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24.01.2022 Cosmic Vibes We are deep into the dark moon phase before the new moon on March 5/6th, and this is a particularly heavy release cycle. Uranus is changing signs (from Aries to Taurus) for the first time in 8 years, so we are clearing emotions and lessons that have been with us for almost a decade. ... Uranus is innovative and pushes for radical progress. Its time in Aries made us question our allegiance to any dying paradigms and fading reigns, and then demanded we reset ourselves to a new version of ourselves - that represents these new values more authentically. In order for rebirth, we must first be purified. The sun is in the last zodiac sign of pisces before the new astrological year begins on March 21/22 (solstice) when it enters Aries. Again the theme is endings and beginnings. Emotionally its been tough - because goodbyes are never easy and energy vampires (victim-addicts, narcissists) are projecting their wounds + control issues at an alarming level. BUT - the new prospects and fresh era energy is also tangible. There are enough exquisite insights and synchronistic moments happening to remind us these are indeed magical times. Our ‘future-self’ is calling. And the ONLY thing/person that can truly sabotage that ? Our Self. @toxicvision
24.01.2022 Gentle Reminder
24.01.2022 HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY MY BELOVED SISTERS The repression of women has lead to a planet on the verge of collapse. The re-emergence is going to be a dance to behold... - Clare Dakin @wildwomensisterhood @elephantjournal
23.01.2022 COSMIC VIBES The astro terrain is pretty tricky at the moment, and if i didnt have Astrology to fall back on, I would be seriously questioning my sanity. It’s the sole reason i decided to write an Astrology Course - so i could teach my tribe how to understand how it all works, and in the simplest way possible. ... Its taking a little while longer to create than i first anticipated, but if learning Astrology is something you might be interested in, go ahead and put your name on the waitlist and I’ll let you know when its ready (link at the bottom) Currently, the Pluto energy is amped right up due to connections with Venus, Mercury, Saturn and the South Node. Pluto is considered a planet of power and transformation and is associated with subconscious forces, forced spiritual growth, endings and beginnings, renewal and rebirth. Because Pluto is influencing so many other planets for the next week, it will probably be trying to bring about a metamorphosis in at least one area of your life - romance and attractions (venus), communications (mercury), discipline and work ethic (saturn) or past life connections (south node). You dont want to mess around with Plutos energy - its amazing for making bold transformations but icky and deeply draining if you get caught up in power struggles. If there is something - or someone - in your life that wants to go, there is absolutely no point forcing or begging it to stay. Let it go, and spend your time processing the grief and disappointment associated, rather than conjuring up ways you can make it stay. People (and things) leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left - their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead. Remember Pluto is about endings AND beginnings, death AND rebirth. Anticipate meaningful conversations, psychic-level insights and substantial messages of future developments. Pluto’s skin-shedding snake medicine is one of the quickest ways to be reborn - dazzling and empowered. Pace yourself, stay well nourished and stay in your power. If you would like to know exactly where and how Pluto is affecting you personally - either get on the waitlist to join my upcoming Astrology course so you can learn how to interpret the Stars for yourself: Or book a Session with me - and I’ll do it for you xx
20.01.2022 COSMIC VIBES Theres alot happening in the Cosmos over the next few days. The Moon is in Leo until tomorrow, Mars moves into Scorpio this evening until Jan 2020, and on Thursday Mercury turns direct.... The Moon in Leo always lightens the vibe + brings in some extra creativity and general fabulousness. Its a great cosmic mood to welcome Mars into Scorpio - one of his most potent operating zones - so expect a mini primal power surge, and a boost in momentum towards anything you are regenerating and restructuring. Heightened bedroom theatrics usually accompany our warrior Mars entry into the deeply sensual, sexual sign of Scorpio, but the same ‘upgraded drive’ could come with a warning if it spills over + into any of the power dynamics that have ignited during this tumultuous Scorpio season - particularly ones that are still highly sensitive or unresolved. Mercury direct after a super-weird few weeks retrograde in Scorpio is also great news, but these last few days as its slowing down to station - is usually when Mercurys at its trickiest. Cue random messages, electronics acting alien + glass breaking. Wait it out a few extra days for a more clear directive or before committing to anything thats still slightly ambiguous. By then the only thing that will be breaking is the oppressive situation it brought in a few weeks back. Keep Cool Queen xx
19.01.2022 COSMIC VIBES The good news is we have a sweet little cosmic alignment to carry us into the weekend BUT first up some advice re the week that just was. The Pluto infused Scorpio Sun, Full Moon + Merc Retro alignment over the past week dished up non-stop deep dives into the hidden chambers of our psyche that houses unresolved dynamics. ... Whatever wound/trauma/secret/destructive pattern or shitty situation was revealed - still requires your considered attention. Which is much easier to do now that the storm has past - but is also at high risk of being pushed back down to where it came from. Transformation can only happen when you are diligent about putting your focus on the forward steps required for healing, not replaying + expanding the old story over and over to whomever will listen to you this weekend. The Moon is currently in Gemini, whose ruling planet is Mercury, and as we know Mercury is currently retrograde (in Scorpio!). Gemini + Mercury both rule communication - which means it will be super easy to go ‘backwards’ and re-hash the ‘old’ storyline that is truly seeking to progress (not regress!) It takes a very strong individual to sit with themselves, calm their storms and heal all of their issues without trying to bring someone else into that chaos. Dont address or confront a situation that’s upsetting you unless you’re 100% sure you can do it calmly. If you’re even slightly unsure, walk away and work through your emotions until your ready to address it maturely instead of blowing up & feeling like you took 10 steps back. If you are wondering where to go next, you can always pause to let the story of your present moment ... inform you of your next move. Give yourself a little time to reflect on the contributions that you have made to your field of understanding - without feeling the pressure to fix everything right now. Pause. Breathe. Rest. This is the journey into self-love. So, that cute little cosmic line up? Its Venus + Neptune! Venus is about beauty, attraction and creativity, whilst Neptune rules magic, mysticism and fantasy - so the mood will definately feel lighter, more playful and sweetly flirty. The high version of this energy is creativity (making stuff, dancing, drawing, designing, beautifying your surroundings) + the low version is escapism (over-boozing, spending your money like a drunken sailor, being a love zombie). Obvs - go high. When Venus + Neptune are in play, you dont have to look for the magic . You ARE the magic xx CyberHawk Studios
18.01.2022 COSMIC VIBES If February’s energy was ‘the space in between’ then Marchs theme is more ‘metamorphosis and makeover’. The next few weeks of March are fantastic self-starter creation energy. The blowbacks from January’s Saturn-Pluto alignment are decreasing in size and momentum. ... We’re slowly but surely moving out of the ‘messy exit’ energy of the old normal and into a more ‘clear + confident’ vibe about the new. The Full Moon energy in the Earth sign of Virgo this morning, followed by Mercury turning Direct later on today - is another positive turning point, and a surge in energy forward. (*it usually takes an extra day or two for Mercury's super zingy energy to land properly - like the white noise before you find the radio station clearly. The Moon into Libra (symbol ‘the scales’) tomorrow will help balance Mercury's change in direction.) A Full Moon in Virgo is genius for details (both micro + macro) and planning for yourself - both short and long term. Virgo loves to edit, rather than add. Its perfect for makeover plans - whether in biz, finances, wardrobe/beauty, kitchen/pantry, health/fitness or even your spiritual routines. Use this energy to alchemize any stale or outdated aspects of your past into present-day gold. A mega declutter of your inbox, digital folders or your third drawer down will feel like you’ve just had a psychic healing from a galactic shaman. A super productive vibe to tap after the next 3 days (+ for the rest of March) is Mars transiting Capricorn. Its tracking over the same path that Saturn and Pluto just covered, but instead of operating like a terrorist here, Mars actually functions brilliantly in Capricorn. The masculine, warrior archetype of Mars shines in Capricorn’s ambitious, disciplined + hardworking qualities. It just needs a well-defined mission. Whether its raising your immunity, lowering your debt or building out the new metamorphosis/makeover ideas inspired by March’s cosmic energy - the time is ripe to roll up your sleeves and focus on stepping your personal utopian game up. Todays Mercury Direct and Full Moon in Virgo is the perfect doorway into doing just that. Ingmar Hoogenhoud
18.01.2022 COSMIC VIBES Good news! Tomorrow is the New Moon (in Sagittarius) which officially completes the roughest Scorpio Season in a decade. You can forgive yourself for feeling tired and wired. ... The super deep and emotionally heavy energy of Scorpio bought up wave after wave of confronting dynamics. The goal is always to release us from out-dated ‘reactions’ that no longer serve us, and we do this via applying our new levels of emotional maturity to a situation that we originally handled when we were ‘less mature’. This journey is usually messy and fraught with lower emotions (anger, betrayal, jealousy, humiliation, sadness) but always worth the peace and lightness that we are rewarded with when we get to the other side. Today is the last day of the old cycle, also known as the Dark Moon. It is a day of quiet, rest and readying - to start the new 28 day cycle from tomorrow. The Cosmic energy from here is remarkably lighter (and kinder!). Mercury is already direct - bringing a huge wave of momentum towards ANY forward motion, and the Sun just moved into Sagittarius. Saggi energy is 100 times more light-hearted than Scorpio energy - so expect a shift from ‘seething’ to ‘breezing’. Saggi does not take things personally, is much more inclusive (rather than divisive) and leads with humour and candor. Finally a fresh wind is in and you should feel the overall vibe shift dramatically. Change morphs on a moments notice, speedy reforms pay off, long-existing dynamics can alter swiftly. Clarity comes and results are in sight. You may have technically lost ground over the last five weeks but you're WISER. The Dark Moon energy (today) is optimal for contemplation of what is (or was) stagnant energy (so you can sharpen your appetite for the change) and writing it all down. It will inspire an appreciation for your recent process AND serve as a strategy. For simplicity, see everything as a clean-up, organize or discard job. Also - this new momentum does not slow down until late January 2020. We are nearly out of the Scorpio fires. Ask yourself - what have i learnt? What has it inspired me to change? And, How am i irreversibly different from here? - Pinterest
17.01.2022 COSMIC VIBES Hey, Hi!! Long time no see. My work was fully booked for the whole of last year (thank you, what an honour) + i spent January in quiet mode, resting and feeling in to the creations that want to be birthed next. More on that later, but for now - well, lets get into the NOW..... SO - the best news of all is that we are already through the most challenging astro month of the whole year. Yep!! The meeting of the galaxies two heaviest planets (Saturn + Pluto) has finally come to pass and you can be forgiven for feeling a little shell shocked + disoriented. The psychic-colonic emotionally loaded Saturn-Pluto weight of the past 9 months has surely shifted - but the path forward from here is still to be written. Understand that our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies are still in recalibration mode. Lots of people have cold/flu symptoms, weird sleep patterns and intense lethargy. There is an oscillation between the old consciousness and the new. On a cellular level there is a purging (of lifetimes!) of family/ancestral patterning, long-repressed traumas, pains + old era conditioning, taking place. Gift yourself the time needed for these to be faced, dissolved, forgiven and released. Its like we are writing the final chapter of the book of our Soul experiences on the planet up till now. February's vibe is ‘the space in between’. It has a very surreal quality, like we are walking in between worlds. Its the perfect energy to finally dissolve the plot of your Soul Book, so you can write the final chapter and hand it over to the Divine. Cosmically, there is a heap of Pisces energy going on - Venus, Neptune + Mercury are all in currently in this magically-infused sign. Its amazing for heightened intuition and ‘other-worldly’ insights, but it is also extremely ungrounding and thus at high-risk of sliding into fantasy. Your energetic boundaries are of the utmost importance here. It is super easy to slide back into the old ‘heavier’ version of yourself, so do not reach out to the people, places and habits you have just been freed from - otherwise you’ll just want to relapse into your comfy old numbing patterns. Reframe the feeling of loneliness - to an invitation to transform your relationship with stillness. The high version looks more like - time spent alone, grounding via nature, high-vibe food, baths, poetry, art, napping, recording your dreams - and ‘writing’ the final chapter of that book. Because you know what happens when you hand that book over? You’re given a new one - from a higher dimension - full of blank pages lovingly created by your future self. XP
17.01.2022 "Your real home is not the house you live in, but the stillness and peace in your heart" ~ Ajahn Brahm Sacred Dreams
15.01.2022 CLIENT LOVE My session with Penny was one of the most transformative experiences of my life. Penny immediately tapped into the essence of my being, and reassured me through her connection with spirit that the little whispers that I had felt all along I could trust. ... Penny is a true master of her craft. Belinda Letty Session Enquiries: Pinterest
15.01.2022 COSMIC VIBES The shiny brand new astrological new year is upon us with the Sun moving into Aries flanked by the Equinox and a Super Full Moon in Libra. It marks the official start of the zodiac year and an incredible energy shift as we open a new chapter. This whole month has felt like one long nebulous daydream as the Sun (& Mercury in retrograde) in Pisces have been weaving a surreal spell over everything. ... Its been all about endings, deja vu’s, blasts from the past and the constant churn of deep emotions as the watery Pisces tide came in and out, back and forth, dumping us onto shore before ripping us all the way back out sea. Mercury retrograde in Pisces just intensified the madness. Phones and computers are in disarray, emails lost and found in other destinations, plans thwarted or delayed and communications that have several nuanced layers to them. The dismantling of many lower vibrational illusions and toxins (people, environments, foods, habits, belief-systems) has been exhausting on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. We’ve learnt to say no to faux anything, no to over-commitment, no to stuff we used to routinely say yes to (& regret), no to guilt, no to second-best and no to things that are no longer aligned with our heart. It has felt as if everything is falling apart, but in reality everything is coming together. Before true greatness comes destruction. Before we can build the foundation to a new way of living, we must first burn down the existing house. The magical Pisces energy has taught us all how to receive messages through numbers, songs, dreams, animals and thoughts - and this is only the tip of the iceberg, just the start of the new heightened consciousness level. We still have a week of mercury retrograde to go, so dont burst out of the gates just yet. The fiery new Aries energy may make you want to charge into the new, but it would be best to take your time, rest, write, continue to declutter and make preparations instead. Radical self-care is key. Focus only on who and what you want around you. The Cosmic New Year, Equinox and Super Full Moon portal marks the closure of an intensely chaotic & deeply transformational cycle, and the opening of a new vibration thats energetically laced with much much more peace and prosperity. You’re ready x @dotzsoh
14.01.2022 COSMIC VIBES Todays Full Moon in Gemini is the last of the decade which makes it full of information pertaining to the closure of not only the month, but the year AND the decade as well. There is a definitive chapter closing, and a new one getting ready to birth. Gemini is ruled by ‘twin’ energy - duality, both sides sides of the coin, the Angel and the Devil. Its adaptive, inquisitive, changeable and witty.... It is directly opposite the Sun in Sagittarius - which represents truth-seeking, wisdom and freedom. Both are squared (strongly influenced) by Neptune - which ups the magic and mystical element, but can spill over into fantasy if not grounded. Thats a hell of a mixed bag of energies to be exposed to and it will feel like a weird wind blowing in from another galactic dimension. The whole Planet is super tired because of the unrelenting year that was 2019. Nobody i know escaped unscathed. Everyone’s energy is sapped by this time of the year and the Christmas season is rife with small irritations, hassles and lots of surface busy-ness. It’s not so much the major difficulties at this point, but the cumulative effects of just too much going on. It will be super easy to slide into a mood of scattered emotions + unproductive restlessness with this Full Moon energy, so decide now to employ ‘objectivity’ as your guiding star over the next few days. Gemini is the sign of the ‘mind’ and ‘information’. A Full Moon amps this to full volume. Prepare to be inundated with erratic messages, dozens of options, out-of-the-blue opportunities, and probably - insomnia. You MUST remain grounded, calm and on mission - or you will end up in a state of overwhelming anxiety. Set your stance as the ‘witness’ or ‘observer’ - and operate ONLY from this detached perspective. To truly hack this Full Moon magic, you are looking for a crystal clear blast of clarity, a killer message, a missing piece of the puzzle or a singular lucid realisation that blows your mind. We’re in a hyper speedy vortex - but the potential for magic is at clairvoyant level consciousness. Record your findings but do not act on them yet. The vibe is too wild - it would be like setting up the Christmas lunch table in the backyard in the middle of a wind storm. Wait + watch. You are looking for the insights that allow you more autonomy, more security and more self-mastery. Believe it. The barriers you have already smashed this year have prepped you for this kind of higher-level operating. Your head may be in the clouds for the next few days, but your feet are firmly on the ground. Your focus? Dialled to the setting marked ‘stunning objectivity’. Xylien Alisha
13.01.2022 FULL MOON IN TAURUS This Scorpio Season has proved to be heavy AF. Everything feels so loaded at the moment, and it seems as if the whole place is burning down. Scorpio is always about deep dives into the bottom of our most icky + uncomfortable emotions that have spent years in our unconscious - hiding from ourselves and others. ... With mercury currently retrograde in Scorpio, messages can't help but be revealed + secrets uncovered. Every single one of my client sessions over the past few weeks has had a Scorpio situation at the front and centre. Hang in there. Please know you are not alone with your murky, frustrating, heavy thoughts and emotions. Everyones shit is coming up. Stillness, solo time + self-care are the best medicines for processing. The insights, ‘aha’ moments + rad realisations you’ll reap will be worth it. The Full Moon in Taurus today will bring a little clearing. Anticipate affirmation of your instincts or talents and an undeniably cool but cryptic message. It’s like a mini psychic revolution experience - where your newfound faith is in YOURSELF. You don’t need explanations or complexity; keep things as quiet + simple as possible. The synchronistic encounters and paradigm-altering new biz or social prospects will be your confirmation. Your energetic boundaries are of the utmost importance. As your frequency upgrades and your intuition becomes stronger, you will notice how much other people’s energy actually affects you. The more spiritually attuned you become, the more sensitive you are to energy in general. Keep your circles pure, sacred and small. The fires and explosive energy present are here to light the way, not to burn you. If you were waiting for a sign, this is it. Stay stuck, and your f*cked. Its time to Phoenix. Jess Strong
13.01.2022 COSMIC VIBES The Cosmic terrain is tricky to traverse this weekend. The Full Moon is Pisces is the dreamy, floaty, vague, hyper-sensitive but super psychic energy thats very strong right now - even more expanded by the fact the Moon is in the orb of Neptune - which is the planet that has these exact same qualities - so all this energy is expanded tenfold. ... At the same time, we have 4 planets (a stellium) in Virgo - which is an energy that likes to be super organised, orderly and wants to make a million decisions down to the last detail. The fact that there are 4 planets in Virgo right now means THAT energy is also activated tenfold. This duality is going to be super triggering to our mates with mental illnesses because the boundary-less and subconscious nature of Pisces is a hard one to hold at the best of times, and if the Virgo energy isn't managed properly - it might become quite ‘obsessive-compulsive’. Make sure to check in with a simple ‘how you feeling today my friend?’ to anyone you know may need it If you are in business, home or project -building mode, this energy brilliant and totally worth hacking. You’ll need to create some uninterrupted space (hermit zone) and allow the Pisces big picture, dream-space, psychic magic energy to come through, whilst keeping one foot in the grounded Virgo field - with a pen and paper ready to not only write down the ideas & solutions, but the details, lists, steps and actions needed to get there. All of this moves on by Monday, so it maybe a good idea to save the partying for next weekend and get the most out of this efficient AND magical energy by building out your dreams for this one
11.01.2022 MOON IN ARIES The Moon in Aries brings some much needed fire to a weekend full of water and earth so expect to feel a little more energetic than usual for the start of the week. Her energy is hot and sassy and she loves to get the job done quick. Exercise is an easy yes, as is any kind of competition - even if it’s against yourself as you bust through your to-do list at record speed. ... Aries energy is bold, determined, dynamic and when the Moon is passing through this sign she brings enthusiasm, devotion and confidence to any task or ask. Just dont try to boss her around or you’ll be left with a quick-witted reply and a cloud of dust - before you can finish your sentence... Frances K Burton
08.01.2022 THE NEW EARTH And Boom! Just like that - its the end of the World as we knew it. And the promise of the Beginning - we’ve been dying for.... Dont worry, we’re ready. We’ve been training for this. The whole Saturn/Pluto sh*tshow that was 2019 made us practiced in the art of letting go and conquering old demons. We’re ready for this. Deep in our bones, we knew this time would come. Mother Earth has been trying to tell us for eons now, that the path we have been on as a collective was becoming more unsustainable by the day. And now She has spoken. Mother Earth is a living, breathing sentient Being - just like us. What we do to Her, we do to ourselves. When we mindlessly pollute her airways, contaminate her waterways and poison her soil - we are actually just sabotaging the only 3 things that are crucial to our survival - air, water and food. By choking Her lungs, we have manifested a Virus that can choke ours. Dont worry - we are ready for this. Mother Earth sent the Fires through first. Fire is the catalyst for transformation, and is the necessary ‘death’ part in the eternal cycle of life - death - rebirth. And now Mother Earth has made us all STOP. Shes pulled the planes from the sky, shut down the factories and sent us all home to sit with ourselves, to take a breath. Go within. And Listen. Dont worry, we’ve got this. She has already started to regenerate Herself! And so shall we. In the meantime? We chop wood, carry water. We focus on the doors that are opening, not the ones closing. We take radical responsibility for our words, actions and behaviours at this time. And we chop wood, carry water. We’re ready XP
06.01.2022 FRIDAY 13th HARVEST FULL MOON You may have noticed my absence on social media over the Winter? I have to admit - the un-plug was terrifying at first but taking a break from scrolling and over-connecting on social media ended up being the most powerful gift I could give to myself. The High Priestess and Hermit archetypes kept appearing in my tarots, oracles, readings and dreams - so I listened & finally surrendered to their wisdom and made the decision to put self-cult...ivation at the very top of my list of priorities. I knew I needed to let nothing stand in the way of the deep call i was experiencing within for contemplation, reflection and spiritual immersion. I read more, I meditated more, I slept more, I dreamt more, I listened more, I relished in JOMO (joy of missing out), and basically put all my energies into my physical home and hearth while continuing the work I love with my beautiful clients in new and exciting ways. I was born on a Friday the 13th - so it felt like the right time to birth myself back into the SM realm. Im feeling excited and ready to emerge with the onset of Spring, tending to the new sprouts of the seeds i have sown over the past few months. I am currently in Bali with my teenage son, working remotely and exploring the ‘digital nomad’ lifestyle. He is doing his schooling online, and I am working with a handful of private clients and creating an online course. More to come on all of that soon, but in the meantime - Happy Friday 13th Harvest Full Moon from Bali xx
05.01.2022 SATURN DIRECT The moon is in Taurus now but her usual qualities of stability, sensuality and elegance are being completely mowed over by the big outer planet Saturn getting ready to turn direct after being retrograde since April. Whenever a planet is coming to a halt so it can change directions (from retrograde/backwards to direct/forwards) is when its signature energy is at its most intense. Saturns presence in the Cosmos over the past couple of days has been insanely st...rong - think of a ‘Outback 3-carriage freight truck' thats been travelling at 100km for days, as its slowing down to turn right at an upcoming intersection. Many people have been super triggered by it over the past 48hrs. Saturn is called the Karma God by astrologists because it brings up any unresolved emotions and hidden (subconscious) limiting patterns. He is the opposite of fun and frivolity (like Jupiter) and many people have felt its ‘lessons’ because he doesnt let you cut any corners. The gift over the past few days is Saturn will have revealed areas where you may have a blind spot and are too ‘reactive’ to, or perhaps become too complacent or even naively romanticizing. Anything that triggered you has a gift hidden within it and is usually reflective of your level of self-worth around that particular issue. Use it as a message to show you where you need to uplevel your self-love and worthiness so you can act with more grace the next time it presents. Saturn Direct over the next 24 hours is an energy shift we will all be able to feel. It will dispel stagnation and bring in an undeniable clarity to situations that have been stuck. Wait this one out (in the bathroom if its the only place to escape the drama ) because from tomorrow we should be able to feel more of Jupiters freedom, love and creativity vibes Brigette Bardot
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