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to load big map

Peaceful Playful & Present

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to load big map

25.01.2022 Reducing stress It’s been a pretty intense couple of weeks at my house. Busy, long hours, big emotions, lots of extra appointments that are out of our usual routines. Our routines and sense of order and organisation has been off. This is a huge stressor for me (order is one of my core values) and drains so much energy. To prevent that energy drain, and reduce the stress load, I spent some time Saturday planning out the rest of month and meal planning for the next 4 weeks...! Anyone else see red when you’re asked what’s for dinner? AGAIN!! Then we spent this morning restoring energy I love being in green space, listening to the water and birds and getting those lungs filled with fresh air. Was so beautiful! Now my cup is full and ready to rock for another week ahead!

25.01.2022 We are getting ready to return to school tomorrow. Many of these stressors from @_happyasmother will be reduced by having my kids back at school whilst I work from home. Yet, there will be other stresses added to the mix: constant change, anticipation of a second wave of COVID19, trying to fit all my clients in when many are at school but I can’t yet do school visits. Order and organisation are some of my key values and shifting and moving with change is really off putting ...for me and adds to my stress load. And my kids... they haven’t been at school for 9 weeks and appear anxious about going back. We are seeing increased tears, attitudes, fighting, and hyperactivity since the announcement last week that they had to go back tomorrow. This ebb and flow of stressors - take some away, add some in, turn some up, mix them together - and how we deal with them, how we manage the energy that they demand, is self-regulation. There may be many of us letting out a sigh of relief tomorrow, whilst simultaneously bracing ourself for the what if....?. Take time today (and tomorrow, and the next day....) to check in with your energy and stress. Just be aware.

24.01.2022 Awesome resource for kids in helping to reduce anxiety around seeing people wearing masks. By talking about masks and normalising it, we can support little people and help reduce some anxieties in the overwhelming world we are living in at the moment.

24.01.2022 So maybe not everyone’s ‘cup of tea’ boys live and breathe all things motorbikes. At the moment our little morning ritual is to watch motorbike stunts/tricks and all things Travis Pastrana who is a bit like the modern day Evel Knievel. Well at least I confident Travis was inspired by Evel, like many modern day Freestyle Motorcross peeps! My point is, this is a little snippet of our day where we are together, connecting, sharing our attention and enjoyment. May conversa...tions are triggered about persistence, commitment, practice, training, fear, family, friendship, community, charity.... who would have thought some crazy dirt bikers could inspire all that! Do you little rituals like this? Ways to pause and connect?

24.01.2022 Great reminder, particularly at this time of year when you might be getting report cards or worrying if your little one is ‘school-ready-enough’. It’s been a mammoth of a year for everyone. We all pop when WE are ready, under the right conditions for US

21.01.2022 Power to you Tiana. You are doing the most important work - supporting young minds! Hi hear kiddies are living and breathing acceptance and inclusion. I can’t wait for their generation to be running this world What I wonderful message, not just for people with Autism, or the children she supports, but for all of us - follow your dreams, follow your heart and eventually you will get there.

21.01.2022 Come and join me next month for a FREE online bookclub! Perfect if you: are are parent, educator or caregiver want to learn more about self-regulation are keen to understand more about behaviour want to chat with like minded peeps! ... We will work through Stuart Shanker’s book Self-Reg: How to help your child (and you) break the stress cycle and successfully engage in life and chat chapter by chapter! See links in comments on where to purchase. With delivery delays and people shifting to a new ‘normal’ with kids heading back to school and the ripple effects of COVID19 still being felt, we will start weekly chats from 12th June. BUT you can join the group now, pop in and introduce yourself! The time is ripe to look at the stress loads we have been under and how stress impact behaviour (ours and our kid’s) and what we can do about it.

21.01.2022 As #NationalFamiliesWeek continues and we celebrate all shapes, kinds and mixtures of families, I thought I’d share a little about how I work with families. I work WITH families around their goals and needs, their day to day lives and what matters to them. You know your child best. What works for my family might not work for yours- and that is OK!

20.01.2022 This is pretty much my my survival kit! Unless a deserted island counts?!? Maybe some outdoor space and my runners so I could go for a slow, quiet walk. What would be in your survival kit? What do you need to survive? Or perhaps more importantly, to thrive?

19.01.2022 Acknowledging the past, and the work we need to do now, and into the future. National Sorry Day is a day to acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generations Survivors and reflect on how we can all play a part in the healing process for our people and nation Reconciliation Australia

19.01.2022 Some great tips to support our kids, particularly as we start to carve out a new ‘normal’

18.01.2022 Yep! The ripple effect is real. The inter brain - our brain to brain hook up - shares our internal states with the little people in our lives (and the big people) and visa versa. Self-regulation starts with SELF

18.01.2022 What a fantastic way to connect with your Bub and other mums

17.01.2022 Yes!! This IS an important message! ALL behaviour is communication. Children often communicate big emotions through behaviour. The ‘naughty’ behaviour is the tip of the iceberg. We need to look beyond the behaviour with curious and open minds and consider WHY the behaviour is happening and WHY NOW? ... 2020 has been one heck of a year. Our little ones are not immune to this. In fact, I’d like to argue that it is amplified for them. Us adults have more perspective, more life experience and more coping strategies to be able to manage all that 2020 throws at us and to know this too shall pass. Our little ones don’t have this perspective. All they see is change after massive change and more and more uncertainty. Schooling from home, or friends away from school, teachers coming and going, news reports, sports cancelled, play dates cancelled, hypervigilance, handwashing, masks, public service announcements, parental stress, long school terms, ready for a break.... Great tips here from the team Fennell Bay Public School show understanding and empathy all feelings are ok slow down and connect reach out for support

16.01.2022 How amazing is Mother Nature We haven’t been on our daily walks for the last couple of weeks. Stuff and excuses got int he way. Why is it when things get heavy, when your stress load increases, the first this to go are those things that fill your cup? Is that the case for you as well?

15.01.2022 My first baby turns 10 today. I’ve been parenting for 10 whole years. Whoa! Whilst you might think I’d know a thing or two by now, I am still learning. Every. Single. Day. Learning more about myself, relationships, and the world, not just my kids or parenting. So here’s to ten years of lessons learnt through love. For full blog post click the link! 1. I AM ENOUGH.... 2. You are the strategy. 3. Self-reg starts with SELF. 4. You can’t pour from an empty cup. 5. Food. Water. Sleep. 6. Rhythm and routine. 7. Will it matter in 12 months/5 years/18 years? 8. Lessons are in the struggles. 9. It’s in the little moments. 10. Tomorrow is a new day.

15.01.2022 I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which I live, learn and play. I acknowledge the Awabakal people and pay my respect to Elders past, present and future #inthistogether

13.01.2022 Happy #OTWeek2020 So what is OT? Why would you need an OT? How can they help? ... If you want to know more about who I am as an OT, check out my latest blog post

11.01.2022 Shout out to everyone living with ADHD yourselves or someone with ADHD - October is ADHD awareness month. In my experience, ADHD often shows up as two sides in many aspects: Big emotions - squashed down or exploding hyperfocus or inattentive ... totally invested or couldn’t give sh*t All or nothing black or white... Everyday I am learning to work through these ups and downs, carve our own way through and embrace as much as we can. Share something you love about ADHD

11.01.2022 YOU ARE A GOOD MUM

09.01.2022 Love the work of Dr Ross Greene and his Collaborative Problem Solving process. Check out his website and take the ‘walking tour’ for parents for a guided step by step walk though of his process.

09.01.2022 A different way to approach things....

09.01.2022 Wow! What a movement. Creating radically inclusive playgrounds for EVERYONE, for community

08.01.2022 Visuals can be super useful and not just at school. I have just spent the day organising my week and moth and to-do lists in a visual form. I often recommend visuals to support children to follow instructions, be able to predict the day to day routine and transition between tasks.

08.01.2022 Awaba (also known as Lake Maquarie) is the land, waters and skies in which I live, work and play. This land, like all of our amazing country, always was, always will be aboriginal land. #NAIDOCWeek2020 #NAIDOC2020

07.01.2022 There’s still time to register for tonight’s webinar. If you’ve already registered check your junk mail for the link.There’s still time to register for tonight’s webinar. If you’ve already registered check your junk mail for the link.

07.01.2022 Love this designer wanting to show how dope these kids are and that disabilities can be superpowers. Definitely will be watching this with my kids!

04.01.2022 My load has been heavy this week. What about yours? I realise I am doing too much. Well, trying to do too much. When I try to do ALL THE THINGS, I end up feeling like rubbish! I beat myself up for all this things I didn’t get done, the things that I misssed, the balls I let drop, and the ‘shoulds’..... This feeling of overwhelm, of pressure, of failure, of ‘I can’t do this any more’ is a sign. A sign that my stress load is too high. A sign that I can reframe. I’m not a Mum/wife/OT/business owner/friend etc. I am a human being, that is trying to be a human doing - an over stressed human. What am I going to do about this? I’m gonna get back on my self-reg band wagon and go through the steps, the self-reg process. Today I took stuff off the to-do list - hair cuts before school drop off? Nope! What was I thinking. I lowered my standards a little - my version of a ‘lazy’ packed lunch for kids I was compassionate to myself - I am NOT a failure because things are getting on top on me. I got some quiet - kids are out the back and I’m hiding on my own for 10. Mornings and noise and all the arguments of getting t o boys ready for school really add to my load. 10 minutes to myself to reset is sometimes all I can get (and some days not even that!) Take care of yourself today

04.01.2022 If you are struggling, here's what I want you to know....

03.01.2022 What can you do to lighten your load and fill your cup?

03.01.2022 This can be super hard! The important things often are. Regulating your own state so you can soothe and co-regular your little ones is a practice.

02.01.2022 LOVE this little story from Australian Childhood Foundation celebrating the shiny, ordinary family moments over the last couple of months. I’m the first to put my hand up and let you know it wasn’t all ‘shiny’ and roses here. There were tears. Many. And not only from children either. Some shiny moments for us: ... daily walks reading (Grug collection has been a favourite!) puzzles (1000 pieces!) movies (great while mum works!) popcorn, plenty of popcorn! See more

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