Precious Breath Wellness Lifestyle | Fitness venue
Precious Breath Wellness Lifestyle
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24.01.2022 Working alongside my husband in breathing life to our creative projects + soulful offerings for our community is the sweetest blessing. I didn’t know what love was before I met this man. I didn’t know how safe or supported I could feel in true partnership with another like I do with him.... Soul tribe ~ the Universe will bring into your life what you are already vibrationally emitting - so trust me when I say I know my worth, but that didn’t stop buried limiting beliefs from surfacing when we met. Heck, they still appear now & then... The difference is though, rather than trying to hide the reality of my past trauma surfacing for healing...I let him in. I’m doing so, I let myself be seen for all that I am; raw, inspired, wild, passionate - insecure at times, other times confident + focussed... The biggest gift all of this has been though? Is that I’ve seen ALL of me too! Not just the woman I’m becoming - but all of the shadow that created the strong, capable, creative, resilient, loving passionate feminine tidal wave I know I am. I’m coming to understand how our greatest healing comes from our most intimate partnerships, and not a day goes by where I don’t honour and respect the man that has done + continues to do, the work on himself to hold such a safe space for his woman.
24.01.2022 When you turn heads just by being all of you. This man, this love...built on playfulness & shared values on freedom, soulful living, nature + the ocean, continues to inspire me. There is no one else whos side Id rather be than this mans, doing exactly what we did when we first met. We play.... Take - in fact, CREATE the time to connect in with what got you started in the first place. Meet yourself there, meet your beloved there & consciously choose to place a sacred container around your connection. Thats how you keep your love alive. @shaunwood
22.01.2022 Be a reminder to us, above and below, to hold sorrow and grief in one hand and great wisdom and joy in the other. Teach us how to make room for both in our hearts, knowing that we cannot dent either of them. Bring our hands to our hearts in honouring of the way weve matured in acceptance of this truth. Guide our sweet hands to flush our false medications and step toward the real medicine - the triple crown of divinity, humanity, and the pure energy that electrifies and ani...mates everything. Whisper to us the truth of what is real, what to tend to, what to feed, and what to pay attention to. Sometimes we forget. - Pixie Lighthorse Prayers of Honouring Remember, the temple is within you
22.01.2022 Self-care has got more to do with paying attention, emotional maturity + conscious evolution than simply indulging in spa treatments (which are a fantastic way to treat yo self btw..). Understanding yourself, knowing what youre body is feeling & taking the action required to restore harmony + balance is the mature womans self-care practice. She knows she doesnt need anything outside of her own temple to soothe her, everything she needs to care for her wellbeing is refined ...& practiced. Her words are her wand & her ability to focus her energy is her magic. Join me & special guest Kaylie from as we unpack our self-care rituals to support our emotional body & care for our mood. 11am, zoom link in bio. @ Newcastle, New South Wales
21.01.2022 Rituals to cleanse Bathing. Immersing myself in water always reminds me that as I cleanse my physical body ~ so to can I cleanse my mind. Both are important rituals. One is to rinse yesterdays sweat, tears & effort, the other is to rinse yesterdays stress.... The past no longer needs you, sister hear me. Its the future that needs you. ALL of you. How are you preparing to show up for it?
20.01.2022 How do you show up for yourself? This sentence has been swimming around on socials for a while now and it always gets me. Once upon a time, I just coasted through life not quite clearly seeing the difference between the energy of what I really wanted to manifest and that which was familiar.... I had learnt to hide that I didnt feel like I fitted in, or that I wasnt really good enough or smart enough by having a busy social life, a great corporate job, lots of extra money...I buried my sensitivity by training too hard at the gym, drinking too much, partying too hard and looking for love in all the wrong places. I was fit, active and living the single persons dream. I thought my outward success was me showing up for myself. Try as I did though to take my life to the next level and create something new for myself, I was always drawn towards what was familiar for me, and the familiar always fed my shadow side. I hadnt understood why I kept attracting the same story wrapped in a different person, friends group or experience. I came to realise that it was my shadow that was attracting the pattern. She wanted attention, she wanted to act out to all the times I ignored her - to all the times I hurt her, parroting the emotional abuse I received growing up in a culture that didnt understand me. Even though there was a lot of good going for me, my shadow didnt feel worthy of it all yet because I really hadnt accepted that she was part was part of me. It was years of a lot of deep inner work, collecting the fragmented pieces of myself that Id given away, polishing the dirt from them until they reflected my light and holding steady when I faced my shadow so I could welcome her into my arms with tenderness that a reclamation of my self was made. . Life changed when I stopped fighting myself. Your shadow self needs your acknowledgment, she needs to know that she is loveable, that she is accepted and that she is worthy of your light too. After all, its the shadows that make your light shine brighter doesnt it? How do you show up for you? . @shaunwood
20.01.2022 Relationship + Transparency I’ve been receiving messages asking me about what kind of work I’ve been doing that helps me show up for myself & my relationship ~ and it’s prompted to create a journey to share with you... Until it’s released let me offer you these questions to reflect on; ... ? This isn’t a trick question btw... start to notice your actions + your own personal dialogue. Are you on autopilot? What words are you saying to yourself? What thoughts are you thinking...? ’ ? When in conversation, are you listening to their words or are you planning what you’re going to say next before they even finish? ‘’ ? Slow, intentional movements harmonised with your breath is a blessed path towards self-understanding, you’ll learn your own edge, your own pleasure points... ? Is your physically body digesting & processing high vibrational food that feeds your cells so you feel vital? How do you feel; physically, emotionally & mentally after you eat? ? Are you supporting your nervous system process your life’s accumulated stress debt? Are you meditating? Do you speak to a counsellor? Are you participating in some form of art therapy to support you in letting go of the old to make space for the new? These sound so simple don’t they...yet they underpin everything that enables you to know yourself so you can retrain yourself... Yes. I said retrain. We are all a sum of our past habits that we have the power to ! If you want better relationships, start with getting to intimately know the most important person in your life; YOU Want to know how you can invite more intimacy, awareness, love & time into your life? Drop me a or a DM.
18.01.2022 Shared connection ~ in love with this gorgeous giggle session with @shellyseashells75 during my recent photo shoot with @shaunwood When you let go of trying to get it right, your heart opens and joy fills you to the brim! #connection #trust #play
17.01.2022 Jasmine ~ the sweet, heady aroma of Spring The oil...this aroma Spring time is the opportune time to open up to receive ~ allow your senses to fill with inspiration.... Want to design the life that your heart knows to be true for you? Try this; Get up at sunrise + get outside ~ welcome the gift of another day Bask in gratitude ~ amplify the feeling of abundance & magnetise more to you Solidify what youre calling in by seeing it, feeling it as if you already have it Anchor that emotion + memory into your subconscious with a strong physical sensation (like a cold ocean dip!) & aromatic compounds that trigger your primordial brain Align with love ~ all of us have extraordinary gifts + talents, its up to us to step up & utilise all of the blessings of them & deliver great work into the world
16.01.2022 Standing in front of a group of women and holding space for healing did not come naturally to me. It has been a skill I continue to craft that involves recognising my own self-limiting beliefs and stories around worthiness. I used to feel like a phoney, an imposter ~ standing in front of other women as if I had something valuable to say....can you imagine that?... It takes a great deal of self-compassion, patience and love to peel back the layers of that language and really see the trauma that caused that split in ones self. Then it takes courage to forgive all that occurred and own your own healing journey. It was such an honour to hold a collective learning + sharing circle @vegan_ahimsa_yoga_shala and share my wisdom (thank you for having me ). Essential oils have supported me through such intense moments of transformation ~ including #fertility issues, grief, anxiety...#perimenopause #hotflashes + calming the crazies that come with such things... Essential oils have helped me reduce my homes grey water footprint while reducing the toxic load we live in. My home, my kitchen - our bedroom - smells and feels like the temple that it is. Coupled with dedicated lifestyle practices that radically uplevel our energy, mental clarity and intimacy. Not sharing my wisdom would be a complete disservice to gifts my life has been blessed with! If you are secretly using your oils to your own benefit - or harbouring something magical that is transforming your life and scared to not share it for fear of being ridiculed or seen to be pushy...try practicing getting over yourself already!! There are women out there who are craving the information and presence you hold! #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness #togetherwerise
16.01.2022 Have you started using a yoni egg yet? The story I could tell you about how using the ancient practice of self-healing my relationship to my yoni, my sexuality and my body is directly aligned to when I gave myself permission to receive love. Self-pleasuring evolved into hours long love making experiences, where I learnt how to release an orgasm - how to receive its current, its charge and channel it up my centre where it felt like it exploded through the top of my head!... Ive held my body through orgasmic shudders where tears of surrender poured down my face. Ive watched myself with mirrors & witnessed this darling tender part of me transform into rich hues of lilac & Rose & pinks... I wondered why Id never thought to do that before in my life.. Why was I embarrassed about masturbating? Where did the shameful feelings of touching myself and liking it come from?? With gratitude for the person who gave me my first yoni massage & to the goddess @rosie.rees for helping me pick which egg & wand to bring home three years ago. Suffice to say my sacred crystals bathed in the light of that incredible full moon, along with all of my other precious stones. Sweet soul-sister family, if these words land in you, if youre at all curious to learn more about please dont be shy to reach out to me... drop me a DM & well have a chat - or check out the link in my bio for access to where you can invest in your own sacred yoni crystals
16.01.2022 ‘Help your heart to weave and spin poetry’ There is a very old, well loved little book on my shelf written by Shakti Gawain called ‘Creative Visualisation’ and my eyes have savoured every single word over many years. It always fascinated me how books can journey with us in life, weaving their presence into our consciousness, helping us to carve out meaning...... Along with poetry, such as this beloved quote from Osho states ~ it’s matters of the heart, the threads of emotions and the fragrance of them that inspires us to greater heights. We can quite literally become whole, or healed, with love. Like the oil of purest rose, love is the highest vibration our body’s can emit ~ shaking loose what weighs us down... This is what fuels our sharing of the Essential Connections offering, to invite others to vibrate high in love. Commit to it, daily. Seek out ways to let love adore you...pause to soak it in when you do; the touch of the morning light on your face, the flutter of a butterfly, the embrace of a beloved... With eyes that see the world through poetry ~ or a mind that is at least willing to imagine a world that is creative and supportive of your evolution ~ you can recover from anything. ‘Creative visualisation is one of the most important tools we have for creating and maintaining our health. One of the basic principles of holistic health is that we cannot seperate our physical health from our emotional, mental and spiritual states of being.’ - From the book Creative Visualisation If you’ve not yet not reserved yours + your partners place at our Essential Connections gathering tomorrow at the @yogaloftnewcastle ~ do so now! Don’t wait another minute, connect with the Divine every opportunity you have. Full deets are in my bio.
16.01.2022 Want to change your life? Do a self-audit. Carve out some time and answer the questions in this post ~ then notice how your body responds to what you’ve written.... Knowing yourself is the key to unlocking your true potential. No one else can do that for you. Your Queendom awaits
14.01.2022 New lunar cycle + New energy consciously cultivated = New sublime offerings about to be born
14.01.2022 Wish I had a more recent of you papa...Not a day goes by when youre not in my thoughts
13.01.2022 The path of the goddess is all about learning to ride the expansion & contraction until you can recognise her different faces of your ups & downs of your journey. You become familiar with her subtle hints, the signs that a path is opening for you, the warnings to back off, back down, go deeper inside, or turn more attention to a part of your personal self that needs development. Little by little, Shakti partners with your own efforts & practice subtly reshapes your & nature... Letting go of what made you the warrior you are today, frees you to completely embody your power. If youre struggling to reframe youre experiences as things that happen to you - rather than things that happen for you...try asking yourself if youd be willing to... Try saying I am willing to forgive or I am willing to let go I am willing to step into my power.... The simple offering the words I am willing to gives you the permission to try it on for size, this new perspective, to free yourself from trying too hard. It may give you the opening you need for your fullest expression of self-love.
13.01.2022 Something magical occurs when people are willing to try something new, to be seen, feel vulnerable maybe even a little awkward... We break the habit of being ourselves and open some space for true, connection. By honouring each other ~ consciously seeing and acknowledging one another’s strengths + gifts, ’ . ... Imagine a new world where we felt safe to be who we really are, knowing that others around you have your back ~ imagine what mountains you could climb! Thank you to the beautiful souls that joined our workshop today @yogaloftnewcastle for hosting us at your lush studio ~ it was such an honour to share alongside my husband @supyogimatt to our Newcastle community something so close to our hearts
12.01.2022 Are you joining us for our Essential Connections workshop at the @yogaloftnewcastle this Saturday?
12.01.2022 Some times were more attached to the struggle than to achieving the outcome... Let go of the struggle. If youve been trying too hard, be willing to soften. If youve been playing the victim, be willing to become active and stand firm about who you are and what you want.... Be willing to fall over, letting go of perfection and instead receive the blessing of the wisdom that comes through experience. Water based practices taught me a lot more about getting up again more than any other yoga Ive ever practiced. I let the water baptise me time and again... @ Mother Earth
11.01.2022 Those blue skies
09.01.2022 To the woman reading this; You are your ancestors dream... The lineage of women before you, the mothers, grandmothers, the healers, the nurturers...the fighters & the defenders ~ they see you, they feel you, they love you. You are the embodiment of all the hopes & dreams as.... Every time you heal your story, you heal another generation back. Feel that.
08.01.2022 The coolest thing about the last two days was getting to ride around on motorbikes with another sister!! It’s such a sweet exchange ~ celebrating other women owning their power, going after their dreams and holding steady in the uncomfortable. Today I fell off my motorbike during an assessment ~ like I went over with it and hit the floor It spooked me enough to pull out of the last activity of the day and choose to go back next week and re-do the two day assessment.... The way I see it, the school is giving me another opportunity to practice for FREE so I’d rather spend more time getting comfortable on the bike before getting onto the road.. However this gorgeous mumma of 4, Lisa, got her L’s today and I was so proud of her!! The moral of this story is, we’ve got this one life ~ please don’t spend it worrying about what other people think of you, being jealous of someone else’s success or down on yourself for failing. Practice celebrating others knowing that when you can see greatness in them ~ it means you can recognise it in yourself. I’ll keep you posted on my licence escapades
07.01.2022 Surrendering is not a bursting out, its a melting in... Maryanne Williamson Melting in, to trust ~ of my body & what its capable of doing, of my partner & hes ability to support me.... Melting in, to what is ~ a change of seasons where its the feelings we seek not what something looks Surrendering is, not a bursting out. Even though this image looks technical, it was really more about letting go of trying to get the pose right & more about trusting in the training Ive given my body over the years of practice. At some point we must remember just how damn magnificent we are & surrender into the muscle memory of our inherent brilliance. Whether that be of an athlete having primed their body for that one crucial race, a new mother breastfeeding her babe, or a transitioning women remembering her wild nature or a man using his lifetime experience to hold steady space for his love... The bodhichitta way, the way of the spiritual warrior, holds an essential teaching that resonates deep within my bones, it says; we can let the circumstances of our lives harden us so that we become increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us and make us kinder and more open to what scares us. - from the book; the places that scare you by pema chödrön
06.01.2022 Honestly. Consciously. Tenderly..
06.01.2022 The Essential Connection workshop A sacred space to deepen your connection, trust and joy through partner yoga play + plant based support. Youre invited to join a 2hr journey through the heart into the soul of being present with one another. Participate with your beloved or your best mate - it doesn't matter who you are connecting with, so long as you arrive with an open mind and a willing heart.... Led by myself and my husband @supyogimatt, well be sharing with you ways in which we supported our long-distance relationship including daily self-care rituals, play + living with yogic principles of surrender, trust and present moment awareness. Well be opening the space with a heart centred cacao ceremony coupled with plant based essences to powerfully anchor our intentions - which is to introduce to you the power of touch & the cultivation of sacred space within your daily life. Remember, all human interactions develop from the relationship we have with ourselves first. Its from this solid platform that we can begin to build upon our relating with others. Bring your favourite human and enjoy being guided through breath meditations, accessible partner yoga play, therapeutic flying + an introduction to Zen Thai Shiatsu! This workshop is perfect for those that are ready to deepen their relationships and for couples that want to expand their connection Prepare to elevate your senses to whole new level... As you learn how to hold space for one another, you'll begin to uncover your own techniques to help you learn how to read your partners energy with your eyes, your touch and with your heart. Be present. It's powerful Investment: $180 / couple Hosted at @yogaloftnewcastle ~ full booking deets in my bio Please note: You are required to bring your own mat and mug to participate in the Cacao ceremony. #sacredself #sacredspace #couples #couplesyoga #partneryoga #yoga #acro #acroyoga #ritual #prayer #meditation #divine #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #soul #soulful #soulfulenergy
03.01.2022 When I stopped looking for love in all the wrong places ~ I found the greatest love of my life. It took some reacquainting, because I knew this person ~ but I didn’t really appreciate her. There were so many memories of past neglect, betrayal and dishonesty that I wasn’t sure I even liked her very much. However, when I started to question those beliefs I’d had about her and started to see the challenges she’d overcome - all the while dragging my sorry-ass resistenze along wit...h her...well, my heart opened up and I cried tears of complete and utter awe. How had I never seen her like that before? Empowered. Unique. Playful. Brave. Tender. Curious. Intelligent. Loving. She was everything I’d always wanted to be but didn’t think I could ever be. Without hesitation, she opened her arms and embraced me. And I felt safe, I felt cared for and I felt at home. ~~~~~ Stop looking outside of yourself for approval, validation, love...practice turning your gaze inwards and loving on yourself with so much passion that the alchemy on Union becomes You. You are everything you’ve been waiting for. The outside world will reflect what your inner world says is true.
01.01.2022 For the next 30 seconds, be still + breathe.
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