Paramedicine Online in Burleigh, Queensland, Australia | Medical school
Paramedicine Online
Locality: Burleigh, Queensland, Australia
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10.02.2022 This is a very helpful video for paramedic students who will be going to their first interview! "How to answer the question: ?" #becomeaparamedic #paramedicineonline #PO #Paramedic #ParamedicInterview #Interviewtips #Interviewquestions
01.02.2022 Yes, you CAN have a career that: Contributes to the community and saves lives Makes you feel satisfied and accomplished Pays you well for the sacrifices you make ... Makes you feel happy and excited Start your life-saving career today, you can apply right here: #ParamedicineOnline #PO #LifeSavingCareer #Paramedics #Medic #FirstResponder #ParamedicLife
23.01.2022 Online learning - is it effective? Research shows that, on average, students retain 25-60% more material when learning online, compared to a classroom environment. This is due to students being able to learn faster online, while going at their own pace. Online studying allows you to go back through the content, re-reading, skipping or accelerating concepts as you choose. ... Our courses are mostly online with face-to-face Clinical Workshops towards the end. Learn more about what we offer here:
23.01.2022 Are you receiving any tax money back? If you arent sure how to spend it, remember that the best investment is YOU. Developing your skills will likely be your smartest investment with the greatest return. ... 3 simple ways to invest in yourself: Take an Online Course. Join a networking group. Volunteer in your chosen field. These three things will be sure to provide dividends for years to come. #ParamedicineOnline #InvestinYourself #OnlineCourse #Networking #Volunteer #OnlingTraining #StudyOnline
22.01.2022 Just how much can a paramedic earn? There are obviously a number of different factors that play into a Paramedic's salary including; location, experience, level of qualifications, private/public sector. Here is a handy article from our friends over at the Australian Paramedical College: #ParamedicineOnline #Paramedic #Salary #ParamedicSalary
20.01.2022 Paramedical - Emergency Health Care Jobs in Australia At Paramedicine Online, we showcase the best paramedical jobs being advertised right now - to allow you to discover the many types of jobs available in the public and private sector. Job title: NSW Casual Paramedic Jobs... Job description: NSW Casual Paramedic Jobs Health Care Paramedic Roles Sydney Can you become an Ambulance Paramedic/Medic without university degree? A degree can mean 3 years extra study as well as deciding if spending extra money on education is really worth it, especially when asking the question, how much does a Bachelor of Paramedic Science degree really cost? The HLT51015 - Diploma of Paramedical Science and HLT41115 - Certificate IV in Health Care are rapidly becoming new standards for mining basic health care and ambulance roles, and get you working in the health care field within 12-18 months! About NSW Casual Paramedic Jobs: The structure of this casual role allows for flexible and social working hours and is Monday to Friday. The role is to provide immediate primary care onsite. Incidents that our Paramedics generally respond to range from heart attacks, chest pain, breathing issues, trips, falls, sprains etc. The variety of low-to-high acuity injuries means that our medics work closely with NSW Ambulance if the incident requires further treatment in hospital. Apply online at - NSW Casual Paramedic Jobs Qualifications for this health care job: Degree or Diploma Qualified Paramedic AHPRA Registration Current Police & Working with Childrens Check (or ability to obtain) Current Advanced Life Support qualification (desirable) Strong customer services & communication skills The opportunity for this medic position NSW: Safety Australia is collaborating with Sydney Trains to provide Paramedics the opportunity to work in a diverse and lively working environment to help facilitate the safe travel of the Sydney Train customers. This initiative is part of the Reliability program and is designed to: Assist customers who fall sick or are injured on trains or stations; and Where safe to do so, remove customers who fall sick or are injured on trains as an urgent priority. Where a customer is unable to be removed from the train, the Paramedics will remain on the train with the customer and provide treatment on the service. APPLY HERE Apply online at - NSW Casual Paramedic Jobs Are you ready to start a career in paramedicine and work towards a career such as an Ambulance Attendant? Find out how you can get started by filling out one of our paramedical career development plans. Date : July 31 2020 Find out more on our website:
20.01.2022 Non-Emergency Patient Transport - your entry into a rewarding career in a rapidly-expanding jobs sector. Patient Transport Officers provide transportation and care of patients who are unable to get to and from a medical facility safely.. In most cases, because the patient is not suffering from a life-threatening illness, clinical monitoring and medical assistance is all that is required.... This is a great career choice if you love driving, have the desire to help people, but youre not quote ready for the lights and sirens adrenaline of a Paramedic. The HLT31115 - Certificate III in Non-Emergency Patient Transport is the most popular entry-level qualification; and the best part is you dont need to stop there, you can keep progressing on with your paramedicine studies. Learn more here: #ParamedicineOnline #PatientTransportOfficer #NonEmergencyTransport #PatientTransport #PTO #CertIII
20.01.2022 5 benefits of online study (as opposed to class-room based learning) Flexibility | Choose where and when you study, and for how long. Less commuting to class = more time for study. Finances | Online courses are affordable PLUS they allow you to keep earning a living while you study... Study at your own pace | You won't be kept back by a slower learning student, or if you need, you can re-read content over as many times as you need. Lower overall costs | No paying for petrol to get to class, no paying for parking, no buying expensive campus lunches etc. It's eco friendly | Less commuting means less emissions If you think studying online could be for you, get in touch with us today. #ParamedicineOnline #OnlineStudy #OnlineCourse #StudyOnline #OnlineTraining #TheFutureofStudying
19.01.2022 So you want to be become a paramedic, but you don't know how to get there? There's different pathways to take, some are quicker but some are more comprehensive. We offer personalised career plans - it just takes a few minutes to answer some questions, and we will create one just for you.... We will show you where to begin, what training you need, how long it will take, what career options are available and how much you can earn. Interested? Click here: #ParamedicineOnline #Paramedic #ParamedicStudent #CareerGoals #CareerPlans #ECG #BecomeaParamedic
19.01.2022 "If you always do what youve always done, youll always get what youve always got" ~ Henry Ford Too often we let our dreams stay exactly as that - dreams. We are so afraid to step outside of our comfort zone. Afraid of judgement, rejection, criticism, failure. ... But imagine what is possible on the other side of fear. Imagine what you could accomplish if you were brave enough to step outside of your comfort zone. If 2020 has taught us something, its that ANYTHING can happen. Stop living in fear and start living! Whats stopping you? From entry-level qualifications through to a Diploma - we have the right course to help you get started. #ParamedicineOnline #BecomeAParamedic #ParamedicalTraining #CertIII #CertIV #Diploma #StartLiving
17.01.2022 Do you want a backstage pass to life? Do you want to be a part of things most people will never get to see in their lifetimes? Do you want to be involved in the most intimate moments in peoples lives?... Does the term 'lights and sirens' excite you? Do you want to help people? Do you want to contribute to your community? The world is at your feet as a Medic or Paramedic. It is a truly unique career that will provide you with years of satisfaction. If you answered YES to any of these, then we need to talk! Speak with one of our Course Advisors today: #ParamedicineOnline #BecomeAParamedic #HelpPeople #JobLove #JobSatisfaction #Paramedic #ParamedicLife #ParamedicStudent #FirstResponder
17.01.2022 Blended learning - what is it? Blended learning is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and traditional face-to-face methods. For example, our HLT51015 - Diploma of Paramedical Science is approx. 80% online, with the remaining part made up of Clinical Workshops and Clinical Placement.... In our modern society, blended learning is often praised as the best of both worlds. What do you think of Blended Learning? Do you like the online theory portion or the hands-on experience most? Let us know below #ParamedicineOnline #StudyOnline #BlendedLearning #HandsonExperience #ClinicalWorkshop #OnlineTraining #Paramedics #Student #Diploma #HealthCare
15.01.2022 3 reasons why you should choose us to help you get started in your paramedical career: Even though you'll study most of your course online, we provide continuous support from our paramedical trainers and amazing student community. If you choose to go on to university to become a registered paramedic, starting with our courses first will give you the knowledge, confidence and skills to thrive at uni.... Our clinical workshops prepare you for the real world with simulated life-like training scenarios. You will get the chance to really practice all you've learned online! The pre-hospital industry is growing at a fast rate. We need more people like you! If you want to help people and contribute to your community, you can apply to study with us right here: #ParamedicineOnline #StudyParamedicine #Paramedic #Student #RTO #MedicTraining #ScenarioTraining #OnlineCommunity #SimulationTraining #Prehospital
15.01.2022 Think you aren't smart enough? Well, the good news is: Intelligence can be earned. It's not about being naturally smart, it's about being dedicated enough to challenge yourself to grow! "Growth mindset" - what is it?... Someone with a growth mindset has: A desire to learn. A tendency to embrace challenges. Persist in the face of setbacks. See effort as a path to mastery. Learn from criticism. The growth mindset is a passion for learning, and sees failure as a positive step in a learning journey. For a more in-depth look at this concept, here is a fascinating Ted Talk: #ParamedicineOnline #GrowthMindset #Learn #Embrace #Growth #TedTalk #Student #ParamedicalStudent #CarolDweck
14.01.2022 New Year, New You! Take control of your life in 2021. If your New Years resolution involves getting started in a career in Paramedicine, we can help you get there!... Get your personalised Paramedical career plan here: #ParamedicineOnline #NYE #NewYearNewYou #NewYearResolution #careerPLan #NewCareer #CareerChange
14.01.2022 Close your eyes and imagine this... You wake up excited about life. You feel fulfilled every day. You help and care for others. ... You contribute to the greater good of your community. Your career challenges you but is rewarding. You are proud of your achievements. Sounds pretty good, right? Well, all of this is possible. The only thing in the way is YOU. You can create a dream life if you start taking steps in the right direction. A career as a Medic could give you all of the above. The satisfaction from treating patients each shift is second to none. You get the chance to help someone in their hour of need, no matter how small the crisis. View our courses here, no previous experience needed: #ParamedicineOnline #CareerGoals #Medic #Paramedic #RewardingCareer #DreamJob
13.01.2022 Fight back and make 2021 your year!! 2021 has tried to drag us down, but you can still get back on top. Take charge of your career. Strike while the iron is hot. !... Not sure where to start? Get a free career development plan right here: #ParamedicineOnline #PO #Goals #HealthcareWorker #Healthcare #JobLove #CareerChange #CareerGoals
13.01.2022 Do you feel like becoming a Paramedic is something you really want to do, but maybe you think youre not smart enough? Some of the essential skills of a medic/Paramedic arent actually the technical medical skills. Whilst they are important, its the HUMAN skills that are equally as important. - Can you make someone feel calm and safe?... - Can you communicate effectively to your colleagues? - Are you mentally and physically fit? If you answered Yes to the above, then a career in Paramedicine can be for you. We are here to provide the technical knowledge and skills. Everything else is already within you. You can get a personalised paramedical career development plan here:
10.01.2022 Have you become an expert at washing your hands this year? Have you, at some stage, worn a face mask? The second unit in our courses is "HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures"... As part of medical training and accreditation, infection control training is one of the most important units of competency. There's no doubt that the pandemic has educated many Australians just how easily infection can spread. Infection prevention and control isn't easy, but you've been practicing all year without knowing it. If you've been worried that you aren't smart enough, think again! You will be surprised how many of your life events have been preparing you for a career in paramedicine. Learn more about the units of competency here: #ParamedicineOnline #InfectionPrevention #InfectionControl #COVID19 #Pandemic #Paramedic #StopTheSpread
09.01.2022 "I have been wanting to study Paramedicine for years, but a recent accident in the family really prompted me to start my dream career now. Have you always wanted to help people? Are you looking for a fulfilling career?... We have three courses that can kickstart your journey into Paramedicine: HLT31115 - Cert III in Non-emergency Patient Transport HLT41115 - Cert IV in Health Care HLT51015 - Diploma of Paramedical Science Learn more about each course here:
08.01.2022 Whats the cost? When you think of the cost of something, you typically think of the upfront financial cost, right? But do you ever stop to consider the Opportunity Cost...... What is the cost of NOT following your passion? What is the cost of NOT changing your career? Is it your happiness? Is it a stagnant salary? Is it job security? Often we give little consideration to hard, challenging or expensive things for the short term or immediate benefits. Think about yourself in 10 years from now - youll have forgotten about the financial cost and instead will remember the years of happiness and satisfaction. Youll be thankful that you made the change all those years ago! Today is your day, learn more about the Diploma of Paramedical Science here: #ParamedicineOnline #OpportunityCost #CareerChange #JobSatisfaction #JobLove #Medic #OnlineCourse
07.01.2022 Does your New Year's resolution sound something like this? I want a meaningful career. I want to help people. I want to wake up and feel excited about each day.... I want to feel rewarded every day. I want to contribute to my community. If the answer is yes to any of the above, we should chat. We can help you find all this, plus more! Reach out to a Course Advisor today by clicking this link: #ParamedicineOnline #MeaningfulCareer #JobLove #JobSatisfaction #Paramedic #CPR #BecomeAParamedic
06.01.2022 YES you are smart enough! Our courses are structured so you'll start with the easier content first. As your confidence and knowledge advances, so does the difficulty. This snowball effect means your knowledge constantly builds on itself and you won't become overwhelmed. We also offer unlimited support from our Paramedical Trainers and Student Success team. We are here to support you every step of the way. ... You can do this! Here is some helpful information on how to become a Paramedic in Australia: #ParamedicineOnline #Paramedic #OnlyStudy #OnlineCourse #ParamedicStudent #TraineeParamedic
06.01.2022 Studying Paramedicine is more accessible than ever before. Study online, at your own pace, from the comfort of your home. Attend a Clinical Workshop to put all your knowledge into practice. ... Continuous support from qualified trainers. Access to a student forum (hello study buddies!). Low cost of entry compared to University fees. Low Atar? No problem. No pre-requisites. We offer three health care qualifications: HLT31115 - Certificate III in Non-Emergency Transport HLT41115 - Certificate IV in Health Care HLT51015 - Diploma of Paramedical Science Not sure which course is right for you? Compare the courses here: #Paramedicine #ParamedicineOnline #BecomeaParamedic #Paramedic #ParamedicLife #OnlineLearning #BlendedLearning
01.01.2022 Check out the wide variety of Medic Jobs out there! From an Emergency Services Officer, Mining Medics, Patient Transport Officer and more. This career path does not confine you to just being a Paramedic, there are many similar jobs in both the private and public sector. ... Check them out here:
27.12.2021 We're curious... What's holding you back? What's stopping you from changing careers? Are you scared of change? Think you're too old? Can't afford to take time off to study?... We are genuinely curious and want to hear from YOU? It doesn't have to be related to paramedicine, just career changes in general! #ParamedicineOnline #PO #CareerChange #JobLove #Career #CareerGoals #CareerOptions #StudyOnline #OnlineCourse
16.12.2021 Learn the theory online, and then attend a Clinicial Workshop where you get hands-on with modern paramedical equipment. Blended Learning is often praised as the "best of both worlds". Our three courses offer the best of online training, paired with face-to-face training with our experienced paramedical trainers!... Compare our pre-hospital health care courses here: #ParamedicineOnline #PO #EmergencyHealthCare #CareerOptions #ParamedicalCourses #onlinetraining #studyonline #BlendedLearning #ParamedicalTraining #Pre-HospitalTraining #CareerGoals #OnlineLearning #OnlineCourse
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