Penny Schleiger Counselling & Psychotherapy in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Medical and health
Penny Schleiger Counselling & Psychotherapy
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 434 829 079
Address: Ferguson St, Williamstown 3016 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 As someone who has worked in health and community services for 20 years I always feel anxious about elections. Too often I have witnessed conservative govts that sell themselves on looking after small businesses throw the vulnerable members of our community under the bus when they obtain power. Taking funding away from public health, education, welfare and the environment. We are all interconnected - we all need a healthy community to really thrive. The type of community ...we create and live in and our agreed shared values is shaped by how we vote. Here is a score card made by Get Up and ACF comparing how the major different parties rate in relation to the environment. In general I find the parties that value the environment tend to value people and community health as well. Check it out if you're not across this already. Please share with me any other score cards you might have come across on health, education etc.
25.01.2022 This article goes over what support children need at different stages of development for healthy emotional development. It also revisits attachment. There is lots of good info in this article and worth sharing despite its occassional spelling error.
23.01.2022 If a child tells you they have been abused it is so important you believe them. The trauma of not being believed can be a bigger trauma than the original abuse. Tragically children not being believed is common (1 in 3) as offenders groom both their victim and other family members....
22.01.2022 Hannah Gadsby's Nannette show is a must see. It is clever, funny, thought provoking, sad and deeply moving. I think if everyone saw it we would all be a bit kinder to each other. It gave me a greater understanding of the impact of homophobia and internalised homophobia. I felt in awe at her bravery in sharing her vulnerability so publicly.
22.01.2022 Dissociation is an important and perfectly normal brain response to trauma and stress. In fact, many people experience mild forms of it on a nearly daily basis.
22.01.2022 #TRUTH Dont judge how your therapy is going by how you feel after the session. Good therapy is hard. (Via Insta: @lindsaybraman)
20.01.2022 This article briefly explains how our relationship with our parents can influence our close adult relationships.
18.01.2022 "As a therapist, I appreciate dissociation as a valuable gift our brains are able to give us when we endure trauma. I emphasize to the people I work with in therapy that dissociation has helped them to survive, and we can acknowledge that this is a defense that has perhaps worked for longer than it was intended. It is important to remember that experiencing more than a regular level or type of dissociation as a result of trauma does not make a person defective. Rather, it shows that he or she has been able to live through and survive extraordinary circumstances that no one would be able to endure without the brains ability to dissociate." Anastasia Pollock
18.01.2022 For those out there parenting and educating boys this is well worth a read.
17.01.2022 Australia Day - Change the Date May8. A quick black humoured reminder of why we really need to change the date.
16.01.2022 There are many recent examples of progress going backwards and for women, same sex attracted peoples, minority groups the result can be devastating. Recently some US states have been criminalising abortions. This is a fascinating podcast interviewing people who performed abortions when they were illegal. Women will always have abortions whether they are legal or not. This is because having an unwanted child can negatively impact a woman's health, safety, freedom and financial well being. Legal abortions just ensure they are safe.
15.01.2022 Lockdown might mean your usual coping and distraction activities aren't available. There are new stresses in your life. Or the extra time to think has brought up difficult memories. Don't forget that there are lots of supports out there if you need them. You can now get funding towards up to 20 counselling sessions via your GP. There are also lots of other affordable options. Feel free to PM me if you'd like me to tell you some other options suss out what is available in your area.
15.01.2022 Let us make sure more awareness is brought to this issue. Giving this issue the attention it deserves increases the chances that resources and support will be provided to bring about desperately needed change.
15.01.2022 At the moment we have a situation where Tasmanian women are flying to Victoria if they need a termination, Plibersek told the ABC. We have got a situation in New South Wales where women are having to drive for hours and hours to get from a country town to a major city to get a termination in a private clinic, and that might cost them thousands of dollars.
14.01.2022 I want to acknowledge some positive progress. Voluntary Assisted Dying became legal in Victoria today. Having this choice available in addition to current palliative care options will provide some comfort to people faced with the prospect of a prolonged painful death. This woman's story is very moving and well worth a read.
06.01.2022 Anxiety can have us project all our fears onto the world and those around us. Gestalt Psychotherapy can be very helpful in understanding and managing anxiety. Here is a link to an anxiety checklist and beyondblue a really useful resource.
04.01.2022 "We will only be able to eradicate violence against women and their children, when women are not only safe, but respected, valued and treated as equals in private and public life," Australia's Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins told the BBC. This is another reason why having equal representation of women in Parliament and influential boards is so VERY VERY important to the community (esp women) as a whole.
03.01.2022 I know I am late but - Happy International Women's Day! I am very proud to be a feminist.... I would not have been allowed the education I obtained to work if not for feminists. The link below names other rights we have now thanks to feminists. I hope that every person, regardless of gender, proudly identifies as feminists in honor of rights obtained and recognition of still needed change, both locally and internationally.
03.01.2022 Having suicidal thoughts at points in your life where you have been faced with conflict, loss or ongoing mental health issues is more common than you would think. Sadly though due to shame we don't often share these thoughts, so never realise how many others around us have had similar experiences. People who are LGBTIQ+ or have BPD are way over represented as dying from suicide. We now know very clearly that the Mental health issues that arise for people who are LGBTIQ+ is primarily due to bullying and homophobia. So fighting homophobia is something important we can all do to fight suicide. This article also speaks about BPD and clearly explains some of the added challenges people with BPD face and helpful supports.
02.01.2022 What a relief that George Pell has been found guilty and that the legal system has dispensed justice. It is sickening that he put his victim through a court case and shows his arrogance and lack of remorse. I wanted to share this article from 2015 which explains some of the reasons why it is that most people never disclose childhood sexual abuse.
02.01.2022 It is NAIDOC and the theme being celebrated is "Because of her we can". I was taught nothing about aboriginal history at school and have only begun to learn as an adult about what indigenous Australians experienced. The gap is still there, as is racism, but hopefully with strong women like Joyce striving for social justice and more Australians taking an interest, caring and developing awareness we will get there.
02.01.2022 Face-to-face therapy is extremely helpful if you are experiencing anxiety or depression. The therapeutic relationship provides a unique and valuable space for healing. However there are also other options that can complement therapy or be utilised if getting to a therapist is not currently financially or physically possible. There are a number of free online courses (yep totally free to Australians) that you can do independently or with support from a therapist. Check out ECouch, ThisWayUp & MoodGym. Here is a link to one of them....
01.01.2022 I just listened to a proposed alternative version of the Australian anthem. Much more relevant and moving than the current version. Check it out.
01.01.2022 "To any parent thinking of suicide, please try to escape the feeling that your children will be better off without you. They wont be. They will miss you. They will be lost. There is help available and you should seek it."
01.01.2022 Nevertheless we persisted and needed changes have seeded. I hope the gains begun in 2018 gather more momentum in 2019 so that we can all live in a safer, freer more equitable world.
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