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Peachester State School

Phone: +61 7 5439 5111


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25.01.2022 New student free days added to Term 4! In recognition of the outstanding efforts of school staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, the last two days of the scho...ol year, Thursday 10 and Friday 11 December, have been declared student free days. Schools will be closed on these days. For some regional, rural and remote schools that finish the school year earlier, the student free days will be Thursday 3 and Friday 4 December. View the updated school calendar at

24.01.2022 PEACHESTER MUM'S TREAT Peachester State School P&C once again hosted their popular Mother’s Day high tea event this month. Sweets treats and the weather did n...ot disappoint. The Peachester children proudly arranged vases of flowers at school before the event. These complemented the gorgeous sweets and treats made and donated by the school community to result in the beautiful afternoon. In the hotly contested prettiest teacup, first place went to Cheryl Jepson, second to Lidia Cruz and third to Holly Zwalf. Best dressed were Shari Cosmo and Lidia Cruz. The chief organisers of the event Carrie Shaw and Krysty Idle did a wonderful job. . . . . . #outandabout #mothersday2021 #localschools #localevents #peachester #peachesterstateschool #hightea #sweetsandtreats #best dressed See more

23.01.2022 PREP 2021 It's not too late to enrol your Preppie at Peachester State School for Prep in 2021. Please drop in the completed Enrolment Form to the school office ASAP or phone us on 5439 5111 for more information.

23.01.2022 We are proud to provide you with the link to Angus's winning music video. By the way, Year 5 and 6 get to make their own music video during Technology classes this term. Now you have some inspiration!

23.01.2022 Movement helps children remember skills. Today our Prep class is dancing whilst counting. You can do this at home with numbers or the alphabet.

23.01.2022 Don’t forget there’s no school on Monday. Enjoy the Queens Birthday long weekend and we see you on Tuesday.

23.01.2022 A great day yesterday for many of our Year 6’s at Beerwah State High School for the Coalition Education Enrichment Program (CEEP). We are very grateful to have such an amazing high school in our local area. Our students participated in either Athletics, the Arts, Food Technology, Science or Robotics.

23.01.2022 In preparation for school holidays, I have attached a great resource, "What You Wish You Knew: A Quick Guide to the Basics of Social Media (and the potential risks for children and teens)" to help you better understand the warnings of the most popular social media apps. Included in this guide is advice on what steps you can take to protect your children’s mental health. More information is coming out arguing that there is a correlation between the increased use of social medi...a and poor behavioural health. It has become clear that educating parents and guardians would be helpful and impactful. It is important to understand that children and teens who use social media are more vulnerable to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and even a heightened sense of suicide. And, for some, social media has become their social anxiety disorder. Compounding the problem is the fact that social media apps can lure them in and can become addictive. Behavioral health challenges may worsen the more time spent on social media. Some people are unable to avoid social media for more than every three hours. When users start sharing and comparing their lives to others, the challenges mount and the social anxiety grows. Parents now find themselves in a place that is both unfamiliar and frightening. What You Wish You Knew is a basic information tool to help you better understand the world of social media, how it can affect your child, and what this may mean to their mental health. Review it and start a conversation with your children. As we learn more about how children and teenagers are using social media, we can further our understanding of how to protect them. A full copy of this guide has been emailed home today to parents and carers Kind regards, Kim Fillery

22.01.2022 House Captain Speech - Iyla

20.01.2022 Welcome back to Term 4!

19.01.2022 Day 1 of Camp Marantha. These are the pics from one of our groups, I will get pics of the other group tomorrow.

18.01.2022 Happy Chappy Week Tanya! Thank you for your support and dedication to our students, staff and community. Did you know that Tanya volunteers a full day every week to make sure that she is able to help all of our students all much as possible? She loves running friendship groups, helping build self esteem and problem solving strategies and so much more! Hope you enjoyed your cake!

17.01.2022 School Captain Speech - Alexandra

17.01.2022 Congratulations to Angus for winning Gold for the 2020 Queensland Poetry and Song Writing Competition. We look forward to Angus sharing his winning song with us all. We are all so proud of you Angus!!!

17.01.2022 Welcome to Week 2, the week for Mental Health. Staff and students have been invited this week to see how activities they can do that help either theirs or others mental health. Some ideas for you: * Spend time with a pet * Participate in some type of exercise each day * Take time to do deep breathing... * Call a friend * Pay something forward * Spend some time in the garden * Compliment someone * Use positive self-talk Have a fabulous week!

17.01.2022 Today our Prep students worked with Chappy Tanya on our signature Rock and Water Program. This whole school program helps our children on their way to self-awareness, and increased self-confidence and social functioning.

17.01.2022 School Captain and House Captain Speech - Keeley

16.01.2022 It’s a beautiful morning for a bush walk with our campers.

15.01.2022 THE FIVE BIG BENEFITS OF LOOSE PARTS @ PEACHESTER STATE SCHOOL! Loose parts play is an open-ended system for learning! This means no rules to follow, no expectations to fulfill, no specific problems to solve, no finished product to churn out, and no right or wrong way to play or ENGAGE.... As a result, loose parts play: Develops Inquiry Skills Loose parts engage a child’s innate sense of wonder. That wonder leads to testing, trying out ideas, and inspecting resources. Teaches Children to Ask Questions Then they expand deeper on those ideas. They ask questions and listen to each other's ideas. They research on purpose, gather data, and test their theories. They begin critical thinking. Develops a Wide Range of Developmental Areas Loose parts play promotes a range of developmental areas: social/emotional, cognitive, math, literacy, physical, arts and science. Develops Imagination and Creativity Loose parts play is imagination, design, creativity, and art. Children are allowed to develop their OWN ideas and, through self-expression, gain confidence and enjoy the learning process because they chose it. Develops Social Play and Interaction Children are excited to exchange ideas, test theories, and discuss the magic unfolding with their peers. They take interest in each other's work, practice listening skills, and explain their own process and methods.

14.01.2022 Thank you to our friends at Banjo’s Bakery Beerwah for supplying afternoon tea for our 1st staff meeting for Term 4! So good!!

14.01.2022 How many books has your child read? Remember that all students should be recording their completed books on their sheet. Many students are finished already, ready for the fun activities to celebrate. Your child won’t want to miss out!!

13.01.2022 Community Notice: We’re getting ready for our Christmas markets a fantastic family event Save the date and come join in the festive fun and grab some Christmas presents. ... Get your pets registered for our fancy dress parade. Hurry up and buy your Thermo mix raffle tickets $20 online to be drawn on the day.

12.01.2022 Peachester State School now have bucket hats available to purchase! $18 each and available from the uniform shop from Monday.

12.01.2022 Today our students at Peachester State School all participated in the St John’s First Aid in Schools Program. Students learned a variety of age-appropriate skills, teaching them to identify danger, to call for help and to administer first aid.

12.01.2022 Volunteers Needed!!! Our Tuckshop is open on Tuesday each week. In order for our Tuckshop to operate smoothly we require the help of Volunteers. If you could help our friendly Tuckshop Convenor, Lorraine, even if you can only spare 1 morning a term, it would make all the difference. Please sign up on poster under admin building. ... Come and see us and see how we love to cater for your children!!

11.01.2022 Congratulations to our Peachester girls at the dance concert yesterday in Beerwah - we are missing in the photos Emily, Anna and Merindi who all did a great job too!

10.01.2022 This is how we roll into Term 4! All classes enjoyed bowling today with Mrs Westrup in PE classes.

09.01.2022 We use Zones of Regulation at Peachester State School to help students to be aware of their emotions, label them and be able to make positive choices. If you would like to follow this page, it will give you tips on using the same language at home. This particular post is about stopping a tantrum before it starts.

09.01.2022 School Captain and House Captain Speech - Ruby W

09.01.2022 Our Preps have been writing sentences for some time now, but look at how proud they are today!

09.01.2022 It’s National Reconciliation Week this week. This is a link to an art activity for your children to complete. Perfect long weekend activity!

09.01.2022 Cyberbullies try to take away our power. It’s time we take the power back. If you’re experiencing cyberbullying, swipe it away and talk with someone you tr...ust. It may be difficult at first, but opening up is a great first step to coming up with a plan to navigate cyberbullying together with a parent or another trusted adult. You don’t have to deal with it on your own. Visit for advice and to connect to support services. #SwipeItAway #StopCyberbullying

05.01.2022 Prep-Year 3 Camp Day Photos. 25.11.2020

05.01.2022 Congratulations Mr Bruce Page! Peachester State School is so privileged to have a bond with you and your family.

05.01.2022 At Peachester State School, we choose to recognise all of our amazing staff on this day. We are all teachers.

04.01.2022 School Captain and House Captain Speech - Ruby A

04.01.2022 This is my new favourite after fixing a major jam In the photocopier today. No one around to help, but I felt mighty powerful afterwards!

03.01.2022 Peachester SS staff have completed training in teaching students with Dyslexia. We work closely with visiting specialists and our Reading and Writing Centre to make sure that every child is successful every day.

03.01.2022 It was bubble morning this morning. What a lovely way to great our P-3 students as their older friends left on the bus to camp! Who doesn’t love bubbles?!

03.01.2022 Week 1 of Library Renovation. This week saw the removal of wall panels and ceiling and the relocation of a rather large snake who had been living in the ceiling!

01.01.2022 Welcome to Term 4. October is Mental Health Awareness Month. Perhaps you and your family could start the challenge below- tick off one activity to support your mental health each day.

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