Passion for Life in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Health & wellness website
Passion for Life
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 403 767 458
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25.01.2022 This just popped up on my feed and it totally sums up my night! I have recently given up my Monday night classes so I actually have a night free!! So this morning I did a Pilates Reformer class and a Yoga class, taught a private session during the day, and found myself contemplating another reformer and/or yoga session tonight because I had the time available. But then I checked in with my body and realised that I was tired and what my body really wanted was to rest. So tonight I’m having a night in with my fur babies . Maybe I’ll do some homework for my yoga training, but most likely I’ll spoil myself with an early night - bliss!
25.01.2022 So Facebook reminded me that I taught my very first official Pilates Reformer class 3 years ago today. I’d already been teaching Mat Pilates but Reformer was a big turning point for me. Pretty soon I was teaching Pilates full time - and absolutely loving it! So on one hand, it feels like just yesterday and I still have so much to learn. But on the other hand, it feels like a lifetime - it feels exactly what I was meant to do. And as I approach the pointy end of my Yoga teacher training, I’m so excited to see where this will lead
24.01.2022 Time to practice what I preach - today was my first full day off since I came back from Bali so I decided to make it the ultimate self care day! Yoga, Pilates, brunch, massage - and I’m going to finish off with restorative yoga tonight. That’s my idea of the perfect day - what’s yours?
24.01.2022 When I first started studying wellness coaching and looking to transition to the fitness industry, my aim was to help people. And by help, I mean tell them what to eat, tell them how to exercise, tell them how to live their life - and surprisingly enough, nobody actually wants to be told how to live. Even if they say they do - I want to be healthier, write me a meal plan - that actually isn’t the solution. Telling people how to live actually stops them from healing themselves their own way. So my aim now is to live MY best life, to share my joy into the world, to inspire others to live their best lives, and as we live our best lives side by side, we help make the world a better place for others
23.01.2022 Why do we automatically think hard is good? I listen as clients discuss other instructors classes and am quite intrigued when they say things like X’s class is so amazing, it’s so hard I can barely walk the next day! But I also pay attention when they say Oh I canceled out of X’s class because I have such a busy week and I couldn’t afford to be unable to move. And when new clients tell me I was told to come and do your class because X’s class is too hard. Why is hard... better? Isn’t life hard enough as it is? Shouldn’t exercise aim to make life easier? A little muscle soreness is desirable, that’s a sign that the muscles are getting stronger. But to exercise to the point where you can’t function effectively for a few days doesn’t make sense when we want you to exercise several times a week! A class can be tough while you are doing it, but you want to feel glad to be alive afterwards! I promise you - you can get the results you want without killing yourself in the process. See more
23.01.2022 Self care Thursday - I finish a little earlier on a Thursday night so I’ve been using the opportunity to get a little self care routine going. Starting with a foot soak with Epsom salts and essential oils, a hydrating face mask, and some guided meditation. Granted the meditation is a tad challenging with a new kitten in the house. But even just disconnecting with the rest of the world and watching her leap around the house is strangely soothing. What’s your favourite self care routine?
23.01.2022 My happy place! I’m back to sitting at a desk for the first time in years, and my body and mind aren’t too thrilled about it. So I made sure I had time to squeeze in my own workout before I teach tonight. A bit of Jumpboard to waken the body up and get the energy flowing, followed by some feet in straps to stretch out the posterior chain and generally just chill me out. And then I’m hanging around for a delicious Yin yoga class tonight - bliss!!
23.01.2022 Check in with those around you, and also make time for you! Self care isn’t selfish and if things are getting too much, taking a step back is a start.
23.01.2022 The warm glow of the Pilates Reformer on a grey dreary morning
22.01.2022 Are you living your best life? Are you doing what brings you joy and makes your heart sing? Because that’s true success so let’s make that the ultimate goal
21.01.2022 I’m doing my pre-reading for my upcoming yoga teacher training and this paragraph really hit home - I hope you can read it from the photo but the key sentence for me is the need to approach practice soberly with a positive, self-disciplined attitude and with a long-term view towards eventual success. EVENTUAL - there is no quick fix, there’s no pill, no amazing new diet, or revolutionary new exercise regime - small steps, consistently moving forward, aiming for eventual success
21.01.2022 So this just happened! Hatha, Restorative and Yin Yoga trained . And I actually quit my day job to do this training - but I knew it was far more in alignment with where I wanted my life to go. A little break from training (till February) but so excited to see where this yoga adventure takes me next
21.01.2022 I love my life! So my aim is to live a life I love, and while there are some aspects that aren’t exactly what I’d like them to be, my strategy is to focus on the bits I love to help them to grow and crowd out the other bits! And I keep looking for ways to keep adding good stuff in. Today I got to marvel at this amazing dusk sky . How can you increase the good bits of your life?? #ilovemylife #embraceopportunity #clearouttomakeroomfornewstuff #transformwitheaseandgrace #joyfulmovement #pilatesinstructor #watchthisspace
20.01.2022 The reformer was fashioned out of a hospital bed, the Wunda Chair was made from a lounge chair, and now this! Joe Pilates was genius!
20.01.2022 Who doesn’t love feet in straps - especially when your grip socks match your new tights
19.01.2022 Do you have any injuries or physical limitations? I start every session with this question as it’s so important for me to know. One of my regulars said that she now judges other instructors depending on whether they ask this as well! I’m not a medical professional so I can’t fix any injuries and each individual knows their own body better than any instructor can. But if I’m aware of any limitations, I can give modifications and variations. Or I can even change the flow o...f the class so participants don’t feel left out. On Sunday morning, 3 out of 8 were having knee issues so I replaced the lunging section with some side lying work - the same muscle group was being targeted, the whole class could do the whole set, and no one had a clue that anything was different to what I had planned. So always tell your instructor if you have anything that may impact your performance, and even when performing an exercise, if it doesn’t feel good, let us know and we will find an alternative. See more
19.01.2022 Early morning Pilates by the pool - can’t think of a better way to start my day!
19.01.2022 Can’t tell you how much I love this! After my last post regarding the importance of self care, Dave from Perfection Hand Car Wash realised that working 10+ hours a day 7 days a week wasn’t giving him any time to do the things he wanted. And a few others had been saying the same thing to him, so now he closes early on a Tuesday so he can have me time!! So I still totally recommend Dave for the best car wash ever - just not on a Tuesday afternoon!!
19.01.2022 I love this so much! And here’s another thought - if we allow ourselves to eat whatever we want whenever we want, we are unlikely to overeat/binge and then feel guilty.
19.01.2022 The most important thing you can do today is take care of you
18.01.2022 Happy birthday to Joseph Pilates!
18.01.2022 Everyone loves the magic circle! Khoko is telling Willow that the magic circle is all hers! Little Willow will be joining my family in a couple of weeks
18.01.2022 I taught an intro to Pilates class today and it made me think back to my first Pilates class, but also to all the times I’d contemplated trying Pilates. There was a studio within walking distance to my house and another walking distance to my work - I’d check out the website, the timetable etc - but then I’d freak myself out by thinking I wasn’t fit enough, strong enough, flexible enough, coordinated enough - basically I kept thinking I wasn’t good enough to do Pilates. It took me years to get the courage to even just get to a class and after that one class, I was hooked! It literally changed my life as I went on to be a Pilates instructor. So I’m so glad I let go of the fear and just gave it a try.
17.01.2022 Yep I have my own little torture chamber complete with Pilates Reformer and Wunda Chair - want to come and play??
17.01.2022 Happy Friday! I hope your day is shiny
17.01.2022 I love that Pilates enables me to connect with people, to make them feel better about themselves, to make their day a little brighter, to help them move their body a little better than they did the day before. If you’d like me to bring some Pilates magic into your life, I’m offering private and duet sessions from home! $60 for 50 min session - contact me for availability!
16.01.2022 And I’m loving the process of becoming
16.01.2022 So my life has taken many twists and turns but I’m learning to trust the process because it usually takes me somewhere better than I’d planned. And I also make sure I enjoy the journey! Today as I headed to work I was so grateful for this beautiful winter’s morning and for the fact I can catch the ferry for a very chilled out trip to the city - and while most are staring at their phones, I marvel at the view. And when I arrive at my destination, I am welcomed by the sun beaming down on the Story Bridge! Happy Friday!
15.01.2022 Trust yourself - you know how to live your best life!
14.01.2022 I have to say I can relate to most of these at the moment. It’s quite astonishing to find that some days I completely run out of words - who knew that could happen?!?!
14.01.2022 I’m loving all poses (asanas) I’m learning in my yoga teacher training but I’m realising that for me in many ways the movement is the secondary benefit. I already have Pilates and other forms of movement up my sleeve. For me it’s creating space, stepping back from the busyness of life, having a chance to breathe, and enabling my thoughts to stop racing around in a scattered/fractured way and allowing them to form a logic sequence. It helps me to see the forest from the trees, helps me to work out what’s necessary and what’s filler. I think if I didn’t have the chance to just hit pause on life on a regular basis, I might just implode.
14.01.2022 Merry Christmas
14.01.2022 Jump on over to Vibrant with Kim Horsfall - my new Facebook page with my new branding! I'm saying goodbye to Passion for Life - Pilates and Wellness, but saying a very big hello to Vibrant! I've expanded to incorporate yoga into my offering, but also made a subtle change to be more in line with how I intend to live my life and how I hope to inspire others to live theirs.
14.01.2022 Too cute not to share!! Looking forward to some Christmas Eve Pilates workouts to get my clients ready for Christmas - I have 4 full classes tomorrow morning starting at 5.30am - bring it on!
13.01.2022 Irony - one of my yoga teacher training friends just sent this around as a joke just as I was reading this paragraph in my Yin yoga text book: Too often yoga students force themselves into contorted positions with no regard for whether what they are doing is helping or hurting them. Their egos are in control and the ego wants to look good in front of others. Yoga was never a competitive sport If you ever look at Instagram photos and think I can’t do yoga, please note that this isn’t what yoga is about.
12.01.2022 I absolutely believe and live by this which is why I love teaching Pilates so much! Recently I was covering a class I don’t usually teach and after the class, a client came up to tell me how much she loved the class. She went on to say that she has a bad back, and often exercise causes her so much pain that she’s in tears but she knows she has to push through. I was horrified - no no no! Exercise should not be painful!!! Yes there’s muscle soreness, yes there’s fatigue an...d thinking you just can’t do anymore, but to be crying from pain means that move/position/exercise isn’t right for you and your body. Don’t push through, do something different!!! I say in my group classes that not every move is right for every body, so if you feel pain, go back to a move that felt better in your body. And in particular, Pilates and yoga done properly should not hurt - so find a different style of yoga, find a different Pilates instructor, find movement that you enjoy - because the right kind of movement for you is nurturing and healing See more
12.01.2022 Having just completed my Yoga teacher training, I’ve been pondering what to do with it. Because every where I turn there’s Yoga and Pilates teachers doing amazing things and I wonder if I’m good enough, bendy enough, knowledgeable enough and the list goes on and on and on. But then I think that there are also so many mechanics and accountants and dentists - there is room for everyone! And no one does me quite like I do
12.01.2022 My birthday present to myself - Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
12.01.2022 My dream is to share the message that exercise and healthy living is about feeling good - not just looking good. There’s so much focus on body shape, body image, guilt, shame and judgement. I want to focus on what makes you feel amazing, in the moment and for years to come. Exercise should be challenging but fun - you should look forward to working out and feel so good afterwards that you can’t wait to do it again. Food is the same - you should enjoy what you are eating and feel so good afterwards that you know that was the fuel your body and soul needed. No mirrors, no selfies, just enjoying life today and tomorrow
12.01.2022 This is perfect!!
12.01.2022 So glad to see that the government is taking this seriously. We need to focus more on wellness rather than illness!!
11.01.2022 Next adventure starts today!
10.01.2022 Those little self doubts have been creeping in lately, I’ve been getting distracted by all the shiny people on social media. In the Pilates and Yoga space, there are so many amazing people showing their amazing bodies and all the amazing things they can do - and that’s not me. In my Pilates teaching training, I felt like the total Gumby in the room because I wasn’t super bendy and my moves didn’t look poised and graceful. So it took me ages to decide to do yoga teacher trai...ning because the insta shots are even more intimidating! But I realised that the majority of the population isn’t super bendy or super graceful, and I can definitely relate to those who require modifications to make a move or pose achievable for their body. Most people don’t want the glamour shot, they just want to move their body in a way that is beneficial for them, their health, their life. People come to me for what I have to offer, and it’s often beneficial that I’m not intimidating!! So you won’t be seeing any amazing Insta photos or videos as my twisted spine doesn’t look so flash, but I can help you feel amazing in your own body See more
09.01.2022 My Wednesday morning - when people say I’m living the dream, I say Yes, yes I am
09.01.2022 Instead of the usual eat less, exercise more resolutions, why not try these with the aim of improving your life, not just the way you look?
08.01.2022 Yoga teacher training - chocolate meditation - teaching savasana - the struggle is real
08.01.2022 Arrived at One Family Yoga for my weekend of yoga teacher training, and picked 2 cards out of the mantra decks Lainie has in the studio - I’m liking the way my weekend is looking!!
08.01.2022 Little bit dark, little bit cold, little bit wet - but we are here ready to Pilates by the pool
07.01.2022 Today is Daffodil Day - raising funds, support and awareness for all impacted by cancer. Having lost my Mum to this awful disease, I could tell you not to smoke, not to drink, not to go out in the sun, not to eat junk food etc. But life is too short to focus on the negative so I’m going to provide suggestions on what you should do instead. Spend time with your loved ones, treasure the hugs and the conversations and the laughs - and yes, make sure you laugh often! Spend time doing things that make you smile, bring you joy, make your heart sing. Life is for living - embrace it with all your heart and soul!
07.01.2022 Just as I’m about to embark on my yoga teacher training and several of my friends and colleagues are contemplating Pilates instructor training - the world needs more people who can help others navigate the stress of our current world
07.01.2022 What yin yoga teacher training looks like
05.01.2022 Something to remember as we come into the weekend - please don’t waste your weekend stressing over food, counting calories, depriving yourself or feeling guilty because you didn’t deprive yourself. Go out, have fun, live your life!
05.01.2022 A few months ago, I stepped back into the corporate world - I was feeling that something was missing and I thought it might have been the challenges and the mental stimulation of my old corporate life. At about the same, I started yoga teacher training - and I quickly realised that THIS was what I was missing. Yoga was what I needed to add to my life to feel challenged and stimulated. So I’ve decided to step back out of the corporate world to create space in my life for yoga! Very much looking forward to seeing where this next phase leads!
05.01.2022 When I was a kid, the joke was I could talk under water with a mouth full of cement! And nothing much has changed! But I’ve found where that can be an asset! In all my fitness training, we are taught that there are all different types of learners - visual: those who watch you demonstrate and then copy; auditory: those who listen to your verbal cues; and kinesthetic learners: those who learn by doing. Tonight after my mat class, I had client complement me on my verbal cues which were clear and easy to follow. She then added that she was blind so she really loved that she could still understand what to do and how she was meant to feel. I was a tad shocked as she hadn’t said anything at the start of the class, but a tad chuffed that my ability to verbalise was finally being valued!
05.01.2022 Sunday is my prep day - planning all the classes I’ll be teaching throughout the coming week. And the best part is having a reformer at home so that I can test out my plans so that I know exactly how it feels in my body, and I know how the class flows from move to move. I know that some of my clients are stronger, more flexible, have better range than me, but I also know others will require additional support from me. And I teach better when I know how it feels, at what point... the going gets tough and they’ll need a little extra encouragement, but also how to make those little adjustments so they are engaging the right muscles and feeling it where they are supposed to be feeling it. A lot of inspiration comes from other instructors and social media posts - but I have to do it first and be confident that I know how to get the best results for my clients. That’s what I’m there for See more
04.01.2022 Last week I was sitting at my desk at lunch time, listening to the chatter around the office. And I kept hearing good food, bad food. Apparently bad food happens on the weekend and good food is what we force ourselves to eat during the week as penance for the bad food. If we don’t enjoy eating the good food, is it really good for us? I know from previous experience that if I eat food because I’m supposed to, it doesn’t satisfy me and I’ll eventually eat what I really ...wanted anyway. And is bad food really bad if you had a wonderful time enjoying the meal? Seriously, if we ditch the good food/bad food rules, how likely are you to eat pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner???? Eventually your body is going to scream for an apple or delicious bowl of salad. Let’s stop putting moral values on our food and just enjoy it for what it is. Life is too short, let’s enjoy every moment! See more
04.01.2022 True in all aspects of life, including exercise. That’s why I love Restorative Yoga so much - allowing the body to fully relax, release, and rejuvenate to allow you to live your best life.
03.01.2022 I love it when clients tell me how good they feel with Pilates as a regular part of their life - or when their friends have noticed that they are leaner and more toned - or when their partner’s have commented on their shapely butt . Happy to have played a key role!!
03.01.2022 Hands up if you like fairy lights with your early morning Pilates?! Join us 6am Wednesday mornings at the Valley Pool!
03.01.2022 A little bit of Sunday afternoon feet in straps!!
02.01.2022 Yoga teacher training took me way out of my comfort zone today, but I was so lucky to have amazing support and encouragement to help me through. Today’s training was all about inversions including the half handstand-which I’ve tried unsuccessfully numerous times. But today, with Lainie’s guidance, Andy’s support (she literally had my back) and the encouragement of all my class mates, I finally got up the bloody wall! It meant so much that everyone was willing to support me and find a way to make it work - it’s amazing what you can achieve when people are willing to lift you up and help you achieve your best
02.01.2022 This popped up on my feed and it’s too good not to share. I keep hearing people rave about the awesome new diet they are on, how fabulous they feel, how much weight they are losing etc - which is fine, I’m super happy for them. One even said she was going to combine intermittent fasting with Light and Easy - yep I’m sure 2 diets work better than 1 . But the catch with all of them is that they work when you are on them, following the rules to the letter. But then you get bored or frustrated or craving something forbidden or life just gets in the way - and then it stops working. So find something that you can do every day for the rest of your life, that fits in with your routine, that knows you have good days and some not so good days, that knows you and what you and your body like to eat - and enjoy life!!
01.01.2022 I know there’s still a couple of weeks to go in 2019, but when I look back over the year, I am extremely grateful at how 2019 panned out and the fabulous opportunities it brought me. There wasn’t one big life changing moment, but a series of little shifts that ultimately culminated in me being in a much better place than this time last year. I’m loving what I do, I’m loving the studios that I teach at and feel valued by the studio owners, I’m loving what I’ve learnt throughout the year and how much I’ve grown. Most of all I’m loving that by trusting me instincts and allowing things to flow rather than forcing things to happen, made space for people and opportunities to enter my life who weren’t even on my radar. 2019 - you have been amazing and I’m so excited to continue this process in 2020
01.01.2022 I chose a mantra card when I arrived for Yin Yoga teacher training - perfect!
01.01.2022 I love this because this is sometimes how I feel at yoga teacher training! But I’m starting to realise that it doesn’t matter what the pose is called or how you are supposed to breathe, the end goal is the same. Movement in a way that is beneficial for your body, both in the moment and for the long term. Both aim to nurture and strengthen the body and support functional movement patterns in every day life. I love that I get to help my clients improve their daily lives by speaking both Pilates and Yoga!
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