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24.01.2022 SECRET CHINA FREE TRADE DEAL WE WILL TRY TO STOP Prior to the 2015 Australia-China Free Trade Agreement (CHAFTA), China was required to seek the Foreign Investment Review Board's (FIRB) approval for purchases over $245 million for non-land acquisitions. The Liberal / National coalition, Labor and Greens supported lifting the threshold to $1.192 billion.... Because of this, China continue to buy Australia's water licences and other non-land acquisitions without scrutiny by the FIRB. Tomorrow I will put a Notice of Motion to the Senate that calls on the government to suspend all foreign investment under CHAFTA until China participates in the promised 5 year review and restores trading with Australia in all areas. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #China #CHAFTA #FreeTradeAgreement

24.01.2022 ONE NATION'S HOW TO VOTE GUIDE FOR THE QLD ELECTION One Nation is standing a huge field of 90 candidates in this Queensland election so chances are you will have a One Nation candidate in your seat! To find out how we recommend you vote in your electorate, click the link below to view the How to Vote Card of your local One Nation candidate.... Thank you to everyone who has already voted for One Nation so far and thank you to everyone who plans to vote for One Nation on October 31st. With your help, we can turn Queensland around! #PaulineHanson #OneNation #QLDVotes #QLDVotesOneNation

24.01.2022 WUHAN LAB ACCUSED OF LEAKING VIRUS According to a senior US official, there is now strong evidence that the coronavirus was leaked from a Chinese biological weapons research laboratory. From the Australian, "Matthew Pottinger, a deputy national security adviser, claimed in a Zoom call to politicians around the world that there was 'a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus'."... "He said intelligence showed that the virus had been leaked from the heavily guarded Wuhan Institute of Virology, 11 miles from the market." These claims come as the World Health Organisation begins its so-called "investigation" into the source of the coronavirus. An investigation they have already stated will not find anyone guilty. What is clear is that China has some serious questions to answer about the origin of COVID-19 and their cover-up attempts that helped unleash it on the world. This sham of an investigation by the WHO with its predetermined outcome will do nothing but provide additional cover for the Chinese Communist party so they never have to answer for their crimes. #PaulineHanson #OneNation

23.01.2022 SHOULD POLITICIANS FACE A BONK BAN? I don't think it's the business of a political party or parliament to ban relationships amongst parliamentarians. Despite the ABC's hit job tonight on 4 Corners, politicians deserve a private life outside of their work committments.... #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #BonkBan #ABC #Politicians

23.01.2022 ONE NATION WILL RESTORE LAW AND ORDER TO QUEENSLAND The facts speak for themselves, Annastacia Palaszczuk's Labor party has been terrible on crime. The most recent figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics make for ugly reading:... "There were 2,621 victims of robbery in 2019, which was the largest number recorded over the ten-year time series. This was the fifth consecutive annual increase. " "In 2019, there were 41,912 victims of unlawful entry with intent in Queensland. This was an 8% increase from 2018 and the fourth consecutive annual increase." "The number of victims of motor vehicle theft increased to 14,466 victims in 2019. This was the largest number of victims for this offence since 2010." "The number of victims of other theft increased to 136,877 victims in 2019. This was the highest number of victims for this offence recorded in ten years." Link: As you can see Labor has driven robberies, break-ins and vehicle theft up to their highest levels in a decade! This is why One Nation is leading the way with our comprehensive Law and Order plan: And our comprehensive Youth Justice plan: Only One Nation has the guts and determination to do what needs to be done and to say what needs to be said so we can put an end to Labor's crime spree! #PaulineHanson #OneNation #QLDVotesOneNation #QLDVotes #LawAndOrder #AnnastaciaPalaszczuk #PaulMurray #PMLive

22.01.2022 LABOR BACK CHINA'S BELT & ROAD INITIATIVE We're in the Senate now debating amendments by Labor that will weaken Australia's Foreign Relations (State & Territory Arrangements) Bill 2020. Labor should stop representing the interests of China and start representing Australia.... #Auspol #PaulineHanson #China #BoycottChina #PennyWong

22.01.2022 CLIMATE EXTREMISTS CAUSE CHAOS WITH BRISBANE ROADBLOCK Once again climate extremists have engaged in criminal activity and shut down Brisbane City. Spreading lies and causing chaos, these ratbags parked a truck across one of the city's main roads. ... These climate extremists have been emboldened by a lack of pushback from Queensland Labor and a lack of punishment for their crimes. Until we see actual punishments handed out this will continue and it's the everyday working Aussies trying to go about their lives who will continue to suffer.

21.01.2022 AUSTRALIA MUST CONTROL THE IMMIGRATION FLOODGATES Before the COVID-19 pandemic reckless mass immigration policies were driving up Australia's net-population by hundreds of thousands of people every year. What you might be surprised to learn is that in 2020 Australia's population is still estimated to have grown by 1.3% and the majority of this growth was due to immigration.... According to the ABS, in 2020 Australia's population grew by 321,300 people. Even with international travel restrictions due to COVID-19, net overseas migration accounted for the 57.3 per cent of this growth. LINK | Australians are sick of the population Ponzi scheme! With wages stagnant and with many struggling to find work they do not want mass migration to continue to drive up the population to unsustainable levels! #PaulineHanson #OneNation

21.01.2022 CHINA STILL NOT HELD TO ACCOUNT OVER COVID With Christmas just around the corner and a new spike in COVID-19 cases causing states to shut their borders, enforce new lockdowns and cancel events, it's important to remember that China has yet to be held accountable for unleashing this pandemic. For nearly a year so far, the authoritarian Chinese Communist Party has done everything it can to hide from reasonable scrutiny and lashed out at nations, Like Australia, when we call for... transparency. We cannot reward these bully tactics and we must continue to push for China to be held accountable for causing so much damage. #PaulineHanson #OneNation

21.01.2022 THE CHINESE BILLIONAIRE BUYING UP LAND AND BREAKING THE LAW There was a shocking segment on last night's A Current Affair that suggests still not enough is being done to stop foreign interests buying up our pristine land and trying to take advantage of our nation. How can someone who has copped so many fines continue to be allowed to buy up land and be granted approvals? How can it be in our national interest? ... If you or I acted like this we would probably wind up behind bars but it seems if you are a Chinese billionaire with money to burn you can get away with nearly anything.

20.01.2022 HOLIDAY HIT LIST CANCELS CAROLS BUT CHINESE NEW YEAR IN THE CLEAR I'm not sure anyone can figure out the logic behind what is being allowed and what is being cancelled this Christmas season. What does seem clear though, is if it has anything to do with Christmas or celebrating Australia it's at the top of the holiday hit list.

20.01.2022 TIME TO PUT CHINA LAST ON YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST For decades I have warned you that shortsighted politicians were putting too many of our eggs in the China basket. Despite my warnings, the Liberals, Nationals, and Labor allowed our nation to become overexposed to China and now we are paying the price.... This is why I am calling on the people of Australia to take the action our government refuses to do and boycott Chinese products. China must be held accountable for unleashing the coronavirus pandemic on the world, for their economic attacks against our nation, and their disgraceful smears against our diggers. Enough is enough, make sure China is last on you Christmas shopping list! #BoycottChina

20.01.2022 THURSDAY ISLAND COLOUR RUN I made a commitment to the Torres Strait Island communities to visit them each year to ensure they get the same representation as other parts of Queensland. One of the highlights was getting involved in the weekend's colour run. I didn't bring my joggers, so ended up running it barefoot.... Honestly, if you're planning a Queensland holiday, take the time to put the Torres Strait Island's on your bucket list. A stunning part of our country with incredibly warm and welcoming locals. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Cook #TorresStrait #ThursdayIsland

19.01.2022 QUEENSLAND BORDER RULES LEAD TO MORE HEARTBREAK Another week, another heartbreaking story that defies all logic. It beggars belief that we can fill stadiums full of people to watch the State Of Origin but can do nothing to help a family be together during the most difficult of times.... My heart goes out to this family and to everyone who has been put through the wringer by these border lockdowns.

19.01.2022 LABOR NEEDS TO STOP PROTECTING SEX OFFENDERS One Nation supports the creation of a Queensland Sex Offenders public register and website. When this was last debated in the Queensland parliament Annastacia Palaszczuk's Labor party voted in down.... Yet the threat still remains. From the Australian, "A massive police operation has busted an international pedophile ring sharing some of the most extreme child abuse material produced, resulting in charges against 44 Australian men and the rescue of 16 children." This includes, "In Queensland, 11 alleged offenders...a police officer, security guard, bicycle repair man, demolition contractor, tradesman, student, transport worker and the unemployed." Under current Queensland laws, any of these men found guilty could one day be freed to prowl the streets and the general public would be totally in the dark. This is unacceptable. One Nation believes the safety of children should always come before the comfort of sex offenders and pedophiles. #PaulineHanson #OneNation #QLDVotes #QLDVotesOneNation

19.01.2022 CHINA'S COVID COVER-UP CONTINUES One of the Chinese citizens who blew the whistle on early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan has been sentenced to four years in prison for "picking fights and provoking trouble" as the Chinese Communist Party continues its desperate coronavirus cover-up. China's authoritarian rulers will do whatever it takes to avoid reasonable scrutiny. Whether this means imprisoning anyone who reports their lies or launching economic attacks on nation...s, like Australia, that call for honesty, transparency and accountability. The fact that they would be so desperate as to imprison one of their own citizens for "picking fights and provoking trouble" only shows you how much they have to hide. #PaulineHanson #OneNation

18.01.2022 PREDATORY FOREIGN OWNERSHIP PETITION Firstly, thanks to everyone who signed my petition to stop predatory foreign ownership. I will table this petition tomorrow in the Senate, so your voices will be heard. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Petition #ForeignOwnership #Senate

18.01.2022 ONE NATION WILL DELIVER REPRESENTATION FOR ALL QUEENSLANDERS Because Queensland has no upper house if a party controls the lower house it has absolute power and Labor has held absolute power in Queensland for far too long. One Nation has proven that when we hold the balance of power, as we do in the federal Senate and in the upper houses of NSW and Western Australia, we hold the majors to account and deliver real results to those the other parties have forgotten.... If you want your Government to be held accountable your best bet is supporting One Nation. #PaulineHanson #OneNation #AcrossAustralia #PeterGleeson #QldVotes #QldVotesOneNation

18.01.2022 'CASH BAN' BILL HAS BEEN DEFEATED I'm very happy to tell you that Malcolm Roberts and the One Nation team successfully had the Government's Cash Ban Bill defeated and banished from the parliament yesterday. The Bill would have removed your rights to have anymore than $10,000 in cash, with fines and jail terms for anyone who broke the law.... Well done Malcolm, and congratulations to the tens of thousands of you who helped us to apply the pressure to this Government and the Labor Party who were both very supportive of the drafted legislation. #auspol #PaulineHanson #CashBan #Legislation #Bill #MalcolmRoberts

18.01.2022 VIRUS INVESTIGATORS REFUSED ENTRY INTO CHINA China's leaders know that the even smallest amount of scrutiny will completely expose their COVID-19 cover-up. Why else would they block the World Health Organisation's investigators from entering the county? Remember, the WHO has already said their investigation will not find anyone guilty.... China has the WHO in their back pocket so you know if they are running scared from that investigation it has got to be bad! #PaulineHanson #OneNation

18.01.2022 HAVE YOUR SAY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! So far 13,824 Australians have signed the petition to stop predatory foreign ownership. Next week, when parliament resumes I will have the opportunity to table it before the Senate and have it put on the permanent record.... This means if you care about the damage being done to our nation by foreign predation there is still time to sign and spread the word. Australia is not for sale!

18.01.2022 GLOBALIST ELITE'S PUSH FOR "THE GREAT RESET" EXPOSED The Chinese Coronavirus pandemic has not just brought a lot of pain and suffering it has also brought a plague of propaganda as globalist elites around the world push for "The Great Reset". Along with the "The Great Reset" has come other meaningless phrases such as "The New Normal" and "Build Back Better" which have been bandied about by politicians keen to exploit the pandemic to further their own agenda.... Rowan Dean has done a great job exposing that hiding behind these catchphrases are deeply destructive economic and social policies that will only cause everyday Australians pain. Scratch beneath the surface and you will soon see that this is simply another attempt by the global elites to ram their damaging climate change policies and left-wing social politics down people's throats. Australia should have nothing to do with this so-called "Great Reset". Furthermore, Australia should remove itself from the Paris Climate Agreement and any other international agreement that doesn't put the interests of Australians first and foremost! #PaulineHanson #OneNation #RowanDean #Outsiders #TheGreatReset

17.01.2022 LOCALS ALLEGE CHINESE DEVELOPERS CUT DOWN KESWICK ISLAND CHRISTMAS TREE Some disturbing new allegations have emerged related to the behaviour of Chinese developers on Keswick Island. According to media reports, a woman who lives on the island told reporters she "is convinced the developer removed a pine tree that locals had been using as a community Christmas tree for 12 years a tree they decorated with ornaments each year."... The local woman also told reporters she nurtured the tree "along from 1-2m high over the past 12 years," and at Christmas, she "decorated it for all to enjoy on the corner a place where locals, friends, passing boaties, and visitors from around the world would gather to watch the sunset over the mainland Mackay and Hay Point. Pictures circulating online show the tree decorated in 2019 and the stump where it once stood. If you think what is happening on Keswick Island is totally unacceptable then please consider signing this petition: It is vital we ensure that incidents like the one occurring on Keswick Island will never happen again. #FreeKeswickIsland

16.01.2022 AUSTRALIA CONTINUES TO BUY 'UNOBTANIUM' For anyone interested in the debate between hydrocarbon fuels versus renewables might be interested in this informative video. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Renewable #Energy #Coal #Gas #Solar #Wind

16.01.2022 FOREIGN BUYERS GIFTED UP TO $50,000 REBATES ON NEW HOMES Did you know your taxes might be going towards generous rebate schemes that are allowing foreigners to claim up to $50,000 when purchasing new homes in Australia? It has been reported that "Chinese buyers are being lured back to the Australian property market by generous government rebates of up to $50,000 on a new home, with calls to extend the incentive schemes past their expiry dates next year."... "Western Australia currently has the most generous incentives available to non-citizens, with a 75 per cent rebate on the foreign buyer duty for off-the-plan purchases, capped at $50,000." "In Victoria, rebates of up to $27,500 are available under the land transfer duty waiver scheme." In a time when so many Aussies are doing it tough and struggling to rent let alone buy a new home, it beggars belief that our state governments could be so quick to hand over your taxes to wealthy overseas buyers. #PaulineHanson #OneNation #OneNationAus

16.01.2022 ONE NATION'S 2020 QLD CAMPAIGN KEEPS ON TRUCKING! When you are trying to get the media and politicians to pay attention to anything outside of the South East Corner of Queensland sometimes you have to take dramatic action! I think most people would agree, the One Nation campaign vehicle has the tired buses those other parties are using beat!... Electorates like Rockhampton and Keppel have been ignored for far too long but I'm committed to doing whatever it takes to get them and the rest of the forgotten areas of Queensland, their fair share! #PaulineHanson #OneNation #QLDVotes #QLDVotesOneNation

16.01.2022 PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR CHINESE BOYCOTT GROWS We all know China's recent attacks against Australia are in response to our calls for them to be held accountable for unleashing the COVID-19 pandemic on the world. This is unacceptable and Australia has to say enough is enough.... I want Australia to end our overreliance on China and refocus on rebuilding our nation's jobs and self-sufficiency. But until then I am calling for Australians to vote with their wallets and boycott Chinese products. Australia can stand on its own two feet and must never bend the knee to bullies like China.

15.01.2022 CHINA'S BELT & ROAD INITIATIVE CLOSING IN AROUND AUSTRALIA Launched in 2013, China's Belt & Road Initiative is predicted to spend as much as $1.2 - $1.3 trillion on infrastructure around the world by 2027. Projects are funded using low-interest loans as opposed to aid grants, but countries must use Chinese firms to complete the work.... More than 60 countries have signed up to the deal, representing around two-thirds of the world's population. When a country can't make the repayment, like a pawnbroker, the Chinese Government swoops in and takes the infrastructure asset and more. It's called DEBT for EQUITY and is China's Trojan horse for regional development and military expansion. So far Australia has managed to resist partnering with the Belt & Road Initiative, often referred to as the BRI by politicians like Daniel Andrews who want to gloss over the full term. But neighbouring countries like New Zealand and Pacific Island nations can't get enough of China's cheap money. Politicians and the public here in Australia must stay vigilant when it comes to the ever-increasing influence China is having on our future. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #BRI #China #ChAFTA #FreeTradeAgreement #FREE

15.01.2022 THE BIG PROBLEM WITH BIG TECH CENSORSHIP The issue of big tech censorship has reached a boiling point. Platforms like Facebook and to a lesser extent Twitter, have given me a way to communicate with the Australian people even when mainstream media refuses to report on much of my work.... However, as we have seen during the American election and its aftermath, the rules regarding what these platforms allow people to see are often vague or selectively enforced with an apparent bais against conservatives. I have personally had to deal with suspensions, post removals and other measures that limit the reach and the variety of issues I am able to discuss with you on social media. In order to justify why they should be allowed to operate under a different set of rules to those that govern other media, these big tech giants have long argued that they are "platforms" and not publishers. This argument gets weaker by the day as it becomes more obvious that these companies wield huge control over what people can post and how information is distributed to users.

15.01.2022 BORDERS UNDER 24/7 WATCH Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) with PNG is closed due to the coronavirus and a watchful eye is being kept by the Australian Border Force and Australian Defence Force. I've just returned from Australia's most northern point called Saibai Island, which sits less than 4km from PNG. You could easily swim from country to country if it wasn't for the crocs.... Charlie Company is made up of full-time Defence personnel and more than 100 Army Reservists who come from the Torres Strait Island communities who know these waters better than anyone. There are no five-star hotels for these guys to stay in. You can see first hand the ADF sleeping conditions from these pictures. They're doing a great job in keeping coronavirus out of the Torres Strait Island communities and the whole of Australia. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #coronavirus #torresstrait #fnq #AustralianDefence #borderforce

15.01.2022 GOVERNMENT GIVES GREEN-LIGHT TO GLOBALISTS Today I attemped to have the Senate acknowledge that the adopting the policies of the World Economic Forum’s proposed ‘Great Reset’ would have a devastating impact on the economic wellbeing and individual freedoms of Australians. I also called for the Government to boycott all World Economic Forum events in protest of their ‘Great Reset’ agenda.... My proposal was defeated 2 - 37 after the Liberals and the Nationals allied with Labor and the Greens. It is an absolute travesty that the Australian Government has sided with the globalists of the World Economic Forum and their Great Reset agenda against the interests of everyday Australians. This is a group of global lefty elites billionaires, business executives, and celebrities who think they know better than us how to run our own country. Their agenda for 2021 is to use fear of a pandemic to push this Great Reset a complete overhaul of our nations way of life. These policies should be rejected and condemned. The polices of the Great Reset would destroy our economy with climate change regulations that will have no effect lowering global temperatures but a huge effect raising electricity prices. Not to mention, push socialist and neo-Marxist policies onto Australians without the people’s consent and pave the way for big controlling government, suppression of free speech, and reduced property rights. This so-called reset is absolute rubbish and we should make a stand to play no part in it, to protect Australians, our sovereignty and our way of life.

15.01.2022 AUSTRALIA SHOULD LEARN FROM USA FOREST FIRES They say that those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I sincerely hope that our leaders have learned the lessons from our last bushfire season and also take note of what we are learning about fires around the world. Forest mismanagement leading to the build-up of ground fuel is the driving force behind these fires. We saw this in Australia and now we are seeing the United States dealing with the same dangers.... Rather than trying to reduce the temperature of the planet by destroying our economic capacity and driving up electricity prices, it is practical action in reducing the build-up of ground fuel and better land management that will save property, wildlife and lives. #PaulineHanson #OneNation

15.01.2022 LABOR DELIVER CHRISTMAS SNUB TO COAL MINERS Australian coal mining communities, already under siege from Chinese trade attacks, have copped another hit with the Labor party stripping all references to the vital industry from their policy platform. Labor love to talk out both sides of their mouth when it comes to the resource sector and this latest betrayal proves they can’t be trusted.... Right in the middle of one of their greatest challenges the last thing these communities need is the Labor party digging the knife into their back.

15.01.2022 CHINESE GOVERNMENT HONING IN ON AUSTRALIA Despite lining up for another $596 million in foreign aid from Australian taxpayers (2020/21), the PNG Government has entered into an agreement to assist China to implement their Belt and Road Initiative just a few kilometres from Torres Strait Island communities. The $200 million fisheries operation is set to open on Daru in Papua New Guinea’s Western Province.... The question needs to be asked, is this an intimidation or exploitation tactic of the Chinese? The second question is whether the Morrison Government will put a stop to what appears to be further aggressive behaviour from the Chinese Government? #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #China #BeltandRoadInitiative #SilkRoad #Australia #PNG #PapuaNewGuinea

15.01.2022 FIGHT FOR FAMILY LAW REFORM CONTINUES I have a message for those groups who have tried downplay the damage being caused by the family law system or tried to remove me as deupty chair of the family law inquiry, I'm not going anywhere. I will keep doing everything in my power to give people an opportunity to get their experiences with the family law system on the record and before the parliament.... I will keep fighting to reform the family law system and to end the damage it is doing to Australia's families and children. Thank you to everyone who gave evidence and shared their stories with the inquiry. It is because of you we have a chance to set things right. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #FamilyLaw

14.01.2022 BUYING AUSTRALIAN HELPS REBUILD THE NATION Every time you buy Australian it helps support our local producers and manufacturers, If we are ever going to be able to stand on our own two feet then we will need to rebuild our manufacturing industries.... By supporting local Australian business and avoiding, wherever possible, good from China, you are helping our nation take back control of its own destiny. #BuyAustralian #BoycottChina

14.01.2022 CHINA’S PEOPLE SHIVER AS COMMUNIST LEADERS GIVE THEM THE COAL SHOULDER China’s economic attacks against Australia appear to be backfiring badly with their coal ban costing them billions, causing blackouts, and leaving many of their own people powerless and freezing. The willingness of the Chinese Communist Party to inflict this kind of suffering on their own people, just because Australia called for them to be held accountable over the COVID-19 pandemic, is another reason wh...y we must end our nation’s economic over exposure to China.

14.01.2022 PREMIER CANCELS AUSTRALIA DAY DUE TO COVID BUT "INVASION DAY" GIVEN THE GREENLIGHT By now you are probably getting used to the double standards of left-wing leaders but Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews decision to cancel his state's official Australia Day celebrations due to COVID-19 while allowing "Invasion Day" events to go ahead is taking hypocrisy to new levels. If you hate Australia and want to rewrite our history, spread lies and stoke division, left-wing leaders across... Australia will do everything in their power to help. But if you want to celebrate all that is good about our nation, our history and our achievements, sorry, that's cancelled due to COVID-19. The fact that apparently there is not even going to be an attempt to hold a "COVID safe" Australia Day celebration shows you the real motivation behind these decisions. #PaulineHanson #OneNation #AustraliaDay2021

14.01.2022 OUR FAMILY LAW SYSTEM IS BROKEN Despite 85,563 Family Law applications before the Federal Circuit Court, judges are taking up to 10 weeks holiday each year. There are 33 Family Court judges and 68 Federal Circuit Court judges dealing with this enormous caseload in our courts.... Family Court judges receive a base salary of $468,020 plus 15% superannuation and a car allowance. Federal Circuit judges receive a base salary of $394,980 plus superannuation and a car allowance. One Brisbane judge is dealing with 659 cases a year, while in regional courts, some judges were hearing 60 cases a day. Yes, I agree our courts require more judges to deal with the fallout of separation, but we need a better, streamlined system where couples aren’t encouraged down a path of adversarial litigation by greedy lawyers. Do you think judges should be allowed to take up to 10 weeks holidays when our court system is clogged and cases are increasingly taking too long to deal with? TAKE THE SURVEY BELOW

14.01.2022 GOVERNMENT WAS WARNED OVER CHINA - THEY DIDN'T LISTEN As I said in my speech today, for decades I warned that the policies of both Labor and the Coalition, have left Australia dangerously exposed to the whims of a hostile, communist Chinese government. Attempts to appease China are doom to fail. If history has taught us anything it is that appeasement of aggressive authoritarian regimes leads to disaster.... Unless we start to correct the mistakes of the Coalition and Labor that have got us into this mess, China will continue to run roughshod over our interests, and Australians will continue to suffer.

14.01.2022 CHRISTMAS CARD UPDATE Tis the season to be jolly, not too serious with ourselves. For those of you who helped me out on deciding which card to go with, I thought both sketches were worthy of getting done properly.... Here's the finished artwork which will now be sent off to the local printer and turned into this years Christmas cards. I've chosen to split the print run and do both. Now it's time to go through the naughty and nice list to see who gets them :) #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #christmascard #Parliament #xmas #cards #original

14.01.2022 CLUELESS SENATE BLOCKS GLOBALIST BOYCOTT It's obvious many of the Senators haven't got a clue about the harmful effects policies pushed by groups like the World Economic Forum and the United Nations have on our nation's prosperity and sovereignty. When it comes to pushing back against the influence of out of touch globalists One Nation has always been forced to stand alone.... Even the mildest criticisms of the United Nations will send the Liberals and Nationals running to link arms with the Greens in defence of billionaires, celebrities and their socialist agenda. This is nothing new. For decades international organisations have been working around the clock to convince our leaders to destroy our own people's prosperity so the jobs, industry and economic advantages of Australia can be redistributed overseas. The Great Reset policies of the World Economic Forum are just a continuation of the same policies that have been forced onto Australians for decades. Once again it seems One Nation is the only party willing to take a strong stand against the corrupt influence these groups have on the wealth and freedom of our nation, the other parties have sold you out.

13.01.2022 WARNING - DON'T WATCH WITHOUT A TISSUE I know it's been a tough time for many Aussie's this year, and even though many industries and businesses were forced to close for a period of time to deal with COVID, I've tried to keep myself working behind the scenes to help where possible. This is just one of the many families I was able to assist this year.... Merry Christmas to each and every one of you. Let's hope next year is a hell of a lot better than this one. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Christmas #GiftofLife #tearjerker

13.01.2022 GOVT SELLS QLD ISLAND TO CHINESE Did you know the QLD state Labor Government recently approved the transfer of a 99-year lease over a Queensland island to a Chinese based company? Locals are not happy and I don’t blame them!... From the Courier Mail, Most of the drama centres on access to the island, the erection of illegal structures and facilities allegedly bypassing local government and state laws. According to locals, there have been attempts to block visitors, with some helicopter and all private and commercial aircraft access denied. Helicopter round trips cost $2400 it’s cheaper to fly return to Paris. Whistleblowers say residents are denied the opportunity to use their homes as AirBnBs, small businesses are denied approval to operate, beaches are blocked, visitors are harassed, and even long-term renters of Aboriginal descent are being slugged with a $100,000 bond if they want to purchase a home. The Chinese paid an undisclosed amount, believed to be multi-millions of dollars to the previous owner for the 99-year lease, which now has about 80 years to run. The Department of Natural Resources administers the lease. One Nation has called for a halt on the sale of our land, resources and infrastructure to foreign powers but we have been blocked by a Coalition/Labor alliance. Until the majors are both held accountable for the dual part they have played in allowing the sell-off of our Nation these shocking examples will only become more common.

13.01.2022 CHINESE COMMUNIST INFILTRATION EXPOSED A whistle blower has revealed the shocking extent of the Chinese communist party’s influence in governments and corporations across Australia and other western nations. From the Australian, A leak of official membership records the first in the world has exposed details of 1.95 million CCP members, including their position, birthdate and ethnicity, after being extracted from a Shanghai server by whistleblowers.... An investigation by The Australian has found that at least 10 consulates in Shanghai have CCP members employed as senior political and government affairs specialists, clerks, economic advisers and executive assistants. The database has also revealed CCP members working in global companies such as Boeing which has billions of dollars in defence contracts inside Pfizer and AstraZeneca, pharmaceutical companies which are developing coronavirus vaccines, and at Western universities.

12.01.2022 BOYCOTT CHINESE PRODUCTS THIS CHRISTMAS In response to China’s recent economic attacks against Australia, I have just one thing to say, Merry Christmas China! #BoycottChina #MerryChristmasChina

12.01.2022 MAKE THE PLEDGE & SUPPORT AUSSIE WINE THIS CHRISTMAS China has hit Australian winemakers with a second round of trade war tariffs on Friday. The additional 6.3% increase is on top of the 200% tariff applied just weeks ago and is set to last until at least late 2021.... More than $1.2 billion dollars of Australian wine is at risk if we don't support Aussie winemakers. The consequences for our farming sector are serious, so I'm asking every Australian to do their part this Christmas, and give bottles of homegrown wine this festive season. Be sure to encourage as many of your friends to do the same. Love your patriotic work Australia! Let's stick together this Christmas. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Wine #China #BeltandRoadInitiative #SilkRoad #alcohol #australianwines #australianwine

12.01.2022 YOU CAN TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS Whoever said knitting was for oldies was wrong. The older I get, the more adventurous I seem to get. I’ve wanted to get my boat and jetski licence for a while now. And while the weather wasn’t the greatest, the experience of finally getting the freedom to buy a little tinnie and drive it on my own was worth it.... Thanks to Warren and Matt from Allstate Boat Licensing & Training in Rocky for helping me get the licence. Tomorrow I'm doing my gun licence course. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Rockhampton #Boating #Jetski

12.01.2022 SENATE REJECTS "BENEFIT TO AUSTRALIA TEST" This week I put forward a 'Benefit To Australia Test' amendment to the Foreign Investment Reform Bill. This would have ensured that all foreign investment in Australia would have to pass a test to prove it would benefit the nation. ... The amendment was voted down with only Malcolm Roberts and I voting for the test. It seems the other parties are happy for foreign powers to benefit from the sale of our nation but won't lift a finger to ensure those benefits flow on to hard-working Aussies!

12.01.2022 WOOLIES RECALLS TOXIC IMPORTED PRAWNS This is why you buy Australian! Woolworths has extended a total recall for its own-brand, 1kg bags of Cooked & Peeled Cocktail Prawns, imported for Thailand, to every state and territory but Queensland due to potential microbial contamination, which may cause illness if consumed.... READ MORE |

11.01.2022 AUSTRALIAN COVID VACCINE TRIGGERS HIV+ RESULT The Federal Government was today forced to pull their COVID 19 vaccine contract with the University of Queensland following test patients returning false HIV+ results. The result stems from university scientists using the HIV protein to develop the test vaccine that Scott Morrison originally planned to make mandatory for all Australian's.... You can now see why I have been against mandatory COVID 19 vaccinations using insufficiently tested vaccines. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #covid19 #Australia #ScottMorrison #Government #Mandatory #MandatoryVaccine

11.01.2022 2020 CHRISTMAS CARDS Given the year we've had, I thought I'd ask a local cartoonist to design my Christmas cards and do something different. These are the rough sketches before colour is added, but I'm trying to work out which one I like best.... I've got have the artwork to the printer by Sunday so they can have them printed by Monday afternoon. Which one's your favourite? #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Xmas #ChristmasCard #BoycottChina

11.01.2022 STOP THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN RESOURCE RIP-OFF You might not know it but Australia has the weakest oil and gas laws in the world, and it is costing all of us billions of dollars in lost income. Australia is the world’s biggest exporter of natural gas, yet we as a nation earn very little income from those exports.... These destructive laws have been exploited by clever corporate lawyers who have locked up our reserves for the likes of Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, and ConocoPhillips. Gas sourced from our own natural reserves is now sold more cheaply overseas than we can buy it here. It’s ironic that Australian gas provides China with 10% of its total energy needs while Australians themselves can’t source enough of this valuable energy source. In 2004, rebates for exploration work and claims on expenses were introduced by the Government, enabling the foreign mega-companies to stockpile $360 billion in tax credits (to date) for their operations. The credits are able to be rolled over, year after year, meaning Australia will never be compensated for oil and gas taken from the north west shelf. Your readers can imagine the benefits to every Australian if multi-national oil and gas companies were forced to pay a fair level of tax on our resources that they extract and sell off overseas. Better and cheaper availability of our natural gas would provide a reliable source of power for Australian industry, which would help our manufacturing and the economy. I believe the legal theft of our oil and gas needs to stop. How can we turn the economy around more effectively if we give up these massive funds without a fight? This week, I introduced a Private Senator’s Bill to ensure future exploitation of oil and gas reserves is carried out for the benefit of the Australian community. The Bill will force multinationals who hoard gas leases to use them or lose them to companies that will proceed to extract the gas for the use of Australians. My Bill would also put an end to floating drilling and production platforms that are anchored to the seabed avoiding paying compensation through the domestic gas reserve policy in Western Australia. While my Bill won’t change the failed tax laws (only the Government can do that), it is a baby step in the right direction to start counteracting the massive and unacceptable losses suffered from the sale of our oil and gas.

11.01.2022 It didn’t take long for the Queensland Premier to fall back in love with her Olympics dream. She has now been joined by the PM to further push the cause with International Olympics officials. The Olympics policy was not seen as a vote winner by the Premier prior to the Queensland election, but it now returns as a distraction from our real issue Queensland’s debilitating $102 billion (and rising) debt.... History shows that Olympic host cities all experience massive cost blowouts and subsequent debts of billions of dollars that linger for years afterwards. In April, it was reported the costs of the delayed Tokyo 2020 Olympics have spiked by up to $9.5b to an estimated total exceeding $50b. The 2000 Sydney Olympics were budgeted at $3.2b but the final cost was $6.9b more than double the budget! The 2008 Beijing Olympics were budgeted at $20b but cost $45b, the 2012 London Olympics were budgeted at $5b but cost $18b, and the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games were budgeted at $14b but cost $20b. Hosting the Olympics 2032 will deliver a similar economic nightmare for Queensland and Australia. Do we want to leave a massive financial burden like this to our children? Shouldn’t the Premier instead prioritise the delivery of a strong public health service, education, better water infrastructure, better roads, job creation and the like? Queenslanders voted to return the Premier primarily because she kept us safe, but we also expect her to deliver those services into the future as well. It begs the question that Queenslanders must ask themselves: do you want the Olympics or do you want better Government services? That question should perhaps have been put to the Queensland people via a plebiscite on Election Day. We are dealing with a pandemic, our state debt is rising, unemployment is rising, and businesses are struggling. Now is not the time to look at funding costly non-essential items like the 2032 Olympics. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Olympics #Queensland #Brisbane #Premier #PrimeMinister

11.01.2022 Lest We Forget #RemembranceDay #WeRememberThem

10.01.2022 FLAWED JOBMAKER FALLS SHORT The JobMaker scheme has not been properly thought through. It has too many flaws to successfully entice businesses into hiring extra employees and help rebuild the employment sector post COVID-19. This pandemic induced recession is an extraordinary once-in-100-year event that has brought Australia and much of the world to its financial knees, and it needs something special to turn it around. JobMaker falls short. The government needs to move away f...rom the damaging handout mentality that is stagnating job growth and building debt. It needs to start thinking about measures that will fire up economic activity and make Australia the powerhouse economy that it can be. The government needs to shift focus to investing in infrastructure projects that will benefit Australians and Australia as a whole for the decades to come. Businesses don’t want handouts. Businesses want Australian workers! SPEECH TRANSCIPT: FULL SPEECH VIDEO:

10.01.2022 AUSSIES ARE GETTING RIPPED OFF WHEN IT COMES TO OUR RESOURCES The Australian government used the weakest gas laws in the world, to attract foreign oil and gas companies to exploit Australia’s offshore deposits of natural gas. The government now receives about $200 million dollars a year for the offshore natural gas taken from the north-west shelf, which drives tens of billions of dollars of exports, including to China where we supply 10% of their total energy requirements. ... Failure to get a fair payment for our offshore gas, represents a gift of billions of dollars a year to foreign oil and gas companies. Money better spent on Australians!

09.01.2022 THE COST OF COMPLACENCY IN DEFENCE OF WESTERN VALUES IS TRAGEDY One Nation has long argued that we must do more as a nation to promote and uphold the traditional western values that build this nation. What we saw last week in France was a shocking reminder that the cost of complacency in defence of these values is tragedy.... We cannot fall into the same mistake and ignore the threat of violent anti-western ideologies such as those prompted by radical Islam. A country with a common language, shared goals and a unified value system will always be stronger than a nation divided. As I said in my 1996 maiden speech, If politicians continue to promote separatism in Australia, they should not continue to hold their seats. They are not truly representing all Australians, and I call on the people to throw them out. To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people, one nation, one flag. #PaulineHanson #OneNation #Outsiders

08.01.2022 THE THREAT OF CHINA WILL ONLY GROW Mark my words, in the years to come China will be the greatest threat to Australia. As recent leaks have shown, members of the Chinese Communist Party have been hard at work embedding themselves in Australian companies and government related organisations in order to advance the interests of China.... We must be extremely vigilant against this threat. For years I have been calling for much stricter vetting and citizenship laws to better protect our nation from this kind of infiltration. Unless we act swiftly on this issue it will only get worse.

08.01.2022 SIGN TO STOP THE CHINESE TAKEOVER - FREE KESWICK ISLAND Yesterday, I was able to table a petition against predatory foreign ownership, signed by more than 18,000 concerned Aussies, in the Senate. When you look at the unfolding disaster we see as a result of the sale of Keswick Island in Queensland to Chinese developers, it is safe to say they were right to be concerned!... Developer China Bloom now controls a 99-year lease for Keswick Island. As a result, access to the island’s national parks and public beaches have been blocked and residents have been forced out of their homes. This is a perfect example of how the current weak rules and regulations governing foreign ownership are easily exploited! What we are seeing on Keswick Island is an affront to our nation’s sovereignty and presents a clear risk to our national security. So please sign this new petition and help One Nation free Keswick Island, restore Australians their rightful access to the island's public areas and ensure that incidents like this never happen again. #FreeKeswickIsland

08.01.2022 CHINA EXPLOITS COVID-19 RECESSION AND ATTACK AUSTRALIA It is obvious that China's recent spate of economic attacks, timed to exploit the COVID-19 recession, are designed to inflict maximum damage. For decades I have warned that our nation's overexposure to the whims of a hostile, authoritarian, communist Chinese Government was leaving us vulnerable to this exact type of danger.... Both the Coalition and Labor ignored One Nation's warnings, dined out on Chinese money and now it's everyday Aussies who are being left to pick up the bill!

07.01.2022 AUSTRALIAN AIRLINE CHOOSES CHINA OVER AUSTRALIA Understandably, aviation has been hit hard this past year due to COVID, but to drop 2000 workers on their backsides once JobKeeper subsidies end in March in place of a Chinese contract company is just disgraceful. The Chief Executive who earned $23.9 million in 2018 will allegedly save the company $180 million over 5 years.... You have to question what type of service the airline will provide passengers and how this will affect Australia's aviation safety record by stripping that kind of money out of the ground crew and baggage workers. The sting in this story is that the contract will go to a wholly-owned Chinese company after a more competitive Australian company bid for the same contract. The Chinese have already turned their back on a respectful relationship with Australia. It appears one of our biggest airline carriers has too. I'd like a please explain! #Auspol #Aviation #GroundCrew #China #Australia #Airline

07.01.2022 GOVERNMENT & LABOR SUPPORT BAIL IN LAWS & CHINESE GOVERNMENT ATTACK OUR DIGGERS Both the Liberal / National Party and Labor voted in favour of bank bail-ins today, further risking your money. You can watch Malcolm Roberts speech here on bank bail-ins. Meanwhile, a Chinese Government official has used a photoshopped image posted to Twitter to allege an Australian soldier slit the throat of a child in Afghanistan. It's another reason I'm strongly calling on all Australian's to boycott Chinese products, especially in the lead-up to Christmas. If the Federal Government refuses to act against China, then it's up to us as consumers to act. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #China #Afghanistan #ADF #Government #Chinese #BoycottChineseProducts

07.01.2022 AUSTRALIA'S APPEAL TO WTO "UMPIRE" OVER CHINESE ATTACKS IS PROBABLY DOOMED, HERE IS WHY After China unleashed the COVID-19 virus on the world, I and many other Australians called for there to be a full investigation and for China to be held accountable. To this day China has not faced any real consequences. To rub salt in the wound while COVID-19 drove many economies around the world, including Australia's, into recession, China's growth continued.... We have even heard the World Health Organisation's Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu praise China saying their response to the outbreak was "extraordinary", that China set "a new standard for outbreak response, and that China "deserves our gratitude and respect." If you think we can expect an honest outcome from any investigation headed by the WHO you are dreaming. The same can be said for the World Trade Organisation which, just like the WHO and the UN, is hopelessly compromised by Chinese money and influence. I think Paul Murray is spot-on with his prediction. If the Government's only plan for dealing with China's bullying tactics is to appeal to biased, compromised, international umpires then Australia is in for a world of hurt.

07.01.2022 WARNING - NOT MADE IN AUSTRALIA More than 30 frozen fish products will no longer be labelled Made in Australia after the consumer watchdog found the imported seafood was not substantially transformed from its overseas form before being packaged and sold. Simplot Australia has amended the country of origin labelling on 31 products sold as Birds Eye, I&J, Neptune and one homebred product from Made in Australia to Packed in Australia.... The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission carried out compliance checks on a range of frozen foods imported from New Zealand, South Africa and the US. The ACCC’s view is that only minor manufacturing processes occur in Australia, and when viewed collectively the imported ingredients do not differ fundamentally from the manufactured goods, it said in a statement. #AUSPOL #OneNation #PaulineHanson #FishFingers #australianmade

07.01.2022 RESIST JUDGEMENT OF OUR ADF The show trial of Australia’s elite Special Air Service Regiment (SAS) will mar the decades of valiant service these countless personnel have given to help protect this country and our allies following today's report handed down by the Chief of Defence. I visited troops in Afghanistan for a week in 2018 and have nothing but admiration for the devotion they have given this war that started in 2001, following the attack on the World Trade Centre in N...ew York on September 11. Its duration has spanned three American Presidencies, seven Australian Prime Ministers, and 19 long years. The report recommends that the Chief of the Defence Force refer 36 matters to the Australian Federal Police for criminal investigation. This involves 23 incidents and 19 individuals. While the nature of these allegations are just that, allegations, no government or media outlet have a right to pre-empt a judgement by a jury for the actions taken during the theatre of war. This Afghanistan war is no pantomime. It is a daily case of life or death for our Defence Personnel who must make extraordinarily quick decisions. Decisions I hope you and I will never need to make in our lifetimes. The way this announcement has been handled is wrong and I greatly trust that the majority of Australians look past some of the vitriolic comments made towards our ADF veterans and acting members. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #ADF #Report #Defence

06.01.2022 REDSKINS GET A KILLER REBRANDING Redskins have a new politically correct, lefty approved name "Red Ripper". This also happens to be the moniker of a serial killer who murdered and raped as many as 52 women. Obviously, the people behind this new politically correct trend to rename products aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.... Apparently, they were so busy at University learning how to detect secret name racism they didn't have time to learn how to do a Google search.

05.01.2022 LABOR CALLED FOR MORE ASIAN LANGUAGE FUNDING Labor have intesified their call for additional funding to teach Chinese and other Asian languages. I've said NO! and the Green's reaction was priceless.... #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #China #University #Funding #Funny

05.01.2022 BOOT THE 2032 BRISBANE OLYMPICS BID Given international credit agencies have today reduced a number of our states credit ratings, and our federal government have accrued over $1 trillion in debt, we're hardly in the financial position to bid for the Olympics. Boot the Olympic bid and let's focus on rebuilding Queensland and the rest of the country with proper investment.... #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Olympics #Boycott #Brisbane

05.01.2022 GREENS SHUT DOWN AFTER CALLING POLICE RACIST FOR SHOOTING VIOLENT SUSPECTED TERRORIST Tragically last week two Queenslanders lost their lives in what police are treating as a terrorist attack. According to police, Raghe Abdi murdered two strangers in their home before being shot by officers in a highway standoff.... Yet the horrific and tragic nature of this event did not stop the Greens from seeking to exploit the situation by stooping to a new low. Queensland Greens spokesperson Councillor Jonathan Sri accused the police of racism saying, No surprises that the victim of the police killing was black I reckon if he was white he’d probably still be alive. In response, Queensland Police Union executive member Shane Prior called Cr Sri deliberately divisive and explained, such comments from an elected leader within our community is just staggering and should be rejected by everyone." I think that's an excellent response and excellent advice.

05.01.2022 GOOD RIDDANCE 2020 LIVESTREAM! Join me tonight at 6pm Queensland time and let's say goodbye and good riddance to 2020! Call in and let me know what you hated most about 2020 and what you are looking forward to most in 2021. ... The number to call is: 1300 857 466 Look forward to you joining me! #PaulineHanson #OneNation #Goodriddance2020

04.01.2022 BREAKING NEWS - GREATER BRISBANE HEADS INTO 3 DAY LOCKDOWN The Queensland Labor Government has announced that from 6pm Friday 8/1/21 to 6pm Monday 11/1/21, residents in Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan, Moreton Bay and Redlands council areas will enter a three-day lockdown. Residents will only be allowed to leave their homes for the following reasons:... 1. To buy essentials like groceries or medications 2. Work or study if you can’t do either from home 3. Exercise 4. Healthcare or to provide help, care or support Masks when leaving home will be mandated during the lockdown period. A child under 12 does not need to wear a mask. Funerals will be limited to 20 people and weddings to 10 people during the lockdown period.

04.01.2022 MEDIA RELEASE - SAY NO TO GST INCREASE One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has guaranteed Queensland voters that she will block any attempt by the next state government to raise GST and is calling on the Premier and Opposition leader to give voters the same commitment. The call comes following a report released by Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) on ‘How GST reform can help reboot prosperity for Australia’ and investigates various scenarios including a broadened GST base and an inc...reased GST rate. Senator Hanson said, I’ve been warning Australian’s this was coming and voters deserve a clear answer from Deb Frecklington and Annastacia Palaszczuk as to whether they will support an increase to the GST. Changes to the GST base and rate require unanimous support from the Commonwealth, states, and territories through the Standing Council on Federal Financial Relations - chaired by the Commonwealth Treasurer. However, it is possible that the Commonwealth would be legally free to disregard the IGA and amend the GST legislation unilaterally as the IGA is not legally binding. Senator Hanson said, The debt that’s been accrued by the State and Federal Government through COVID and careless spending prior to the world pandemic was always going to require paying back. Government’s need to pull their heads in and focus their attention on cutting wasteful spending on frivolous grant schemes that pay very odd people to wrap wool around trees and knit from yarn that’s been placed in a so-called artists vagina for 28 days. The report suggests broadening the GST to water and sewerage, education, childcare, health, and GST-free food while raising the rate to 12.5% to generate up to $40 billion in extra revenue for states. Senator Hanson said, If you think the cost of living expenses are high now, wait until Labor and the LNP start pushing to increase the GST to pay back the debt. I guarantee Queensland voters that One Nation will never support an increase in the GST. Labor and the LNP will destroy low-income earners across Queensland and should show their hand now before pre-polling booths open on Monday. ## END ##

04.01.2022 THE GREAT RESET EXPLAINED IN LESS THAN 10 MINUTES Last week I asked the Senate to reject The World Economic Forum's damaging Great Reset policies. My proposal was blocked 2-73 with only Malcolm Roberts and I voting to acknowledge the harm these unwanted policies would inflict on Australians.... Since then some people have asked "What is the Great Reset and why should I be concerned?" Thankfully, as a result of the Senate's decision to vote against my proposal, Rowan Dean revisited the issue during #Outsiders on Sunday. So for anyone wanting to know more or for anyone who gets asked in the future, this is #TheGreatReset explained in less than 10 minutes.

04.01.2022 FAMILY LAW INQUIRY UPDATE This week I had the opportunity to provide an update in the Senate on the progress of One Nation's Inquiry into Australia's Family Law System. The committee will hand down its final report on the last sitting day in February 2021.... Until then I will continue to work around the clock to ensure that the issues with this system, which cause so many families so much pain, are brought to light and addressed. The committee website linked below is also a good resource for following the progress of the Inquiry.

04.01.2022 ONE NATION HOW TO VOTE APP One Nation has just released an app for the Queensland election, currently available for Android phones, which makes finding your electorate and One Nation candidate easier than it has ever been. Simply download the app from the site below and follow the simple instructions to find out the name of your candidate and our how to vote recommendations.... The great thing about this app is you can easily share it with your family and friends or use it to quickly look-up information on your own phone for the keen One Nation voters in your life who might not be so great with computers. And for those wondering, we are currently waiting for the app to be authorised for Apple phones but as soon as it is, we will let you know! It has never been easier to vote One Nation! #PaulineHanson #OneNation #QLDVotes #QLDVotesOneNation

03.01.2022 QLD LABOR LOSING CONTROL OF REBEL CANDIDATES It looks like everyday Queenslanders aren't the only ones fed up with being ordered around by Premier Palaszczuk because now a number of Labor candidates have gone rogue and rejected Labor's anti-One Nation preference plan! These nervous Labor candidates are all in regional Queensland where we are performing very well which is probably why they have broken ranks with Palaszczuk over her constant One Nation bashing but don't be foo...led. This is just another case of two-faced Labor saying one thing to voters in the South-East corner and another thing to voters in the regions. Trust me, if Labor gets back in it will be the South-East corner calling the shots once again and rural and regional Queenslanders feeling the pain! So don't listen to the Labor lies, the only way to ensure that you have a real say in the future of Queensland is to put a 1 next to One Nation! #PaulineHanson #OneNation #ChrisKenny #TheKennyReport #QldVotes #QldVotesOneNation #Palaszczuk

02.01.2022 GOV SAYS A CHINA CHRISTMAS BOYCOTT IS UP TO YOU! For decades I have warned that Australia had been putting too many of its eggs in the China basket. Now Aussies are paying the price.... Today I asked the Government if it would support One Nation and the many Australians who believe we should be boycotting China. Their reply was telling. The Government refused to support a boycott but admitted they were powerless to stop Australians like you from taking action into their own hands. Until our Government decides to change course it will be up to everyday Australians and our collective people power, to send the message our Government refuses to send. #BoycottChina

02.01.2022 CHINA USING UNITED NATIONS TO UNDERMINE THE WEST Recently the World Economic Forum has received a lot of attention due to their attempts to implement their Great Reset policies across the world but they are not the only globalist organisation seeking to undermine our way of life. Another serial offender is the United Nations and one of their latest actions will leave you shaking your head in disbelief.... As Lauren Southern recently explained on Outsiders, the United Nations, through its Human Rights Council which includes the countries such as China, North Korea, Syria, Iran, among others, has launched an investigation into Australia's ally the United States. That the United Nations could endorse any group that contains authoritarian regimes like China and North Korea passing judgments on another nation's human right record is bad enough but knowing that our taxes have helped fund this investigation is the icing on the cake. Australians should not be forced to help fund expensive, politically motivated, United Nation's witch hunts targeted at our own nation or our allies.

02.01.2022 TIME TO STOP THE SELL-OFF It has become clear that the Government is not willing to do what is required to protect Australians from predatory foreign ownership. The sell-off has got to stop but this will never happen under this Government with their current tick and flick mentality.... That is why I am working on finalising legislation that will put an end to the exploitation of Australians from predatory foreign buyers. The national intrests of Australia must come first!

02.01.2022 "TERRORIST THREAT" INMATE WALKS FREE Have a read of this and tell me what you think. From the Courier Mail, "a man convicted of whipping a Muslim convert under Sharia law, who expressed approval for the actions of ISIS, and is considered a high risk of committing a serious terrorism offence has been released from jail."... "Wassim Fayad, formerly known as Fadi Alameddine, 53, served more than seven years for a number of offences including a ram raid with a stolen car while on bail for the whipping offence and being accessory after a shooting incident at Sydney’s Arrow nightclub." "The court heard that Fayad appeared to still harbour fundamentalist religious beliefs and rejected key aspects of Australian democratic society and he disengaged from the deradicalisation program known as PRISM while in jail." "The court heard Fayad was also the subject of credible allegations he was involved in the recruitment of young men to travel to Syria to fight for terrorist organisations. He was never charged in relation to the allegations." "He has been the subject of a risk assessment report by a forensic psychologist which rated him as being a high risk of engaging in violent extremism behaviours." It is important to note that police obtained a temporary interim supervision order to restrict his movements on the basis he still posed a threat to society but is this really enough? Earlier this month two Australians were tragically murdered in a terrorist attack when the offender, Raghe Abdi, managed to remove his monitoring device. link: According to police, Mr Abdi was also known to counter-terrorism police, and had also been under strict bail conditions and was suspected of being influenced by Islamic State. So is it really fair to Australians that a man considered a "risk of indoctrinating and radicalising others with the view for them to take up Jihad overseas or within Australia" be allowed to walk free?

01.01.2022 MEDIA RELEASE | PAULINE HANSON URGES GOVERNMENT TO REJECT THE GREAT RESET One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has warned of devastating consequences if Australia adopts the World Economic Forum’s plans for a great reset across the globe. The World Economic Forum is urging a revamp of all aspects of our societies and economies in response to the Covid-19 recession in the areas of education, social contracts and working conditions.... To use the pandemic as an excuse to overturn lives, push control agendas, and meddle in social systems in countries across the world is totally unacceptable, Senator Hanson said. This so-called reset is absolute rubbish and we should make a stand to play no part in it, to protect Australians and our way of life. In a Motion to the Senate, Senator Hanson will ask the Parliament to note that adopting the policies would devastate the economic wellbeing and individual freedoms of Australians. Senator Hanson’s motion also asks the Senate to vote on whether the Australian Government should boycott all World Economic Forum events in protest over the Great Reset agenda. The World Economic Forum claimed the drastic measure is needed to counteract social and economic problems caused by Covid-19 and avoid what it claimed would be the worst depression since the 1930s. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism, the World Economic Forum says on its website. The World Economic Forum is a non-profit foundation based in Geneva, whose members include world leaders, billionaires, business executives and celebrities. Members include Prince Charles, Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, along with senior executives of the United Nations, the European Central Bank, the OECD, the IMF, Greenpeace and WWF. END

01.01.2022 NEW CHINESE OWNED PNG FACILITY SMELLS FISHY Anyone who doesn't think the Chinese Government's new deal to build and run a $200 million dollar "fish-processing plant" in Papua New Guinea is extremely suspicious must have rocks in their head. This is an area just north of Queensland and only 200km from the Australian mainland where there is no commercial fishing. ... I think we should be asking some serious questions about China's true intentions. With China's aggression ever increasing, any politician or party that refuses to take seriously the growing Chinese threat clearly does not have the best interests of Australia at heart.

01.01.2022 GREENS OFFER MENTAL ILLNESS EXCUSE FOR BRISBANE TERRORIST The Greens have come out in support of terrorist, Raghe Mohamed Abdi who police shot dead yesterday in Brisbane. It's now believed before he lunged at police with a knife, he murdered two elderly people in their home.... The Greens should apologise for the stupid comments made by one of their elected members instead of making excuses for terrorism. Terrorist or not - if you attack police with a knife, I support them shooting you. I'm glad this guy is gone and I have no doubt most sane Australian's would agree. #Auspol #OneNation #Brisbane #Police

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