Patricias Hair Salon in Grafton, New South Wales, Australia | Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
Patricias Hair Salon
Locality: Grafton, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 6642 1038
Address: 237 Hoof Street 2460 Grafton, NSW, Australia
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21.01.2022 Ending mind control weaponised forced abduction chemical weaponry gulags in Australia; After prolonged forced abduction; Chemical warfare gulag tourture comes... stroke & destruction of cardiovascular health & syndromes such as neuroleptic malignant syndromes causes death; Many many people in Australia have been murdered buy auxiliaries & forced abduction chemical weaponry gulags in Australia; & police auxiliaries were abducting & rapeing their chemical warfare tortured victims for pregnancy category testing' s & chemical weapon gulag's fund's extortion's: & Scott Morrison announced a Billion dollars plus for a murderaus extortion forced abduction, chemical weaponry warfare gulag's in Australia that staffers of auxillireies & pty staffer adviser's are createing forced abduction police rapeing auxillireies for pregnancy cattogory testings, for other extortion mecanisums's by forced abduction chemical weaonry gulags in Australia; See more
08.01.2022 Please Do Visit And Share
06.01.2022 We saw a murderaus tourtoraus chemical warfare rampage by hitler in germany, we see german scientist's korean scientist's & other Asian country scientist's crea...teing chemical warafre in labs around Australia, we saw Alsad in syria use chemical warfare on the populess of that country & yet again those that represent a Crown in this country and are staffers of liberal labour and national pty's in Australia a stealthy scott morrison comitt's a billion dollar pluss to a murderaus tourtoraus chemical warfare rampage on the populess of Australia of an abduct and drug and tourture with mind controle chemical warfare and many murders and distruction of life expentancy in Australia of abduct & drug and tourture of vicious violent abduct & drug and tourture regeimes; With in scott morrisons labour liberal & national pty abduct and drug and tourture with chemical weaponry warafre as we saw hitler, alsad and those that represent a crown in this country of Australia; See more
04.01.2022 Its bad enough 80% of the population of Australia are in homless rental bank house investment exploits; & yetagain scott morrison comitts a billion dollar expan...sion of a murderaus tourtoraus brain snip mind control chemical warfare civil war on the populess of Australia; 404tdq when she walked down the stairs punched a fly screen window in, Prior too that i had an agressive abusive knock at at my unowned homeless rental investment exploit from repeal of 1970 too 1975 the abusive violent driver of 404tdq was knocking violently on the glass door; That not yet compotent property manager that is not yet compotent to the existing federal training package; When the agressive abusive violent driver of 404tdq violent abusive knock at the glass door & violent and abusive punch in of a screen window while the abusive and violent driver of 404tdq punched the scren window in; then the driver of 244rck stole some potting mix and chillie plant's then he sabotaged my boat paint and the owner of 244rck was being verry antisocial with agressive knocks too my screen door; When ever 244rck walk on their floor turn a tap on or water running down the drain i can hear it; then i have abusive qld labour police pussy's knocking violently on my door; and the qld labour police are verry agreesive murderaus abduct and drug and tourture abusive; then he threatend too steal my guitar; & when ever i ring the murderaus tortoraus qld labour police pussy's of abduct & drug & tourture with cival war mind control chemical warfare they say withdraw your complaint; I was just made homeless yet again from an already homeless residential exploit from repeal 1970 too 1975 in which 244rck and joleane wagner paid the judge off; And appealed too the high court; minus the collins family high court judge; Too start when there are settlement's by private treaty's in property disputes ownership title document's, tennats are required too be notified about ownership trust changes; Document received from QLD government 15/10/2018 Updated to phone request on the 18/10/2018 Labeled 0021/18 Request Phone Court Apearence as fuel for vehicle low to tully magistrate: Submit website League For Republic Democracy Of Australia Iam currently a resident that has sufferd inacurate breachers by negligent porperty manager in maintaining condition of managed property; At the moment its a viscious collins wagner faulse breachers as im all ready suffering from trust receipts that read sellers that now read collins receipts for rental homless property investment exploits in a viscious wagner collins trust receipts that change from sellers too collins recepts; The reason after non lawfull breachers viscious and violent agressive violent and abusive knocks on a private entrance too my bedroom by 404tdq known as emma; Then violent and antisocal abusive knocks on the screen door by 244rck on the screen door and the theft of chillie plant's theft of chillies theft of potting mix and damage too the boat paint by 404tdq share partner 244rck to the boat paint and floor by being moved under the tree; And in Russia transgender Australians are not allowed too drive on the road; too add after i first started transitiong too my transgender female my tyre was slit; Trust receipt did read sellers now it reads collins there was a viscious circles of wagner and collins; False breacher by wagner and collins 1988 privacy breach filming and entrance without permission as unlawfull entrances were made; wagner had advised me all keys would be givern and not all keys were givern; Too all doors; And as well as the viscious punch in of the bathroom window the car tyre slit and blow out on the highway; When i went too ring and make a complaint about 404tdq joleane wagner under the visous collins wagner circles; It was david ervine in a foi release that once said favoratisum in government circles was unethical in government circles against viscious circles such as wagner and collins circles; To add my brother ben was renting in a homeless rental extortion investment and his windows were smashed in by posibly a collins wagner property circles then the qld police through homless rental extortion payment invent's homeless; Current trades utility read's 708SAI White duel cab utillity in carport, that carport was in 2/2 bunting Too add there where a pile of rocks dumped out the front of shed door by freinds of 404tdq and 244rck out the front of shed roller door; Current trades utility read's 708SAI White duel cab utillity in carport, that that carport was in 2/2 bunting and glen laghed and said he was insurerd; The reason for the compensation from MBPM and joleane wagner was the threats of further homlessness after the theft of chillies damage too boat by 404tdq share partner 244rck too the boat paint and floor; Theft of potty mix damage too plants of chillies and other herb and other potted plants, viscious and violent knock on the glass door; Viscious and violent knock on the screen door puch in of window by 404tdq or freind of 404tdq walking down the stairs punching in the bathroom window; And false breacher's in a vicious wagner collins circles; And when glen turned up after receipts changed from sellers too collins and i showed glen my vanilla vine and said i water every few days and takes four years to grow too maturity he laughed and said im insured; Iam a verry social person; There are too different definitions of the word pussy meaning cellulitic pussy food aditive and pussy cellulitic bovine feotal blood and pussy cellulitic soy bean and pussy celulitic pulp fruit skins; and bovine feotal blood pussy bovine feotal blood sacks; and who pays for grammer dictionary grammer definitions and spelling literacy with many different pronunciations as well as the term pussy cat; I met the upstairs tenant on starta body corporate ground with a welcomeing handshake; Ruth ally advised after the other upstairs tennant moved out a new tennant would be moving in upstatirs; at 1/2 bunting st wongaling beach; i had my boat in the newly agreed shed; at that stage a social network had said he had done the wrong thing regarding a carport; I had just been firerd after being dusted with white dust in a paddack at work; From s/low and sons/; An unlawfull vicious violent agressive abusive bang bang bang knock knock knock at the bedroom entrance by 404tdq at my 1 bedroom studio glass door acurerd; after an all night study session I went back too sleep; & moved my car after glens as joleane wagner had said glen was visiting the property prior too the tennat's before 404tdq and 244rck that were renting upstairs as ruth had said; There were many false breachers by joleane wagner on me Harry Stiller by joleane wagner 404tdq & 244rck at the homless rental investment exploit from the repeal of 1970 & 1975; After i moved my boat out of the shed and put a drop sheet down with a tin of paint; 404tdq rang ruth alley mission beach property management and sent 4 peices of paper and took a photo; Then her partner agressivly abusivly 244rck was knocking on my homless rental extortion payment residential exploit from repeal 1970 too 1975; At that time i was parking my car on the street and had part of my tyre slit and blew out on the highway on the way back from innisfail; So after the inacurate 11 remerdy breach notices 11 regarding painting my boat with a drop sheet; being dusted in a padack with white dust and suffering from the white dust that was dusted in the paddack; the freind of 404 tdq registration known as emma moved my boat after a fresh tin of paint new floor safty; mudgards; and new tyrers and engine of engine on; repair; Rego; There have been 4 inacurate form 11 breach notices the previous trust on the receipt were seller's now it has change hands two collins; in wich it has allways been paid in full and uptoo date; 404tdq upstairs resident was knocking and banging abusivly on the glass door after that her 244rck is knocking and banging agresivly on the screen door and prior too that the 404tdq known as emma or a freind of emma 404tdq pushed agresivly my bathroom window in when walking down the stairs; then i had some chillie plants stolen chillie seed pods and other chillies from the plant's by 404tdq upstairs tennant share partner 244rck; I tried to ring and make a complaint about 244rck 404tdq too the police thogh when ever i rang too make a compliant all i would get on the phone is withdraw compliant; False form 11 breachers under collins receipts to add my brother's bens windows were smashed in and he was made homeless; I am claiming the $11,000.00 for damage of boat paint by 404tdq share partner that moved the boat after i had moved the boat to a position that was not blocking access for a driver with an open licence at the residence; in which was coummunity; The noise when ever the is walking on the second floor i can hear it; when ever thae hot water system or air conditioner is on of upstairs i can hear; I requested to the propperty manager many times for the 50hz too 60hz airconditioner that once on temp continues too be turned up; i advised the property mangement that i did not authorize 1988 privacy filming or unlawfull entrances without permission; The door's were unlawfully opend by others with out permission; i made a compliant too police though all i got was i dont want to hear this; Then when i rang to police too make a complaint about 404tdq 244rck and mission beach property management ruth alley and joleane wagner under collins trust faulse 11 breacher on Me; Iam further abused by 11 remerdy breacher and breachers by thr property managment under the collins trust receipts that are givern when ever i pay the rental extortion fees; for homlessness; League For Republic Democracy Of Australia I would be homeless with termination all current form 11 breachers have been inacurate on my self caracter and reputation smear from collins trust and unlawfull faulse 11 breach forms issued issued under joleane wagner and 404tdq and 244 rck Reply to document sent 10/15/2018 too my homlees rental residental extortion adress 2/2 bunting st wongaling beach And claim the$1.500,000.00 against unlawfull threats of furthers homlessness and abuse sufferd by 404tdq and 244rck after calling police and being told withdraw your complaint claim on notice of hearing 0021/18 I wont be able to attend in person as im sweltering with negligent hz air condition tempreture going up and down and all over the place with limited fuel till the next fuel up; 0484111553 Too add when 244rck share partner freind of 404tdq arived back at bunting st had said it’s gone too judge & said; judge had been paid; Too add a innisfail number rang me and said it was innisfail court; and said send what you sent too the court too send too mission beach property management; in which I did send to Mission Beach Property Management too Ruth Alley minius the claim bellow ending chemical warfare; Joleane Wagner at mobile number +61438362626 has sent text too my mobile number 0484111553 and the message reads the following; Hi Harry Please contact Ruth regarding the warrant of possession which is effective as of tomorrow. You Will need to be vacated of the property within 2 weeks. Regards Jolene Mission beach property management ; end of message from mobile number +61438362626 I was just made homeless yet again no difference been homeless my whole life enslaved in slavery entrapment and bank residential homelessness exploits, from an already homeless residential exploit from repeal 1970 too 1975 in which 244rck and joleane wagner paid the judge off; Too start when there are settlement's by private treaty's in property disputes ownership title document's, Homeless tennent slaves definition property exploit homelesness, tennants are required too be notified about ownership trust changes; Such as ownership title document's in settle by private treaty going from sellers too collins; And tennants must be notified of "intention too sell" prior to reagreeing or continuation of tenancy in sales by private treaty's as in this case whent from sellers too collins; & no notification of intention too sell was givern to ocupying homeless slavery exploited tenant, 80% of Australians are allready enslaved in property managment bank slavery homeless residential rental slavery homelessness exploit's
03.01.2022 Cheif President Harry J Stiller League For Republic Democracy Of Australia Only started too end it's government revenue minstry that constitution dissalowed, Give the People Of Australia A strong Indipendent Republic Of Australia Government On Planet Earth, End liberal labour national pty's viscious fortification of viscious cival war gulagisum, End liberal labour national pty visciuos airline slave trade, End liberal labour national pty's viscious fortifications of viscious residential slavery forced consumption, And too end viscious extortions on family household budget's by house hold solar power generation theft's then liberal mates cut solar power return too grid rebate, & too give all household stability in residential and 8.8kwh household solar power generation & complimentry residential, End viscious cut's too employment standards that were not employment standards too begin with, End the viscious liberal labour misuse of black budget administration's, & too give the People & Business Of Australia a Fair & Honest Taxation & Refund Government, All Founding Slides Of Beginning & Executive Directive's Cheif President/ League For Republic Democracy Of Australia Did not expect the big viscious cival war manipulation that acured in the politics itself that has accurerd and the manner it did,
03.01.2022 Currently In Australia Scott Morrison comitts a Billion Dollars + expansion of a vicious civil chemical brain snip abduct and drug civil chemical warfare rampage on the populess of Australia;
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