newbies around here. It's great to have you along for the ride. A little about me: 1. I was an au pair in the USA in my early 20's and lived in Texas & Maryland. 2. Brussel sprouts disgust me so much that I feel like gagging even thinking about them as I type this. 3. My little toe is bigger than the other two toes next to it. 4.... I can't wait to buy a farm and live in the country so we can grow our own food and meat. Goats, pigs and chickens in particular. 5. It took 11 years and 5 miscarriages to get our little rainbow girl. I'd love to know if you can relate to any of these below!! See more
04.01.2022 Two weeks until our annual family holiday. I am curious to see how Clara goes. She is still getting used to noise and lots of people around. Doesn't nap well in other places besides her cot. She loses it pretty quickly if she's over stimulated. And is easily scared with bangs and slams etc. Only time will tell if it'll be a holiday or not. Fingers crossed she goes with the flow!
04.01.2022 Tuesday! What do you have planned? I have a lot planned. I know I won't get it all done. #blamethebaby But I'll give it a good crack and we'll see what I can get ticked off! @my.three.wildflowers
03.01.2022 The newborn phase is over. It actually was about 3 weeks ago. We are coming to the end of her second leap this week. The amount of crying. From Clara (and let's be honest, mummy too). How did your little ones handle their first couple of leaps? After how these two have gone, I'm terrified for my future. T E R R I F I E D. by @dearest.demi
01.01.2022 Real room! I did a reshuffle of Clara's shelves yesterday. Birth details chart is up! Birth ruler is up! Mermaid print is up because Clara's middle name Seraphina reminds me of a mermaid. The Crysta wall decals are staying for a little while because she's Clara's best friend at the moment. She stares and coos at her when on the change mat. It's so adorable! Tap for details xx Our products: Birth Details Chart, Mermaid Print, Butterfly Wall Decals, Crysta Wall Decals.
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