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Peak Health Chiropractic in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Chiropractor

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Peak Health Chiropractic

Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Phone: +61 466 826 162

Address: 43 Sheppard Street Hume 2620 Canberra, ACT, Australia


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25.01.2022 It’s been a tough start to the year in the ACT. Between the bush fires, hail storms and now COVID 19, some people may be lacking motivation. Now more then ever it’s time to keep active. Exercise provides a great boost to the immune system and releases endorphins (the happy hormone) into the body. If your struggling to get active, contact us to see how we can help you today. #immunesystem #exercise #exercisemotivation #sportschiro #sca #sfma #dns #performance #injuryprevention #injurymanagement

24.01.2022 Great to be apart of the @capitalfitnesschallenge for another year! Treatment/taping will be available to all athletes over the weekend. #sportschiro #sca #performance #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #rehab #strengthandconditioning #sfma #dns #functionalneuroorthopedicrehabilitation #Repost @capitalfitnesschallenge with @get_repost ... Great to have @peakhealthchiro back for another year to keep all the athletes finely tuned for the event! Don't forget winners will receive a ticket to the @australianfunctionalfitness National Final with a chance to represent Australia at the IF3 world title. Link in bio to register #peakhealth #chiro #capitalfitnesschallenge #canberra #mastershq #afff #if3

23.01.2022 Who said Chiros and Physios can’t work together? It’s been a pleasure looking after @lukerussell7744 while he spent time in Australia. All the best with the move back to New Zealand and your physiotherapy studies #sportschiro #physio #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #performance #crossfit #sfma #dns #functionalneuroorthopedicrehabilitation

22.01.2022 Running Jared through baseline concussion testing ahead of his upcoming rugby season Complete Concussion Management Check out our website for more details: #concussion #concussionrecovery #sportschiro #rehab #injurymanagement

22.01.2022 Hope everyone is having a hopping good Easter! #stayhome

21.01.2022 That’s a wrap for another year Capital Fitness Challenge. It’s an absolute pleasure being apart of this event and looking after all the athletes. #crossfitsfs #crossfit #canberra #australianfunctionalfitnessfederation #performance #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #performance #sfma #dns #art #rocktape

20.01.2022 Congratulations to Scott Williams and Nadezda Dorsoski for making it through to the next stages of the CrossFit open. It’s always a pleasure working with you guys and great to see your hard work pay off!!! #crossfitopen #crossfitsfs #sportschiro #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #performance #strengthandconditioning #sfma #dns #fnor

20.01.2022 Was a pleasure to present at Enhance Healthcare - Chiropractic and Massage Sports Injury Centre workshop today! Thank you for the invite and it was great learning off you all as well #chiropractic #sportschiro #squats #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #performance #canberra

19.01.2022 Update on COVID - 19 First and foremost, we want you all to know it is business as usual here at Peak Health Chiropractic. As always our clients health is paramount to us. Due to the current climate we are increasing the frequency of our cleaning procedures.... This will include (but is not limited to): hand sanitising and hand washing for at least 20secs between every client changing face paper and linen between every use wiping down tables and rehab equipment between every use hand sanitiser, tissues will be in treatment room wiping down door handles and surfaces regularly If you have recently traveled overseas or are exhibiting flu-like symptoms, please reschedule your appointment. We fully understand this is a tricky time. If you have specific questions or concerns, please feel free to call the clinic. #Repost @auschiros with @get_repost

19.01.2022 Running Caroline Buchanan through our new balance tracking system, thanks to Balance Tracking Systems #balance #proprioception #vestibular #sportsandexercise #concussion #performance #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #canberra

18.01.2022 In addition to our current cleaning practices (refer to post from 17/03/2020), Mark has now completed the Department of Health Infection Control Training. This is an online module designed for Health Care workers which provides the tools to further explain and breakdown the myths surrounding COVID-19, and how to protect yourself.

17.01.2022 Keeping active at this time is more important then ever for both your physical and mental health. Tell us what you are doing to keep active #movement #exercise #performance #mentalhealth

17.01.2022 Wow it’s been a big few days... We had clients completing the last workout for the CrossFit Open, competing in the Bay Games and the Torian Pro. Mark was also treating athletes and clients at the ACT Weightlifting Club Champs. We love seeing our clients killing it at events, keep up the good work! #sportschiro #sca #performance #crossfit #weightlifting #weightliftingact #torianpro #baygames #crossfitopen #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #sport #sfma #dns #fnor

16.01.2022 Does A Multisport Background Improve An Athletes Opportunity For Success? Click on link to find out Dr. Greg Rose's thoughts

14.01.2022 The newest member of the Peak Health Chiropractic family, Jack Thomas Trbojevich born on the 17/2/2021. We couldn’t be happier to add this little man to our family! Mark will be returning to work on Friday the 5th of March. To book an appointment jump online to

13.01.2022 The year is nearly over and there are only limited appointments available. If your in need of an appointment jump online to so you don’t miss out #sportschiropractic #sportschiro #performance #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #strengthandconditioning #sfma #dns #fnor

11.01.2022 The clinic will be closed on Friday the 7th of February while Mark attends the McGill Method seminar, returning to normal hours on Monday the 10th. If you are after an appointment book online at #sportschiro #sca #performance #injurymanagement #injuryprevention #dns #sfma #functionalneuroorthopedicrehabilitation #stuartmcgill

09.01.2022 To treat all of our amazing clients we have extended our hours to include Thursday afternoon from the 8th of April. Book appointments at #sportschiro #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #performance #sfma #dns #fifamedicinediploma #fnor #faktr

08.01.2022 Good luck to all our clients participating in the CrossFit Open over the next 3 weeks. If you need any support over this period book an appointment at #crossfitsfs #crossfitopen #sportschiro #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #performance #strengthandconditioning

08.01.2022 Excited to announce that I can now use the title of Sports and Exercise Chiropractor, as awarded by the Australasian Institute of Chiropractic Education. #sportsandexercise #aice #education #chiropractor #canberra

08.01.2022 Lumbar flexion mobilisation - A nice simple exercise to improve your mobility and control into flexion through the lower back and pelvic region

05.01.2022 At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.

04.01.2022 Tell us what symptoms you have suffered from post concussion? Concussion is so varied person to person and it is imperative to have a complete assessment and treatment plan put in place for full recovery. Get in contact to see how we can help you post concussion. #ccmi #sports #concussion #sportschiro #recovery #performance #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #canberra

03.01.2022 Concussion management | An important component of returning clients to exercise post concussion, is running them through a treadmill test. As part of our concussion management, all clients must pass this test before they can return to non contact exercise. Contact us to learn more about our concussion management system. #completeconcussionmanagement #concussion #sportschiro #injurymanagement

03.01.2022 Did you know that grip strength can give you a good indication of shoulder health? If you have noticed your grip strength decreasing, book an assessment to get your shoulders checked. #dynamometer #gripstrength #shoulder #sportschiro #sfma #dns #rehab #injurymanagement #performance #injuryprevention #strengthandconditioning

03.01.2022 Love seeing what CrossFit SFS coaches Nadezda Dorsoski @juandcanon are getting up to in their exercise science and rehab degree. #alwayslearning #repost @crossfitsfs with @make_repost ... Ok listen up, class is in session kids.. @peakhealthchiro @juandcanon @nadezdadorsoski The team forever learning!! #schoolisin

03.01.2022 Thoracic rotation mobilisation - a nice simple exercise to work on your mid back rotation in combination with your shoulders #activecare #sportschiro #performance #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #rehab #prehab #sfma #crossfit #crossfitsfs

02.01.2022 Using the Blazepod today! This is a great functional rehab tool which can help with stability, strength, reaction time and motor control. Would you like to add this to your rehab program? #blazepod #rehab #sportschiro #performance #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #orthostaticbloodpressure #reactiontime #decisionmaking #movement

02.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there!

02.01.2022 What do we do when clients present with no pain, but are wanting to improve performance? We run them through a functional movement screen! To find out how we can improve your performance, book in an appointment at #sportschiro #sfma #fms #fms #performance #movementscreen #movementpatterns

01.01.2022 Professor Stuart McGill has just presented his method in Australia for the very last time and I was lucky enough to be there for it. I feel so grateful that I have been able spend the last 4 days soaking up his knowledge to give all my clients the best possible care. #sportschiro #sca #injuryprevention #injurymanagement #performance #lumbar #lumbarpain #stuartmcgill

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