Paper Planes Co. | Toy shop
Paper Planes Co.
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24.01.2022 How beautiful was the sunshine today?! Speaking of sunshine.... (hows my segue?...) Most will know that Im a dangly earring appreciator and usually what happens is I buy myself a pair of earrings, fall in love with said earrings and then I want to share the love so I order more for the shop! We do only have a few in stock (I always mean it when I say that too btw!! We literally have just 3 pairs!) so be quick! These beauties are online now! ....... #sunshine #earrings #spring #beautifulbridgetown #jewellery #kitsch #giftideas #shoplocal #supportsmallbusiness #fun #sun #sunday #flowers See more
23.01.2022 Do we enable any type of addiction? Of course not!.......UNLESS its for these addictive favourites!! These are our continual heroes that constantly fly out the door!! We know when we hear things like Eco friendly and no plastic that we jump for joy, but we also want the products to be primo and full of delightfulness! As a family, weve used @yackandandahsoap for years and we can confirm that yes, its amazing!! We also wanted Bonnie to start on the right foot with the r...ight products that werent going to start any bad habits as she grew, so every morning she pops a smear of deodorant paste on and we wash her hair with the bar shampoo and conditioner, which we all use. Scott will also vouch that the bar shampoo is the only product that keeps his beard and skin irritation free! So basically - what Im trying to say is THESE PRODUCTS ARE THE RADDEST!!! We love we love we love. And they smell sooooo good. Weve just had a top up of stock too so jump online or run in store to get your supply before they sell out again! .... #ecofriendly #saynotoplastic #nomoreplasticbottles #onlineshop #supportsmallbusiness #shoplocal #nowaste #naturaldeodorant #shampoobar #conditionerbar #hair #nature #onlinenow #beautifulbridgetown #southwest See more
23.01.2022 What?! Where?! How?! is pretty much every dad.... HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the dads, dad figures, pops, grandpas, the soon to be dads, the desperately want to be dads!! Sending out love to our own dads and to the other half of Paper Planes Co. Youre the raddest and we love you. Have the most awesome day!! ........ #fathersday #dadjokes #dadnaps #dadsofinstagram See more
22.01.2022 Its nearly the weekend! Whos coming to #beautifulbridgetown? Dont forget to stop and smell the sandwiches.... ..... #classicmovie #nationallampoonsvacation #chevychase #legend #funny #80s #flashback #retro #weekend #happyfriday #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #play #spring
19.01.2022 And we mean it. THANKYOU. To be part of a community that supports its small, local businesses is truly wonderful and we feel the love. And boy, are we in good company. This town is bustling with amazing, creative local businesses; you simply must stop at one end of the street and wander from one end to the other and take in all the goodness that #beautifulbridgetown has to offer!! It truly is a little town full of magic. Tap on the pic for some local goodness and go ahead and... give them a follow! *Im so sorry if Ive missed someone, so if I have, please tag them below!! Much love to this beautiful town! Be sure to plan your weekend away to experience spring here; its AMAZING. .... #bridgetown #southwest #southwestisbest #countrylife #forestlife #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #kidsandkitsch #holiday #spring #blossomtree #blossoms #flowers #lifestyle #getaway See more
18.01.2022 Well, bloody hell...... the excitement continues! And just in time for school holidays! Whoop! We are the purveyors of all things fun and these slacklines are exactly that - FRIKKIN FUN! 15 metres of joy. And not just for kids, people! We get lumped into this category of just kids stuff when people pop their head into the shop but dont sell us short!! And please dont label us! Haha. ... The teens so often rarely get a look in when it comes to fun stuff and shared experiences with the parentals so when we saw these, we knew these would be the funnest bonding time together! Simply find 2 trees and away you go!! You can choose your height (start short). Ill pop some inspo in our stories! .... #slackline #balance #corebalance #circus #play #teens #teenager #parentsofinstagram #bushdoof #festival #beautifulbridgetown #southwest See more
18.01.2022 So much yes to this! Let Earth blow your mind on this most glorious Saturday!! The rains are on their way, bringing with them that sweet smell of growth and newness! And honestly? There is no better place to be when it rains than Bridgetown! The greenery, oh the greenery!! Our wonderful mural is getting worked on today so be sure to pop in and say hey and watch @rodcameron26 and his magic paint brushes at work!! Open 10 - 3 today! ....... #artist #painter #paint #create #mural #nature #kidsandkitsch #play #saturday #giftideas #beautifulbridgetown #rain #spring #weloverain #supportsmallbusiness See more
18.01.2022 Hey little shop, youre so pretty at night time. We love you. Whos coming for a little visit tomorrow? Open Sunday 10-2 and we cant wait to see your lovely faces for all the chats!! .... #beautifulbridgetown #shoplocal #supportsmallbusiness #disco #shiny #sundayfunday #kidsandkitsch #kidswellness #kidswellbeing #notjustforkids #instagram #steiner #waldorf #natureplay #backtobasics #decor #rainbow #kitsch
17.01.2022 Oh lawdy!!! Our beautiful, interactive mural is now finished and our little blue wren is waiting for you all to have a seat and get a photo! Take a rest and listen to the waterfall before you meander down the magical path into the enchanting forest!! Can you believe this was painted in TWO DAYS?!!! Bonnies grandpa @rodcameron26 is a machine!! And we cant thank him enough for this most wonderful gift!!... Be sure to take a pic and tag so we can share it!! We. Are. So. Lucky. ..... #artist #mural #bluewren #forest #nature #photography #art #painter #paint #create #southwest #beautifulbridgetown #share #westernaustralia #love #rodcameron See more
17.01.2022 Oooooh, these cards are pockets full of sunshine!! (I gotta pocket, gotta pocket full of sunshine.... ) So, buy the card. Write in the card. Empty the sachet of biodegradable eco glitter into the card. Put the card in the envelope.... Witness joy as person takes out the card and gets showered with said eco glitter! And whats even better is that THEY ARE ALL NOW AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE!! Get shopping, you beautiful weirdos!!! ..... #glitter #biodegradable #ecoglitter #eco #shoponline #supportsmallbusiness #beautifulbridgetown #rainbow #loveislove #pride #proudallies See more
16.01.2022 Taking a moment to appreciate the kids marketing skills She was a little unwell today so a day with dad it was and today she learnt to hammer and saw and this was the result! She decided that we needed a sign to promote the business out the front of the house and there it will stay! I think shes covered all the bases! Haha. Love her to bits.... .... #marketing #genius #woodwork #newshop #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #kidsandkitsch #kidswellness #kidswellbeing #outdoorplay #nature #play #steiner #waldorf #montessori See more
16.01.2022 Yo! Who is going to the school disco tonight?? Bonnie has her crazy hair disco this eve and she insists on glitter EVERYWHERE. Enter @abeautifulweirdo and all its shiny, biodegradable, Eco friendly goodness!! The colours are amaze!! For hair, simply use a little gel and sprinkle on some glitter!... And paw paw is also an amazing substitute for the face! Pop in store and see the amazing range! And these will all be online by the end of the day! Whoop!! ..... #glitter #ecofriendly #rainbow #disco #retro #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #beautifulbridgetown #byronbay #play #fun #ecofriendly #biodegradable See more
16.01.2022 Why do we sell dolls with Down Syndrome features? A question that sometimes pops up! We are all about inclusion here at Paper Planes Co. and we believe that EVERY child should be represented, without question. The joy weve witnessed when we hear a squeal and it looks like me!! as we see one of our dolls being cuddled is like no other feeling. We also believe in breaking down barriers and breaking apart the word normal. ... We also believe that having these dolls available to everyone creates understanding and acceptance. Lets create a world of inclusivity, acceptance and love!! ...... #dolls #downsyndromeawareness #chromosome21 #beautiful #play #love See more
14.01.2022 We love this so much!!
14.01.2022 You know we like to keep it kitsch AF and in all honestly, if I got my cards read and this was the deck they pulled out, I WOULD BELIEVE EVERYTHING THEYD SAID. Seriously tho - its Golden Girls in a TAROT!!! I cant even I dont think anything more needs to be said. In store and online now!! ....... #kitsch #kidsandkitsch #goldengirls #tarot #psychic #tarotcards #popculture #love #blanchedevereaux #ismyspiritanimal #butsoisdorothy #shoponline #supportsmallbusiness #beautifulbridgetown See more
14.01.2022 Because its a disco and we needed all the @abeautifulweirdo glitter!!! This amazing biodegradable, Eco loving glitter comes in a loose form so to stick, I mixed it with a little gel for the hair and for the face, I popped in a smear of lanolin cream (nipple cream for those playing at home! Not just for breastfeeding!) and then popped the glitter on top - the staying power lasted through Bonnie and her numerous boogies on the dance floor! Glitter is life but thankfully we hav...e a way to shine without costing the earth! In store and online, people!! .... #glitter #shinebright #glitterislife #biodegradable #ecofriendly #saynotoplastic #rainbow #gold #disco #dance #dancefloor #shoponline #supportsmallbusiness #play #earthfocus #kidlife #mumsofinstagram #dadsofinstagram #parenting #beautifulbridgetown #southwest See more
14.01.2022 FFFFFFFFIIIIINNNNNAAAALLLYYYY!! Hapi Drums are back in stock! By far our most popular instrument for anything and everything! Sound therapy, meditation or just something to tap while camping, at the beach - whatever floats your boat! For all ages because even when the little humans play, its actually pretty therapeutic for the parentals!! And magnificent for the classroom too, teachers! Available online and back in store tomorrow and I guess I dont need to really tell you ...but BE QUICK!! .... #hapidrum #tonguedrum #therapeutic #meditation #soundtherapy #classroom #school #play #musical #music #supportsmallbusiness #shoponline #giftideas #beautifulbridgetown #southwest #spring See more
12.01.2022 Just a kid and a skipping rope. Keeping life simplified with toys of yesteryear We live in such a fast paced world, and while we push to keep up, its still so important to slow down and allow kids to strengthen that oh, so important muscle - imagination. Her skipping rope has been for skipping, for cliff climbing, a swirly snake, and so much more!... I was explaining to Bonnie how we used to have really long skipping ropes and we used to use 2 to do double dutch and her mind was BLOWN! (also, I remembered the plastic skipping ropes we used to use and I can still feel the slap on my ankles, haha) Also - while in my mind I am still a good jump roper, my body told me different...... Our Hemp Skipping Ropes are such beautiful quality and make the most precious gifts, because it really is a rite of passage in childhood! ..... #instorenow #beautifulbridgetown #skippingrope #retro #love #play #imagination #kidswellness #kidswellbeing #skipping #outsideplay #spring #joy #bridgetown #weloveithere See more
10.01.2022 Just a little FYI, you bloody rad bunch of people!! At this stage, we are taking it week by week while we figure everything out so we will keep posting here to let you know our movements and online will relaunch tomorrow! Yeeharr!!! Much love to you all!! .... #beautifulbridgetown #weloveithere #spring #butkindastillwinter #beautiful #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #thebesttown
10.01.2022 Oooooohhhhhhh I hear you all say!! Thats right - we are super excited to finally have Kayu Ukuleles in store!!! These sweet sounding ukes are the perfect entry level uke for beginners and the budget conscious! I just spent a little time tuning them and boy oh boy, they sound delicious!! Perfect for that hard-to-buy-for teen and/or grownup who has a love of making sweet music!!... At the moment we have 2 sizes available - Soprano and Tenor which both produce a beautiful timbre tone! In store and online now, peoples!! ..... #ukulele #kayu #music #teenager #play #christmas #giftideas #kidswellness #kidswellbeing #parentsofinstagram #musical #musician #shoponline #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #beautifulbridgetown See more
09.01.2022 Ahhhh, a good reminder for both the little humans AND the big humans! Im finding the walks to and from school create such a lovely time to chat and its no lie that as parents we sometimes need a little reminder to slow down and listen. These affirmation cards for kids are great to use in the morning before starting the day and at night right before bedtime to centre the mind and create a positive mindset for sleeping. Simply shuffle the deck, the child then picks a card an...d reads it aloud, and then discuss! If the child wants to do it on their own, get them to stand in front of the mirror and repeat the affirmation to themselves. These are a great tool for those little bouts of anxiety; keeping the chosen card in their school bag to reflect on throughout the day helps immensely! Its all about the self love in this house!! And teachers!-great for the classroom! These beautiful decks can be found on our website and in store also! .... #affirmations #affirmation #positivity #positivevibes #kidswellness #kidswellbeing #play #nurture #selflove #beautifulbridgetown #spring #positivemindset #school #learn #slowdown #talk #slowliving #steiner #waldorf #inspired #southwest See more
08.01.2022 We got so many ooooohs and aahhhhs on our last camping trip to Pemberton when Bonnie wore her light up wings around the camp site! They definitely brought a little magic to the forest! Weve just had a delivery arrive and they ALWAYS sell out so jump online or come for a visit in store (you know I love a good chat!!) and dont forget. - WE DO FREE GIFT WRAPPING! *edit. - sold out! So sorry everyone! They went so quickly. Send us a message if youd like to pre order for the next shipment.xx. ..... #fairy #fairies #forestfairy #play #imagination #magical #camping #pemberton #beautifulbridgetown #southwest #bridgetown #supportsmallbusiness #onlineshop
07.01.2022 Okay, so my question is to Sarah at the @thewitchapprentice - if I were to spray this all over our ute, will it be resurrected?? Because it sure does need something! Yep, weve had crappy car trouble this week which cant seem to be fixed and it could do with some witchy magick but on the upside - SCHOOL HOLIDAYS NEXT WEEK! Whoop! Who is coming down to the beautiful south-west to see us?!! And on the other upside, this amazing altar spray is next level BEAUTIFUL!! Be read...y for a transformation, shed that skin. Its a new dawn, a witch is born. Ill just be over here casting spells on the engine that could..... but wont, so it doesnt Available online and Instore, beautiful people!! (The spray, not the crappy ute....) .... #witchcraft #spells #witch #magical #brokendownaf #allthemagic #shoponline #supportsmallbusiness #magick #beautifulbridgetown #southwest #bridgetown #play #kidsandkitsch #exciting #steiner #waldorf #lifestyle #decor #homewares #books #toys #woodentoys #rainbow #felttoys See more
06.01.2022 Look. At. That. Face. (!!!!) And guess what? This scottie dog is A LAMP!! WHAAAAAA?!!! These amazing Heico Lamps are next level cute and whimsy! And this guy is begging for a new home and a name!! We only have this guy left so be super quick!!... .... #heicolamp #lamp #scottiedog #scottiesofinstagram #doglover #dogsofinstagram #kids #love #fortheyoungandtheyoungatheart #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #beautifulbridgetown See more
05.01.2022 Stop. Take a second in the morning rush. Grab the little human and do this little activity together. Simple. Effective in that you get to both slow down and breathe for a second. Have an amazing Wednesday! .... #morning #takeitslow #slowliving #steiner #waldorf #waldorfinspired #activities #breathe #kidswellness #kidswellbeing #beautifulbridgetown #southwest
05.01.2022 Do you even Poi?? We are soooooo excited to have these in and Ill tell ya; we have a 7 year old thats super excited to have saved enough pocket money to buy hers tomorrow! Whats poi I hear you ask?? Simply click on this hashtag - #scarfpoi and watch the magic!! Im going to buy my own set too so bonnie and I can learn and play together! Eeeeeep!! These are such a perfect gift to get those teens outside and into the fresh air and for those grownups who loved a good bush doo...f back in the day.... Also available in blue! .... #shoponline #supportsmallbusiness #beautifulbridgetown #play #poi #scarfpoi #circus #youngatheart #kidswellness #kidswellbeing #positivevibes #dance #poidance #spring #shoplocal See more
05.01.2022 I never get tired of rusty tin and peeks of forest in this most beautiful town. Dont ever change #beautifulbridgetown Who is coming down over the school holidays?? It is blooming and beautiful here at the moment!!! .... #southwest #holidays #bush #forest #nature #love #thistown #myheart #weloveithere
04.01.2022 Important. Important. Important. Things Ive learnt when I became a parent - Trust in your child. -Continue to foster a sense of wonder. -Try and see the world through their eyes. -Less is more.... -and again trust in your child. This book is so jam packed with information on all things Montessori that youll come out the end with a more refreshed approach to parenting! And dont we all need a little refresher every now and again!! Weve always been inspired by a Montessori approach as well as Waldorf, combined in our home and this book simplifies Montessori perfectly!! Get this bad boy online and in store!! ... #montessori #montessoriathome #montessoritoddler #montessoriactivity #parenting #simplify #home #slowdown #toddlerlife #books #readallthebooks #parent #beautifulbridgetown #southwest See more
02.01.2022 When youre inspired by your mate, Shab from @tuckshopknits but youre transitions are crap...... Ahh, well! Its enough to get the radness across of our felt Goethe Colour Wheel Mat and Daffodils!! These are soooo awesome, measuring at 50cm diameter! Perfect for our Waldorf inspired families and teachers! Who is Goethe? I hear you ask! Without taking up too much of this post - back in the olden days, Newton decided that colour came from light and was the result of physics ...but Goethe was like, yeah nah, mate. Colour was shaped by perception as well as elements of light and darkness. Scientifically Newton was kinda right but Goethes theories were more art and philosophy than pure science so I guess the guy who was a little more creative won.... Anyhoo - these Colour Wheel Mats can be used in so many ways! Youre only limited to your imagination! Online and in store (obvi) .... #colour #goethe #colourwheel #colourtheory #art #artist #waldorf #waldorfinspired #play #felt #rainbow #beautifulbridgetown #southwest See more
02.01.2022 So. Much. Yes. Every home should have this. Every classroom should have this. Everyone should be talking about this. Our beautiful, old country has stories going back thousands of years and its about time we became part of its wonderful history by listening and learning as much as we can, and to do that, we need to teach the truth to the little humans so we can move forward together. This book does exactly that!! Online and in store!... .... #ourhistory #indigenous #indiginousaustralia #australia #findingourheart #heart #learn #truth #beautifulbridgetown #shoponline See more
01.01.2022 Im a little bit obsessed with Sarah from @thewitchapprentice and her amazing creations! And these sprays are ridic! Bring moon vibes to your everyday with the new and full moon altar sprays. Filled with cleansing oils and lunar power, these sprays are the perfect addition to your daily dark side rituals! New moon, new beginnings. Full moon, releasing. Available instore and online, you lovely bunch of people!!... .... #witch #magic #magick #createmagic #fullmoon #lunar #moon #newmoon #altar #beautiful #shoponline #beautifulbridgetown #southwest See more
01.01.2022 #relatable Happy Friyay, wonderful people!! Whos popping in today? Ive just made an eff load of pom-poms ready for gift wrapping so be sure to come say hey and get your gifts wrapped for frreeeeeeee!! ....... #parenting #pickupyourtoys #beautifulbridgetown #southwest #holidays #giftideas #play #downsouth #supportsmallbusiness #shoplocal See more
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