PearlCraft Steering Wheels in Rowville, Victoria | Automotive repair centre
PearlCraft Steering Wheels
Locality: Rowville, Victoria
Phone: +61 457 766 096
Address: PO Box 2877 3178 Rowville, VIC, Australia
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11.02.2022 Roger & Marks 60 Olds wheels are on their way back to Canada after receiving the PearlCraft treatment Both were completed in off white & colour matched pearl with Roger also adding the scollops to his #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #oldsmobile #olds #twotone #pearl #colourmatch #custom #scollops #handcrafted #samesamebutdifferent
04.02.2022 #Repost @53_sled with @make_repost Steering me in the right direction, with the help of @pearlcraft_steering_wheels refurb job. Awesome knobs built by the amazing @deluxe_creations #chev #1953 #leadsled #kustom #kustomkulture #carsofperth #perthcars #hotrod #garagebuild #beeroclock #carculture #builtnotbought #carporn #carsofinstagram #streetmachine #sleeper #carsofinstagram #car #chevy #53chev #awesomerides247 #classiccar #classicchevy #hotrod #49_54chevys #pearlcraft #deluxecreations #deluxe #steering #steeringwheel
29.01.2022 K&M Trucking’s latest edition ALL IN Interior complimented with a VIP26 completed in a two tone pearl along with a matching Eaton #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #kandmtrucking #emeraldgreenpearl #blackpearl #twotone #custom #heathledger #thetruckspecialists
24.01.2022 We are fortunate in that we operate from a workshop on our property with the lock down not effected us as much as most. Our/your wheels will still be being pearled but may just take a little longer. The sooner we all do whats required the sooner well get through it. #coronavirus #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #maskup #socialdistancing #letsdothis #staysafe
24.01.2022 #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #gierischtrucking #aztecgoldpearl #vip #kenworth #trucks #doneright #ordernow @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
24.01.2022 63 Plymouth Fury #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #plymouth #fury #pearl #twotone #whitepearl #redpearl #regencyredpearl #handcrafted @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
23.01.2022 Brians wheel installed and looking the goods #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #desoto #custom #pearl #twotone #colourmatch #pearlcraft #handcrafted @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
23.01.2022 Oscars Atkinson all completed and proudly on display. The colour combo on his restored and pearled wheel is perfect #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #atkinson #trucks #oldschool #restored #classictruck #handcrafted
23.01.2022 Wilken Bulk Haulage have taken the interior of their 2018 Mack Superliner to the next level What are you holding onto Thanks again Jeremy much appreciated, great pics #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #mack #wilkenbulkhaulage #trucks #largecar #macktrucks #superliner #velvetredpearl #vip #handcrafted
22.01.2022 Completed this set for Paynes Livestock Transport. Its been a long weekend in the workshop but this makes it all worth while #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #payneslivestocktransport #velvetredpearl #vip25 #eaton #matchingset #westernstar #ordernow #pearl #trucks
22.01.2022 Thank you Kirrily, it was our pleasure. Top marks for the photo’s #bertiebeetle #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #oxbloodredpearl #happycustomer #weaimtoplease
22.01.2022 One of our favourite photos #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #buick #twotone #pearlfection #ordernow #handcrafted
20.01.2022 Bryce’s newly fitted VIP39 completed in Black Pearl looks the goods reflecting of his gauges #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #kenworth #pearl #vip #trucks #blackpearl #handcrafted
18.01.2022 #pearlcraftsteeringwheels ##creampearl #pearl #custom #showquality #handcrafted
18.01.2022 You might even be holding onto a Pearl Steering Wheel
18.01.2022 ANC Forestry pulling some big loads out of the mountains #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #phantompurplepearl #smartwheel #kenworth #logtruck #tripel #wood #handcrafted @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
18.01.2022 Charlies EH wheel completed in Velvet Red Pearl including the horn buttons and matching knobs.Big shoutout to Aussie Post for keeping our deliverys moving #aussiepost #thankyou #staysafe #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #velvetredpearl #eh #holden #
18.01.2022 This 2017 Landcruiser wheel turned up a little worse for wear but we love a challenge. Checkout the before photo #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #toyota #landcruiser #getoutofyourcomfortzone #evolve #blackpearl #ordernow @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
17.01.2022 Quick blast to shops to pick up those essential items #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #thepearlcraftspecial #corona #quickblast #chev #bagged #pearl
17.01.2022 Craig sent us his aftermarket steering wheel to receive the PC treatment. Looking forward to seeing this one installed #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #emeraldgreenpearl #blackpearl #silverladies #trucks #kenworth #custom #handcrafted
17.01.2022 Brett’s aftermarket Chev wheel will look much better installed in his 55 now that’s she’s been pearled in a colour matched turquoise & cream pearl #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #custom #chev #chevy #pearl #pearlcraft #handcrafted #cars #restoration
16.01.2022 @1borgz is now running a 20 VIP wheel in Velvet Red, thanks again Steve looks awesome #sometimessizedoesmatter #pearlcraftsteeringwheels ##borgirsexcavations #velvetredpearl #vip #kenworth #trucks #pearl #handcrafted
16.01.2022 All of these wheels were completed in Voodoo Blue Pearl with each being used in a different make/brand of truck #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #trucks #kenworth #mack #freightliner #westernstar #voodoobluepearl #vip #steeringwheel #custom #samesamebutdifferent @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
16.01.2022 Adrian from A&A Cassidy sent these pics of their killer rig. Adrian went with a Black Pearl Smart Wheel & matching shifter #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #kenworth #trucks #smartwheel #blackpearl #custom @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
16.01.2022 Pretty sweet little Camper
15.01.2022 Dawsons Transports VIP25 and old skool gear knob completed in a classic white pearl #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #dawsonstransport #whitepearl #custom #kenworth #trucks #ordernow #handcrafted
14.01.2022 Bretts HD Holden wheel restored and completed in Emerald Green Pearl. Horn ring dressed up as part of the service #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #holden #emeraldgreenpearl #restored #steeringwheel #pearl #custom #handcrafted
14.01.2022 John DAgostinos 58 Packard Rita #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #celebritykustoms #packard #rita #custom #pearl
13.01.2022 Schaeffers Transport nailed it with their layout as the Emerald Green sections are just enough to compliment the light set up Thanks again Trent much appreciated #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #kenworth #trucks #schafferstransport #twotone #vip
13.01.2022 AAA Towing just upped their game with this VIP39 & Eaton shifter completed in Velvet Red Pearl. Dont take it the wrong way when Doug arrives to tow your truck with a huge smile on his face, just remember what hes holding onto @#pearlcraftsteeringwheels #aaatowing #kenworth #velvetredpearl #towtruck #trucks #bigdog #vip #matchingset @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
12.01.2022 #chevy #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #whitepearl #chev #custom #ordernow
12.01.2022 Another EH wheel restored with this one finished in Ice Blue Pearl. This is fast becoming one of our favourite colours #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #icebluepearl #eh #holden #aussieicon #cars #custom #restored #handcrafted
11.01.2022 Brian’s wheel installed and looking the goods #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #desoto #custom #pearl #twotone #colourmatch #pearlcraft #handcrafted @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
11.01.2022 Another batch of VIP steering wheels on their way to local and international customers. These wheels not only look great but also feel great which is probably more important #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #vip #pearl #ordernow #custom #kenworth #mack #peterbuilt #westerstar #trucks #largecar @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
10.01.2022 Emerald Carrying Company aren’t shy of dragging around some big loads Ryan made those trips all the more enjoyable with his new VIP39 steering wheel freshly pearled in Black Pearl Thanks again Ryan. #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #emeraldcarryingcompany #kenworth #trucks #pearl #vip #vipsteeringwheels #blackpearl #handcrafted #bigdog
10.01.2022 Well done to Jessie and the Morris family for surprising Mum on her birthday with a Phantom Purple pearled steering wheel and gear knob. Who said diamonds were a girls best friend #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #pearlisagirlsbestfriend #happybirthday #chevy #phantompurplepearl #thankyou #handcrafted @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
09.01.2022 Haven’t posted much in a while so here’s some recent completed projects #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #halfpearl #holden #ford #vw #handcrafted #pearl #somethingforeveryone
08.01.2022 41 Zephyr wheel completed in a classic white pearl has arrived safe and sound back in the states, thanks again Dustin #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #zephyr #whitepearl #pearl #handcrafted
07.01.2022 #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #holden #fc #twotone #pearl #restored #showquality #handcrafted #pearlfection
07.01.2022 Massive thanks to the boys at Martindale Transport. The VIP39 completed in White Pearl gives their 909 the extra little something Thanks again Shaun I’ll certainly be watching out for you around town #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #martindaletransport #kenworth #trucks #handcrafted #pearl #motherofpearl #vip #909 #bigdog
06.01.2022 A little Morris wheel we just completed a restoration on from the steel frame finished off in a light grey pearl #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #pearlcraft #pearl #morris #restoration #handcrafted
06.01.2022 Glassons Transport just installed their matching VIP39 and Eaton Shifter. Loving the red dash panels Thanks Peter #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #glassonstransport #peterbilt #trucks #largecar #velvetredpearl @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
05.01.2022 Powderham Road Haulages Aztec Gold Pearl VIP39 steering wheel. Weve had a run of Aztec Golds lately & its easy to see why #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #aztecgoldpearl #powderhamroadhaulage #mack #trucks #custom #ordernow
05.01.2022 Michelles 59 Dodge Wheel restored & completed in a colour matched pink & white pearl. #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #dodge #twotone #colourmatch #pearl #custom #handcrafted @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
05.01.2022 Spoil your most prized possession today, you know you want to #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #velvetredpearl #matchingset #vip #treatherright #pearl #custom #handcrafted #ordernow
05.01.2022 Brians 59 Desoto wheel completed in colour matched two tone green pearl #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #desoto #twotone #colourmatch #custom #handcrafted #stunning
03.01.2022 Thanks to the boys at Switch Suspension
03.01.2022 Same same but different. There is a slight difference between Diamond Black Pearl and Black Pearl. Which would you prefer? #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #diamondblackpearl #blackpearl #vip #samesamebutdifferent #ordernow #trucks #kenworth #mack #westernstar #freightliner @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
03.01.2022 Michael’s HR wheel & indicator knob restored including some flood filling on the horn bar #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #holden #velvetredpearl #whitepearl #twotone #custom #pearl #hrholden #restored #handcrafted
02.01.2022 DT Rogers Transport will be the first to run a 610 wheel in Velvet Red Pearl. Looking forward to seeing this one installed Thanks again David #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #dtrogerstransport #kenworthaustralia #kenworth #trucks #velvetredpearl #pearl #ordernow #handcrafted
02.01.2022 This ones more about the message than the photo #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #longlasting #quality #regencyredpearl #happycustomer #handcrafted
02.01.2022 Style Rod Panels sent us this Thunderbird wheel which was restored & completed in Black Pearl. Check out the before photo #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #stylerodpanels #ford #thunderbird #thunderbirdsarego #pearl #blackpearl #custom #restored #beforeandafter @ PearlCraft Steering Wheels
02.01.2022 Georges Mack wheel restored and pearled in Velvet Red Pearl. George also added two old skool gear knobs and a custom centre cap to his order #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #mack #oldskool #velvetredpearl #restored #trucks #classictrucks #custom #handcrafted
01.01.2022 Simons had his Edsel wheel completed in Regency Red & Black Pearl. Photos taken from when we were allowed out #pearlcraftsteeringwheels #fordedsel #ford #edsel #pearl #twotone #carshow #handcrafted
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