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Penola Catholic College

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25.01.2022 You can now take a virtual tour of each campus with Principal, Mr Chris Caldow here! Limited enrolments still available for Year 7 in 2021. Now taking applications for Year 7 in 2022.

25.01.2022 Our 2020 Captain of Sustainability - Chloe Fitton, Year 12 Penola School Council Representative Danidu Weerasinghe and Year 12 student James Casey, recognised that the way in which we remembered the spirit of ANZAC would be very different this year. This didn’t stop these 3 students showing their sincere respect and commemoration. Thank you to Chloe, Danidu and James for your display of leadership.

25.01.2022 Don't forget to stay up to date with all COVID-19 news regarding our College here:

24.01.2022 Over the last few days, our Student Leaders have been preparing messages to send out to the Penola Catholic College community. These messages are timely reminders to us all. Today’s message is from one of our College Captains, Taniya Senanayake. Taniya reminds us to check in with one another regularly at this time. She also reminds us of the wonderful mental health services available for access, if required. Thank you Taniya for sharing this with us all. Stay tuned for further updates from our College Student Leaders.

24.01.2022 A message from our College Vice Captain Monica. Some very helpful tips that we can apply to our lives during this time of Remote Learning. Thanks for your Leadership Monica :)

24.01.2022 While it has been a very challenging year for all of us, it is important to remember to stay connected, support one another and check in on your friends and family. You can download the R U OK Day - Guide to Support here:

24.01.2022 A very different Languages Week celebrated at Penola the staff are all so very impressed with the students’ talent, creativity and effort.

24.01.2022 Is your child in Grade 5? We are now taking enrolments for Year 7 in 2022. To apply, visit our website to enrol online!

23.01.2022 As we are unable to physically attend mass at present due to the Covid-19 lockdown, we have prepared and uploaded a special presentation of our Mothers’ Day Liturgy for all families to view and participate in. It’s a beautiful Liturgy, celebrated by Fr Tony Cox, our College Chaplain and features various members of our College community throughout. Please feel free to access this vodcast at your convenience or preferred usual Mass time from Saturday, 9th May, via the link provided or on the MyPenola Homepage.

23.01.2022 #staysafe #staypositive #stayhome We hope and pray for all in our community and beyond that they are keeping safe and healthy during this time We also pray for and thank all those putting their lives at risk so that we may be safe.

22.01.2022 Updated information on our current web page here:

22.01.2022 A little welcome back for our Year 12 students as they entered school this morning. It has been so nice having our Year 11's, Year 12's and Staff back on Campus today.

20.01.2022 Happy World Teachers' Day! Thank you to all of our teachers here at Penola CC who always have done and continue to provide the very best education to our students. We are truly blessed to have them! "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela

19.01.2022 Penola Catholic College is looking for Stallholders for our upcoming 25th Anniversary Fete on Saturday 17th October. Stall prices will be from $30-$60. Please register your interest by sending an email to [email protected]. Application Forms will be sent by email and close on Friday 3rd April. ... (We are not looking for any Food or Drink Stalls)

18.01.2022 As we reach the end of our first full week of Remote Learning we thank all Staff, Students and Parents for their patience and cooperation. Whilst we adapt to our new normal, we are in this together and look forward to continuing this partnership with you and providing the stability and support that your child deserves.

18.01.2022 This Saturday, the 17th October, marks the 10th Anniversary of the Canonisation of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop. This is a very special occasion for us as a College community as Mary is our Patron Saint and her charism is at the heart of our College culture. As such, we have developed a vodcast celebrating the importance of this occasion and offering some perspective as to why St Mary is relevant and purposeful in our lives today. Happy 10th Anniversary St Mary.

18.01.2022 Webinar: Managing the Coronacoaster Tips for building resilient families presented by Dr Michael Carr-Gregg Tuesday 25 August - 7:30pm Further details here:

18.01.2022 Online Learning FAQs now available:

17.01.2022 Rejoice, for the Saviour of the world has risen! Happy Easter and may God bless you and your families.

17.01.2022 Victoria Brewster is our Captain of Christian Service for 2020. As Easter is fast approaching, Vic shares a message with us all that reminds us to have a happy and safe Easter. Thank you Victoria for your message to our community.

17.01.2022 Today Penola Catholic College celebrated Feast Day the only way we know how for 2020.. remotely! We came together as a College Community through Live Streaming, a first for Penola Catholic College. On behalf of the Faith & Mission Team we would like to wish the whole of the Penola Community a Happy Feast Day.

16.01.2022 Today, marks the commencement of National Reconciliation Week and so we invite all to view our vodcast and share in our National Reconciliation Prayer with us.

16.01.2022 Monday 20th April The latest Parent Vodcast by Principal, Mr Chris Caldow:

15.01.2022 Through our curriculum initiative within the VCAL Personal Development Skills program we have donated more than 200kg of vegetables to FareShare this year. A tremendous effort from our Staff and Students.

15.01.2022 As we commence Term 2 today through remote learning, we are still as dedicated and committed to our students as we would be otherwise. We would like to express our thanks and gratitude for the support we have received from our families and students during this time. To continue to keep up to date with the latest information, please see My Penola. Here's to a successful Term 2! #letsdothis #staysafe

15.01.2022 Reminder: Parent Teacher Student Meetings have been cancelled tonight (Tues 17th March). Students will still finish at 2:20pm. Thank you.

14.01.2022 A message from our Captain of Sport, Elyssia Laleas. Ely reminds us to stay fit and healthy during this time! A very timely reminder to also have a wonderful holiday- despite the circumstances at this time.

14.01.2022 Reminder: There will be a second collection for Year 12 jackets tomorrow from 3:30pm-5pm. Thank you.

13.01.2022 We made it! Happy Term 3 Holidays.

13.01.2022 Year 7 Reflection Day 2020

13.01.2022 Excellent examples of Year 8 students exploring and responding to the Getty Challenge while learning remotely in Term 2.

13.01.2022 Farewell to our Year 12 students on their last day today! Thank you for your hard work and patience during what was an unusual year. We wish you all the best with your upcoming exams and future endeavors. It's been a pleasure watching you all grow over the years and you'll be greatly missed!

12.01.2022 Parents and Friends Meeting Cancelled for Monday the 1st of June. Thank you.

12.01.2022 Due to the COVID-19 isolation restrictions there will be no Parents & Friends Meeting taking place on Monday the 4th of May. Thank you

12.01.2022 Congratulations to our Class of 2020 - here are a few photos from what was a special night at the Year 12 Graduation Mass

11.01.2022 Our Year 12's are trying hard to complete their final year of secondary schooling under difficult circumstances. The College will be distributing the year 12 jackets next Tuesday 5th May. Important information about this process can be located on Care Monkey.

11.01.2022 Penola Catholic College has been busy during Remote Learning. Here are some numbers to prove it.

09.01.2022 Penola Catholic College wishes all Mothers and Grandmothers in our community a very Happy Mother's Day. May your day be filled with love and happiness.

09.01.2022 A message from our Year 12 Student Leaders. Sit back and enjoy this one! Well done to all the leaders involved..

08.01.2022 Office Christmas Hours

08.01.2022 This term as a Year 9 & 10 fitness component, the students completed body fit classes instructed by F45 Gladstone Park and Oak Park Sports and Aquatic Centre. After uncertain times, COVID has forced us to complete these sessions online and on campus. It has been a great pleasure to have both these organisations help agree to do this. We wish to thank every year 9 & 10 student who participated including every teacher involved.

08.01.2022 In 2019, our College Captains, Chan and Vishnu attended the JJAMM Student Leaders Conference in February at Kincumber (NSW). At this conference they had the opportunity to meet other student leaders from Josephite schools to discuss their goals for the year ahead. Each school gave a presentation about their school to the other leaders and one of the things that struck both Chan and Vishnu was the fact that Penola Catholic College was very multicultural in comparison to many o...ther schools. They both decided that our Cultural diversity was a great strength of Penola and wanted to celebrate this in some way. They decided to run a competition amongst students for the design of a mural to be painted on the back wall of the ASH at the Broadmeadows campus to celebrate our cultural diversity. Jaida Mazotta’s (Current Year 10 student) design was selected and it has now been translated into a large mural on our oval that can be seen from the trains running on the Craigieburn line towards Broadmeadows. See more

08.01.2022 Penola College Student leaders for 2021: Taking part in the AJASS Students Leadership Day along with other AJASS Schools from Victoria, Canberra and Tasmania.

07.01.2022 Student Remote Learning Guide: This can also be found on MyPenola.

07.01.2022 It’s been a particularly tough few weeks as we’ve moved into Stage 4 restrictions. There are days it’s not easy to stay positive and that’s OK. The Wellbeing team at Penola would like to spread the word about talking openly about mental health and well-being, and seeking support from family and friends. Read more here:

07.01.2022 Luca Polimeni our current Captain of Performing Arts and Bella Polimeni- ex student and Captain of Performing Arts, share this musical gift with our community today. A beautiful showcase of such talent and a clip that is sure to lift your spirts today. Thank you Luca and Bella for your contribution to our student leadership program and to our community.

06.01.2022 To all Dad's, Grandfather's and Father figures within our community, a very Happy Father's Day.

06.01.2022 Lest we forget.

05.01.2022 Find all updates regarding our return to Classroom Learning here:

05.01.2022 Enrolments for Year 7 in 2022 are now open! Applications close on Friday 9th October. To apply visit:

05.01.2022 You can now take a tour of each campus with Principal, Mr Chris Caldow online here!

05.01.2022 Following today’s announcement by the Victorian Premier, Penola Catholic College will close as of 12:30 p.m. today for the Term 1 holidays. We endeavour to reopen on Tuesday 14th April unless instructed otherwise by Dr Brett Sutton, Victorian Chief Health Officer. Further updates can be found on the parent portal My Penola. Students may come to School to collect their books from their locker between 1-2.30pm today for both campuses. Parents are asked to wait outside the Coll...ege. Thank you See more

04.01.2022 Further updates regarding return to school can be found here:

04.01.2022 An Easter Message from Principal, Mr Chris Caldow:

04.01.2022 Our Memorial Mass from last night

03.01.2022 Sienna Giddings (8L) dancing a segment of the classical ballet Giselle from the Royal Academy of Ballet and Theatre of Paris at home for Languages Week.

03.01.2022 Wishing all in our community a safe and happy long weekend We also can't wait to have all students back onsite on Monday 26th October. We've missed them! Stay safe

03.01.2022 Unfortunately we have had to postpone our tours during Term 2. Please visit the link below to go on a "virtual tour" which offers an insight into our College facilities and what we have on offer!

03.01.2022 We are currently taking enrolments for Year 7 in 2022. Please note: All College tours have been cancelled until further notice. To apply online visit:

02.01.2022 A wonderful message from our College Captain Ellie! Our College Captains and Student Leadership Team truly recognise the importance of staying healthy and well during this Remote Learning Time! Ellie also reminds us how wonderful it has been to see so many students continue to stay motivated during this time. A timely reminder to also have fun during this time- is very much appreciated. We thank you Ellie for your Leadedship!

01.01.2022 2020 was a season to remember. Let's look back at the some of the best moments from our fourth championship run!! This week we're featuring the Ezi Magbegor!

01.01.2022 Our Penola Legends Dinner scheduled for Friday 29th May has unfortunately been postponed. We endeavor to inform you as soon as a new date has been decided. Thank you

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