Partnership with Purpose in Harvey, Western Australia | Professional service
Partnership with Purpose
Locality: Harvey, Western Australia
Phone: +61 458 804 011
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25.01.2022 School holidays are in full swing so I picked up a new client Testing out his new saddle and loving his time on his favourite horse Clearsky Cold Chisel Cant they always stay home with us like this?
25.01.2022 Absolutely love liberty clinics Keep an eye out for our next one coming up early next year In Harvey Thank you for a great time ladies, you all did an amazing job with your horses
23.01.2022 Lovely second ride under saddle for Bonny, what more can you ask for from them. Looking forward to taking her out in the arena tomorrow
23.01.2022 Tension is who you believe you should be Relaxation is who you are Thank you Rhenice Wilkie for sharing that little bit of wisdom with me, I needed to hear it.
22.01.2022 Wonderful weekend in Northam teaching at our two day clinic Such a great group of ladies who worked so hard to get some awesome results Looking forward to our next one!
21.01.2022 Exciting news I am now about to travel the SW and offer group lessons again For booking or enquires please... Call 0458804011 Email [email protected] Or private message us here Looking forward to helping on a bigger scale again
20.01.2022 Looking forward to working with this breed at equitana The horses used for TWOTH will be available to purchase at the end of the competition I believe (I don’t need another horse, I don’t need another horse)
20.01.2022 Busy month with private lessons and horses in for private training. Happy to have my Covid Safe Sport Coach Certification up my sleeve and ready to continue educating in and out of the saddle
20.01.2022 Private lessons available in Benger 25th of May (morning) 27th of May (morning) 29th of May (morning) ... Pm us for booking or call 0458804011
20.01.2022 LESSONS ONLY AN HOUR!! When you pay for a lesson or training, you aren’t buying an hour of my time. You’re paying for thousands of hours of sweat, struggle, success and tears. You’re buying injuries, mistakes, and revelations. You’re buying nights awake thinking about a horse or student I need to help more. You’re buying hours of hauling hay, mucking stalls and grooming, of carefully checking your horse over like It was my own. You’re paying for my further education, because ...i still take lessons as frequently as possible. You’re paying for my care, concern, over dinner conversation, and you inevitably become a central part of my life. You can’t put a price on education, or personal development, or the bliss of finally being with a horse. Thank you for sharing with me, teaching me, and letting me teach you, while I put food on my table and hay in my barn with the most fulfilling job ever. Beautifully written by the eloquent Amy Skinner! Stole this from someone else post but loved it so much and it’s so true
17.01.2022 Appreciate your trainer. We spend way more hours at work than you could even imagine. We are here six if not seven days a week every week. We work holidays. We... work weekends. And just because our office is outside and we get to be surrounded by beautiful animals the whole time does not mean we aren’t working. The barn to you is your sanctuary. It’s your escape. It’s your place to vent. Your place to relax. Your place to unwind. That is not what the barn is to us. While we have moments of serenity when everything is quiet, this is still our job. We are still on the clock. We still need to be on our game. Always. Our job is not just riding. We deal with all of you every day. Long before and long after we have come and gone from the barn. During dinners. During drinks with friends. During family time. On days off. We are here for you. We care. We care more than you could ever know. Each and every horse is a part of our soul. We know their mannerisms. We meticulously watch their weight, their movement, monitor what they eat and how much of it, how much they work, whether they are happy doing their job, and how to make them go in a way that pleases you without jeopardizing them. We stay up late with them if they are sick. We write down every time they batted an eyelash wrong. And we remember what they need when. We take pride in them going well for you. We listen to every flaw you find with them, even if it is in fact your flaw, and try to help them do their job better. When you are unhappy with how they go, we take it as a personal failure, and strive to never let it happen again, even if your expectations are unreasonable. We bend over backwards to make your horse perfect, even if what you’re asking for is a horse without spirit, or personality. We stand up for them when we can, trying our best not to make you upset in the process. They are our life’s work, and we know them inside and out. We listen to you. Whether you are rational or not. We remain calm when you bring the stress of your day job to the barn and take it all out on your horse and on us. We pick up the pieces when you’ve been unforgiving with your horse, who was simply surprised by your lack of patience after a long day. We are their rock, their shoulder to cry on, and yours. When we go home, we still reply to your texts and your emails and your calls. We are never off the clock. We take in stride as best we can your rants of frustration when your horse or your riding isn’t exactly where you want it to be exactly when you want it. We take the blame. For you. For your horse. For the rest of your life. For everything. And yet here we are. Still showing up. Still being here for you. For your horse. No matter how you treat us. Regardless of whether you deserve us. We are here. Appreciate your trainer. Author unknown
17.01.2022 Private lesson bookings available in the SW region Group lessons available also (keeping safe with COVID) Send us a message to find out how we can help you reach your goals in 2020... [email protected]
16.01.2022 Always full steam ahead here at home, a range of horses for different training and needs. Private training bookings are available in July and August Send us a message and find out how we can help you reach your goals with your horse in 2020... 0458804011 [email protected]
16.01.2022 This sweet little mare is here for two weeks training and preparation for sale... A great first two days training.
15.01.2022 A great week with lessons all the way from Manjimup to Serpantine I’m trying to do better and take photos, I need a GoPro on my head
15.01.2022 Now taking Private Training Booking for June/July Do you have a young horse that needs starting? A green horse that you would like to further their education? Is your horse overly spooky and lacks confidence and focus?... Would you like your performance horse to be more refined with its manoeuvres? Does your horse need some behavioral re education? Call or email us today to find out about private training availability and how we can help you reach your goals. 0458804011 [email protected] Located in Benger
15.01.2022 Private lessons are now back up and running in the South West, with social distancing in mind of course there will be no group lessons, please pay DD instead of Cash where possible. Skype lessons available for those in different regions which are super easy to set up and get done I hope everyone is staying safe and looking forward to helping where I can.
14.01.2022 Getting the Drafting horses back in the arena after some work being done to get it all fenced Looking forward to this weekends Dardanup campdraft
14.01.2022 Edit 2 positions 3 full position left for this clinic Fence sitting available
13.01.2022 Mr Chilli Here to train for a few weeks. Looking forward to helping Chilli cope a little better with everything, learn some body control and relaxation.
12.01.2022 I am always asked if I know of any good ponies going so here is one
11.01.2022 Two day clinic in Harvey Please message with your email to register for this clinic. Looking forward to a great weekend.
10.01.2022 Bookings are now open for our Northam 2 day clinic. Looking forward to a wonderful weekend. Don't miss out on a great weekend of training with your horse and friends.
10.01.2022 I have wanted to write a post about this subject for a while now but a beautiful friend of mine sent me a message last night that inspired me to get it done tod...ay because I really hope that it helps others. So here I go :) I get this comment very often when I am out running clinics, teaching a lesson and especially when starting clients horses under saddle. Women will be telling me about their nerves/anxiousness and lack of confidence about their horse or getting back in the saddle and i say to them "it is ok to feel like that, I feel the exact same way when i am riding" and they are so shocked. So I wanted to put it out there that you are not alone when feeling scared, nervous, wanting to give up for a moment, the "why do I put myself through this" feeling, and not only are you not alone but there are thousands of people who feel this way.... I want to share a story with you about this weekend while I was working because I am hoping it may help others get through what they are feeling. I had a trail riding mini clinic with some of my wonderful Perth clients, so I took my beautiful boy Alvaro up for the weekend, he has never been out in the bush before. He has only been down the road twice for a walk and that is all out side of the arena, so going out at clinic with me itself, was enough to set off my anxiety about riding him out for the first time. Now in my head, my logic knows that I have trained this horse and I know he is safe. I know I have complete control and the training that has been put into him I trust 100% (credit to my beautiful mentors Sandi and David Simons for sharing this with me). For about 3 nights before this clinic I didn't sleep well, waking up nervous about it all, kept saying to my friends who know Al I was really nervous but I know he will be ok. My poor partner copped the most of it haha but he also knew I would be fine. Despite all this, my emotions and fear stayed until I got on, then it became all about my clients and making sure their horses were ready, safe, responsive. From there it started to slowly quieten down and more so when we were actually out in the bush and I could see he was relaxed the whole time as were my clients horses. He was taking it all well and why wouldn't he? He has such great training put into him! But that crippling fear still gets me, the only reason I am able to do what I do and get on every day with any horse is because I COMPLETELY trust what I know. I trust in the wonderful training I have been taught and it is important for me to help others through this fear so they can also come out the other side and enjoy their horses. For those of you who are reading this please know that the fear you have will ease with the more training tools you add to your belt. The more training you put into your horses, the more the fear you have will subside as the trust you are gaining with your horse grows. Some days are worse than others so do what you can and what you feel comfortable with until you have those tools to keep you safe. These nerves we have are there for a reason and i am grateful for mine as I know that when I do something with any horse I am always keeping mine and the horses best interest and safety above everything. Keep those people around you who help you feel safe and supported. If there are times I am feeling not so strong my support system holds me up and I can not thank them enough. My trainer Sandi, my partner Rhys and beautiful friends and family. Its never easy fighting with your mind about something you love yet are so scared of and its such hard work but worth every minute because I know the joy it brings to me and to all of you. You are all amazing strong women and men so keep going, I promise you can do it.
10.01.2022 Miss Bonnie is heading home this weekend after being started under saddle, I’m looking forward to her owner having such a great time with her.
09.01.2022 Our clinic is almost full for the Northam clinic Bookings through email or pm
09.01.2022 Spent a wonderful morning in Bridgetown working with some young gypsy’s How lucky am I
07.01.2022 Happy New Year ,we hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and new year. Now that 2021 is well underway, i thought i would give you a little sneak peek at just ...some of the clinic and camps dates we have already booked into the scheduled so far this year, for more information please email [email protected] (please note clinics and camp numbers are limited and participant positions will fill up fast) As Sandi's calendar year fills up very fast, we are interested in your feed back as to what area/location and type of clinic you think might be needed in your area, please message, comment of email and let us know what your thoughts are
05.01.2022 So excited to be apart of this event Bring on October
04.01.2022 YAY FOR 2021 I am so dam excited to be kicking off next year with a Liberty clinic at home in Harvey. For any enquiries and bookings please call 0458804011 or email [email protected] Fence sitting available
04.01.2022 Due to a few unforeseen circumstances this clinic will be postponed a few weeks. New dates to come out shortly I am finally able to get back to Perth so i am so excited to fit in this super fun style clinic, who doesn't need a weekend like this at the moment! Positions are limited so bookings are essential.... 0458804011, [email protected] See more
04.01.2022 Has been a wonderful month full of horses and their owners, how is it already the end of September so many exciting things coming up the rest of the year. Horses coming for starting, young horses in for handling, lessons, competitions and more. I hope everyone else is also having a great time with their horses too
03.01.2022 Private lessons available Saturday 22nd from 9am till 12pm in Benger Bookings through private message or call 0458804011
01.01.2022 Navi finishing off and refining what he has learnt while here. Home time next week ready to go again