Paws in Training | Businesses
Paws in Training
Phone: +61 402 572 055
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25.01.2022 Here is one of our first customers enjoying his pigs ear! I think he looks rather pleased with his purchase!!
25.01.2022 Wishing all of our lovely clients a Happy New Year! May you all reach your goals with your dogs this year! We are excited to be back teaching classes, private lessons and available for dog walking. Stay tuned for some exciting new classes coming soon! :-)
24.01.2022 Here is the action from the last couple of days at the park! Poppy had lots of fun with Porridge, Tilly and a new friend Daisy who we met this morning!
23.01.2022 Paws in Training is excited to announce that we have moved up the coast to Morriset! On our last day at the park Abby, Poppy, Pickles and I were very spoilt by our very good friends who we have made over the years. All dogs, people and kids were provided with treats - so loved! We will definitely miss our friends but we promise to visit! Especially gorgeous Poppy who fits into our little clan so well! We will still be providing classes and private lessons to our Sydney clients so please give me a call if I can help! :-)
23.01.2022 Some photos from this week with the lovely Poppy, Pickles, Porridge and puppy school graduate Lulu!
22.01.2022 It was another busy morning at the park with Pickles, Porridge, Poppy and her friend Fergus! There was lots of chase, recall training and sitting for treats!
21.01.2022 We had a big morning at the park with Poppy, Pickles, Porridge and our newest member Storm the Schnauzer! We met up with Puppy School graduate Pixel for some training and games!
19.01.2022 It was an early morning park run this morning with Poppy, Lily and Pickles! They are such a good little team this lot! :-)
19.01.2022 Our newest staff member little Abby had her first paid gig tonight babysitting Gustav for a couple of hours. We think she did a pretty good job! What do you guys think? Would you hire Abby? :-)
18.01.2022 Im glad to see Mocha, Porridge and Pickles are not on the naughty list! Are yours?
18.01.2022 Another park run this morning with Poppy, Fergus and Pickles! We met up with their friends Tilly and Pixel!
16.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day!
14.01.2022 Look who's home! Still not out of the woods yet and still going back for daily vet check ups, however didn't stop her doing a quick mouse/snake hunt before going to bed. Thank you everyone for your comments, messages and healing vibes. We really appreciate all the love we have felt for our little Pickles
14.01.2022 Some photos from our last dog park venture! Here we have Porridge, Fergus and Poppy! Lots of fun too be had! :-)
14.01.2022 A run at the park this morning before the heat! This morning we had Lily, Poppy and Pickles for a little dog play! They are a great little trio running amok together!
14.01.2022 A busy morning at the park this morning with Mocha, Poppy, Lily and Fergus! There was lots of running and some definite cuteness from the small bunch!
13.01.2022 It has been rather busy here at Paws in Training whilst we are recruiting new staff members for our expanding business. Introducing our newest addition "Abigail" who will be joining the team! She has quite a bit of training to go however she already has the 4 dogs in the household under control so her future looks promising! We are currently not running classes at present however hope to be back training early December once Abigail is a little older. If you have any training problems please dont hesitate to contact us and we will put you in contact with a trainer who best suits your needs. Looking forward to working with you at the end of the year!!! Kristy and Brendan
13.01.2022 We had a busy morning at the park with Poppy, Lily and Pickles. Poppy had a new game of stealing the ball and swapping for treats! Shes not silly! Lily had an awesome time getting as dirty as she possible could! Sorry owners! :-)
13.01.2022 We would love to wish everyone a very Happy New Year from myself and my family. We have been working quietly behind the scenes to bring you some pretty amazing stuff in 2020! Watch this space!
10.01.2022 Please beware of all the snakes that are moving around because of all the rain that we have had! Pickles (terrier pictured) and Porridge (Border collie x) managed to find and kill this red belly but not before it managed to bite our crazy little Pickles. Shes currently at our vet fighting for her life but we are hoping she will pull through overnight. Whoever has met Pickles knows shes a fighter so hopefully she can use her spunk now to beat the odds. Hug your furbabies tighter tonight
09.01.2022 I'm glad to see Mocha, Porridge and Pickles are not on the naughty list! Are yours?
08.01.2022 Introducing the lovely "Ben". Bens owner contacted us because he was a little bit excited about other dogs on a walk and being built like a tank he was becoming hard to handle. Ben didnt quite respond to my usual training and so we had to think outside the box to achieve Ben walking past both of my dogs with great results. I have no doubt with lots of homework Ben will be happy walking beside his owners down the street.
08.01.2022 "Its exhausting looking after a newborn" - Pickles, Porridge, Ginger and Mocha
08.01.2022 We had the 3 little dogs at the park this morning - Poppy, Lily and Pickles! Poppy and Pickles had turns playing with the ball and Lily always ran for it but never actually got a go! Maybe next time Lily!
06.01.2022 It was another great morning at the park today with Poppy, Pickles, Porridge, Mocha and Ginger! Luckily my little side kick Abby came to help with this crazy lot! See how much fun they had! :-)
05.01.2022 Congratulations to Frankie, Major Tom, Buzz, Gigi, Calli, Charlie and Leo for recently graduating from Puppy Preschool with Paws in Training
05.01.2022 We managed to take my whole gang and Poppy to the park this week! Poppy is back playing with everyone, fetching the ball like a champ and just being her cute self!
05.01.2022 It was a great day for a walk today so Poppy and Gustav joined Abby and I for a walk around Killara. Gustav was pretty excited to meet little Abby and both Poppy and Gus were pleased to see eachother!
04.01.2022 Here are some snaps from the Friday antics! Here we had Lily, Poppy, Fergus and Pickles meeting up with friends Tilly and Pixel!
04.01.2022 We recently had 2 groups of puppies graduate from Puppy Preschool. Graduates from Group 1 are Riley, Sisko, Stanley, Bella, Biscuit, Venus, Ollie & Shadow
03.01.2022 Today Poppy and Porridge worked on recall! Even with distractions watch how fast Poppy runs! You can see Porridge in the background respond when I say "quick"! Such good dogs!
02.01.2022 Here are some snaps from this weeks Crew! We had Poppy, Fergus, Pickles and Porridge meet up with friends Pixel, Tilly and new friends Rocco and Eddy!
02.01.2022 Look whos home! Still not out of the woods yet and still going back for daily vet check ups, however didnt stop her doing a quick mouse/snake hunt before going to bed. Thank you everyone for your comments, messages and healing vibes. We really appreciate all the love we have felt for our little Pickles
01.01.2022 We have been very quiet since we moved up to the central coast but we are excited to announce some exciting things for our business! Our first exciting news is that we are now stocking treats! We will be out and about at different markets over the coming months or can post now if your 4 legged pooch cant wait that long! I am still doing private lessons in the Hornsby area as well as up the coast. Lastly, we now have two gorgeous little employees who definitely bring the cuteness factor to our business ventures every day! Our little employees are learning to be little dog trainers and are already excelling at the packing treats side of the business. Although their enthusiasm to do paperwork is lacking! So book in your training, order your treats, tell us how we can help you and your dogs!
01.01.2022 Another morning at the park with Pickles, Poppy and our friend Pixel! There were ball games, play time and some training!
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