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Parkside Physiotherapy Centre in Toowoomba, Queensland | Medical and health

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Parkside Physiotherapy Centre

Locality: Toowoomba, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 4632 6233

Address: 76 Margaret Street 4350 Toowoomba, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Come and help me raise funds for our local fire brigade! All my profits from today’s work plus any donations made will go to our local Rural Fire Brigade. Have you noticed how thick the bushland has become around us? There is a lot of fuel around. Please help protect us by supporting our rural firefighters, who make our surrounding safer. We are also taking credit card donations. Receipts will be sent to you. Last Monday I raised over $1082 for the Salvation Army.... let’s try to beat that today

23.01.2022 Is your body feeling a bit of a wreck? Do you feel like you are learners plates in the recovery process? If you want panel beating back into shape, an alignment, a tune up or instructions in driving a recovery process we would be happy to assist. Get that energy back. Revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night!

23.01.2022 The rain has brought some welcome relief from the drought. With physiotherapy the relief from musculoskeletal pain can be any number of options depending on the problem. For strained muscles support from unloading tape can help. Or posture correction may be required. Or for weakness, strengthening would be indicated. to be be specific it may need to be the right type of strengthening and in the right time period to get recovery. From thorough examination and analysis the correct treatment flows. Or seek and you shall find.

22.01.2022 Physio working to fight the fires and help the victims! I decided to donate 100% of my wage and profits for the next 2 Mondays Physiotherapy work. Please help me to raise funds and fill the day with your appointments. Call 07 46326233 and ask to book with Sabine. The first Mondays (13.01.2020) donations will go to the Salvation Army and the 2nd (20.01.2020) will go to our local fire services to help fight our fires. Please share this post.... Thank you Sabine See more

22.01.2022 Lifting and "The Good, Bad, and Ugly". Here is a photo of good lifting technique. Lifting is a basic human activity. With good technique the semi squat lift is functional and good for fitness training and sports. Try this- stand up from sitting with a chair behind. Then almost sit down and then stand again. Does it look like the good body alinement as in the photo? Practise and become aware of your body, maybe use a mirror to check. This is the basis of good technique. And the bad and ugly techniques? Watch this space for next week.

22.01.2022 M&M. Not just a lolly but short for mind and muscle. To deal with performing well and to deal with pain how much is in the mind and how much is it in the muscle. Always a bit of both but a guideline is short term pain can generally be settled working on the muscle and local tissues. For treatment of long term pain thoughts and feeling should also be addressed for best outcomes. Sound funny? What do you think?

21.01.2022 What is in a name? The Pilates reformer shown here can help reform the body by getting the right muscles and style of movement. This can make all the difference at times with relief of pain and control of movement. We use it within a treatment session or the patient comes in for a 30 minute session of supervised exercises. The reformer - whats in a name?

21.01.2022 Christmas tends to involve a lot of travelling. After all the wise men came from afar. Tips for travellers driving still apply today: regularly sit up straight in the chair get out of the car and walk around for 5 minutes every 2 hours reverse the curve - bend backwards after siting warm up before lifting the heavy presents out of the boot... - and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Parkside Physiotherapy See more

20.01.2022 Come and help me raise funds for our local fire brigade! All my profits from todays work plus any donations made will go to our local Rural Fire Brigade. Have you noticed how thick the bushland has become around us? There is a lot of fuel around. Please help protect us by supporting our rural firefighters, who make our surrounding safer. We are also taking credit card donations. Receipts will be sent to you. Last Monday I raised over $1082 for the Salvation Army.... lets try to beat that today

18.01.2022 Sprained ankle are something that should be treated early, treated properly and treated thoroughly. Early treatment reduces pain and enable walking quicker and better. Proper treatment includes flexibility, strength balance and return to full activity. Thorough treatment means associated problems like back pain or altered gait are avoided. We would be happy to help!

18.01.2022 Seems like everybody is going overseas! Remember to do do your ankle and leg exercises on the flight. Do some back stretches when you can. Of course you have good shoes for all the walking and you have got fit ready to go. We are happy to receive holiday messages/post cards. Buon voyage!

17.01.2022 Ballet is a combination of skill, strength, grace, beauty and training. Unfortunately with pushing the envelope and other reasons at times injuries occur. Any downtime can be spend working in other areas. Treatment can be a combination of altered or reduced training, posture correction, specific stretching or strengthening, local treatment with the goal of return to poised performance better than ever.

17.01.2022 There are some special places around Toowoomba and in these COVID times it has been good to discover these places close to home. Perhaps you have found your own special place during this time? At Parkside Physio we are back to full operation with appropriate safety measures in places. If the need arises, aches and pains or desire to improve function, we would be happy to see you face to face (or at least mask to mask). Book through or ring 46326233

17.01.2022 Sforza Castle as pictured here was build mainly as a defence against invaders. In the same way our bodies have defences to stay healthy. This includes posture, daily habits, exercises and activities. Good posture is fundamental to maintain good musculoskeletal Health and freedom from pain. Instruction on how to sit, stand up and move could be the key to freedom from back pain. So sitting tall and moving regularly can be part of your bodies self defence.

16.01.2022 Can you be too flexible? To perform ballet well the optimal straight leg raise, that is the ability to lift up the straight leg while lying on your back, is an angle of 120 degrees. For sprinters or long distance runners 80 degrees is usually an ideal balance between enough flexibility to stride out and enough stiffness to gain propulsion. If in doubt about what you need, come and see us.

14.01.2022 In my Fight against the fires I raised $772.14 yesterday. These funds will go to our local rural fire brigades today. Special thanks to our social media support, my patients, my great staff and Bernard, who helped by taking over the wages. Great effort, everyone!

12.01.2022 Pilates Reformer is an exercise approach that uses specialized rope pulley and bench equipment. This is used to tone, strengthen, stretch and gain control. We find it useful particularly for those with back troubles or sports injuries. At Parkside Physiotherapy a Pilates program tailored to your specific treatment goals can be completed on our Reformer couch. Currently when a Pilates program is designed within a physiotherapy treatment plan, it may be possible for charges to be claimed back through your chosen medical fund. Ask about this on your initial visit.

11.01.2022 It is a matter of doing the right thing at the right time. In the area of pain relief a small exercise may make all the difference. Recently Bernard and Sabine attended a course on the hip. This highlighted how the right exercise at the right time can make all the difference. Retraining muscles requires effort but the results can included settling pain and its origin, are very rewarding.

11.01.2022 Dear Patients For the time that everyone is going through, while we all are effected by anxiety, insecurity and social distancing, we at Parkside take things seriously, and are here for you!!! We can assess and treat you in your safe home environment through talking to you over phone/ and or Telehealth or in case that you need to see a physio one on one. We have already started Telehealth consultations with great outcomes to the patients. Charges are cheaper then usual con...sultations and patients gain much more information an insight to to help themselves. Through daily checks over an interactive exercise App, your Physio will be only one klick away from you and give you much more input in your recovery. At first I was suspicious how a Telehealth consultation could benefit my patients, but now I believe we can make a huge difference for you. Let us talk to you and find a way how we can help. No charge until treatment starts. Give us a call! 07 46326233 Let me guide you to get better! Talk soon...Sabine See more

11.01.2022 Working for bushfire relief today! Thank you for the great response. All Sabines profits of todays work will go to the Salvation Army to help the victims of the bushfires . If you would also like to help, please donate to the Salvation Army. Every dollar counts.

11.01.2022 It is a bit nippy at the moment. This can cause aches and pains, particularly trigger points, a type of muscular spasm. Heat helps for these, as does trigger point releases- a type of massage- and dry needling. Then treatment should look for the factors contributing such as awkward postures or repetitive tasks. Happy to assist if you need some help.

10.01.2022 WE talked about good lifting technique last week, so now lets look at the bad and the ugly. The bad is with the back bent and the knees straight. This puts more strain on the back joints and ligaments and the muscles are not able to provide good support. Now the ugly- in the full squat position a lot of strain goes on the knees and back is bent in this position anyway. This might be different with what was taught some time ago, but makes sense when you look at it. What do you think? Let us know!

10.01.2022 Can physiotherapy make you happy? Well yes sort of. Firstly if you get pain relief and feel well it is a lot easier to be happy. Secondly if you are back to your normal activities you have the pleasure of contributing and feeling useful. Thirdly exercise, which is often an internal part of treatment, produces positive hormones and feelings. So we try to keep you smiling and moving well.

10.01.2022 Exercise is good but not always safe. FITT stands for frequency, intensity, time and type. As physiotherapists we can advise on this, and also particularly on another "T" ... technique. Exercises done poorly can cause harm. As experts in movement we can help keep you FITTT.

10.01.2022 Sabines workdays profit and raised funds of $1082.30 donated to the Australian Desaster Relief . Thanks go also to Bernard McGowan for taking over the wages and special thanks to Salvation Army for their endless work! As promised, I am doing an other fund raiser next Monday 20.01.2020. This time all profits will go to our local fire brigades, in order help protect our community. So please help me raise funds and book an appointment with me on Monday. (We can also process donations via credit card.) Any amount will be appreciated.

08.01.2022 Parkside Physiotherapy Center Physio is now Consulting via Telehealth, online on your computer. So dont despair if you need a Physio for back, neck, arm or leg pain, or in need for help with respiratory difficulties. We can help and you will stay safe! Our Telehealth consultations are generally cheaper then normal Physiotherapy sessions, give you comprehensive information and understanding, guidance, encouragement and power to get better. A great outcome and fantastic responses from patients. We want to help, and even better.... we can ! Call 07 4632 6233 for your appointment or book online:

08.01.2022 It never rains but it pours. We have just had the devastation of the drought and bushfires, and Sabine has had a fund raiser for that at Parkside. Now we have the heavy rain and floods in our region. We are thankful for the rain but now something in between would be good. It can be like that with physiotherapy management. We have to find out the right amount of the right exercise/hands on treatment/dry needling/tape/activity or workplace guidelines, so not too much or too little but just right. We are happy to help you move well and stay well where we can. Meanwhile I have to buy a new umbrella and mow the grass again.

08.01.2022 I have been asked if pram running tended to cause injuries. The research I did suggests running with a pram does adversely alter running technique but was still okay. Differences included limited breathing due to the hand placement on the pram. Style of running was altered due to not swinging the arms freely and that the body was inclined forward than usual. To conclude if you have to run with a pram, run with the best technique you can in good posture, and start gradually.

07.01.2022 Australian Health Funds Announce Tele-Physiotherapy Consultations Check with your private health fund and give us a call...46326233 or book online.

07.01.2022 Dear Patients For the time that everyone is going through, while we all are effected by anxiety, insecurity and social distancing, we at Parkside take things seriously, and are here for you!!! We can assess and treat you in your safe home environment through talking to you over phone/ and or Telehealth or in case that you need to see a physio one on one. We have already started Telehealth consultations with great outcomes to the patients. Charges are cheaper then usual con...sultations and patient’s gain much more information an insight to to help themselves. Through daily checks over an interactive exercise App, your Physio will be only one klick away from you and give you much more input in your recovery. At first I was suspicious how a Telehealth consultation could benefit my patients, but now I believe we can make a huge difference for you. Let us talk to you and find a way how we can help. No charge until treatment starts. Give us a call! 07 46326233 Let me guide you to get better! Talk soon...Sabine See more

06.01.2022 "Posture up" is something I often say to patients. In sitting put your bottom into the back of the chair. Lift the chest up. In standing rock the weight back and forward on the feet and back enough so the toes wriggle freely. Soften knees, move pelvis back and forward to find mid position. Feel the head balanced on the neck. Breathe. Relax. Adjust posture often to train a good relaxed position.

06.01.2022 New year, new beginnings, new life. At Parkside Physio we have the time and have developed the skills to look after your physio needs and support your goals. Best wishes for the new year.

03.01.2022 Physiotherapy is a bit like gardening. Most of the time it is like weeding- working on stiff joints and muscles, correcting bad habits, working on pain. Other times it is like planting a seed, the right time and the right place with a bit of cultivation- good changes, healing and growth,

02.01.2022 When you watch a murder mystery the plot twists and turns until the final resolution. Other films can be more straight forward and have a feel good, predictable ending. So it is with the problem of pain or dysfunction. Some people come in with pain issues with multiple levels or layers and for the physio it can be like a detective looking for clues and rounding up the usual suspects, judging theories, eliminating suspects and testing outcomes. Is the shoulder pain referred f...rom the neck, how much is posture and lifestyle a factor, how is core stability, is the home program sufficient and is it being done properly, is further investigation or outside professional help needed? Sometimes settling the pain is only the beginning. Prevent of recurrences and optimal outcome involves muscles balance, postural alinement, activity modification, ergonomic assessment. Often enough someone can come with a problem they have had for a while and the outcome is quick and easy. A sprained ankle often can be managed quickly and recurrences prevented. A couple of visits with the right advice and some hands-on treatment and all is well. Whatever the problem we would be happy to help.

02.01.2022 A good shoulder posture is important for all tendons and ligaments within our shoulders. A failure to hold and control the shoulder while attending to any exercises can lead to an injury like rotator cuff tears. Early treatment can prevent major damage. Best time to start physiotherapy is when you have the slightest twinge... .

02.01.2022 Working for bushfire relief today! Thank you for the great response. All Sabine’s profits of today’s work will go to the Salvation Army to help the victims of the bushfires . If you would also like to help, please donate to the Salvation Army. Every dollar counts.

01.01.2022 Now that the holiday season is over with all the long weekend, book a holiday or plan some stress free weekend activities. Does this sound funny advice coming from a physiotherapist? Well, stress can be a contributing factor to neck and back pain. Hands on treatment, exercises or other physio can help. Or go on a walking holiday or trip to the coast and say your physio sent you.

01.01.2022 For days Patrick Boyle has been rescuing some of the smallest fire victims, with his trusty dog Spike by his side. #9ACA

01.01.2022 How much has beauty to do with physiotherapy? Maybe that pain is ugly and we can employ ways of overcoming pain and dysfunction. Maybe that is the body functioning well looks good and even beautiful. Maybe that lovely feeling when we help someone overcome a problem and get on with life. Feel free please to post anything along this line.

01.01.2022 Sabine’s workday’s profit and raised funds of $1082.30 donated to the Australian Desaster Relief . Thanks go also to Bernard McGowan for taking over the wages and special thanks to Salvation Army for their endless work! As promised, I am doing an other fund raiser next Monday 20.01.2020. This time all profits will go to our local fire brigades, in order help protect our community. So please help me raise funds and book an appointment with me on Monday. (We can also process donations via credit card.) Any amount will be appreciated.

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