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Peaceful Birthing in Noosaville, Queensland, Australia | Educational consultant

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Peaceful Birthing

Locality: Noosaville, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 407 139 886

Address: 13 McKenna Crt 4566 Noosaville, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Final call for the class starting Sunday! Due to a late cancellation there is room for one more couple to join us I’m so excited for the first face to face class in a very long time. ... To register See you then! See more

24.01.2022 Furry friends through labour How sweet is this image! There was discussion in out group class on the weekend about this. One Mum seriously considered having a homebirth to allow her to enjoy the comfort of her dog nearby while she laboured I had my beautiful Border Collie, Molly, with me at times for both my births. The first was slow to start, so she was my companion for hours while I rocked, swayed and breathed through surges on all fours on a mattress on the floor.... For my second, Molly joined me on the deck on that same mattress, but she didn’t join me in the birth pool once I submerged three hours into the labour - my daughter joined arrived an hour later *Repost @laelstone* I just had to share this from my page @aboutbirthonline I love dogs so much. They make wonderful doulas Were your animals by your side when you were in labour? I’ve been at births with cats standing guard, dogs peering into birth pools as babies are crowning and one birth where the sheep stood outside looking in the window! They knew what was up! @peaceful_birthing #hypnobirthingsunshinecoast #petsduringlabour #peacefulbirthing #womansbestfriend

24.01.2022 Bonding with baby starts in utero Your baby is also developing a bond with you, even in the womb. Studies show that his or her heart will beat a little faster at the sound of your voice. It's something that will excite and comfort your child now and for years to come There are many ways to bond with your baby during pregnancy ... Talk and sing to your baby, knowing he or she can hear you. Parents often comment how immediately after birth their baby looks at them as thought they’ve already met! Gently touch and rub your belly, or massage it. Partners or loved ones can get in on this one (with Mums blessing of course!) Respond to your baby's kicks. In the last trimester, you can gently push against the baby or rub your belly where the kick occurred and see if there is a response. Relaxation practice such as the breathing exercises taught in the Hypnobirthing Australia class. Both Mum and bub benefit from the release of relaxation hormones Visualisations are also a great way to feel connected to your baby before he or she arrives earthside. Want to learn more? Book in a discovery call by scrolling to the bottom of the home page The next class is 22nd and 29th November and will be held virtually. It’d be so wonderful if you could join us @peaceful_birthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #positivebirth #empoweryourself

23.01.2022 Encaul baby alert!! Baby Lakyn born in his waters in the shower within 1.5hrs of arriving at the hospital. Amazing team effort by the first time Hypnobirthing Australia parents! Being born 'with the caul' occurs when a child is delivered with a portion of amniotic membrane on their face. 'Caul' literally means 'helmeted head' or 'veil'. ... It’s historically a sign of good luck, thought to occur in roughly one in 80,000 births Birth story- At 2am Sunday 18th I began to feel period like cramps which escalated as the hours went by. Hayden and I remained calm using aromatherapy via the diffuser, hypnobirthing tracks, light touch, breathing techniques and affirmations. I laboured at home for 12 hours and at 2:30pm I instructed Hayden it was time to leave. We arrived at the hospital, got into the labour room and within 1.5hrs and 18 mins of breathing Lakyn down our beautiful boy was born en caul in the shower. It was the most incredible experience. I had envisioned an intervention and pain relief free labour/birth and I was so happy to have that. I had no VE's and CTG monitoring for only a very short few minutes. It was thought by the midwives I came to the hospital as I was transitioning. Birthing your baby and meeting them for the first time is an unbelievable experience and of course one I’ll never forget. Our bodies and mind are incredible. Thank you again for your education and support tools provided throughout the course. I would highly recommend it to any pregnant women and/or couple. The power of the Hypnobirthing Australia program is incredible. Thanks for the feedback Georgia. This is why I teach this course @peaceful_birthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #positivebirthprogram #lovewhatyoudo

23.01.2022 Water use in labour I wholeheartedly agree with Sophie. My heart goes out to those Mums effected by this change x Reposted @australianbirthstories ... By now you have probably heard that The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) has issued a statement this week denying women the use of water in labour. They see it as an infection control measure against COVID, regardless of the fact that there is no scientific or medical evidence to support their claim. There are many common threads that weave themselves throughoutthe stories I share on the podcast and the use of water to soothe and comfort, alleviate pain and settle even the most anxious of labouring women is one of them. Midwives have encouraged water immersion for eons; it is the most effective form of natural pain relief and has proven to reduce intervention and support natural, empowered birth. I am all for evidence-based and sensible recommendations when it comes to labour and birth but I don't agree with taking away a low-risk intervention that can significantly reduce the pain and discomfortof labour for those women who choose not to use anaesthesia. Pregnant women are already dealing with the anxiety and expectational grief of having only one support person at their birth, taking away water will only lead to more stress and possible intervention and trauma. There are no positives here. If you are a pregnant women I encourage you to talk to your midwives. Inform yourself so that you go into your birth space with knowledge. You have my support and that of the Australian College of Midwives. @rebeccacoursey_photosandfilm

23.01.2022 I’m thrilled for this beautiful couple on the arrival of their son Santiago! Just over a week ago Anita and Daniel pulled out all their Hypnobirthing tricks to help their son enter the world. Amongst the uncertainty of how the pandemic will influence birthing parents, it’s so nice to stop and hear positive stories. ... Enjoy Xx Read about their beautiful experience

23.01.2022 This has been one of my key learnings the last few months. Very pertinent right now

22.01.2022 Knowledge is power. Here is the low-down on the Coronavirus with pregnancy and birth, from Australian childbirth expert Professor Hannah Dahlen.

22.01.2022 Final call for the next Peaceful Birthing class starting next weekend! If you or someone you know is due in the middle of the year, the timing is perfect You’ll never know if you don’t give it a go but I can assure you, everyone attending will be a winner!... @peaceful_birthing #positivebirth #hypnobirthingaustralia #marchhypnobirthingclass #warragulbirtheducation #warragulhypnobirthing

22.01.2022 *vitamin K* This is something I literally didn’t give a second thought to in my first birth, then during my second pregnancy my Private Midwives discussed pros and cons for my second birth, which led me to decline. In our case I had a very low likelihood of this helping my daughter after a straight forward homebirth. It’s all knowledge

21.01.2022 ‘Why Inductions Matter’ My mind is blown. Dr Rachel Reed explores all topics induction related in an easy to understand but scientific backed way. Post dates, gestational diabetes, suspected big babies and more.... I’m incredibly proud to say these findings mirror those I teach through the Hypnobirthing Australia program. Knowledge is Power A big shout out to colleague Shari Lyon @belly2birth for hosting this interview. Another podcast for your indulgence @peaceful_birthing #hypnobubs #hypnobirthingaustralia #positivebirth #inductionmatters See more

20.01.2022 This just brought tears to my eyes! When I am seeing past the fear of the current situation, often during and directly after meditation, this beautiful quote mirrors how I feel. There will be light at the end of this tunnel

20.01.2022 Today we get to celebrate this little monkey. 2 today! I love having an excuse to relive and retell her birth story! It was hands down best day of my life (..that and my first daughter birth, and of course my wedding day. So cliche!) It was incredibly intense, I remember saying to my husband an hour in that the sensations I were the same as the last hour of my first birth. But I never for a second questioned whether I could do it; all the preparation, the unconditional and love from my care team and absolute trust in my body paved the way for the magic that unfolded 2 years ago Three hours after the first niggle, my body took over and began nudging my baby into the world, then an hour later she drifted into the birth pool and into the loving arms of her parents I’ve never ever felt so strong in my life. Oxytocin rush is the best! I’m so grateful for Zara choosing us as her parents. This year had been challenging on so many fronts, but we’re all looking forward to our new journey here in Noosa. Love ya little bear! X #secondbirthday #hypnobub #practicewhatyoupreach #waterbub See more

18.01.2022 I can feel the collective sigh of everyone around me as 2020 draws to a close. What a year! My own Christmas is going to look very different this year After the craziness of seeing what Santa delivered to our girls, we will be spending the morning at the beach, which we've never done before. I've fallen head over heels in love with the ocean here in Noosa, my blissfully happy place paddling in the ocean. And learning the new art of surfing of course! I find the presence re...quired from the very act of concentrating so very revitalising. Thank you, mother earth. Our day is normally full to the brim with the bodies of our loved ones, this year it'll be just the four of us for most of the day until we have some family over for the afternoon. Different- in line with the theme of 2020! One of the downside to our move up north, by lucky we have facetime calls! I'm going to use this break to consciously withdraw from anything I find energetically draining and concentrate on the small things every day that bring me joy. I've recently been learning more about the power of oxytocin, the love hormone, not only useful in labour but in everyday life. I'm going to create my very own oxytocin plan to reenergise for 2021 I wish you and your families a beautifully joyous, connected, relaxing festive season. Here's cheers to a very different 2021! @peaceful_birthing #lookingforwardto2021 #refreshandrecharge #sunshinecoasthypnobirthing

17.01.2022 So this is why we cant stop smooching babies, even if they aren’t our own, we’re after an oxytocin fix!! Also know as the ‘love’ hormone. I’ve been thinking of this image so often these last few days. Kissing your baby literally lights them up. This is the world's first magnetic resonance image showing the connection between a mother and child. Neuroscientist Rebecca Sax kissed her two-month-old son and triggered a chemical reaction in her son's brain and produced a surge... of oxytocin hormones. Source: Bruno Henrique Reposted @australianbirthstories

16.01.2022 Love love love this!! You’re welcome ... I’ve witnessed some seriously beautiful and emotional skin-to-skin or kangaroo care between partners/fathers and their babies in the immediate hours following birth - watching them share and experience potent emotional and hormonal bonds and foundational connection. . Some out of biological necessity as a birthing Mama has needed to be taken to surgery for a retained placenta or postpartum haemorrhage - where just the partner, bub and I we areleft alone in the birth space and the non-birthing parent takes their top off without a moment of hesitation and holds their vernix covered newborn to their chest, covered in warm blankets and sits back talking to them gently and reassuringly. . @the_birth_house recently shared that Dr. Nils Bergman presented research showing that just 30 minutes of skin to skin with the non-birthing parent actually rewires their brain. Mothers have the advantage of natural hormonal changes during and immediately following birth, especially the hormone Oxytocin, to help their maternal instincts kick in. . For partners, when they spend time skin to skin with their newborn, hormonal changes occur including a rise in Dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for many things including pleasure, and a rise in Dopamine plus the increased Oxytocin means that a parents brain creates a positive association with close contact with their baby - showing that skin to skin helps natural parenting skills to kick in. Not surprisingly, studies have also found that non-birthing parents reported feeling significantly more in control of their abilities and at ease when they were more involved in caring for their infants. Repost @australianbirthstories stories Posted #repost @yoni__co @evarosebirth

15.01.2022 Do you believe that a Full Moon can help you go into labour? I have 2 couples patiently awaiting their ‘overdue’ babies so fingers crossed the full moon helps bubs earthside Ask any birth worker and they will probably tell you that they are always busier around a full moon and tomorrow night we have a Super Full Moon at 12:35pm .... The full moon has long been thought to have effects on the human body especially women’s bodies. It had been known to influence our cycles, conception and even fertility as well as birth. So how does a full moon put a full term mother into labour? It’s known as the Lunar Effect and it has to do with the gravitational pull that the full moon has on water and well your baby is sitting within a sack of water. It’s though that the pull on the amniotic fluid can cause your membranes to release which in turn can and will hopefully start labour. There isn’t any evidence that supports this theory but what do you think is this a Myth or do you believe in the beautiful strong energy of a full moon? Comment below and tag a mum who may be waiting patiently right now. Did you have your baby on a full moon? #fullmoon #fullmooninlibra #fullmoonbirth #fullmoonenergy #goldcoast #goldcoasthypnobirthing See more

14.01.2022 2021 Peaceful Birthing dates released! I’m so grateful I get to spread the word of positive birthing possibilities to my parents. Best ‘job’ in the world Can’t wait to begin sharing with my new community in the Sunshine Coast ... @peaceful_birthing #sunshinecoasthypnobirthingclasses #hypnobirthingaustralia #newbeggingings See more

14.01.2022 A majority of the parents who decide to invest in a Hypnobirthing Australia class with me after a challenging or distressing first birth experience, are in one of two camps: ’I didn’t know ...’ fill in the blank. I didn’t know I could say no to induction, or a vaginal exam, or an ultrasound, or a stretch and sweep You don’t know what you don’t know. If you don’t have a foundation understanding of the birthing process, it’s much more likely power will be handed over to in a position of authority during pregnancy or birth for reasons other than medical necessity. A labouring mother is generally not in the optimal state of mind to be making decisions (and that’s exactly what nature intended, and what we want Mum to be in her birthing zone!). ’I didn’t feel supported ‘ fill in the blank. I didn’t feel supported by my birth partner as they felt helpless, or I felt the support team around me weren’t listening to my needs or preferences. By empowering yourself and birth partner through the Hypnobirthing Australia Program, you pave the way to a positive birth journey, regardless of how baby enters the world. We cover the physiology of birth; the importance of the mind/body connection; toolkits to help Mum remain calm which allows her body to relax; and preparation and choices for an empowered birth, including the risk and benefits of medical intervention and pain relief drugs. Knowledge is power. Empower yourself. Join us for the November classes 22nd and 29th. Register online I very much hope to see you then See more

13.01.2022 We are living in uncertain times, and this can be daunting for everyone, but particularly those carrying precious cargo in the form of an unborn child. As you may have heard, hospitals are cancelling their antenatal education classes to limit the spread of Covid-19. I can understand why hospitals are choosing to do this as they need to limit potential exposure to both patients and staff. However, this doesn't apply to independent, out of hospital education classes.... I’m so grateful to be in a position where I can still be of service to the community offering amazing prenatal education, regardless of what is happening in the world around us. The size of the class, along with any Government update will decide how classes will progress. Here is the current contingency plan: 1. If you or your partner are unable to attend classes due to restrictions or would prefer to practice social distancing at the time, then you have the choice of virtually attending the group class. 2. Completing the course privately with a combination of online learning and private virtual sessions (either 90mins or 3hrs), or changing to a later Hypnobirthing Australia course if time permits. 3. If we are all in a lockdown situation then I will run the group course virtually. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. I look forward to sharing this beautiful way of birthing with you Simone Xx @peaceful_birthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #warragulbirtheducation #warragulhypnobirthing #positivebirtheducation

13.01.2022 Burnout We’re all experiencing it and we’re all desperate for a way through it. What causes burnout, what it does to our bodies, and how we can move through the emotional exhaustion? I’ve found a little gem I felt compelled to share ‘Burnout; The Secret to Solving the Stress Cycle’ by Emily & Amelia Nagoski. Read the book or listen for a summary listen to Brene Brown’s Unlocking Us Podcast ... Stress gets stuck inside our body unless the cycle is complete. Scientific fact. In the Hypnobirthing Australia Program I teach how fear of birth corresponds to the body releasing stress hormones to allow the body to enter the fight of flight response. This book follows this idea through to completion of how we can move that stress to feel complete (not specific to birth but everyday life stresses) with practical solutions. I found it incredibly empowering to know we do not have control over emotions; it’s our bodies evolutionary involuntary response to increase survival. Green smoothies and extra sleep aren’t going to cut it. This book/podcast explores the most efficient way to complete the cycle, indicating to your body that it’s not in any danger. My favourite is a 6 second kiss I hope this can provide some relief from the current stresses in your life, especially for caregivers, and can help equip you to deal with future stresses @peaceful_birthing #pathtowellness #getridofburnout #putyourownoxygenmaskonfirst

12.01.2022 ** August class - One spot left ** Thankfully Baw Baw Shire isn’t part of the wider Victorian lockdown so at this point the August class was be face to face The Hypnobirthing Australia content is invaluable at the best of times, but feedback from the last few months has been that the techniques help parents remain calm with the uncertainties related to the wider world ... Control what you can control, then surrender as your birth unfolds. Preparation is key. Join us in August, perfect for estimated due dates October - November 2020 Register now at See more

10.01.2022 Will my heart expand again? I absolutely can relate to this post! I honestly couldn’t fathom how on earth I was going to love another child like I did my first. Then, low and behold, my second daughter joining us earthside was the catalyst for my heart expanding to make room for that kind of unconditional, all consuming love all over again ... Repost @hannahpalamarahonestlyfeminine W x ? This is something that comes up for almost all people when having subsequent babies. I know it came up for me. I just couldn’t imagine how I could love another little person as much as my daughter. But with each new baby my heart expanded a little more and there was always enough love for all Tune in for my belated #tuesdaytips today talking about bringing another baby into the mix. #doulakent #londondoula #ukbirthphotographer #ukbirth #londonbirthphotographer #maternity #bump #siblings

10.01.2022 Be like Einstein. Question everything I feel this is something I'm getting better at as I age. It opens the door to conscious living. I'm far from where I'd like to be, especially with the lure of convenience with a young family, but I do question everything from how and what products I consume, my parenting style, my career, all the way to the financial and education systems I utilise - and everything in between. I've got a plan that when I go, I'd like to leave as of a positive impact on society as I can, with as little footprint as possible. Birthing a baby is no different. I'm so grateful I chose to question aspects of each of my births within the capacity of my comfort levels and knowledge at the time. You don't know what you don't know. That's where the Hypnobirthing Australia Program becomes so important. Parents are provided with the knowledge in understanding what their individual birthing preferences look like, and tools so that they feel confident in discussing benefits and risk of any intervention offered. When the final decision lies with the parents, the likelihood of parents feeling empowered and positive about whatever path lies ahead vastly increases. Hold on to your power. Work with your care providers to achieve the best outcome for you and your family. Birthing experiences matter. @peaceful_birthing #hypnobubs #hypnobirthingaustralia #positivebirthprogram #belikeeinstein #questioneverything See more

09.01.2022 Dr Lucy, you’ve hit the nail on the head I was delighted to share the power of Hypnobirthing with Dr Lucy, Dr Rich and four other couples on the weekend. All first time parents with a desire to actively prepare for a positive birthing journey Reposted @thechiropracticcollective_ . ... Are you the type of person who does research regarding your body and how it feels? Are you the type of person who likes to be in the know - to feel empowered with knowledge and understanding of your body? Are you the type of person who makes informed choices about your body? We are. As most of you know we are expecting our first baby this year, and we wanted to expand our knowledge about birth so we could make informed decisions that are right for us. That’s why we attended @peacefulbirthing hypnobirthing classes with Simone Simone made us feel safe to express our fears, worries and concerns. She gave us the opportunity to address them and ask questions Simone presented evidence based facts, and explored variations in our birth plans. Simone helped us feel empowered and reminded us that our bodies are amazing and have the capability to do wonderful things Thank you Simone We are so grateful we had the opportunity to share this time with you. To find another practitioner who embodies the same philosophy we do in our own practice everyday for our clients is so rewarding. We are always learning, exploring, integrating and growing, so we too can help educate you about your brain and body. We are here to help you feel empowered in your decisions, because you’ve been provided the knowledge and info to make an informed decision We are here to remind you how amazing our bodies can feel Dr Rich & Dr Lucy See more

09.01.2022 We're back baby!! I'm soooo delighted to advise that the June class will face-to-face However, due to COVID-19 restrictions the number of people in the centre at any one time will be limited. Register now! ... #wearebackon #hypnobirthingaustralia ##warragulbirtheducation #warragulhypnobirthing #positivebirtheducation

08.01.2022 Welcome to the world, another Hypnobub Kayla made contact before registering for a class to discuss her previous birth experience, and to gauge whether the Hypnobirthing Australia class was for them. After our chat, Kayla registered right away. Although Kayla wasn't fearful of birth after her first experience, there were decisions her and her husband Elliot made where in hindsight they came to understand they didn't feel fully informed of the decision. ... Here's what Kayla had to say after the birth of her daughter only days ago "It was very much the redeeming birth experience we hoped for after our first didn’t go as planned. I am extremely grateful for the skills we learned during the Hypnobirthing classes with Simone. I was able to envision the birth I wanted and implement the various techniques to stay calm and in control throughout my labour resulting in the positive birth I had dreamed about!" The Hypnobirthing Australia program paves the way to a positive birthing experience, regardless of how your baby enters the world. Feeling informed, a toolkit of techniques and having the support team around that is right for you and your preferences = empowered positive birth. Read Kayla and Elliots empowering birth story Register for the November class now, hosted virtually in the comfort of your own home @peaceful_birthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #positivebirthprogram #magicalbirthstory #empoweredparents

08.01.2022 Final call for the Hypnobirthing Australia class starting next Sunday There is space for one more couple looking to pave the way to a positive birth experience Perfect for babies due in October/November ... @peaceful_birthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #positivebirth

08.01.2022 Ever wondered how it feels to be 40 weeks pregnant? This is a quote from Jasmine. Relaxed and prepared for a positive birthing experience Only 5% of babies are born in their due date. The ‘normal’ range is anywhere between 37 and 42 weeks. It can be challenging to patiently await the arrival of your little one, but the Hypnobirthing Australia mindset and techniques can really help.... Send your positive birthing vibes to help Jasmine have a beautiful birthing journey @peaceful_birthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #warragulbirtheducation #warragulhypnobirthing #positivebirtheducation

06.01.2022 *** Only 1 spot left for the June class!! ** It might seem counter intuitive that as a birth educator I’m completely adamant that women don’t need lessons in giving birth I am however utterly passionate about guiding women and their birth partners to a place where the birthing process is not feared, to trusting their incredible bodies and their baby, and surrendering to whatever journey the birth takes ... A positive birthing journey is the result of empowerment, knowledge, tools and a supportive birth team. The Hypnobirthing Australia Program delves into each of these aspects over the 2 day course. If you’ve ever considered the concept of a beautiful birthing journey, now is the time to join us for the June 21st and 28th class. Register now at #peacefulbirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #warragulbirtheducation #warragulhypnobirthing #positivebirth

06.01.2022 Final group class for 2020 What a year. I’ve had a love hate relationship with 2020 - I’m sure I’m not alone! As the struggles and effects of a Melbourne lockdown diminish for my family and I, I’ve realised my lesson is to truly value self care, alone time, downtime, relaxation and a career that light me up as my ‘greater good’.... It’s helped me move through the imprint that spending time doing things by myself or for myself, is selfish. I felt I lost myself in those days and months where I was limited to the four walls of my home with two small children in tow. Too long in survival mode. It’s now glaringly obvious to me that when my cup is empty I don’t have the capacity to care for my family, and we all suffer. So, 2020, I get it now. The massage, the catch up with a friend, the stroll alone along the river is actually for my family as much as it is for me. Shift in perspective @peaceful_birthing #lastclass2020 #positivebirthprogram #careerthatlightsyouup #positiveoutcomesforall See more

06.01.2022 Now that you are pregnant, have you actually given thought to what you want your birthing experience to look like? If not, you’re not alone. In the Peaceful Birthing course, we dedicate time to exactly this ... With no distractions of the million things you need to do, or your birth partner needs to do, on a daily basis. I find many parents get so much out of this exercise. It helps to set an intention for both parents, uniting them in a shared dream. So often a positive experience is less about the outcome, such as a natural drug free birth, but much more about the emotions. Feeling connected; feeling supported; feeling empowered; feeling a strong bond with both baby and each other. I encourage all parents to invest the time to explore this for yourselves. Once an intention is created the universe is much more likely to respond Want to know more? Book a free ‘Pathway to a Peaceful Birth’ call with me through @peaceful_birthing #pathwaytoapeacefulbirthcall #investinyourbirth #empoweryourself #peacefulbirthing See more

03.01.2022 **Peaceful Birthing classes will continue** Unprecedented times lead to creative solutions. So rather than cancel classes, we have moved to a virtual group setting. Hospital birth education classes have been cancelled, so I encourage those who are in a position to join the next Peaceful Birthing class to do so ... Register at @peaceful_birthing #warragulbirtheducation #warragulhypnobirthing #positivebirthing

02.01.2022 **Monitoring** This is a discussion we cover in the Hypnobirthing Australia course. This article is a very informative quick read for any pregnant Mummas out there

02.01.2022 So it seems I’ve hit the age when I get excited about skincare! Happy early Birthday present to me I’ve decided to focus on self care and compassion for the remainder of this year. I’ve never been one to take much notice of a mirror, but I’m finding the act of spending a few minutes each morning and evening looking after my skin incredibly therapeutic. A small meditative act even... When my cup is full, I have increased capacity to care for the loved ones around me. We all win #lovetheskinyourein #dailypresence #healinghabits

02.01.2022 This is an article written by my wonderful colleague, Pip. In class I discuss how lucky we are to have the level of technology available in pregnancy and labour when necessary- but the importance of the human experience, instinct and knowledge of the wise support people around a birthing mother. Overwhelming the most important factor for a mother during labour is to feel safe, loved and supported

01.01.2022 Post birth - ‘Baby Blues’ The drop in female hormones after birth is considered the single LARGEST sudden hormone change in the SHORTEST amount of time, for any human being, at any point in their life. Get this - during pregnancy your estrogen and progesterone will increase to the level of taking almost 100 BIRTH CONTROL PILLS in one day!... And then within a matter of three days after birth you're essential back to a baseline of what your hormones were before pregnancy - and even lower. So you can imagine this is a little like PMS on steroids! The drop in hormones you experience after pregnancy stimulates your body to produce a hormone called prolactin - which signals your milk-making glands to produce breast milk. Exclusively breastfeeding actually suppresses your natural estrogen and progesterone levels to keep your breast milk supply high and your periods away. If you do not breastfeed - prolactin levels will drop and you may experience a period as early as 6 weeks after birth. If you combine feed your baby your hormone levels will also change - prolactin levels and milk supply will drop slightly, estrogen & progesterone will rise and you may also experience a period while breastfeeding. WHY IS THIS SIGNIFICANT? A surge in oxytocin after birth and during breastfeeding compensates for the initial drop of estrogen and progesterone. Around 6 weeks those positive post-birth hormones can begin to fade and you might start noticing the effects of low progesterone and estrogen. These two hormones are key to making dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters in the brain that are important in feeling calm and happy. So, with a reduction in post-birth hormones, progesterone and estrogen some women might start to experience the baby-blues. If this is you - please know it is completely natural to feel overwhelmed. Reach out, get support & find tools to help you through this crazy hormonal ride. Reposted @laelstone Info from @ functionalnaturopath #hormones #laelstone #birth #aboutbirthonline #onlinebirtheducation #connection #newborn

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