Physical Edge Cycling Squad | Sport & recreation
Physical Edge Cycling Squad
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25.01.2022 Its the weekend, the sun is out & the kids are on their bikes.... catching up with World Champion Darren Hicks!
25.01.2022 Throwback Thursday.... 4 years ago
25.01.2022 Make sure you read the full translation
24.01.2022 Over the next few weeks we may need to think outside the box when it comes to training....heres your home made rollers tip (double click on video to get full picture & sound!)
24.01.2022 Having spent the past 4months diligently training on rollers & trainers, it was time to get some road ks into the PECS Juniors. School holidays & we had the perfect day for a ride through the Adelaide Hills! A tidy 67km for the little kids & old ladies , while the big kids had Braden OShea to guide them through 85km to the Meadows Bakery & Tea House for a well deserved lunch!... Big thanks to Braden for his help, and well done to all the kids!
24.01.2022 We've been so lucky up till now... Let's hope we're back on track soon.
24.01.2022 Coach Kerran spent the day Zoom-conferencing for the SA Sports Medicine Associations annual conference. The theme was "Faster, Stronger, Higher: Elite vs Grass Roots" and included presentations on nutrition, heat & altitude training, load management, sleep and mental health from an amazing National panel. Its good for PECS to stay up to date with the latest practice and research.
24.01.2022 Thanks to Tineli Australia for the fresh kit! Stocked up with bib shorts, race jersey and winter jersey, plus bib tights, undershirts and socks. Ready to roll! # Tineli Australia
23.01.2022 Its your bike, you ride it, take responsibility for it! Good to see the U15s taking this on! PS: you have til January 26 to get your photos in... there is some great swag as prizes
22.01.2022 Round 2 of PECS Backyard Ergo saw another session of fun & mayhem! Coach Kerran doesnt let on what is in store, as no one would log in to play.... but today saw 18 intrepid cyclists join the fray! The coach was happy with the fast legs & red faces, and is already scheming next weeks session.
21.01.2022 Congratulations to PECS alumn Jarrad Drizners on winning the U23 National Road Race! Awesome work Stealth
21.01.2022 Wow, what a weekend of track racing! The U19, Elite, Para & Masters Track Championships were held at the Superdrome, & we had it all... records, fast times, great races and lots of fun (cos what is better than going fast round in circles ). Day 1 saw PECS athletes Simone & Jan set new State Records in their respective age groups for the time trial, & PECS buddy Gemma set one in the individual pursuit!... On day 2, Jan not only set a new State Record, but a new Australian best for the flying 200 (no ASADA, so no official record). And congratulations to David Miller, who just missed the individual pursuit State Record, but put on a clinic in how to race hard, every race! Massive shout to CSA, commissaires, volunteers & everyone who turned up to race...thank you! Meanwhile in Melbourne, the final round of NJTS was being run... there was some great racing and lots of learning, in spite of a couple of crashes on day 1 and a fire evacuation on day 2. Next week... Whyalla
21.01.2022 Best loan car ever!! Coach Kerran's car needed an overnight stay for repairs... thanks to Antonio and Jarvis Skoda Hillcrest for organising this sweet ride! #janwantstokeepit
20.01.2022 "The cycling coach goes round & round, round & round, round & round. The cycling coach goes round & round, all day long" Just an easy 123km for the coach, and a new drill (2 up MAC) for the team. Lots of fun for everyone!
19.01.2022 Weve spent a lot of time on trainers & rollers over the past few months, but today the suns shining and criterium racing is around the corner....time for Coach Kerrans Special Skills session! We started with some basic bike handling skills, bottle pickups, wheel rubs, bumps, bunny hops and feeding from the side of the "road". The PECS Juniors & Seniors got their bike handling race ready, learnt some new skills and had lots of laughs & fun along the way (so did the Coach ).... Rachael & Jan
19.01.2022 At the moment how we do it might be a bit different, but "I want to ride my bicycle"! #stayhome music credit: Queen
19.01.2022 Come in Spinner! This weekends Backyard Ergo had a special Anzac Day theme. Two-up is indelibly linked to the Anzac Tradition, so it was fitting that it determined just which 5min set our 18 intrepid cyclists completed. The coins were not kind, but after 5sets, those Anzac Biscuits were well earned.
18.01.2022 After today’s update from SA Health it should be no surprise to any of our members or any part of the cycling community that a direction not to leave your house... for exercise absolutely includes solo outdoor riding for recreation or training. We ask that all members respect these directions and ride only on the trainer (or in your own backyard) for the time being from midnight tonight. Again, a reminder that this hard 6-day lockdown could save us not only weeks or months of a Victoria-style lockdown, but also hundreds of lives if we can prevent the widespread case numbers that we’ve seen interstate and overseas. For further information regarding the restrictions, directions and advice, see the SA Health Facebook page and website here: This update is shareable by this post and by the link below, including a PDF update to ACSA COVID-19 Status.
18.01.2022 There's lots of racing coming your way....track, crits, time trials! There is something for everyone, so get on your bike...we have been
17.01.2022 The PECS Track Camp wrapped up with a Hanson Track session, track bike maintenance and recovery at the beach. The lessons of the camp were put to the test at the weekend's Virtual Track Challenge at the Superdrome. With Flying 200's, time trials and individual pursuits on Saturday, and Team Sprints & Team Pursuits on Sunday. It was a great opportunity to work on race preparation & processes, there were PBs, lessons learnt and new goals established...looking forward to the upcoming track season!
17.01.2022 Second week of school holidays and we hit the training track hard! Plyos in the Park, Junior Bunch ride around Williamstown, ergo sessions and intervals down at Pelican Point! Thanks to Braden OShea for helping out again, and to all participants for having a go!
17.01.2022 Nailed it! Blue sky, sun out....bit chilly at first, but soon warmed up! 3 small groups, appropriate distancing ... training guidelines checklist happy coach tired athletes Thanks to everyone for working hard to make this happen.... particularly the juniors, who did really well & only had to be reminded a couple of times
16.01.2022 Done & dusted! The 2020 Masters Track Nationals wrapped up with keirins (gold to Bron & Michael Y) and scratch races (bronze to Bron, silver to Mike Y). After 4 days of hard racing, PBs, records and medals the SA contingent of Jan, Kerran, Simone, Bron, Michael B & Michael Y came away with 3 Champion of Champions jerseys. Congratulations Jan, Bron & Michael Y!... Of course it wouldnt have been possible without an amazing coach, the organisers, commissaires, volunteers & all the competitors...a massive thank you for a great 4 days! Stay healthy & see you all again in 2021!
16.01.2022 The 2020 SA Road Championships are done & dusted! Two big days in and around Mypolonga, and there are some weary bodies tonight! Congratulations to all competitors for some great racing over both days! While it was a perfect opportunity for Coach Kerran to lurk out on the course and watch how it all played out, it does mean we will be waiting on the official results before any kudos are handed out! But safe to say it's a Happy Coach Thanks to Lachie, the Cycling South Australia crew, all the commissaires, volunteers, and the Mypolonga community for making it happen!!
16.01.2022 Last weekend was round 2 of Kilkenny CC's Winter Track Series. Some great racing, captured expertly by Richard Morton! Back at it tonight with round 2 of the Adelaide Track League....good luck to our PECS team! Richard Morton Photography
14.01.2022 Wednesday evenings PECS in the Garden (round #3) saw The Alphabet Workout! Each letter was linked to an exercise (vowels were pushups). Favourite food, drink & colour made up the 9 word workout for 18 keen cyclists, parents & partners. Impressively, there was a massive 4000 pushups completed over the session.... love those vowels
14.01.2022 And its still the weekend, the sun is still out & the kids spent Sunday heading up Norton with a couple of the dads. On Monday theyll be at Interclub at Edwardstown, thanks to South Coast CC!
14.01.2022 Day 2 of Masters Track Nationals, and by morning tea time.... Michael B has set a massive PB, and Jan has broken her own Australian record (WMAS9) for the Flying 200 Woo hoo PECS!
13.01.2022 Wow! Big weekend of cycling coming at you! Friday night we had the Track Down Under, with PECS athlete Bron joining Australias top track cyclists in an exciting night of racing. The Womens TDU, has seen 3 days of agressive racing through the Adelaide Hills! They wrap it up on Sunday around the city circuit, with the Overall & Sprinters jerseys still up for grabs!... The days racing starts with a para-cycling Wheelrace, with Bron & the rest of Australias best Para Cyclists battling it out. Then the men have their first hit out with The Classic, before the Mens TDU starts Tuesday. Great to see SAs Junior Cyclists represented as Podium Presenters for both races! Last but not least, there is plenty of local racing starting with the NCC Kermesse at Bradbury on Sunday. As always, a big thanks to the commissaries, organisers & volunteers for making this all happen
13.01.2022 Blue sky, outdoor velodrome, moto-pacing session with cycling buddies on a Saturday morning. SO fortunate, SO happy, SO grateful!!
13.01.2022 Dice Workout... working hard!
12.01.2022 After a full day of fantastic sprint racing, the results are in! Congratulations to Jan on her National Record & gold medal! PECS Buddy, Michael Y, came away with a silver medal, Kerran & Michael B finished fourth & Simone fifth! Day 3 is another big day with time trials & points races.
11.01.2022 School holidays are here, and so is the PECS Track Camp (for big kids too )! Day 1 at the Superdrome for Jan's Special Birthday Session ...motopacing and cupcakes Day 2 was more motopacing in the wind at Hanson, then PECS in the Park. Roll on Day 3
11.01.2022 The sun was out, the tyres were pumped, the chicken was cooking.... must be Whyalla Track Carnival. Once again the Whyalla Cycling Club put on a great evenings racing for minis through to masters. With moto-pace, wheelraces (thanks to the handicappers for some great finishes ) & scratch races, there was something for everyone! Well done to the PECS crew... some great racing and a solid podium presence! ... Big thanks to the Whyalla CC, commissaires Graeme & Tracey, volunteers, chicken grillers, and all the riders. Well be back in 2021
10.01.2022 Its the June long weekend, the weather cool but dry, and COVID-19 restrictions starting to ease.....PECS training heads out of town! Starting in Yankalilla, 3 groups rolled out to, then up, Parawa Rd. Not the biggest hill going around, but awesome (coachs choice of adjective) hill repeats for juniors & seniors alike.... the coach even managed a couple of climbs! Everyones hard work was rewarded with refuelling at the Yankalilla Bakery ... Rachael Welsh-Tucker
10.01.2022 Coach Kerran is in self isolation, but that doesnt stop her from having some fun! Thanks to Zoom we had the first PECS Backyard Ergo session...not without some hitches, but a good session all the same. Thanks to all who participated, hope you had fun!
08.01.2022 Track Training Camp day 3... Stretching Session (followed by basketball ) this morning, and Gate Starts this evening. Tomorrow? Watch this space.
07.01.2022 Day 3 of MastersTrack Nationals was another big one with time trials & points races. In the time trials Jan racked up another PB and a gold medal, Simone rode a PB and was rewarded with a bronze, Michael B rode a PB, while PECS buddy, Michael Y added to his collection with a silver! The points races saw most of the categories combined, with some fast and furious racing the result. Bron won a silver medal, Michael B showed off his mountain bike skills & managed to stay upright..., and Michael Y collected another National Championship. Congratulations also to Anna Davis from Coburg CC, on a very impressive points race win....lapping the field 6 times! The competition wraps up tomorrow with keirins & scratch races
07.01.2022 Thanks to Tineli Australia for our custom 2-in-1 road suits! Looking smooth and fast for this summer's criteriums and track racing
06.01.2022 The Masters Track National Championships kick off the Brisbane Festival of Cycling this week. Day 1 was the individual pursuit & team sprints. Congratulations to PECS Buddy, Michael Y, on his gold medal, Bron on her silver medal & Michael B on his massive pb! "Team Broken" managed to avoid further damage in the team sprint Stay tuned for Day 2 results.
05.01.2022 Are you feeling lucky? This mornings Backyard Ergo was a simple 10min Dice Workout. Coach Kerran had 6 different 10min sets, each corresponding to a number on the dice... she rolls the dice, you do that set ... 19 lucky cyclists took their chances, and got through the 50min workout....well played everyone!
05.01.2022 PECS Mid Week Backyard Ergo ...although it was a bit chilly, so "Garage Ergo" is probably more appropriate
03.01.2022 Over the past 2months we have seen some great photos for the "Favourite Part of your Cycling Week" competition. The winning photo was taken last weekend when a few of the junior boys headed out on a road ride. It shows that while they may be focussed & serious about their cycling, they are kids who just want to muck around with their mates! However, I am aware that as teenage boys they would probably prefer this wasnt out there for the world to see, so Im not going to post happy to show you in person, & obviously it will be available for their 21st parties I have lots of prizes to hand out, so you should receive your swag over the next week. And finally, a photo that shows its not just the little kids who want to muck around
03.01.2022 Wednesday evening saw round 2 of PECS in the Garden...a strength, plyometrics & core session via Zoom. Round 2 saw 19.5 (Jan did some of it ) keen cyclists & a couple of parents, squat, jump and pushup through a solid 40min session! Great work everyone, see you Saturday.
03.01.2022 Thanks to Winning Edge Clothing for our Team Apparel! Hoodies, polos, t-shirts, shorts, and even a bag to carry all your off bike wear in
02.01.2022 Well, thats a wrap! After 10days of great racing the 2020 Tour Down Under is over for another year. So good to see our Junior Cyclists helping out at the starts, finishes & podiums, and just immersing themselves in this week of cycling. Big thanks to all the pro cyclists who take the time to share with the kids....we know you are working, but it inspires these kids to chase their dreams!
02.01.2022 Vivianis new squad
01.01.2022 PECS alumnus Jarrad Drizners heading to the start line for Stage 1 of the Tour Down Under 2020
01.01.2022 Amazing work Michael
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