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Paperwork Magic in Greenslopes, Queensland | Business service

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Paperwork Magic

Locality: Greenslopes, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 3394 8470

Address: 433 Logan Rd 4120 Greenslopes, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Finding Yourself when Life is Overwhelming -

25.01.2022 At the AFA meeting with Senator Stoker. She is an advocate for Advisers. We need to unify our voice to push back on the unpalatable changes being forced on our Industry. Her suggestions are to write your local MP and motivate your clients to do the same, asking for a meeting to discuss how these changes affect them. Forcing fees up puts advice beyond the reach of the average Aussie:insisting on yearly opt-in letters and advice may disadvantage clients who dont need reviewing more than once a year. Every voice counts and time is short, next lot of submissions ends this Friday.

24.01.2022 How NOT to Do Lunch -

23.01.2022 Changing Directions -

22.01.2022 Being productive may sound like a virtue, and it often is. But when taken to extremes, it can harm our health and sever ties to people we care about. Productivity addiction is real and may affect as many as 8% of the adult population. When we become fixated on being productive, we divide our world into 2 categories; what’s worth our time and what isn’t. Such divides can lead us to ignore meals with friends or joining into spontaneous activities, which is often where we new ideas. According to Dr. Sandra Chapman, the chief director of the Centre for BrainHealth at the University of Texas, Dallas, the brain can become addicted to productivity just as it can to well-known sources of addiction such as gambling, drugs, shopping or eating. As society see productivity in a positive light and rewards it, the consequences of being this type of addict tend to be masked. A work addiction can be a mixed blessing, most workaholics earn good money or have prestige, but in the long run the detrimental effects outweigh the benefits. Many people are unaware of the harm it causes until a divorce occurs or there’s a toll on mental and physical health. These outcomes are often classified as something else; if someone dies from a heart attack it might be classed as burnout instead of being attributed to a productivity addiction. The brain reignites when we engage in fun, have a laugh or connect with those we have meaningful relationships, the advice is to make room for these activities without compromise. At the end of our life no one wishes they worked more hours, they wish they had spent more time with the people they love and the activities they enjoy, being present. Image by See more

20.01.2022 A Solution to Unwanted Advertising -

20.01.2022 The first Christmas party of the Year, thanks XY Adviser for a fabulous night

19.01.2022 The Productivity Trap -

19.01.2022 Reach out and Connect this Easter -

18.01.2022 Research tells us that the shared economy was valued at 15 Billion in 2013 and will be worth $355Billion in 2025. The upsurge in renting instead of owning things you use occasionally is driving this surge, with some models like AirBnB becoming household names. These businesses use a type of website that is known as a sharing platform, where the transaction can take place between the buyer and seller. Theres no limit to what you can rent or borrow. Need a stand mixer to m...ake a cake and a lawnmower to tidy up for the party, try the local sharing shed. If you require a car for a few hours, you could borrow the car next door, or another one nearby. Furniture and decorations for an event can be hired. Attending a ball or other big occasion, you can borrow a designer dress or suit, high fashion handbag and accessories, for the event and return it a few days later. Theres even services that match the desperate and dog-less with dog owners for walks and visits. The other side of the economy is to share what you have and use infrequently. The sharing economy is for things what outsourcing is for people you use what you need and share the resource with others. See more

17.01.2022 Has a client migration left your numbers a little short often a few go MIA moving from one dealer group to another. It can devastate your cashflow and it can be hard to spot whos missing. We have helped practices migrate books of 200 to 7500+ customers to move across dealer groups and platforms. We have found Millions of ongoing revenue. One memorable moment was finding a client a previous licensee had overlooked/kept who was worth a staggering 300K! We help you round up all your clients and keep them together, making sure none are lost. To find out more, lets chat, its confidential and free.

17.01.2022 Grateful for the opportunity to give back at the Project Management Day of Service. PMDoS has been running for 4 years and this is the second one for me.Lucas Meadowcroft was here too. My table had 4 NFPs, it was a big day of brainstorming on sustainability. A big shout out to Saleem Mahmood for organising this event.

15.01.2022 I was texting a reply to Kristy, the team leader at Paperwork Magic last week from my phone and I kid you not, this is classic. I went from horrified to LOL. Me...: Sounds reasonable, I will send something to them tomorrow based on these notes, thanks Kristy. My neighbours have come visiting with children soup, bless them and Im going to enjoy it while its hot. Kristy: Enjoy your Children soup Allison I personally prefer pumpkin. Nice neighbours Me: Chicken Soup!! OMG!

15.01.2022 6 Things to do when the Internet is down -

14.01.2022 Eureka! I Found Some Money -

13.01.2022 Businesses who are looking to outsource may be doing so purely on the basis of benefiting from the cost savings that can be achieved by not having fixed overheads for staffing. If you’re currently considering or now using an outsourced paraplanning service there are ways to ensure that an outsourcing arrangement works most effectively for your business. Start by working out the level of support that’s right for you. It may be part-time, full time or having someone help with the overflow at peak periods. Have questions? Please reach out to learn more about how we can help you.

10.01.2022 Tomorrow is the start of the AFA Virtual Conference and I'm presenting on Outsource Solutions. Leave your comments on the session, I love fanmail :)

10.01.2022 3 New Services to Save you Time and Money -

10.01.2022 Happy Anniversary Lyanna, 5 years at Paperwork Magic Congratulations!Happy Anniversary Lyanna, 5 years at Paperwork Magic Congratulations!

10.01.2022 A few of the team enjoying a loaf of bread made at the Rustic Italian course at Vanilla Zulu, for this year’s Christmas party. What a fabulous evening of fun!

10.01.2022 Adding Value, its Service with a A client has come in with a single need- you write it, wrap up the business and 12 months on, they renew and you review. Its a perfect opportunity to do a few really important actions.... 1. Cementing the relationship with the client. 2. Ask them what they spend time doing and spend their money on. 3. Listen to what they say when you ask them how you can help them 4. Find out whats changed by using some structured questions; a. New employer? b. New child? c. New husband? d. Promotion? e. New investment property? Showing a genuine concern for your clients and helping them to achieve their lifestyle goals builds trust in you and your reputation. An extension of your authentic concern is when you reach out to your clients. You may think that connecting with your clients once a year is enough, but have you asked your clients how often they want to hear from you? The truth may be your clients want to hear from you more regularly than that. A recent survey conducted with 24,000 people across 30 OECD countries has delivered a strong message that clients expect to have contact and communication, especially in regards to general insurance, more than once a year. Your clients expect you to reach out and connect to them. Its an ideal opportunity to remind them how you can help and stay top-of-mind and add value. The topics can be educational, recreational or simply a happy holidays card that gives the office hours or emergency contact numbers for the summer break. Some good information on the latest security tech, how to value items to be correctly insured or who to contact for claims are all good general knowledge topics that are helpful in educating clients. Write to your clients about the people you do business with for other services. A referral to a good accountant, a mortgage broker, a solicitor that understands the value of a well written will or a case study of a client are all relevant. I have one contact that sends me a recipe for fruitcake every year at the end of November, along with a reminder about storm season. Its not what you usually expect and I once asked how well it works. The answer is, surprisingly well, because it matches up with their client base. If you know what excites your clients, go with it. I like to share a new app, like Keep for list makers, Geocaching for families with kids or your favourite recommendation for investments or super they all have apps. Check out Hub24 and NetWealth. Explain how they can view their funds in real time and watch how this simple action gets their engagement grow. See more

07.01.2022 Some of the local team out to celebrate the upcoming holidays at Jamies in Brisbane. Good food & great company.

07.01.2022 Happy Holidays from Paperwork Magic Were heading towards 2019 at a blistering pace - now is the time to reflect on 2018 and plan for 2019. As we head in to the holiday season, a reminder of the services we offer at Paperwork Magic - and the announcement of our newest offering!... For our clients: We will be closed from 5pm on 21 December and reopening at 9am on the 7th of January. What we do at Paperwork Magic We prepare quality Statements of Advice, Xplan, ADL, Coin, Midwinter We write templates to meet your compliance and licensee requirements. Business consulting let us consult with you to prepare policies and procedures based on what you do, we can also compare what you do and suggest improvements to streamline your processes. We know what Best Practice looks like. Loan preparation, we have experience using Brokerpad. Newest offering recruitment! We are happy to assist with your recruitment requirements. With our extensive experience we are able to identify the right fit for your business. There are so many solutions available out there to help us all work better and smarter. No matter what you choose, spending time in front of your clients, developing your business instead of other tasks is a win. Heres to an amazing 2019!

07.01.2022 Get our newsletter delivered to your inbox :-)

07.01.2022 Pancakes and paraplanners go together, had a good breakfast connecting to peers at the Pancake Manor this morning. How do you like your pancakes?

07.01.2022 The Sharing Economy is now Mainstream -

07.01.2022 Does your productivity slump in the afternoon? Well youre not alone researchers have pinpointed the least-productive time of day: 2:17pm. Research by Pro Plus found more than a third of workers start to experience a drowsy feeling at this time. Sleep expert Nick Littlehales said this is because we "try to recuperate in one block at night, despite the fact that were designed to recover in shorter periods more often". He advises workers take 20 minutes at lunchtime to have a stroll or eat lunch with a "vacant mind space". Whens your least productive time - mine is 3.15pm, coffee or tea and a few minutes away from the screen helps to keep the eyes open. Nice to see this is a real issue for others as well.

07.01.2022 At the AFA roadshow, Phil Kewin, John Anderson and the team presented a powerful morning. Thank goodness for the Sunsuper team and donuts, sugar is great for recovering from shock. There are so many changes and challenging times. A shout out to Nina Forbes for spotting me.

06.01.2022 A fantastic initiative by the State Library, I have attended a couple and always found them valuable. This is being live streamed in case you live outside of Brisbane or cant attend.

06.01.2022 Im passionate about animals and volunteer with the RSPCA. This weekend on the 18th is the popup adoption at the Brisbane Convention Centre. Animals will be coming from around the state to find their Furever Home. The best part of having a pet is the unconditional love, they are always happy to see you. The reasons for pets needing a new home can be many; their person moved to Aged care, they were removed from a puppy farm (yes, this disgusting practice continues) their hom...e was burnt in bushfires. Ready to adopt? For more info, go to

06.01.2022 I love my morning coffee, savouring every drop. Did you know, the world may run out of coffee, or the supply may be restricted? Coffee is a labour-intensive crop that has several handling stages from picking the coffee cherries until they eventually become roasted beans. With Covid19 restricting workers from crossing borders to pick the crop, plus an upswing in the infection rate of the 2 largest producers of coffee, South America and Africa, they may soon have much less to send to market. Hope to see you over a steaming cuppa soon

05.01.2022 Lucas Meadowcroft has a great team at CROFTi to help with IT, I am delighted to be a business partner.

04.01.2022 Who else is going to be there - lets connect!

04.01.2022 Out at the XY Adviser roadshow on Wednesday, what a great night!

03.01.2022 Happy Friday! With everything else going up - utilities and other services - Im pleased to announce that the fees at Paperwork Magic remain unchanged for the 5th year in a row. Give me a call if youre looking for quality work at a reasonable price and lets chat about how we can help you.

03.01.2022 Boost Your Bottom Line -

03.01.2022 President Trump has suspended travel between the US and Europe for 30 days.President Trump has suspended travel between the US and Europe for 30 days.


01.01.2022 Sometimes it can be hard to know what to write about, in this space Jane Anderson is a legend. I can guarantee you will learn some valuable insights and this event is free, I have my ticket and look forward to seeing you there :-)

01.01.2022 Ash Barty has a coach to help her win the mental game on the court, separating her job from her personal life. Its a technique called compartmentalisation, where you build Chinese walls within your mind and pop different parts of your life into mental boxes. Its a way to be focused on the task at hand and keep from being distracted. The distractions - sick kids, grocery lists, upcoming holidays, money - the list of what crosses over from personal life into professional life... is endless. It is difficult to separate the two when you work in an office, however what if you are an outsource and work from home? To be effective in an outsource role, this separation is an essential ingredient. It can be far too easy to be distracted by the home environment. Its the mark of champions and great outsourcers to attend to your work in a businesslike manner and put your emotional life aside. Plus the commute from the kitchen to the office is a dream. For anyone with a task or project-driven role, the solitude can increase productivity. It isnt for everyone though. What are your thoughts on separating your personal life from your professional life?

01.01.2022 What is SMSF Alliance -

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