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Peace Valley in Koreelah, New South Wales, Australia | Non-profit organisation

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Peace Valley

Locality: Koreelah, New South Wales, Australia

Address: 1189 White Swamp Road 2476 Koreelah, NSW, Australia


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23.01.2022 Day One of the YOUth LEADing the World #YLTW online congress has been a pleasure to co-facilitate with Aunty Kali, the OzGREEN team and others from around the world. In our breakout group it was wonderful to get to know Mamadou, Ousseynou, Momar, Ngouda all youth leaders passionately working to protect the land in their country, Senegal which is in the Sahel region of the African continent. We share the same dream: Protect and heal the water, the soil, the forests, bring loca...l food security, return to a healthy balance working with nature not against her. It's great to be part of this collaboration with #cccearth, Walking the Land and #ozgreen. Several countries, diverse ages and cultures are coming together as one heart and one mind on behalf of earth and life. Today we looked at stage one and two, Focus and Vision. I'm excited to see what ideas come up tomorrow as we begin phase three of the process looking at what we would like to do: Change.

23.01.2022 It's raining! Happy forest and happy people here. Filling water tanks, dust dampened, frog paradise, refreshed leaves and flowers, misty mountain and cooling temperatures.. Water is life.

20.01.2022 This weekend I'm busy with the NENA conference and today hosted a great workshop around reciprocity, gifting and relationship which went really well. Next weekend I'll be assisting with two WTR (Work that Reconnects) sessions at Restore Restory with Sarah Queblatin It's great being able to sit off grid in the bush and still be active internationally working towards positive system change for a better world!

20.01.2022 We have some places come free so if you're at a loose end this coming weekend and wish for some nurturing time with a small group of women out in nature then join us at Peace Valley in the beautiful Koreelah forest. Our programme includes yarning, weaving, meditation, circle dance and song, a sound bath, a deep listening circle and plenty of opportunities to rest, go for walks in the bush or explore the local creeks. It'll be beautiful 'time out of time' to rest and recover from some of this past years stresses. Email to book your place: [email protected] See more

20.01.2022 Today we launched a new crowd funding campaign which will raise funds for both Peace Valley and Wadju Jugu. We are needing some start up capital for Wadju Jugu and some ongoing support for Peace Valley so we can continue offering this space to those who wish to come regardless of their economic status. Also new is that Peace Valley is from now on officially a Women's only space. The camp is situated on an ancient First Nations/Aboriginal Woman's site and it feels so right to honour this in the running of Peace Valley.

20.01.2022 As follow up to last weekend's YOUth LEADing the World Congress join us in a forum which will report on what we achieved during the three days. We had over 50 participants from 5 continents and the young ones came up with wonderful visions and great action plans. Please join us and share in this session of hope in action! Aunty Kali and I will both be there!

18.01.2022 Getting started on the Mandala garden today. Loving sharing the fun of this with Annica who’s visiting at the mo. As always a big thanks to Mike who helped with the job. After a fun day in the garden we’re finishing our day with music and dance, a great mix from Rufus Du Sol to Andre Bocelli!

18.01.2022 Self sowing and seed saving, all part of growing abundance! The beauty of nature is an added pleasure, or does that come first perhaps..

17.01.2022 Come join us for our next event here at Peace Valley!

17.01.2022 More flooding rain almost caught me out on route home from Boonah yesterday as the creeks filled rapidly during a huge storm and needed fording, then it was a little like driving on snow or ice, sliding and skidding over the dirt washed gravel road. Typically forgot to do photos as my thoughts were on safe passage rather than recording it! Today again the sun shines and everything is lush green and dripping. The rivers go down as fast as they rise here as we are nearly at the... top of the watershed. Ana has moved on to her next adventure and we are all looking forward to both hearing instalments and seeing her again in the near future! During her stay we made a start on planting at the community garden, did some clearing of the over growth in the Peace Valley garden and got some further planning done for the mandala garden as our days activities revolved around what the weather was doing. Meditation, long chats, bathing in the local pools and delicious meals rounded it all out nicely. One of the big highlights during her stay was us getting to enjoy at close hand, just around 3 meters away, a yellow tailed cockatoo cut into a branch and pull out her/his dinner.

16.01.2022 Each Friday, we plan to release a new film that features Indigenous people, stories & land management practises. Today's film from Githabul Country in Northern ...NSW honours the way in which Githabul women commune with their ancestors & use fire to manage their land. A link to the full video can be found here: See more

15.01.2022 The Women's Spiral Event is happening!!! It's been a slow and long haul with the corona virus intruding but now we can finally go ahead. We'll have to keep numbers down and still keep to the recommendations re Covid but it's doable. Please email [email protected] to register.

14.01.2022 The last week has flown by in a great flurry of activity. Last weekend we had a working bee at Peace Valley to improve drainage at the back of the camp, Monday saw us working to remove a patch of Johnson grass, an invasive with thick rhizomes. On Tuesday I again had the honour of attending the annual Yarning circle at Maryvale with other members of Bindarrabi Community. Thursday was filled with two meetings, a weekly action meeting for logistics around the community, also fur...ther community building around the theme of trust and a brainstorming session around concrete action and ideas for Bindarrabi Community as it grows. Friday we spent the day in town and then it was back to the garden over the weekend and preparing for a visit from members of Arcoora which took place over the last two days. This is a wonderful new collaboration with a project based on the same vision and ethics as Peace Valley. Lots of great happenings. See more

13.01.2022 If you didn't manage to catch this live here's tonight's interview I just did with Julia and Jeff at Radio FM88 talking about Peace Valley and the journey which took me here.

11.01.2022 Looks like great things will grow from this wonderful gathering of minds and hearts. It was such a pleasure to be part of and to strengthen old ties and create new ones! Small groups of passionate people can and do change the world and this group is all about love for Mother Earth so watch this space for amazing things happening.

11.01.2022 Last weekend's women's event was a great success. We came out of this special circle of women feeling rejuvenated and rested as well as fully supported in our being-ness! This was a weekend of love, of coming together, of sharing, of honouring our pain and of laughter. Big Thanks to Aunty Pixie and Joy for their painting, the love and magic of the weekend lives on in the pictures on the wall. Thanks to the Aunties for their presence, for sharing their wisdom and Lore and for making sure I didn't do too much :D!!! Big thanks to Maria at Korogonas Ark for leading us live in sacred song and dance, this was such a treat! To join together around the planet singing in the Greek language and dancing a dance for peace and unity, what a special thing that is. ... and not least to thank Jennifer for her song at the end, simply perfect.

10.01.2022 Living this close to nature has so many marvels: scratching in the undergrowth just meters from camp and there’s an echidna nosying around for food at dark, later the sound of hopping through the dining area, was it a small wallaby come to check out the camp? Next morning as an apple core landed in some long grass, a gift for the ants, up pops a young goanna as if to say what are you doing spoiling my siesta. A multitude of birds sing throughout the day, kookaburras laughing,... magpies singing, black and white cockatoos screeching. ... and then there’s the insects multicoloured glowing creatures of such beauty and diversity. This world is such an amazing place, what a gift to be alive. Returning to the moment and what is here now helps me stay grounded in my immediate reality instead of getting lost in ‘what if’ and ‘if only’ and ‘oh no!’ It’s only in this moment in space time that I can choose what to say, how to be and what to do. May I choose well, this is what will make the future brighter. See more

10.01.2022 Join us as we celebrate Aunty Kali, Cultural Burning and Healing Country! Live tomorrow at 2pm AEST

09.01.2022 Here's the new video released today of our recent burn here.

08.01.2022 Today Korogonas Ark and Peace Valley did a joint ceremony and planted two trees in the way of #humanitree One is planted in Greece and one in Australia. With both trees we planted our joint intentions as well as ourselves! We created a fun, playful and at the same time deeply meaningful ceremony for peace and healing on our Earth. Here is the Zoom recording of the planting at Peace Valley and a link to the planting in Greece will be in the comments.

07.01.2022 This week has been busy again, however is now settling back into a peaceful flow. On Thursday I was honoured to be interviewed by Julia and Jeff on Radio FM88 and Facebook live (, on Friday I jointly held the first small event at Peace Valley since Covid arrived in our lives. Maria, of #korogonasark, Peace Valley's twinned project in Greece, co-facilitated and lead us in learning a circle dance and song. Then we created our own Full Moon Ceremony... and enjoyed a few hours sitting by the campfire watching the moon as she moved across the sky. Simply beautiful. Huge thanks to #gen, #globalecovillagenetwork for linking us and through a small grant, funding the Zoom technology which has made it possible. It was interesting to mix meeting on technology with an in person event and we were thrilled with how well it went. I have a feeling there will be more coming. Our twinning project is called Peace Ark and it truly felt like we created an arc of peace around the world! Now today I've been able to play in the garden grounding myself back into the flow of nature. Everything is bursting back into life, winter crops are setting seed and giving abundant nectar to the bees, the grapes are starting to come into bud and arrowroot and comfrey are becoming lush again. To remind me to stay present (and have a quiet laugh with me) one of the grape vines snatched my hat away!

06.01.2022 The latest in grounding techniques: playing with stone and sand. I just spent two days finishing off the floor in the main camp, it's become a section of crazy paving which creates a smooth shift from inside to outside AND started the inside garden which will be planted with ferns and other things which can tolerate low light. Next will be the task of finishing the woven wall providing a framework for native flowering vines to clamber over creating living art and dappled shade inside. Such fun.

05.01.2022 Aunty Kali was part of the GEN Oceania opening ceremony and I'll be facilitating WTR sessions over the next two days. Tonights opening was very beautiful and if it's an indicator the next couple of days will be great. Linking communities across the South Pacific region, with abundance of language and culture all speaking one message from the heart, that of peace, unity, honouring Mother Earth and abundance as we step into the future. Here's the FB live recording if you'd like a taste.

04.01.2022 It's time to get together on behalf of Mother Earth.

04.01.2022 Just finished our second session at Restore - Restory and many thanks to the tech team, the participants and Sarah who led most of this session. Today we looked at 'Active Hope' as a follow on from yesterday's WTR session and focussed on visioning our future. We used both meditation and art for the process and here's a quick screen shot of some of the results. I'd also like to share a poem from Joanna Macy which we used in this session: Active Hope is not wishful thinking.... Active Hope is not waiting to be rescued . . . . by some savior. Active Hope is waking up to the beauty of life on whose behalf we can act. We belong to this world. The web of life is calling us forth at this time. We’ve come a long way and are here to play our part. With Active Hope we realize that there are adventures in store, strengths to discover, and comrades to link arms with. Active Hope is a readiness to discover the strengths in ourselves and in others; a readiness to discover the reasons for hope and the occasions for love. A readiness to discover the size and strength of our hearts, our quickness of mind, our steadiness of purpose, our own authority, our love for life, the liveliness of our curiosity, the unsuspected deep well of patience and diligence, the keenness of our senses, and our capacity to lead. None of these can be discovered in an armchair or without risk. See more

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