Parenting for Peace in Ellenbrook, Western Australia, Australia | Teen & childrens website
Parenting for Peace
Locality: Ellenbrook, Western Australia, Australia
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25.01.2022 Blessed are those children who get to explore nature.
25.01.2022 Sometimes we expect our children to respect us because we are their parents, teachers or adults, but unless we model respect towards them how are they supposed to know what that looks like? It isnt until we show our children respect that they will then be able to show it in return. We must make the first move. This may look like listening to their opinions, respecting their need for privacy, allowing them to make decisions, respecting their choices and allowing them to disagree with us. If we dont allow for our children to experience respectfulness from us how are they going to respect themselves and their own boundaries later on. #respect #consciousparenting #parenting #peacefulparenting
24.01.2022 Happy mothers day to all those caring for little and big ones, especially those struggling with quarantine and feeling isolated, just remember you are enough.
23.01.2022 Imagine what the world would look like if everyone was given the opportunity to live their lifes purpose freely and without judgement. What would you be doing if you were given that opportunity? If we choose to teach our children to conform so that they will fit in with society then we are merely continuing the legacy of creating the same world over and over. Encourage your children to think outside the box, encourage them to discover and explore things for themselves, sho...w them that they have an internal guidance system that will keep them safe and let them know that you trust them to make the right decisions for themselves and not what other people think is right for them. Embrace your child as they are, their quirks, talents, dreams and desires for this is what will bring change to a world that so desperately needs it. #consciousparenting #peacefulparenting #parenting #raisingchildren See more
20.01.2022 When we hold the relationship with our children as a main priority in our parenting everything else falls in to place. If we have a respectful, trustworthy, loving and connected relationship with our children then guiding them will be easy. The problem is that old traditional ways of parenting corrode the relationship in order to get compliance. The focus is on how to get the child to do what we want and meet our expectations no matter what. In conscious parenting the rel...ationship is priority because without a strong connected relationship with our children they will not look to us for guidance. Without respect and trust they will turn away from us. Next time you have a situation with your child think to yourself .is the way I am handling this going to enhance my relationship or harm my relationship. The choice is ours. #consciousparenting #parenting #peacefulparenting
20.01.2022 #consciousparenting #peacefulparenting #parenting #raisingchildren
19.01.2022 I am offering a free mini Conscious Parenting course online. This course will run over 7 days commencing on Tuesday 28th April 2020. I have opened up a private facebook group where I will be running the classes each day and supporting those participating. Please click on the link below to join the group, I look forward to seeing you there. Please feel free to share this post with friends and who may be interested. #consciousparenting #consciousparentclasse #parenting #parentingteens #onlineparentingclass
18.01.2022 Do you think now, people will appreciate the role of the stay at home parent? It truly is not the easy choice but one that is important to the wellbeing and development of our children. Something that should be valued and recognised. We are, after all, our childrens first and most significant teacher.Do you think now, people will appreciate the role of the stay at home parent? It truly is not the easy choice but one that is important to the wellbeing and development of our children. Something that should be valued and recognised. We are, after all, our childrens first and most significant teacher.
17.01.2022 To a child the lego building, playing that game, finishing that project or reading a book is just as important as what we want them to do. What happens when our child is in the middle of something and we need them to leave it so that we can get things done? We MAKE them stop and come with us because we believe that what we need to do is more important and more necessary than what they are doing and we are the ones in charge so what we say goes. If the child then pushes bac...k, refuses to come, doesnt listen, gets upset or angry we then focus on them and their behaviour and blame the child for being difficult, naughty or badly behaved when in actual fact they are just reacting to the impromptu interruption. As adults we find it difficult when we are continually interrupted from things we are doing and also get frustrated. Our children are no different they just have less refined ways to show their frustration. So what should we do? We need to get things done, we cant always work around our children, we need to collaborate. Heres what I would do as often as possible. Let them know what you intend to do during the day. If there will be outings etc. Give them fair warning of a change to what they are doing. If you need to go out let them know they have 15 minutes left. Empathise with them. "I can see you are very busy doing... I wish we could stay and finish it but we need to go to the shops in 5 minutes, but you will be able to finish it when we get home. Or if you arent in a hurry or need to be anywhere at a certain time allow them some choice in when to go. Remember play to them is vitally important and if your child is engrossed in play its going to feel like a massive intrusion to have to up and leave. Its all about respect and empathy.
16.01.2022 It seems apparent that most, if not all, parenting decisions come from a place of fear. Fear of being judged Fear for your childs wellbeing Fear of failure (either yours or your childs)... Fear of rejection Fear of abandonment Fear of negative emotions Fear for their future Fear of messing up Fear of harm or abuse The problem with this is that when we parent with fear it impacts our children negatively. Our anxiety takes over and we feel the need to hover over our children, push them just a little bit further, hold on to them a little too long, appease them too much and stress ourselves out over things that may never even happen. It drives us crazy but it also inhibits our children from experiencing life as they should. If we could just take a step back and look at what is driving our decisions then we might just be able to put fear onto the back seat and regain control. When we make decisions for our children based on our own fears what we are doing is passing that fear and anxiety onto our children so the cycle continues. Once we become aware of those fears we can then dissect them and see whether they are necessary to pass on to our children or if they were just a part of our life experience that we can make peace with or perhaps they too were passed from our parents. Fear does now allow us to parent with clarity. It clouds our vision. Fear is necessary in certain situations but it shouldnt be driving our lives. Put fear into the back seat, give it a hug, remind it that youve got this and it can relax and enjoy the ride.
15.01.2022 Wishing all the dads, dads to be, step-dads, granddads, fathers figures and foster dads a very happy Fathers day. May you get to spend time with your precious children.
14.01.2022 Parents and Carers cut yourself some slack. Education doesnt have to be formal learning. There seems to be a lot of stress and anxiety from parents now that they feel they are responsible for the education of their children. Whilst I never want to discount the hard work and dedication our teachers put into educating our children there is a LOT of informal teaching that parents can do during this time. I understand that a lot of people feel it important to continue their c...hilds formal teaching from home while we are isolating however if it is causing stress, tension and eroding the relationship between parent and child then drop the rope a little. This is a unique situation that we are in and the relationship you maintain with your child is far more important than keeping up their schooling. Some children will embrace formal home learning others will not. I see this as an amazing opportunity to allow your children to learn life skills, to educate themselves on things they are interested in. An opportunity to try different things they wont learn in school or dont get the time to explore. Each one of us has something we can pass on to our children, something we can teach them, or something we can learn alongside of them. Lets take this opportunity to learn and teach. Perhaps it will be a new language, how to cook, how to bake, how to draw, how to garden, how to play chess, how to paint, how to play an instrument, how to change a car tyre, how to act (write a play together), study another culture, learn personal finance, sing, dance, write poetry, do yoga, learn mindfulness. The possibilities really are endless and when children are interested in what they are learning, when they are invested in the process rather than the outcomes this is where real learning happens. Enjoy this opportunity to re discover a love of learning with your children. You never know you might actually learn a few things yourself. #homeschool #parenting #consciousparenting
14.01.2022 Wishing all of our families a happy and peaceful Easter.
14.01.2022 One thing that I have learnt is that parenting consciously is not about new techniques to try and apply. It is more about releasing and paring back everything you thought you knew and coming back to instinct and parenting from a place of love. We all love our children there is little doubt about that however we often act in unloving ways in the name of parenting or discipline. Notice how you feel when you act this way. My guess is it causes discomfort because it goes aga...inst your instincts however we do it anyway because we have been fed this belief from society that unless we parent in a certain way then our children will run amok and be dysfunctional members of society. There were many times in the earlier days of my parenting when I wished I had not listened to the voice in my head [aka old beliefs and societal expectations] and instead parented with instinct and from a place of love. You dont need tools and techniques to parent this way you just need a little insight and awareness and the more you practise it the easier it becomes. #consciousparenting #parenting #peacefulparenting #parentingtips
13.01.2022 What if? (N.B. US post....) If they cancel the rest of the school year, students would miss approx 6 months of education. Many people are concerned about stude...nts falling behind because of this. Yes, they may fall behind when it comes to classroom education... BUT WHAT IF .... What if instead of falling behind", this group of kids are ADVANCED because of this? Hear me out. What if they have more empathy, they enjoy family connection, they can be more creative and entertain themselves, they love to read, they love to express themselves in writing. What if they enjoy the simple things, like their own backyard and sitting near a window in the quiet. What if they notice the birds and the dates the different flowers emerge, and the calming renewal of a gentle rain shower? What if this generation are the ones to learn to cook, organize their space, do their laundry, and keep a well run home? What if they learn to stretch a dollar and to live with less? What if they learn to plan shopping trips and meals at home. What if they learn the value of eating together as a family and finding the good to share in the small delights of the everyday? What if they are the ones to place great value on our teachers and educational professionals, librarians, public servants and the previously invisible essential support workers like truck drivers, grocers, cashiers, custodians, logistics, and health care workers and their supporting staff, just to name a few of the millions taking care of us right now while we are sheltered in place? What if among these children, a great leader emerges who had the benefit of a slower pace and a simpler life to truly learn what really matters in this life? What if they are AHEAD? Via Megan Wood
12.01.2022 If we want our children to regulate their behaviour and emotions then we as parent need to model this for them. Young children learn self regulation from the cl...osely connected adults around them. If the adults are stressed the child will be stressed, if the adults are not in control of their emotions the child will have no compass point to control his/her emotions. The circuitry of the brain is developed largely by the relationship with the adults and their environment. See more
11.01.2022 Try this exercise. Sit down and write a list of what you needed from your parents but never received. It may be things such as: feeling loved feeling safe being accepted... respect non judgement being praised feeling valued freedom. Alternately you can write a list of things you did get from your parents that you did NOT need or did not serve you well. These may be things such as: Criticism punishment shaming smacking Now look at the lists and ask yourself which cycles you may unconsciously be repeating. We know how certain behaviours made us feel when we were children. Once we are aware of these we have the opportunity to change and not pay forward the cycle. #parenting #consciousparenting #raisingchildren
11.01.2022 I have studied child development a lot however there is so much more research these days that teaches us about brain development. It is so important that paren...ts get support so that they can meet those early needs of their infant. Babies have no way of regulating their emotions except through their caregivers in the early stages therefore our job as nurturing, calm, responsive parents is what helps those healthy brain circuits develop early on. When a baby cries they need caregivers who will comfort, soothe and tend to their needs in a loving way so that they can then learn that their life is not in danger and there is no need for alarm. Because babies rely solely on us for survival if we are not available, stressed or not attending to their needs the message they receive is that they are in danger and their brain will remain in survival mode, hence opportunity for brain development will be missed. Self regulation, impulse regulation and stress regulation all develop when the conditions are right. #respectfulparenting #consciousparenting #parenting See more
11.01.2022 This about sums up why punishing children doesnt work. Punishments are designed to make a child feel bad, punishment doesnt teach or guide a child to make better choices and punishments disconnect children from the relationship with you which means they are far less likely to take any guidance from you. Punishments separate our children from us, when the goal is to guide them we need them to remain connected. We can only do this when we come from a place of love and understanding, when we remain connected and respectful they are more likely to listen to us.
10.01.2022 Here is a great little exercise to do. Write on a piece of paper all the positive things about the way you were parented. What made you feel good, what you enjoyed, things your parents did / said. Now write down the negative aspects of the way you were parented. This may include things such as discipline, lack of support, feeling unworthy. The things on the positive list are things that will enhance our relationships with our own children. The things on the negative list ...are things that we should be working to eliminate from our own parenting toolbox. Unfortunately without giving a lot of thought to it we end up parenting from the same toolbox as our parents did whether it served us or not. It really helps to look at that negative list and ask yourself if that is something that you also do with your children and could you eliminate it. I was spanked as a child, (in fact it was with a leather strap) which seemed to be the norm for that era but I made the decision before I even had children that I would never spank them. To me it made no sense and it was painful. It taught me nothing except how not to get caught next time or how to run fast! I realise that the decision to not carry that forward into my own parenting will likely mean that my children will also not carry that into their parenting and just like that the generational cycle is broken. Think about how your parents were, how it made you feel and consciously decide what to put into your parenting toolbox and what you can leave out in order to help the world heal.
10.01.2022 Boys grow up believing that anger, empty aggression, and emotional unavailability are what make a strong man. Its time we changed the paradigm and ...taught our boys how to enter their feelings so that they never trample on those of others. Lets do our part to raise sensitive and caring young men. Leave a if you agree! See more
09.01.2022 Often we hear people say "they are just doing it for attention, just ignore them and they will stop". Yes it may be that your child is acting out in order to get your attention. If we focus on the behaviour then we seek to punish in order to eliminate the behaviour but if we look behind what is driving the behaviour which is a need for attention and connection wouldnt it make more sense to meet that need rather than ignore it? When we meet the need then there will be no more need for the behaviour to continue however if we punish the behaviour or ignore our children the need will then manifest into another behaviour in order to get met. We have been taught to believe that giving children attention when they act out is somehow wrong when it is what they desperately need.
08.01.2022 astrophysicist, author, and science communicator Neil explains how to raise kids that will become the shakers and movers of the world of tomorrow. Interview: Tom Bilyeu from Impact Theory
08.01.2022 I absolutely love this quote by Dr Paul Jenkins and wanted to share it with you all. Above all else our job as a parent is to love them no matter what and even if.... This is the message we want to be sending our children. This is what unconditional love looks like.
08.01.2022 100 + likes! Thank you all for your part in helping to share and support a shift in the way we parent.100 + likes! Thank you all for your part in helping to share and support a shift in the way we parent.
06.01.2022 #consciousparenting #peacefulparenting #parenting #raisingchildren #raisingparents
06.01.2022 Perfectly said.
06.01.2022 PARENTS OF TEENS I NEED YOUR HELP. Im would live to hear what your greatest challenges are in raising teens. What behaviours you find most difficult. Please feel free to answer in the comments or if preferred pm me. I am researching into teen behaviours and how parenting consciously can help us to navigate this sometimes tumultuous time. ... Stay tuned if this is something that you could use some insight on. #respectfulparenting #consciousparenting #parentingteens #teens #research #teenbehaviour
06.01.2022 Given the circumstances we are in presently I think this is something that a lot of parents will be experiencing. This post is designed to help you re-frame what is happening so that you can dissolve some of those buttons. When your child pushes your buttons it isnt about your childs behaviour it is about what is stored inside of you. That is what is being hit by their behaviour and understanding this will bring freedom from getting triggered by others behaviour. When lash out at your child for a behaviour, what you are doing is trying to change an external trigger in order to soothe an internal discomfort. The problem with this is you are not working on healing the internal trigger and will continue reacting to or making sure that the behaviour doesnt occur in order to feel ok. Each of us has our own personal set of buttons dependent on what we experienced in our lives which is why often others are not bothered by certain behaviours that you may find triggering. The key to this is first understanding that those buttons your child appears to be pushing against are your responsibility. Soothe that internal discomfort. Ask yourself why this behaviour bothers you, ask yourself what this behaviour means to you, ask yourself what you might be believing about this behaviour and whether that is true for your children. This is where healing begins and the buttons will start to fall away. The aim is to remove the button so that no matter what your child does you will be ok. You will not need to flip out, get angry or punish, you will instead be able to look at the situation as it is and guide your children with calmness and understanding. This is such a powerful understanding of why we react the way we do to things in our lives. It is NEVER about the others behaviours it is about what we have stored inside and what meaning we give to the behaviours. Next time you find yourself triggered by something your child does ask yourself what does this behaviour represent to me? What am I believing about this behaviour? Why is this behaviour bothering me so much? Leave a in the comments if you agree. #parenting #consciousparentng #triggers
04.01.2022 When we look to change our childs behaviour in any way it is most often because it makes us uncomfortable, inconveniences us or generally bothers us in some way. If we are someone who gets bothered easily by others then we will constantly be at our children to conform in order to ease our discomfort. It may be helpful to ask yourself "is what I am wanting to change in my child for their higher good, is it for their benefit and in their best interests or am I wanting this to be different to appease myself. Can I accept that this is where my child is in this moment in time and love them without judgement? #parenting #consciousparenting #respectfulparenting #childhoodbehaviour
02.01.2022 It occurred to me recently that there is an unconscious belief amongst parents that they must maintain control over their children. There is a fear that if they dont punish, shame, manipulate or control their children that they will be wild and out of control, running the streets, causing trouble, taking illicit substances etc etc. This couldnt be further from the truth. Often the children who are overly punished, shamed, manipulated and controlled are the ones who strugg...le the most. They are more likely to rebel, push against any authority and numb their feelings of worthlessness in unhealthy ways. Children by their own nature are NOT unruly. In fact children want to please, they look up to us and yearn to be accepted for who they are. What happens when we believe this belief is we then seek to control, manipulate, force and punish our children in order to keep them under our control instead of trusting ourselves to be great models and trusting them and their own internal guidance system. We as parents have to drop some of these societal beliefs and we have to replace fear with trust. We have to believe in both ourselves and our children. If we are good role models for our children and we use respectful guidance, understanding that our children are learning to navigate this world we live in and having some understanding that the way our children behave may be completely relevant to their developmental stage, then there is no need do punish them. The problem occurs when we dont trust ourselves or our children and we constantly correct, control or punish them. This sends the message that they are not ok, that they are bad or just not good enough and instead of helping them navigate life in a healthy way they begin to believe there is something wrong with them. Beliefs like this have no place in parenting. #consciousparenting #parenting #raisingchildren #respectfulparenting
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