PeakPerformance365 Personal Training in Cairns, Queensland, Australia | Fitness trainer
PeakPerformance365 Personal Training
Locality: Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 409 610 443
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25.01.2022 Im so sore it must be working Hmmm, maybe Muscle soreness is not the best indicator of how effective your training session was. At present three things ...are thought to cause muscle growth. 1.THE most important one Mechanical tension creating tension on the muscle with load. Think of bicep curls your bicep is placed under tension as it stretches and contracts in order to move the dumbbell. We need to constantly put our muscles under more tension in order for them to get stronger and grow bigger. In other words, we need to train with intention to do more work over time = to achieve progressive overload. 2.Metabolic stress think burn/pump. You know that burning sensation and swelling that feels as if your muscle is going to burst. That is due to blood pooling and cell swelling as we repetitively contract the muscle. 3.Muscle damage which is when we feel sore. But we don’t necessarily feel sore after every session. Have you ever had a killer session, maybe even hit a PB but weren’t sore next day or the day after? Does it mean that your session was a waste of time? Then next time you slightly switch your grip, or stance or focus on slow negative phase of the movement and pull up sore the next day. Is that an indicator of a more productive session? Not really. Some of the main things that cause muscle soreness are novelty an exercise you haven’t done before, or haven’t done in a long time. Increased ROM which means stretching muscle further (for example performing deficit lunge on elevated platform, instead of a standard lunge) Progressive overload lifting heavier, doing more reps or sets than previous session. Muscle soreness is thought to be the least important of the three mechanisms when it comes to training for muscle growth. It can also negatively impact your following sessions if you’re too sore and feeling beat up. It surely feels nice to know you’ve worked, but don’t chase that sensation thinking the more sore you are, the better. Training smart with appropriate frequency, focusing on progressive overload, mind and muscle connection and solid ROM will sure bring you more gainzzz, than chaising that sore feeling See more
23.01.2022 Returning back to the gym Crossing all my fingers (and toes) we're not that far away from returning back to our beloved gyms. Some of us might still be a l...ittle hesitant, but I'm sure there is plenty of us that can't wait to get back to our exercise routine and more structured training. Now, some that have been lucky enough to have access to a decent equipment and could keep up with training pretty much as normal, won't probably feel much different. But many have not been this lucky, unfortunately. So if you had to just make do with bits and pieces, body weight workouts, walks, runs etc... or just let the circumstances get the better of you and didn't do much at all - your body will definitely feel it when getting back to some regular sessions. So - Be realistic - don't expect to pick up where you left off. You'll likely have lost some strength, some muscle, maybe even gained a bit of body fat. And you know what? - IT'S OKAY! It is perfectly normal after having a break and you're not the only one Same as this situation wasn't forever, your loss of conditioning is not forever either. Be smart about it - smashing yourself 1st day back and not being able to move for days afterwards it's not the best idea. Ease back into it. 3-4 consistent training sessions in first few weeks is more productive and you'll be back at your pre-covid self sooner. Be patient - it might feel like you're starting from scratch again, but you're not. Our body is damn smart like that and muscle memory is a great thing. So get back on the horse with consistent training and nutrition, be sensible and before you know it you'll be back into the swing of things #backtostrength #backtogym #exciting #trainsmart #bepatient #berealistic
23.01.2022 CLIENT APPRECIATION Brad came to see me in the new year for some nutritional help. We set him up on myfitnesspal to track what he was ACTUALLY eating to see where he was getting his calories from and what we needed to change going forward. Taking his work and training volume into consideration i put him on 2550 which was about a 300 calorie defecit per day from what he had been eating(worked out by averaging out 2 weeks worth of data)... He has been on that amount since this time...apart from a few refeed days. We were due to do measurements before the lockdown but couldn't manage to tee it up but in all this time Brad stuck to his guns, kept tracking, resisted temptations and carried on losing more weight! So here he stands 14kgs down . mm's on caliper test down from 97mm to 48mm total. We now enter a phase of reversing his diet and increasing the amount of calories he will be consuming. NONE of this would have been possible without Brads hard work, determination and commitment. Well done mate See more
22.01.2022 Struggling for ideas for Mothers Day? What about a Personal Training Voucher? We are doing these vouchers at a special mothers day price of $60 per 1 hour session( usual price is $70) so $300 for 5 session/$600 for 10. We can also deliver the voucher in time for Sunday. Investing in mums future fitness is better than a box of chocolates.
20.01.2022 A landmine is a great little piece of kit giving you a few more options of exercises to throw into your training - not just for T Bar Rows. if you Don't have one find a corner to wedge a bar in Here is a full body workout.... Front Squats Reverse lunges Stiff leg deadlifts 1 arm rows Floor press Kneeling Shoulder press Trunk Rotations
20.01.2022 PROGRESS - can sometimes look like this This is the record of my Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press for past 6 weeks of my current training block. One. Rep. A...t. The. Time. Quite literally There truly is no secret to it. No magic workout, or exercise, or rep scheme. In order to improve and make changes - get stronger, build muscle, even lose body fat - we just gotta stay consistent, follow a structured plan for given amount of weeks and try and do more work over time (yes you guessed it - progressive overload for the win!). As much as numbers don't lie and you can clearly see the increase in the number of reps performed over the weeks - there are also other factors I paid attention to during the course of 6 weeks. how the lift felt (was it confident, strong, shaky, slow, wobbly...) how quickly did I get through the set, how much did I need to rest in between sets (as my strength improved, my rest periods got shorter) how my ROM improved (at the beginning I could only hit parallel, but as weeks went on, I could drop my elbows lower). Increased range of motion means increased difficulty and it's also a form of progressive overload. So the point is - improvements are sometimes suuuper slow. #babysteps But little things done regularly over time it what makes difference in the big picture #consistency #progessiveoverload #worldgymcairns #worldgym #progress #improvementseason
19.01.2022 When you decide to make changes in your life, whatever that may be, you shouldn't expect instant success. Take nutrition for example. If you have had unhealthy eating habits in the past - whether it be undereating, overating, or just having a complete lack of knowledge of what you have been cannot expect to be fully competent at tracking calories and understanding what YOUR body requires after just a few days. Give yourself time otherwise you are setting yours...elf up for a fail. Make mistakes.Its the only way you will learn. Put it this way... you wouldn't expect to start learning a new language on Monday and be fluent by Wednesday would you? We are here to help if you need it. Give us a call See more
19.01.2022 Single leg everything Unilateral exercises (such as all the lunge variations, step ups, single leg stifflegged deadlifts all the most people’s favouires ) o...ffer fantastic benefits to your training. They can help with all sorts of muscular imbalances, improve balance and have a great carry over to your big, double leg compound lifts. They are a great addition to your training arsenal if you play competitive sport, but also just in our every day life think walking, running, walking up stairs. AND especially nowadays when equipment is limited they are a great way of adding extra intensity and volume to your session (2 legs = double the reps, longer set duration, increased heart rate, more work ) So here are some of the many that you can try and incorporate into your training routine. B-stance squat if you haven’t seen/done this one, give it a try. Pretty much is a single leg squat where one leg is offset to the side slightly behind you and just works as a stabiliser. Your working leg is pretty much facing straight ahead and takes majority of the load. Bulgarian split squat (everyone’s favourite) two slightly different variations there closer stance, knee more forward and greater shin angle means more quad dominant movement (right). Longer stride, more hip hinge, more forward lean of upper body and almost vertical shin more glute dominant movement (left) Kick stand stiff legged deadlift assisting leg is slightly behind you on your toes to help with balance. Hinge in your hips, keep your hips square, don’t let dumbbells drift away from your body. Single leg SLD one foot completely off the floor. Very challenging for balance, make sure you don’t twist at your hips. Step ups think about driving your working leg through the chair/stool. If you want to make them more challenging, lock your back knee to prevent any bouncing. B-stance hip thruster rest assisting leg on its heel slightly to the side. Focus on driving the foot of the working leg into the ground. Banded fire hydrant shoulders and hips square, knees in 90 degrees. Drive working leg out to the side. Don't allow any excessive twisting along the spine. See more
18.01.2022 Last training session for the week Definitely ready for two days of rest now Conventional deadlifts 4x10 85kg Heel elevated front rack squat 4x12 40kg... Hip thrusts (constant tension) 4x15 100kg Leg extensions 3x15 37kg 4th set - drop set of 10/15/20 reps Seated leg curl 3x15 45kg, 4th set - drop set of 10/15/20reps Weighted back extensions (glute dominant) 4x25 5kg. Standing calf raises 4x15 65kg (not on video). Thank you beautiful @jojohhnson for helping me get through it today Always a pleasure to share the pain #friyay #legday #missionhotwheels #worldgymcairns #worldgym #musclenation @ World Gym Cairns
17.01.2022 SAUCES DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT ! I had a discussion with a client this morning about his nutrition. He was trying to increase his veggie intake and his protein intake by eating more chicken stirfrys but didn't want to add sauce to it because he had been told in the past that all sauces are bad and will stack the weight on because they are full of sugar No... what does put weight on is eating more calories than your body needs TOTAL.... 1 sauce isn't' going to be your downfall. Constant over consuming is... I have heaps in my cupboard. I use them all the time in stirfrys and at 30 cals per serving i can fit 1 or 2 serving into my daily calorie amount why not if it make my meals taste good so why not.. If adding a bit of sauce keeps you on track with your overall nutrition and you can fit it in, then go for it... See more
16.01.2022 Sometimes we don't realise how far we've come until we look back Progress happens with consistent work over time. If you have a goal - turn up, put the work i...n and good things will come. Fall in love with the process and chase improvements and growth instead of perfection. These pictures are a nice reminder of my starting point. And as much as I appreciate physical changes, there is a lot more to it, than just appearance. I trained before I started competing and I will train whether or not I ever step on stage again. Comps are fun and exciting and give me that extra focus. But they are only the cherry on the cake No matter what your goals are - improved health, confidence, appearance, performance, mental well-being - look back and give yourself a pat on the back for how far you've come Happy hump day #progress #improvement #goals #growth #consistency #humpday @ World Gym Cairns
15.01.2022 WE ARE BACK Back to doing what we love in our home from home WORLD GYM CAIRNS. Sessions are booking out fast, with only have a few time slots left. Contact us now to book in a session.
13.01.2022 Loving this new Peach and White Chocolate flavour.
12.01.2022 Another Client we are extremely proud of. Kirstie started training with me in September 2019. She had a few injuries when she started... some that we have managed to rehab(knee), building up strength in surrounding muscles and others that we are still working on(left shoulder). I'm sure Kirstie would agree that when she started she was getting quite frustrated that the weight wasn't' dropping like she had wanted it too. This had nothing to do with the training as Kirstie... gives 110% in every session The biggest reason for that was we weren't being accurate enough with tracking of calories. Like many clients before her, the penny finally dropped(along with the weight) for Kirstie when she started logging her food and accurately tracking. She now has a much better understanding of what is in the foods she eats and has become very good at using her calories and macros wisely. Since then we haven't looked back. Weight is dropping every time we check in. 10kg down already You can just see the difference every time she turns up for a session, not just appearance wise, but mentally she is in a lot better place and is lifting heavier than she ever was. When she started she didn't want to do any 'before' photos so this one on the left is the only one from that time period but as you can see still a huge difference . Great work Kirstie, massive steps already on your journey.. looking forward to what we can achieve in the next 12 months See more
11.01.2022 When my clients make me proud! 10kg koss for Mel so far and still bigger thigs to come her way! I'm even more proud of her for making this a lifestyle and ...not seeing it as a quick fix! Consistency! Little things day by day is when big achievements happen Zu #consistency #lifestyle #peakperformance365 #personaltraining #worldgymcairns #worldgym See more
11.01.2022 This workout is called 'Where is a Will There is a Way' One band full body circuit: 1. Banded 1 1/2 squat... 2. Banded push ups 3. Stiff legged deadlift 4. Seated row 5. Quadruped kick back 6. Banded over head press 7. Banded pull apart 8. Over head tricep extention 9. Banded bicep curl. 3-4 rounds, 15-20 reps You have a band, you have a gym. Enjoy and happy Monday people #fullbodycircuit #resistanceband #homeworkout #whereisawillthereisaway #
08.01.2022 Let's Move Monday How average is this weather today so let's get some endorphins going with kettlebell only full body workout 1. KB front squats. 2 sec ...bottom pause. Come to a full stop at the bottom. Then drive the floor away. Don't bounce up. 2. KB conventional deadlifts 3. Glute bridges - don't rest your bum on the floor in between reps. Keep the tension on those glutes. Tuck your tailbone in slightly. Pause on top of the rep and feel your glutes contract. 4. KB swing - swings are not squats. So don't let your knees travel forward. Hinge at your hips and lean over the bell instead. You're working your posterior chain here, try create sharp, snappy thrust with your hips forward. 5. One arm row - lean on a piece of furniture, or you can just use your leg/knee for stability. 6. Floor press - come with your upper arm to a full stop on the floor and drive up from there. These can also help with strengthening mid range of your bench press. 7. KB push ups - get as low as you can. Extra ROM = extra difficulty. 8. Upright rows - drive elbows up. Don't shrug your shoulders. Reps and sets will depend on how heavy your Kettlebells are. But an idea could be 3-4 sets, 10-15 reps. Work within your limits and get that body moving. #happymonday #kettlebell #kettlebellworkout #fullbody #homeworkout #LetsMoveMonday
05.01.2022 New additions to our home gym set up
04.01.2022 We always get asked for meal ideas.. Here is one of mine for a Sweet and Sour Chicken and Vegetable Stirfry. Easy to make. Lots of veggies. Big hit of protein(obviously you can adjust to your own protein requirements).
04.01.2022 Gotta squat if you want to grow a butt It’s been a popular belief around gyms for quite some time, that if you want to grow your ...glutes you must squat. Or unless you squat, you won’t be able to build your glutes. But is squat really THE exercise responsible for majority of your glute gains? As much as glutes are heavily involved in the squat movement, they are not the main guy here. The knee flexion and extension (as we lower down and stand back up from the squat) makes this exercise a lot more quad dominant. Glutes (as well as hamstrings) are still working hard to extend the hips, but the knee action causes our quads to be the primary movers in squat. Now let’s look at hip thrusts because our knees are in a fixed position and don’t move (flex, extend) this don’t allow quads or hamstrings to get much involved as they can’t reach full activation. So to extend our hips (lift the weight up in a hip thrust/glute bridge) our glutes have to do majority of the work and are considered prime movers in this movement. That’s why hip thrusts or glute bridges and their variations are the best movements to incorporate in your training if your goal is to grow your glutes. They are also very safe movements and we can perform them with variety of loads and achieve progressive overload. Now this doesn’t mean we should ditch squats Squat provide ample strength and hyperthrophy benefits to our training. I believe everyone should learn squat pattern and perform variety(ies) of the movement that suits their biomechanics, mobility and level of experience. But can you grow glutes without squats? Yes, you can, given everything else is in place - (progressive overload, mind-muscle connection, sufficient range of motion). #glutes #squats #hipthrusts #glutegains #worldgym #worldgymcairns See more
04.01.2022 Perfect morning for pre-leg sesh mobility flow to wake up and warm up this old bod Spending time warming up and mobilizing before your weight session is sooo important! The movement feels a lot nicer, smoother and you also help your range of motion. It doesn't have to be super long - mine takes about 3-5 minutes with some core activation too. Invest a little time into your movement, your body will be happier and able to perform well for a lot longer ... Now we're ready to throw some weight around. #mobility #peakperformance365 #personaltraining #worldgym #worldgymcairns
01.01.2022 Since it’s Wednesday lets talk GLUTES What exercise is best for glutes? The answer is There isn’t one. At least there isn’t just one single exercise that... it’s going to give you that dreamy rear end There are certain exercises that engage glutes better than others, but there is more to it... Our glutes play main role in few different joint movements Hip extention (standing up from a sitting position, raising up from squat, straightening up from bending over deadlift, or extending your hips while your body faces upwards - hip thrust) Hip abduction taking your leg to the side away from your body think lateral banded walks as you step sideways Hip external rotation turning your leg and foot out to the side, rotating your knee away from midline. So in order to hit glutes from all angles, we need variety of exercises. Ideally combination of compound lifts (squat, deadlift, lunge, hip thurst) and isolation movements (seated hip abductors, quadruped kick backs, firehydrant) Progressive Overload in order for a muscle to grow we need to do more work overtime. We achieve that by lifting more weight for same amount of reps, doing more reps with same amount of weight, performing extra sets etc Simply training with the intention to do more work. Don’t get stuck with just doing million reps with resistance bands. Glutes are a powerhouse of our body, they can handle some load, so get them strong. Mind muscle connection Yup, always and forever! You need to be able to FEEL your glutes when your train them. Just simply going through the motion is not going to cut it. Focus and feel the muscle working during the exercise. If you’re new to training, stay patient - creating strong mind muscle connection is sometimes the hardest thing and doesn’t just happen overnight. So just keep at it. Rep ranges same as there isn’t a magic exercise, there is not one perfect amount of reps. Variety of rep ranges seems to be optimal when chasing those glute gains. Mixture of lower reps with higher loads and higher reps with lighter weight to ensure progressive overload, managing fatigue and avoiding boredom. And last but not least Consistency. Rome wasn’t built in a day and same with your backside (or any other body part for that matter) :D So stay consistent, patient, put the work it, use variety and very importantly - have fun with it too. See more
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