Paydirt Media (Australia) in Perth, Western Australia | Publisher
Paydirt Media (Australia)
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
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Address: Suite 9, 1297 Hay Street 6005 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 What's new with #ADU? Come chat with us at tonight's Australia-Africa Minerals & Energy Group (AAMEG) sundowner #africadownunder #adu2020 #perth #physical #virtual #conference
24.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who attended Paydirt Unlocked today RAMELIUS RESOURCES LIMITED Regis Resources Ltd Dacian Gold Limited commentary on their businesses and the sector in general went down as well as the Sandalford Wines. Looking ahead, yesterday Tones & I were discussing lunch options for Thursday October 29 for our next event.... Join Tony Swiericzuk Agrimin Ltd @australianpotash @mattshackleton for the low down on Australia's newest industry #potash #paydirtunlocked #lunch #networkingevents [email protected] 9321 0355
22.01.2022 All you need to know about #nickel right here in the latest edition of Australia's Paydirt #magazine. Dan Lougher says he has more to tell at the #australiannickelconference TUESDAY OCTOBER 6 #perth Pan Pacific Hotel [email protected] 9321 0355
22.01.2022 It has been one week since #africadownunder #adu2020 was wrapped up for this year. The hybrid (physical/virtual) #conference went down a treat, a BIG thank you to everyone that made it the show it was. As we gather our thoughts ahead of next year's event SEPTEMBER 1-3 2021 #perth, stay in touch and keep abreast of the latest through our #magazines Australia's Paydirt and Gold Mining Journal #paydirtmedia
22.01.2022 #africadownunder #adu2020 done! Thank you to everyone that made it the event it was. See you September 1-3 2021
21.01.2022 Caption: A couple Africa Down Under stalwarts having a laugh #adu2020 #goodtimes
20.01.2022 Not sure how many Ron Sayers has got going around Ascot today but good luck! @perthracing #paydirtmedia #railwaystakes @bronbarnes
19.01.2022 Got Ron’s latest #book? Have you #lonely #libertarian #paydirtmedia
19.01.2022 Diversified explorer Thor Mining PLC recently bagged $1.9 million to fund programmes across its stacked portfolio. Executive Chairman Mick Billing speaks with Paydirt Media TV about the companys exploration plans, particularly at its Ragged Range gold project in the Pilbara, Western Australia. LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to Paydirt TV on YouTube or visit for more original content from Australian mining's best news resource #exploration #gold
18.01.2022 ONE WEEK TO GO! Book a table to hear all about #gold from industry leaders RAMELIUS RESOURCES LIMITED Regis Resources Ltd Dacian Gold Limited Wednesday SEPTEMBER 23 @panpacific #perth ... #lunchtime Melita Fogarty [email protected] or 9321 0355 for more information
18.01.2022 The 6-month #nickel price shows an encouraging upward curve. Why? I'm sure the expert panel assembled for Paydirt Unlocked NEXT week Wednesday August 19 at the Pan Pacific #perth will tell us why BOOK a table TODAY [email protected] 9321 0355
17.01.2022 Nickel miner Western Areas Ltd (ASX:WSA) faced challenges during the September quarter but with its new Odysseus project on schedule and its Forrestania operations set for rebound, managing director Dan Lougher is excited by the company's prospects in 2021. He tells Paydirt Media TV about the recent performance and advances at Odysseus. LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more original content or visit
17.01.2022 Western Areas Ltd talks up maiden AM6 probable ore reserve of 2.1mt @ 2.2% #nickel for 47,000t of nickel. Total combined probable ore reserves at Odysseus and AM6 now 10.3mt @ 2.1% nickel for 212,000t nickel. Watch #paydirtTV
17.01.2022 #wonderoutyonder #bellsrapids
17.01.2022 Growing reserves by 400,000oz in a year (despite depletion) to a record 3.7 moz gold at Caorsue Dam and Thunderbox In Western Australia is a massive result for Saracen Mineral Holdings Limited. See just where growth will come from with the allocated $43 million to be invested in #exploration in FY2021 at #Gold Fair '20 Wednesday SEPTEMBER 2 [email protected] ... [email protected] 9321 0355
17.01.2022 RBC Capital Markets analysts expect IGO Ltd to materially "outperform" sector average over 12 months. RBC forecasts $5.52c/share for IGO, today it was $4.80/share after releasing its quarterly. Read more about IGO in the coming editions of Australias Paydirt and hear from Peter Bradford by registering for the on October 6 in #Perth #nickel
16.01.2022 ANZ Research Morning Focus August 18 Commodity Index ended the day up 0.6%, with precious metals driving the gains. Gold rose sharply, while silver and platinum were also higher. The industrial metals were stronger, with zinc leading the gains and both copper and #nickel up sharply Looking forward to tomorrow's (Wednesday August 19) #lunch time panel discussion with talent from the nickel sector of the highest order ... Western Areas Ltd Mincor Resources NL IGO Ltd@ First Quantum Minerals Barminco ONE TABLE REMAINING contact [email protected] or 9321 0355 will be easier
16.01.2022 Look forward to talking all things #africa at tonight's Australia-Africa Minerals & Energy Group (AAMEG) Capital Limited sundowner. Talk to us about how #africadownunder #adu2020 is shaping up and how it will look this year in #perth
16.01.2022 Wouldn't it be great to know how De Grey Mining Ltd (ASX:DEG) #unlocked Hemi in the #pilbara ? Join us to revel in the story of how DEG went from 5c/share to now $1.15c/share and market cap of $1.4 billion in less than 12 months. #paydirtunlocked THURSDAY DECEMBER 10 at the Pan Pacific Perth. More speakers to be announced, stay tuned #paydirtmedia #lunch #business #networking Hurry in and contact [email protected] 9321 0355 to book a table as spots are filling faster than De Grey is #drilling #discovering #gold
15.01.2022 Tony has more than 37 million reasons why he is smiling. Come hear how a cashed-up #azureminerals plans on #unlocking the Andover #nickel project in the #pilbara #paydirtunlocked #paydirtmedia #business #networking #lunch #gold #mining #exploration DECEMBER 10 Pan Pacific Perth Be sure to contact Melita Fogarty [email protected] 9321 0355 so you don't miss this chance
15.01.2022 Ho ho ho! Christmas come early to #westperth defo feels like it considering how parts of the junior sector are surging #mining #exploration #investment #paydirtmedia
15.01.2022 "We see prices stabilising at current levels, with our 03 month target at $US1,900/oz. However, we maintain our 12-month target of $US2,100/oz," according to ANZ Research today. This morning #gold was $2,454/oz and $US1,807/oz. Thoughts? #bear #bull #paydirtmedia
15.01.2022 He's (Mark Connelly) only been in the non-executive chairman seat at Chesser Resources for five minutes and already the company's share price has surged 157% to 27c/share (today). RC results from Area D at Diamba Sud, Senegal, of 48m @ 6.7 g/t gold and 55m @ 4.27 g/t are reasons for the Chesser's spike. For more good examples of success in the gold sector get along to Gold Fair '20 Wednesday September 2 at the Pan Pacific Perth [email protected] or [email protected] 9321 0355 for more details on the event #goldstocks #conference
14.01.2022 Have you heard yet? Tables filling fast ... Barminco amongst it #nickel #investment [email protected] 9321 0355
14.01.2022 #goldstocks #investment Wednesday September 2 [email protected] [email protected] ... 9321 0355
14.01.2022 Couldn't get to #Perth for #africadownunder #adu2020 this year? Nevermind, for the first time ever, we have EVERY presentation and panel discussion available for viewing on our dedicated Africa DOWNUNDER 2020 Playlist on the Paydirt TV YouTube channel free and unfiltered. Hear from more than 20 #miners and #explorers as well as #serviceproviders, #analysts and #government representatives from #Australia and around the #Africa continent #paydirtmedia #mining #investment #conference #business #networking
13.01.2022 After 13 years as CEO of Gold Fields Nick Holland has taken the decision to step down. Holland will depart as CEO in September 2021. "Where we are today has surpassed my expectations of where the company would be," Holland said. "One frustration I have had and the management team have had has been South Deep has been a tough nut to crack. We've had a number of false starts, but I do feel it is different this time and feel that we are on the right track...the determination to... continue is that the orebody is there, there is something there." Thanks for your support for both Australia's Paydirt and Gold Mining Journal magazines and of course your participation in #africadownunder #perth GOLD FIELDS Nick Holland #adu2020 November 4-6
12.01.2022 Good luck to those lacing up this weekend, enjoy the lively competition and good fun! Paydirt boots n all into preparations for next week's #paydirtunlocked #luncheon featuring Western Areas Ltd Mincor Resources NL IGO Ltd First Quantum Minerals Thanks to sponsor Barminco Meanwhile, Saracen Mineral Holdings Limited among the companies featuring at #goldfair2020 [email protected]... [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] all on hand to help with any information Programme details avaialble on Paydirt Unlocked Wednesday August 19 Gold Fair '20 Wednesday September 2 Australian Nickel Conference October 6 Battery Minerals Conference November 2 Africa Down Under November 4-6 All hosted at Pan Pacific #perth #conferences
12.01.2022 Wowsers! What a year it has been! Is the best of the best still to come? If so, there are only 35 days for the next best thing to emerge...good luck those the next best things which should perhaps take note of what some of the standouts for 2020 have done to #unlock incredible shareholder value. The best place to do that will be at #paydirtunlocked THURSDAY DECEMBER 10 at the Pan Pacific #perth Melita Fogarty has all the details to ensure you don't miss out on this opportuni...ty [email protected] 9321 0355 #degreymining RAMELIUS RESOURCES LIMITED #azureminerals ***since #paydirtmedia #australiannickelconference Azure's stock has soared from 22c/share to 82c/share on the back of the Andover #nickel discovery in #westernaustralia #pilbara Azure
11.01.2022 Fresh out the box and ready to be put to good use. A jam-packed conference season coming up: - Paydirt Unlocked Wednesday SEPTEMBER 23 - Australian Nickel Conference October 6... - Battery Minerals Conference November 2 - Africa Down Under NOVEMBER 4-6 **all hosted at the Pan Pacific Perth** Mitchelle Matambo Namukale Nakazwe Christine Oelschlaeger Melita Fogarty #mining #exploration #investment #networking
11.01.2022 Q: What's more popular than an #ooshie right now? A: #gold of course and #lunch Some high flying gold companies onboard for Paydirt Unlocked on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 23 at the Pan Pacific Hotel #perth [email protected] 9321 0355 to book a table
10.01.2022 Gold price now $US2,014. Gold price tomorrow? Gold Fair '20 Wednesday September 2 at the Pan Pacific Hotel #perth Ask [email protected] or [email protected] or phone 9321 0355 to be part of the #fair
09.01.2022 Gold Fair '20 Wednesday September 2 Pan Pacific Hotel #perth #gold #conference [email protected] [email protected] ... 93210355 to find out more
09.01.2022 What would you like to know about the #nickel sector? Why not come along and ask your questions next week Wednesday August 19 at the Pan Pacific Perth [email protected] 93210355 to learn more about Paydirt Unlocked #lunch #networking
09.01.2022 With a host of precious metals-focused virtual conferences coming up, Gold Mining Journal caught up with Kirkland Lake Gold Corp President Tony Makuch to get a feel for what themes would prevail during the particular events. Of course, Makuch said the who, what, why, where and how the next next round of M&A will unfold would be the major topics for discussion. Read more on Kirkland Lake and how the Super Pit in Kalgoorlie took the company's interest in the October edition of Gold Mining Journal. Also, STAY TUNED for details on the next in-person Paydirt Unlocked event #gold #mining #exploration
09.01.2022 Who did it better? Some stunning pics in our latest edition of Australia's Paydirt #magazine #september edition. Think Cherie has us covered in this one. See for yourself
09.01.2022 Get in quick! Snag a seat for #lunch #tomorrow [email protected]
08.01.2022 Put your order in for a table at the next Paydirt Unlocked lunch Wednesday September 23 at the Pan Pacific Hotel Perth #gold #mining #exploration Melita Fogarty [email protected] 08 9321 0355
08.01.2022 Popular demand has seen the return of Paydirt TV. Western Areas MD Dan Lougher sat down with Paydirt editor Dominic Piper to talk all things nickel. For more on your chance to feature on Paydirt TV message us here or [email protected] will help out. In the meantime, sit, back, relax and enjoy (learn)!
07.01.2022 #gold #investment
06.01.2022 Walkabout Resources Ltd (ASX:WKT) has lived up to its name in recent times, staying active across several projects while waiting for project finance completion on its flagship Lindi Jumbo #graphite project in #Tanzania. Executive Director Allan Mulligan speaks with Paydirt TV about Lindi Jumbo, the investment climate in Tanzania and the company's new gold assets. LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more original content from Paydirt or visit
05.01.2022 Shine on #Victoria! Shout out to all our mates & family in the great state - #Melbourne will glitter again. Follow us here for up to date happenings around Paydirt Unlocked luncheon August 19... Gold Fair '20 Wednesday September 2 Australian Nickel Conference October 6 Battery Minerals Conference November 2 Africa Down Under November 4-6 #perth #staystrongtogether
04.01.2022 Anyone hungry? $RRL $RMS $DCN Call at Melita Fogarty 9321 0355 to see what's cooking at next week's Paydirt Unlocked #lunch #goldprice #Perth Wednesday September 23 [email protected]
03.01.2022 Less than TWO WEEKS to go! Plenty of #success stories on the #australiannickelconference programme, which features the whose who of #nickel Lock in Tuesday October 6 Mitchelle Matambo [email protected] for more details #explorationandproduction #mining
03.01.2022 Diggers & Dealers 2020 Digger of the Year Ramelius Resources Ltd is the toast of the town and with a 400% rise in profits this year Mark Zeptner is sure to be in a celebratory mood at Paydirt Unlocked Thursday DECEMBER 10 at the Pan Pacific Hotel #perth. Zeptner join's DeGrey Mining Ltd's Glenn Jardine on the "The Best of the Best 2020" panel at #paydirtunlocked Don't miss out, book a table today and get in touch on [email protected] or 9321 0355 #networking #business #lunch #paydirtmedia
03.01.2022 Poseidon Nickel Ltd (ASX:POS) has enjoyed a terrific run on the market in the last three months, posting a 100% increase since the end of July, and the best may still be to come. Paydirt TV speaks with MD Peter Harold about the companys new Golden Swan nickel discovery at Black Swan and plans to produce gold from tailings on its Windarra project. LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to Paydirt TV for more original content or visit
03.01.2022 The #gold price has retrieved in the last day or two but expert forecasts for the precious metal remain strong, as does the healthy appetite of dollars spent in the ground by explorers. For greater insight on the gold sector register for Gold Fair'20 Wednesday SEPTEMBER 2 [email protected] or [email protected] 9321 0355. In the meantime, don't spend all day looking at this pic. Or do ... it puts a smile on our face #goldstocks #investment #networkingevents #connect
01.01.2022 It's #lunch time! #Nickel on the menu this time at Paydirt Unlocked, Wednesday, August 19 at the Pan Pacific Perth. Melita Fogarty says this will be highly popular and spaces are limited [email protected] or 9321 0355 to book ... Dan Lougher David Southam First Quantum Minerals Western Areas Ltd Mincor Resources NL
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