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Parenting and Partnering Coaching & Trainings in Narrabeen &Newport Sydney in Sydney, Australia | Medical and health

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Parenting and Partnering Coaching & Trainings in Narrabeen &Newport Sydney

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Address: 45-47 lagoon street Narrabeen 2101 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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12.01.2022 Why a photo of a dog? My dog? Why not? She has been a close companion to me now for over 8 years. What l am learning and sharing here is that her unconditional warmth towards me reminds me of what l mostly seek, as l step out into my world. What l mostly wish l could offer other people, as effortlessly as she does. What has this got to do with parenting? Only that she has been a kind and loyal teacher,abit like my own mother. Sure, my mother wasn't always kind and she wasn't ...always unconditionally loving me.She, like me, was human. Fallible and often stressed.Tired and disappointed in herself. Then disappointed in me. So it went and so it goes.Sometimes.Until some of us look within and stop the passing forward of the patterns from our past. Stop the pain in its tracks. As it aims to free itself from our hearts and psyche.Each of us could look within,and have a conversation with those parts of ourselves we are all too often at odds with. Do the work of healing, perhaps with the help of a trusted and caring confidant. Our answers mostly lie within. Rarely ever lie outside ourselves. Parenting is a profound opportunity to revisit our own hurts we felt as children. As we heal in the face of our partner and children, we all get to realize our humanity and our spiritual light. See more

11.01.2022 As a parent ,l did my best and l do my best still even as my sons are fully grown.Naturally enough l didn’t want to repeat what l felt were injustices done to me by my parents(despite their good intentions) naturally enough l too often found that l hurt my children in very similar ways.Ironically in wanting only the very best for them ,l was blind to my own woundedness.So sometimes l was overly responsible ,other times l did too little.l made so many mistakes.At first ,as a m...other to my babies ,l felt their pain ,their cries as my own. Even now ,when my son struggles as a fully grown man, it is my challenge to allow him to struggle without intervening,trying to rescue him.As parents it is kinder to ourselves to remember that we are also growing through this life,this living also stumbling and learning In a sense we are like children with the universe is our parent.Tred gently;this is to encourage all of us to first attend to the holes within our heart.So that as we mend n heal our children have a greater chance of not being wounded too. See more

09.01.2022 There is no perfect parenting ,and we all do our very best.We do what we know.We do as we were taught.Even when as children we vowed never to treat our own ,the way we were, it usually repeats itself ,unless we make conscious effort n learn different ways of relating n being.-to ourselves For our loved ones, feel like extensions of ourselves,and we usually treat the closest people to us in the same or very similar way we treat ourselves.

08.01.2022 an image of a gecko yes and an offer of sorts; as you go about your day "How are your childhood memories in mind, showing up for you today?" you might say "not at all !" and that's ok. The offer is that in your many moments, the thoughts you think, feelings you feel, are like shadows from a time when you were young and weren't able to fully understand the complexity of what was happening. There are a reservoir of reactions and reactivity that stem from the first 7 years of your life.lf left unattended to, these reactions and their root cause spill over into your present-day parenting. Hence your patterns repeat themselves within your children. How do l know this applies to you? l dont.The offer is to investigate for your self.

04.01.2022 there is a someone who reads and a someone who writes a someone who does much and a someone who does not do as much - in the play of every day- learning to do a...s well as undo-learning to be , as well as not be- an anyone- a someone-a no one - in the long run- there doesn't seem much of a difference-all that l once held so closely- all that l once felt so important - is starting to fade in significance- and that may be what is needed- and for now - just be here. See more

02.01.2022 similarities and differences- they are everywhere and yet perhaps only in human minds.Such that we have been taught to see this way or that way. These flowers seem the same yet they are not.Of course not.Like my children,each one is unique.Come through me and reflect alot of my own pathways.Yet not only from me and their father,the whole community and then the whole universe.ln any moment,how much do l truly open to who they are unfolding.How much do l see them through my own... shadows and blindspots? How often do l not see them as they are?This is a dilema of being a conditioned and educated human being.That l often respond to my learnings about reality, rather than my direct experience of it.My children are my greatest gift,often showing me where l still need to place my attention..Where l am still hurting.ln doing my own work of self healing,l can help my children to learn how to also do their self healing-with the help from their friends or a wise and compassionate comes back to looking inside,rather than outwardly.x See more

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