NSW Labor: Parkes Branch | Political organisation
NSW Labor: Parkes Branch
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25.01.2022 Tollmania has hit motorists across Greater Sydney for the second time this year, with price hikes on roads including the Eastern Distributor, Hills M2 and the n...ewly-opened NorthConnex tunnel. Sydney will soon be surrounded by 15 toll roads. That’s why Labor fought for an inquiry into the financial impact of tolls and lack of transparency.
25.01.2022 BREAKING: Goodbye daily postal service! Today I recieved a note from Australia Post informing me that letters are no longer going to be delivered every day. The... Government is hiding behind COVID-19 but this was their plan all along. Sign my petition if you think letters should be delivered every day https://www.markbutler.net.au/campaigns/save-australia-post/
24.01.2022 Labor has always been the party of heavy lifters . We make change for the benefit of all Australians . Just look at our record. 1. Introduction of Medicare . 2. Banning the Draft . 3. Changing the National Anthem to be more inclusive. 4. making the economy compete with the rest of the world. 5. the NDIS scheme. 6. trying to reduce our carbon output to world and UN policy . 6. Recognition of first Australians and land rights without affecting Crown farming and mining land.. 7.... The creation of the South Pacific Commission to look after our friends in the Pacific Islands who fought alongside us in WW2. 8. A fair environmental policy and creation of many National Parks. 9. The abolition of Australian Kinght hoods and Dames. 10. The introduction of Australian owned Honours. 11. the suggestion of becoming a Republic one day at Australia's own pace, when we feel like it through an eventual referendum .... The list goes on. So what have the Lib / National Coalition achieved ? Ummmmm let me think 1. The shortest book in the world on policy and change . 2 the GST ? Which taxed feminine hygiene products but not condoms ? 3. The re-introduction of Australian knighthoods and Dames....Pffft ! The running down of hospitals and trains and the closure of banking services in Rural Australia 5. Chasing out our car manufacturing industry . No more locally built Holdens , Falcons or Toyotas causing massive job losses down the chain of local manufacturers. Sssss. !!!! Pfffft !!! JOIN COUNTRY LABOR TODAY ! COME ALONG AS AN OBSERVER AND SEE A BRANCH MEETING IN PROGRESS AND ENJOY A BEER AFTER. CONTACT ADMIN FOR HOW , WHERE, WHY .
24.01.2022 The Government announced free child care and got the news headlines... A lot of families thought theyd get free child care, but its just not the case. The Go...vernment promised free child care to every working parent now they must properly fund early learning providers to ensure every family who needs child care can access it. See more
24.01.2022 #BREAKING and #DEVASTATING It's unbelievable, 52 hectares of breeding koala habitat will be bulldozed in Brandy Hill courtesy of the Berejiklian and Morrison go...vernments. Our community's campaign was loud and strong. But it seems nothing can get through to the Liberals and Nationals. Meanwhile, our koalas continue on the path towards extinction.
24.01.2022 Record Privatisation
22.01.2022 So lets talk about land today . Now neither party has been squeaky clean about property development in Sydney but the Lib/NP Government has taken it to new levels this year The Leppington Triangle This is a parcel of land for the new airport which is not destined to be used for maybe 30 years. Strangely 3 - 5 days before the State Government announced they needed it , it ws snapped up by a property developer and co-incendatlly a big donor to the Libs. Instead of compulsory... acquirng it , which the state government could have done as it did with with peoples houses on the new rail line who have lived there most of their lives. No They decided to pay the property developer $30,000,000 for a piece of land that was identified as being worth $3,000,000. Nothing wrong here ehh ? Then you have the cost blowouts with the raill and trams . I think the trams are now sitting at $6 billion dollars when t was budgetted at 3 billion. Those old enough should remember that Askin a good honest Lib Premier he was , ripped the trams out of Sydney in the late 50's and 60's and turned these narrow victorian streets into a parking lot . Now the Libs are rebuilding trams. Nothing wrong here eh ? . Askin gave all the freight to to his old mates like Lindsay Fox and proceeded to clog up the narrow country highways with double B's and run down the rural railway until it virtually rusted away . Where was the country party then ? But dear reader it doesn't stop there the Federal libs paid $55,000,000 for such a piece of contaminated land that was literally worthless . One of the most toxic sites in Sydney . And here we go again ! A developer bought it up mysteriously before the Feds expressed an interest in it and did not compulsory acquire it.. No, no No No lets pay a developer $55 mill .Whatta bargain for taxpayers ! Tell them at the state and federal polls next year that we are not idiots . Vote Country Labor , we are your ears and voice of the central West . Don't protest vote with the Greens or Shooters or that mad ranga Hanson or no way Clive Palmer. give Labor a clear mandate for change and if we don't deliver you can vote us out in 4 years. This was inducted into the music hall of fame of australian sounds yesterday. https://youtu.be/NS4Nayux-X4
22.01.2022 The Morrison Governments just admitted that theyve been unlawfully, unjustly enriching themselves with peoples money. BUT Scott Morrison STILL wont apologise. What a disgrace.
22.01.2022 Two years ago, we lost a titan. Bob Hawke loved Australians, and Australians loved him back. We miss you every day, Hawkey.
21.01.2022 Want a job with no accountability? Become a Minister in the Berejiklian government. the inquiry into the Ruby Princess fiasco found NSW Health made inexcusab...le and inexplicable errors. the NSW workers compensation scheme - iCare - is revealed to have paid bloated salaries to board members, underpaid 52,000 sick & injured workers and funded the salary of political operatives in the Treasurers office. the Health Minister and the Treasurer still have their jobs. For more https://www.theaustralian.com.au//90339f95610448837211ab3e
20.01.2022 If your interested in Country Labor we are throwing open the doors to observers. Its not the voice, we can't do crowds but we can accomodate maybe 2-3 people under COVID restrictions per branch meeting . Come and learn about our rich political history as the 'Heavy Lifters' of Australian social reform and economic management Join the party . if you like ! Just msg our ever vigilant admin guy and we can slot you in !... Country Labor - 'Your voice , Our voice ' See more
20.01.2022 After 6 years of the Libs neglecting the NDIS the Morrison Government has to essentially have a review into itself to find out what is going wrong. Appalling!
20.01.2022 I want to say a great big thank you to all of our wonderful teachers whove who have been working so hard in such extraordinary circumstances. And, a big shout ...out to parents whove been helping their kids at home I know its not easy. Unfortunately, there are a lot of mixed back-to-school messages floating around. If you are unsure or have any questions, please contact my office directly on 02 4367 4565 or visit www.education.nsw.gov.au. See more
19.01.2022 This is absurd. Public safety is at risk and the decision to ban crowds should rest with the Government, not spectators. We should have the Third Test in Sydney and watch safely from home.
19.01.2022 Members and friends, our annual Christmas dinner will be at the Parkes Services Club, Saturday 14th of December, from 6pm. Look forward to seeing you there.
19.01.2022 At the same time as theyre cutting TAFE jobs and courses.
16.01.2022 If youre on JobKeeper you must be getting what youre entitled to. If something doesnt seem right - report it at www.national.sda.com.au/jobkeeper.
15.01.2022 The Liberals don't have a real plan for child care. We do: https://www.childcarecalculator.com.au/
15.01.2022 @Gladys pls explain. First the Ruby Princess, and now this - you cant trust the #Liberals with NSW. #auspol #nswpol
15.01.2022 This is so important!
14.01.2022 Members, our Annual General Meeting will be held at 7pm in the Parkes Services Club. Please attend if you wish to stand for a branch position. We look forward to seeing you there!
14.01.2022 Exciting news Today I will be launching NSW Labors Rort Report. And first up we will be exposing the Government on their excessive overseas travel for min...isters. Check back here at 11 for all the details.
14.01.2022 In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, TAFE NSW are offering a number of fee-free online short courses to help upskill people during this time. Thank you TAFE! https://www.tafensw.edu.au/fee-free-short-courses
13.01.2022 The only freedom of speech they want is their own.
12.01.2022 Payyourworkers!
12.01.2022 If there was evidence that cutting the company tax rate in any country in the world has led to economic growth, you can be sure the Government would have been t...rumpeting it from the rooftops when they were trying to get it through the Senate. We know that a company tax rate is more likely to see the benefits go overseas in the form of share buybacks, increased dividends and executive salaries. There are better ways to support business, such as an investment allowance, and we encourage the Government to look at that.
12.01.2022 If Scomo had any honour he would return the congressional medal he was granted by Trump for the chaose he has insurrected today But I guess there is no honour amongst thieves ! https://www.smh.com.au//donald-trump-awards-scott-morrison
12.01.2022 Im shocked and appalled by the Governments $60 billion JobKeeper error. How have they managed to get their numbers so wrong? Ive been speaking with business ...owners all over NSW who were already really concerned about keeping their doors open and ensuring their staff remain employed.. and now the Government goes and makes a mistake like this. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, we need answers now! #worsteconomicmanagers #shame See more
11.01.2022 The coronavirus supplement wont begin until 27 April. The first household payment wont happen until April and the second until July. Pensioners wont see a bo...ost until May. Employers wont get one until 28 April. We all agree people need immediate support. We can do better.
11.01.2022 Aviation will be critical to Australias recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic and economic recession. As travel restrictions are eased and ultimately lifted, Au...stralia will need our airports and aviation sector to be in a position to respond quickly to the travel demands from Australian and overseas passengers and freight. To ensure that our airports, parked aircraft, and fuel supplies are kept safe now and into the future, our firefighting capability must be maintained by the Government to ensure rapid response to any unforeseen incident at an airport. Travel restrictions should not be used as an opportunity to reduce staffing levels at our airports because it will make it significantly harder for these services to be restaffed as pandemic restrictions are eased. Im standing with the United Firefighters Union in their fight to save these jobs.
11.01.2022 Absolutely yes. However the one proposed, but not advanced, by the Government, would probaly not have the teeth to sweep up the recent rubbish. It is very impor...tant that the entire parliament works to ensure that a Federal ICAC can act against corruption, not have the bar set at a ".....high level of criminality....." It must be independant.It must investigate corruption as well as criminality. Otherwise it is just another mechanism for dodging bullets, and a waste of time and money. See more
09.01.2022 Care about rights at work? Did you know 1 person a week dies at work in NSW? Shocking really. Everyone deserves to be safe at work that's why Labor will introduce industrial manslaughter laws.
09.01.2022 NSW deserves better than this
09.01.2022 During the 1994 Sydney bushfires, Paul Keating offered $1000 in relief payments for volunteer firefighters in the field for at least seven days. I urge the Prem...ier and Prime Minister to consider this precedent. The Prime Ministers announcement of extended leave for federal public servants is welcome. However, it will not touch most volunteer firefighters in NSW, many of whom are self-employed tradespeople or work in small businesses. Meaningful support for our Rural Fire Service - whove lost the ability to earn income while saving us - is the least we can provide this Christmas.
08.01.2022 This Government has gone back to its ideology of opposing anything with the word public in it.
08.01.2022 This is the horrible truth about Robodebt.
07.01.2022 New numbers on the economy just came out and they arent pretty. Why dont Morrison and Frydenberg have a plan to turn things around?
06.01.2022 #OnThisDay in 1984, the highly controversial Medicare system was introduced, establishing basic health care for all Australians. Read about this #DefiningMoment: bit.ly/2tMXM05
06.01.2022 $2.7 billion worth of social housing sold. 50,000 households on the social housing waiting list. The NSW Liberal Government cares more about profit than housing its own people.
06.01.2022 Were going to need a whole bunch of well trained, highly skilled apprentices to help Australias economy recover from COVID-19. Under Scott Morrison these #TradieCrisis figures are on track to get worse.
06.01.2022 This crisis has shown us just how important it is that the supplies that we rely on can get from A to B. That doesnt happen without the hard work of all of Aus...tralias truckies and delivery drivers. Theyre the backbone of so much of our economy, and theyre working overtime to keep things moving. So to all those truckies and delivery drivers out on the road, thank you.
05.01.2022 Proud to stand with the #MEAA and support our beloved national broadcaster. The 7.45am bulletin is cherished by many Australians and in an age of fake news and ...widespread mistrust we should be investing in, not ripping money out of, our world class ABC. I call on Scott Morrison to reverse his cuts to the ABC and save our 7.45am bulletin. #HandsOffOurABC
04.01.2022 Within moments of sharing this #BREAKING news, the Premier sacked Catherine Cusack MLC as Parliamentary Secretary. For standing up for koalas #nswpol #LLSBill
04.01.2022 Hmmmmm ! went up to RMS to get my cheap $100 gift voucher bribe from Gladys as the election is looming next year . Well ! According to RMS it won't be available until late January ! Gee that's handy for business as a COVID remedy for the economy over Xmas . So it gets dished out when everyone is back at work and the election date is closer. If the did at Xmas everyone would forget it ! Gladys who ? Don't be fooled by this horseshit ! . They can lock people up instantly with COVID in a hotel but they cant give us a crummy bribe for Xmas. Vote country Labor and send a message up their respective A**** ( Opinions expressed in this post are not necessarily the view of state and federal ALP)
04.01.2022 Is there a publicly funded grants program that the Morrison Government WONT use for its own political purposes?
04.01.2022 Victoria is in a state of disaster. NSW is in a state of emergency. Australia is burning. This is unprecedented. But the experts tell us that this is the new normal. We cant go on like business as usual. This is a national emergency. It requires a national response.
03.01.2022 This isn’t about a relationship, this is about corruption at the top of a rotten Government.
01.01.2022 photos from annual xmas get together ALP branch Parkes Do we really need captions ?. Yu too could get free Chinese next Xmas . Join now ! Make your vote count !
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