PenDragon Heritage in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Archaeological service
PenDragon Heritage
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25.01.2022 Clay's foreshore-found hammer cleaned up beautifully. Does anyone know how old it could be or if it was used for a specific type of hammering? #Mudlarking #LondonMudlark #mudlark
24.01.2022 Was Easter island once an ancient oasis covered by forests? Were the Moi statues erected in remembrance of the original master builders? We explore this & more our Easter Island investigative series here. By @markusdavids See more
24.01.2022 Normalmente cuando escarbas en la tierra, sale agua o incluso petróleo. En Egipto, salen tesoros.
23.01.2022 A grey schist sandstone head of a bodhisattva, ancient region of Gandhara, 2nd/3rd century (height: 50 cm)
23.01.2022 This lovely miniature boat was created c. 2,000 years ago in solid gold with amazing detail. It contains benches, rowlocks, two rows of nine oars and a paddle r...udder for steering. The boat also incl. tools, and represents the earliest depiction of a sailing ship from Ireland. It was found at the site of Lough Foyle, near Limavady in Northern Ireland at the end of the 19th century. The boat is part of the Broighter hoard, a treasure trove of the Irish Iron Age. The gold boat could have been an offer to the ancient Irish sea god Manannán mac Lir. The boat weighs 85 g (3 ounces) and is 18.4 cm (7.25 inches) long and 7.6 cm (3 inches) wide. At The National Museum of Ireland Further reading
22.01.2022 , . , . 2000 .. 1900 .X. , ..., 1700 .X. , . , . . 4 , . : , . , , . , . . , . , , . , , 100.000 . . , , 3 . , , 9 . , ( ), . 1878, . 1900 . Evans. , 1.000.000 .
21.01.2022 Edzná es una de las ciudades mayas más interesantes y poco conocidas, aquí se descubrieron grandes adelantos tecnológicos para su época. Descubre más de esta enigmática ciudad
20.01.2022 Isis-Aphrodite or Hathor-Aphrodite Female figure with showy ornamental headdress probably depicting Hathor-Aphrodite or Isis-Aphrodite for domestic worship. Te...rracotta with traces of color Height 18 cm. Roman Period ca. 30-313 AD. Now in the Egyptian Museum of Turin.
20.01.2022 The temple of Hera in the sanctuary of Zeus in ancient Olympia, 1929
20.01.2022 Khabekhent's funerary servant and ushabti chest The New Kingdom (circa 1550 to circa 1069 BC Khabekhent's funerary servant and chest were discovered in 1886 in ...the untouched tomb of his father, Sennedjem, in Deir el-Medina. Although the village craftsmen had few statuettes, the quality of those that remain illustrate their social standing and expertise. The chest is shaped like an archaic chapel from Lower Egypt. The decorated surface features the deceased, smelling a lotus, and his heavily bejeweled wife, both sitting under a canopy. The style is in keeping with the lavish decoration. The statuette of Khabekhent has the "classic" appearance of the deceased, represented as a mummy and wrapped in an immaculate shroud with his arms crossed. He is wearing an imposing tripartite wig; the three large locks are held in place with colored ribbons. The rows of the large multicolor necklace are wrapped around his neck. He is holding a hoe in each hand. Chapter VI of the Book of the Coming Forth by Day is painted on his legs. The upper line reads: "Khabekhent, servant in the Place of Truth." The painted and stuccoed wood box has runners and a curved top, and is formed in the shape of the archaic Per-nu Chapel in Lower Egypt. Only one side is decorated: it illustrates the couple seated under a canopy of reeds, topped by two wedjat eyes. Both are sitting on seats with animal legs, the deceased smelling a lotus flower, alongside his lavishly bejeweled wife, Iset. Inscriptions identify them both. The Louvre Museum Paris
18.01.2022 ARHEOLOGIE I ADOLESCENI Arheologia a fost mereu un domeniu fascinant pentru c publicul larg a asociat-o cu descoperirea unor ,,comori i lucruri senzaiona...le. Desigur, nu sunt puini aceia care cred c arheologia este ceva plictisitor, în care nite oameni caut prin pmânt lucruri vechi, pe care apoi le duc în muzee i, în cel mai fericit caz, acestea sunt expuse pentru public. Prea puini îns tiu i îneleg faptul c arheologia este un domeniu foarte complex, un trâm cu multe necunoscute, în care se îmbin frumos tiina, munca intens, intuiia, curiozitatea, descoperirea, bucuria i neprevzutul. Vremurile actuale au lsat s se atearn peste aceast fascinant tiin un fel de praf al lipsei de interes din partea multor oameni, acetia asociind arheologia cu vechiul i, prin extensie, cu ,,învechitul. Dar cum s las s se cread acest fapt când eu, într-un efort de a deslui tainele pmântului, am beneficiat tocmai de sprijinul unor tineri, cu orizonturi largi, care au dorit s se conving de faptul c arheologia nu e o treab deloc banal i plictisitoare, ci un bun exerciiu de a sparge nite tipare vis-a-vis de preocuprile adolescenilor de astzi. Aadar, adolescenii au vrut s vad cum se face arheologia. i unde puteau s îneleag cel mai bine acest fapt, decât pe un antier arheologic. Aventura a început în vara anului trecut, în vecintatea oraului Târgu Neam, într-o margine de sat unde identificasem cu ceva timp în urm resturile unei aezri umane vechi de câteva milenii. Dorina de a descoperi ce ne-au lsat acei oameni drept motenire cultural, ne-a fcut s începem o cercetare arheologic sistematic în satul Topolia, la limita cu satul Agapia, undeva în nord-estul judeului Neam. Dar cum o astfel de cercetare nu se poate face fr for de munc i cum aceasta uneori cu greu poate fi gsit, am reuit s adun un grup de tineri entuziati, împreun cu care, timp de trei sptmâni, am fcut câiva pai în desluirea secretelor unui vechi sat preistoric. Pentru unii dintre ei începutul a fost ,,dezamgitor, pentru c se aeptau ca cel care va conduce cercetrile arheologice s fie un domn cu o vârst similar cu cea a sitului arheologic. Poate pentru c ,,datarea arheologului era mai apropiat de vârsta tinerilor decât de cea a sitului, a fcut ca experiena pe antierul arheologic s fie una i mai interesant. Am constatat cu plcut suprindere c dei unii dintre colaboratorii mei locuiau în ora, nu erau strini de manevrarea uneltelor de spat, nu îi speria nici efortul, nici cldura i cred c nici ploaia, care, din cand în când, ne venea în ajutor i înmuia pmântul în care spam. Dei venii din medii diferite i fiind, în bun parte, necunoscui unii pentru alii, ,,adolescenii-arheologi au interacionat cât se poate de constructiv. Au îneles c arheologia presupune nite reguli, nite metode i ceva munc. S-au adaptat la toate. Experiena mea cu ei pe antierul arheologic a confirmat c generaia tânr actual are i exponeni care apreciaz munca, care dau dovad de curiozitate, care sunt dispui s încerce i lucruri noi, care tiu s ofere sprijin, s colaboreze, s îi dea interesul. E cel puin interesant s vezi antiteza dintre limbajul aproape codificat, legat de noile tehnologii pe care ei le folosesc, i manevrarea sârguincioas a unui hârle, sau a unei lopei. La fel de interesant este s vezi adolescentul care particip la competiii sportive c se spal pe mâini în pârâul din apopierea sitului i apoi mnânc cu poft din ceea ce am gtit tot pe antier. Între transporul a dou roabe de pmânt era un scurt rgaz i pentru discuii legate de previziuni fotbalistice, coala de oferi, o petrecere pân la ore târzii i altele asemenea specifice vârstei. Am adus în prim plan aceast experien cu adolesceni pentru a arta, pe de o parte, c unii dintre tinerii vremurilor noastre au abilitile necesare s îi construiasc un viitor frumos, prin munc i perseveren, iar pe de alt parte, a vrea s se tie c practica pe un antier arheologic poate fi o experien pe care nu o poi avea la îndemân mereu. La mare te poi duce în fiecare var #archaeology #teenagers #excavations #prehistory
18.01.2022 Lethal Historical Weapons That Are Unsettlingly Beautiful See More:
18.01.2022 From BactriaMargiana, Central Asia: Princess, c. 2100 - 1900 BC, Made of chlorite and limestone. H: 20 cm. Martin Doustar Gallery.
17.01.2022 Megalithic quarry at Baalbek in Lebanon
16.01.2022 Mexico Mayan? Crystal skull was found in 1910 during road construction in the Mexican city of Teotihuacan. Size of artifact and other information not with ph...oto. Photo credit: Coast to Coast AM / Kendall Ray Morgan #Mayan #artifact #mexico #ancient #RublesWonderings
15.01.2022 According to folklore, Madoc was a Welsh prince who sailed to America in 1170, over three hundred years before Christopher Columbus's voyage in 1492. While most... historians dismiss the legends, some scholars claim that Madoc's voyagers had made it to the New World, intermarried with local Native Americans, and that their Welsh-speaking descendants still live somewhere in the United States. See more
14.01.2022 Observando la réplica del Penacho de Moctezuma, 1955, s/a. Antiguo Museo Nacional de Antropología.
14.01.2022 Byzantine Cross, Constantinople, cca. 1100
13.01.2022 Detail of one of the two lioness heads from a ritual couch found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun, who reigned circa 1336-1327 BCE during the 18th Dynasty. This ...lioness is identified with the goddess Mehyt. For information about this deity, check out the link in the first comment. The head is carved of solid timber covered with gesso and then gilded. Inlays of bright blue glass were used for the nose and tear drops, while darker glass was used for the eye frames. The remarkable life-like eyes are made of translucent crystal with color details painted behind it: the irises are brown, the pupils are black, and the corners of the eyes are red. This extraordinary object (JE 62011) is now temporarily housed in the Wood Laboratory at the Conservation Center of the under-construction Grand Egyptian Museum, Giza, Egypt. It will be displayed with the rest of Tutankhmaun's treasures in the museum when it opens its doors to visitors this upcoming year. Photo: White Star S.r.l
13.01.2022 Elongated skull of ancient Sinaloa Mexico
13.01.2022 Furniture plaque carved in relief with a falcon-headed figure ca. 9th8th century B.C. Assyrian Carved in high relief, this rectangular, framed plaque depicts a... falcon-headed figure in profile raising one arm with an open palm and holding the long, curving stalk of a voluted palmette flower in the hand of its other, lowered arm. It was found in a storeroom at Fort Shalmaneser, a royal building at Nimrud that was probably used to store tribute and booty collected by the Assyrians while on military campaign. Like two other plaques found in the same room, this piece is inscribed in the raised square of the upper left corner with Egyptian hieroglyphs that read "She who is beautiful." Iconographic elements drawn from Egyptian art including the solar disc crown, wesekh broad collar, and a pleated and fringed, long-sleeved shawl and shendyt (cloth kilt), frequently appear on Phoenician style ivories such as this piece. In Egyptian art, the motif of a falcon-headed figure crowned by a solar disc represents Harakhty, an aspect of Egyptian sky god Horus associated with the rising sun. The West Semitic letter Heth is inscribed into the upper edge of the ivory. Known as a fitters mark, it would have served as a guide to aid the craftsperson in the piece-by-piece assembly of the piece of furniture to which this plaque originally belonged. An adhesive probably aided the attachment of the ivory to a wooden furniture frame. The reverse has been roughened, probably to help the glue join the surface of the plaque to the frame. Built by the Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II, the palaces and storerooms of Nimrud housed thousands of pieces of carved ivory. Most of the ivories served as furniture inlays or small precious objects such as boxes. While some of them were carved in the same style as the large Assyrian reliefs lining the walls of the Northwest Palace, the majority of the ivories display images and styles related to the arts of North Syria and the Phoenician city-states. Phoenician style ivories are distinguished by their use of imagery related to Egyptian art, such as sphinxes and figures wearing pharaonic crowns, and the use of elaborate carving techniques such as openwork and colored glass inlay. North Syrian style ivories tend to depict stockier figures in more dynamic compositions, carved as solid plaques with fewer added decorative elements. However, some pieces do not fit easily into any of these three styles. Most of the ivories were probably collected by the Assyrian kings as tribute from vassal states, and as booty from conquered enemies, while some may have been manufactured in workshops at Nimrud. The ivory tusks that provided the raw material for these objects were almost certainly from African elephants, imported from lands south of Egypt, although elephants did inhabit several river valleys in Syria until they were hunted to extinction by the end of the eighth century B.C. Furniture plaque carved in relief with a falcon-headed figure Neo-Assyrian ca. 9th8th century B.C. Mesopotamia, Nimrud (ancient Kalhu) Assyrian Ivory 3.9 x 2.01 x 1.73 in. (9.91 x 5.11 x 4.39 cm) The MET New York
12.01.2022 A cosmetic spoon in the form of a naked young woman carrying an amphora on her shoulder and a bunch of lotus flowers. She wears a broad collar, a wig and a tiny waistband. Painted wood, height: 31.5 cm. New Kingdom, 18th-19th Dynasty, ca. 1338-1186 BC. Now in the Louvre.
12.01.2022 Vaso-retrato de filiación cultural Tiwanaku representando a un individuo con tembetá como adorno bajo el labio inferior. Museo de Sitio Tiwanaku
11.01.2022 Standing male figure. Tell el- Farkha Late Predynastic. c. 6000-3150 BCE Gilded, eyes inlaid with lapis lazuli. ... They say its depicting a Predynastic ruler and his son. The figurines were found during the excavations at Tell el-Farkha in Eastern Delta on 2006 by the Polish team excavating the site since 1997. Thanks Marcin Czarnowicz Egyptian Museum Caïro
10.01.2022 To find out more visit South America Rock Art Archive - Bradshaw Foundation - Hands from the Cueva de ...las Manos (Cave of the Hands) in Argentina, has an incredible panel of rock art hand paintings, made by the indigenous inhabitants some 9,000 years ago. See more
09.01.2022 This 5,000 year old cuneiform tablet, from present-day southern Iraq (Mesopotamia), is a record of the daily beer rations for workers. Beer is represented by a...n upright jar with a pointed base. The symbol for rations is a human head eating from a porridge bowl and the round and semicircular impressions represent the measurements.
08.01.2022 I found this little bead hidden in a patch of shingle. It dates from between 43 and 200 AD and features in the Portable Antiquities Scheme's new book 'Finds Ide...ntified'. Beads like this were common throughout the Roman Empire. It may have been worn by a woman as part of a string of beads, by a child on a simple leather thong around its neck or it may even have decorated horse harness. Melon beads have been found at military camps where it is known there were very few women, this has led to a theory that the Roman Cavalry used them to decorate their tack. #mudlarking #mudlark #londonmudlark
07.01.2022 Godetevi questo bellissimo video del Tempio di Nettuno a Paestum: 2500 anni di splendore Enjoy this great video of breathtaking Temple of Neptune ...of Paestum: 2500 years of splendour Disfruten de este hermoso video del Templo de Neptuno en Paestum: 2500 años de hermosura : @snils : #Paestum #italianart #italy #italia #beniculturali #arthistory #artwork #greek #tempiodinettuno #worldheritage #worldheritagesite #capolavori #sud #magnagrecia #tesori_italiani #italiait See more
07.01.2022 Ostracon of Prince Sethherkhepshef It is a standing, figured profile of Prince Sethherkhepshef (who later ascended the throne as Ramesses VIII) in an adoration ...pose, with outstretched arms, a scepter in his left hand, and right hand, palm-forward. Behind Sethherkhepshef in a standard layout of figures and writing, is a vertical column of hieroglyphs reading kings son of his body, his beloved with his name (Seth-her-kepesh) appearing at the end. According to Sherif Mahmoud S3 nswt n ht.f ST hr xps Son of the king from his body (Seth her khepesh) Egyptian ostraca were used for artists sketchings, cartoons-caricatures, letter documents, schoolpractice writing, and graffiti. This particular ostracon may be a sketch by an artisan working on the princes tomb. From the Tomb (QV43), Valley of the Queens, West Thebes. Now in the Egyptian Museum of Turin
07.01.2022 Another female hand stencil and dots. The dots were made with the flat hand dipped in red ochre. Hand stencils appear in many paleolithic cave paintings, as in ...fact they occur in much later African, Australian, and North-American Indian rock paintings. They are not a sign of great age or of Neanderthal authorship. See more
06.01.2022 Today.. Egyptian Archeological Mission Finds Stone Sarcophagus, Ushabti) Statues in Minya, Egypt. The excavations carried out by the Egyptian archaeological mi...ssion headed by Dr. Mustafa Waziri, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, this season, in the Al-Ghuraifah archaeological area of Tuna Al-Jabal in Minya Governorate, revealed a burial well with a limestone sarcophagus and a number of Ushabti statues. Dr. Waziri said that the mission began its fourth season by removing the debris, which led to the discovery of a well at a depth of 5 meters, in which there is a sarcophagus made of limestone with views representing the four children of Horus in good condition, next to a group of Ushabti statues made of vines. He added that the initial inspection indicated that this person was called Jahouti Umm Hoteb from the 26th dynasty, and he held the position of the Great Pentapolis and the supervisor of the Thrones and that he was the son of Hoursa East, whose sarcophagus was revealed by the mission in its first excavation season in 2018. Excavations are still ongoing to uncover more treasures of Al-Ghuraifah, on the eastern bank of the Nile River next t Minya.
06.01.2022 Egypt - 3,000-Year-Old Statue of Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II Lifted From Muddy Ditch in Cairo Slum My question: How did it get broken and end up at this location (just something to think about)?
04.01.2022 Hammurabi, Relief Portrait Hammurabi (fl. c. 1792-1750 B.C.) King of Babylon. Author of the Code of Hammurabi, which is recognized in legal literature as one of... the earliest surviving legal codes. The 23 marble relief portraits over the gallery doors of the House Chamber in the U.S. Capitol depict historical figures noted for their work in establishing the principles that underlie American law. They were installed when the chamber was remodeled in 1949-1950. 23 . #WELOVEMESOPOTAMIA
04.01.2022 The most recent reports on three archaeological discoveries are so radical and sensational in their implications that, if actually true, all historical books wh...ich deal with anything prefaced by BC have to be rewritten. Fundamental theories that seemed to have morphed into historical facts such as Darwinian influenced accounts of human evolution, the denial of earlier more advanced civilisations and the importance of magic, along with the mistaken belief humanity evolved in Africa which led on to the Out-of-Africa exodus of modern man are now no longer facts, and they have to be regarded as seriously questionable flawed suggestions. It is that cut and dried, the pedigree of the science supporting three separate pieces of research is of the highest level, and if the conclusions are correct then virtually everything claimed to be known about humans before paper and books, is called into question. * Read More about this at: * Conference Info Page: * Tickets Available:
02.01.2022 Marc R. Hänsel published this astonishing photo of a Fortiforceps foliosa (or a close relative thereof), from the Chengjiang Biota, 4 cm.
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