Patricia Giles Centre for Non-Violence in Perth, Western Australia | Social service
Patricia Giles Centre for Non-Violence
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9300 0340
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24.01.2022 they dont get to say what actually happened, they dont get an opportunity to be heard, and they dont get an opportunity to be safe. Family violence services and advocates are calling on federal and state governments to work in partnership to develop a national hotline of specialist trained interpreters for migrant women.
24.01.2022 Waanyi/Kalkadoon woman Sandra Creamer, has recently become a solicitor. She overcome family violence, economic hardship and racism to get there. Sandra says women in family violence situations need to know that while their abusers may harm them physically, dont ever let them take your spirit.
24.01.2022 There is no doubt the federal governments proposed increase in the cost of studying humanities and communications degrees at Australian universities will disproportionally affect women. The idea appears to be to encourage students to leave the humanities and study science instead. Give that, despite a range of initiatives designed to improve the balance of women working in science, maths and IT, they still only make up 27% of the STEM workforce, there are clearly other issues at play.
22.01.2022 When they knew that neighbours had heard their screams, or friends had seen their abusers need for power and control, and those friends and neighbours remained silent they felt further isolated and unsupported. Oftentimes, they dont need you to give them the answers, or want you to tell them what they should do. Ultimately, they want to know that someone cares. That what is happening to them is not OK, and that someone is there for them and every single one of us has the capacity to do that. This article makes the strong point that all a violent perpetrator asks of a bystander is that they do nothing.
21.01.2022 Midway through their teenage years, young Australian women enter a five-year danger zone when they are statistically more likely to be sexually assaulted than any other time in their lives. A report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare points out the perpetrators are likely to be a young man their age who is known to them.
21.01.2022 A third of all homicide and related offences in Australia in 2019 were related to family violence. And of the 125 victims of all homicide and homicide-related offences, almost two thirds were female. The ABS analysis of 2019 crimes also shows that 63% of the assaults in WA were related to family violence. ... You can read more at
20.01.2022 We have BIG plans! Our new strategic plan provides a pathway to build and empower communities free from gender-based violence. The plan builds on our knowledge and expertise and signals our intent to work in violence intervention and prevention, alongside continuing to support those affected by family violence.... We know this is a brave new journey and we have made the first step by changing our name to Patricia Giles Centre for Non-Violence. We believe this better reflects our direction and intent while allowing us to continue to honour our journey so far. You can find out more about our new direction by downloading our strategic plan summary from our website
20.01.2022 Today is RU OK? day a day that asks us all to learn what to say if someone in our life says they are not OK. The main message this year is Theres more to say after R U OK?". By knowing what to say when someone says theyre not OK you can show your care and genuinely help someone access appropriate support long before theyre in crisis. By asking, listening without judgement, encouraging action and checking in, you can help someone you care about.... If you are concerned they are experiencing family violence and abuse you are welcome to get in touch on (08) 9300 0340 for some advice on how to support them. There are some excellent free materials on the RU OK? website
19.01.2022 Today is the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. And it is also day 1 of the 16 Days in WA campaign. Over the next 16 Days we will be highlighting the Power and Control Wheel as part of our family and domestic violence prevention awareness campaign. We urge you to share these posts with everyone you know. Family violence can happen to anyone regardless of age, culture, occupation, community, income, education, or ability. This wheel is a tool used... to explain the different ways an abusive partner achieves power and control to manipulate a relationship. You might recognise these tactics in your own life or notice them in the relationships of your family or friends. As the 16 Days in WA campaign shines a light on family and domestic violence in our community, this is a good time to #becomeaware, be brave enough to seek help, or have a conversation if you are concerned about someone in your life. As family and domestic violence specialists we are here to help so visit us at #16DaysinWA #StopTheViolence #RespectStartsWithMe #justcause
19.01.2022 We have posted warnings in the past about how dangerous stalkerware apps and hardware are. They enable violent perpetrators to track phone activity or movements of others. So it is great to see that Google is banning their advertisements.
19.01.2022 The 16 Days in WA campaign starts tomorrow. Here is the reality of family and domestic violence in WA. 63% of assaults were family and domestic violence-related last year. Last year there were 19,437 family and domestic violence-related victims -up by 10% from the previous year. 49,198 Police Domestic Violence Incident Reports were triaged in 2019-20. Children were present in 15,832 of these cases. ... 11,975 family violence restraining orders were lodged last year. One in 5 WA women reported experiencing partner violence since the age of 15. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women account for 67% of hospitalisations due to family and domestic violence. As many as 56% of youth homelessness cases are linked to family and domestic violence. Family and domestic violence is the leading cause of women’s homelessness. You are invited to create change. You can educate, motivate and advocate in your community, and stand up to stop violence against women. Go to to find out how you can take action. Together we can make a difference. #16daysinWA #respectstartswithyou
19.01.2022 Did you know that 14% of older Australians experience some form of abuse? This can include financial, emotional, physical, social, sexual as well as neglect. This article talks about what elder abuse can look like and provides some really helpful advice on signs for you to watch out for.
19.01.2022 WACOSS is facilitating a Pilbara Family and Domestic Violence Network that aims to eradicate family violence in the region. They are concentrating on co-designing solutions with social services, health professionals, relevant state peak bodies, government agencies, industry partners and those with lived experience. Their current focus is on the priority areas of mens and perpetrator programs, community awareness/education campaigns, and sector connectedness to improve information sharing at a case level. You can download a report of their stakeholder interviews at
18.01.2022 Its concerning that the results of the fourth national survey on sexual harassment in Australian workplaces revealed that sexual harassment is widespread. Even more concerning was the survey showing 40% of sexual harassment experiences were witnessed by a bystander (a THREEFOLD increase since 2012) yet 69% of bystanders did nothing.
18.01.2022 The federal Government has failed to deliver promised $3.3 million scheme that would have stopped family abuse perpetrators hiding their superannuation during Family Court disputes.
17.01.2022 "We need to break the cycle, we need to open the doors up for victims to get proper justice, and we need to find ways to get perpetrators to change their behaviour." This damning report from the Community Development and Justice Standing Committee provides some shocking statistics about the increase in family and domestic violence in WA, and made 84 findings and made 72 recommendation. In line with our new strategic direction and our mission, early intervention and prevention will feature strongly in our future service provision with a whole of family approach that includes working with perpetrators.
17.01.2022 Having a daughter does not make a man decent. Having a wife does not make a decent man. Treating people with dignity and respect makes a decent man. This brilliant speech by US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is making waves and being compared to Julia Gillards misogyny speech.
17.01.2022 If your experience of fear or safety at home has changed during the COVID-19 isolation, then Safer Families are asking if you could fill out a survey. The survey is anonymous and takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. Here is the link Before you participate, please consider your safety and remember browsing history can be checked. There are some great tips on keeping safe online at
16.01.2022 A new report has found that women from migrant and refugee backgrounds are up against a number of challenges when dealing with or trying to escape family violence. They include language barriers, insecure visa status, social isolation and multi-perpetrator violence.
16.01.2022 A project is being undertaken to assess a program designed to build positive gender-related attitudes and respectful peer relationships in Australian schools. The program is called the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships intervention program. It will examine the intervention in Year 7 classrooms in 12 schools across several states, and compare outcomes in those participating schools with others.
15.01.2022 In Australia, the number of women in prison is increasing. And between 70 and 90% of all women in custody have experienced violence and abuse. A paper from ANROWS highlights the close connections between family and sexual violence, and womens experiences of imprisonment. Women can become caught in an horrific cycle where violence increases the risk and effects of imprisonment, and then imprisonment increases the risk and effects of violence. ... You can read more at
15.01.2022 African-Australian entrepreneur and activist Khadija Gbla sees a future where every little girl can dream her wildest dreams, free from the threat of sexual violence and female genital mutilation.
14.01.2022 When an AFL footballer was subject to extreme online abuse recently, police acted quickly. They identified his abuser and made an arrest. So why dont they act quickly, or in fact at all, when women are the target of online abuse?
14.01.2022 During homelessness week, Homelessness Australia released interactive heat-maps to show just how how widespread homelessness is right across Australia. The maps clearly show that homelessness and social housing shortfalls occur in every federal electorate.
13.01.2022 Respect, Injustice, Standards, Equality, Unity, Peace. That is what RISE UP stands for. The Opals have launched the RISE UP campaign with Basketball Australia. They are asking Australians to help eradicate racism, discrimination and injustice for Aboriginal people, Torres Strait Islander people, and people of colour.... We recommend you take a look at their powerful video in the article below.
12.01.2022 Just Cause is our social enterprise brand that aims to encourage people to #becomeaware of family and domestic violence. The first Just Cause campaign is all about increasing awareness of the Power and Control Wheel that is at the centre of all gender-based violence. By purchasing a Just Cause product at or making a donation at, you are directly supporting people affected by or... escaping family and domestic violence. #justcause See more
11.01.2022 Our research demonstrates that male and female Aboriginal Elders have a positive role to play in preventing family violence and resolving conflict. A new report shows that while Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Law and Culture are features of everyday life in many communities, mainstream legal and government practice undermines them. You can read more at
11.01.2022 Do you remember the joy as a child of swinging through the air? Or hanging from your favourite monkey bars? Then you can imagine how special it was for children in our refuges to receive their own play equipment in their unit during the COVID lockdown. So while there were restrictions on the use of communal playground equipment, at least we could provide somewhere for normal childhood play for children who had escaped the trauma of family violence all thanks to a grant Lotterywest. And because of their prompt action, we could also buy urgent food vouchers when the usual food services we rely upon were unable to operate. We are so grateful to be one of the many not for profit organisations Lotterywest has been supporting during this challenging year. #lotterywest
10.01.2022 RMIT University researchers want to hear from young Australians who use social media to prevent gender-based violence. They want to hear from anyone between 16 and 25 years old, living in Australia, who has shared or created content online to prevent gender-based violence. They will be conducting voluntary online focus groups which will take a maximum of 90 minutes. To participate, or for more info contact [email protected].
09.01.2022 Using intimidation is one of the tactics used by abusers highlighted in the Power and Control Wheel. This can manifest in various ways. It can be as subtle as a stare across a room, or as overt as threatening to be violent unless they see submission. Past abuse and violence are used to instil fear. Certain behaviours are used to instil fear. It is time to #becomeaware of family and domestic violence. If you can recognise these tactics, or are worried about a friend or member, please go to We are here to help. #16DaysinWA #StopTheViolence #RespectStartsWithMe #justcause See more
08.01.2022 Only with your donations can we make a difference to families experiencing family and domestic violence who are in our refuges. We are in urgent need of: - deodorant - shampoo and conditioner - for adults and children - nappies, sizes 10kg+... - new underwear - for women and children in all sizes Your donations will make the world of difference to these families and enable us to support all of their needs. Having to leave your home due to family and domestic violence is a difficult decision to make, and most have to leave everything behind to seek safety at a refuge. So next time you are grocery shopping why not purchase a few items from our list and drop them at our new Merriwa Hub. Where: Merriwa Hub - 21 Lansdowne Place, Merriwa Drop off times: Thursday 27th August between 10am & 4pm and Friday 28th between 10am & 4pm Ring the bell and one of our team will come to meet you (please dont leave donations outside). We thank you for supporting us. See more
06.01.2022 Tell me a story about why Daddy gets mad. This thoughtful and personal article looks at the long term effects on children of violence and abuse in their home and how it can contribute to the cycle of violence.
05.01.2022 Despite more men contracting COVID19 than women, experts are warning that the pandemic could set gender equity back decades. This article talks to seven women located across the globe about the impact on them and their communities, and how they see their future.
03.01.2022 This is National Homelessness week. In any one night over 9,000 people in WA are homeless, and a third of those are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people. The reasons people become homeless are many and varied but we know that family and domestic violence leads the pack at 42%. ... In WA there are currently 14,000 applicants on the social housing waitlist and the wait time averages 2.5 years. We need to invest in social housing. And we need culturally led and culturally designed solutions to help end homelessness for Aboriginal peoples. Find out more from Shelter WA. #endhomelessness
03.01.2022 If we want to stop violence, we need to think about it as a social problem, where the solution is social change. That is where prevention comes in These words are from the recent address to the National Press Club by Natasha Stott Despoja from Our Watch. She made the point the coronavirus recovery could be used as an "opportunity for a transformative agenda when it comes to economy and society", and called for a systemic response from business, government and the community.
02.01.2022 "My kids wake up in a safe home. Theres no yelling. Theres no screaming. They dont see me being assaulted. They dont live in fear of when Daddys going to hold us hostage again." Joan started a business Women Get It Done to give independence to other women experiencing family violence and significant barriers to employment.
01.01.2022 So why DOES does the phrase woman scientist exist?
01.01.2022 With women disproportionately affected by COVID-19 it is even more reason to #RaisetheRateforGood
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