Penrith Public School in Penrith, New South Wales | School
Penrith Public School
Locality: Penrith, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 4721 2158
Address: Cnr Doonmore and High St 2750 Penrith, NSW, Australia
Likes: 1089
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25.01.2022 Week 8 Term 3 newsletter
25.01.2022 Lost your spectacles? If youre squinting to read this message, chances are these could be yours! Call our lovely office staff on 4721 2158 if one of these are yours
24.01.2022 P&C Annual General Meeting Notification The 2020 AGM is being held on Monday the 22nd of March, 2.30pm in the front of the school. Please see the newsletter for further information. All welcome.
23.01.2022 A gold ring has been handed in to our office, it was found in our playground. If you think it is yours, please contact the office on 4721 2158 and describe the ring to see if it is yours.
23.01.2022 Emergency drills are an important part of ensuring the safety of our students. Congratulations to the students and staff for completing an excellant evacuation drill today.Emergency drills are an important part of ensuring the safety of our students. Congratulations to the students and staff for completing an excellant evacuation drill today.
23.01.2022 Kick Start to Kindergarten
22.01.2022 GATES This morning we had to close one of the gates temporarily during school drop off times. Please note that this afternoon, students will depart in accordance with normal procedures. All workers have departed the school. Please collect your child from the usual gate.
21.01.2022 We had a very cute little visitor to our school today he continued his adventures after stopping for a photo
21.01.2022 It is Finally Here!! Canteen online ordering! Our canteen staff and P & C volunteers have been working tirelessly to get this off the ground and Canteen Online Ordering with School 24 is going live from Monday 7th September 2020. See the attached notice for how to setup your child in the parent portal. Once you are set up then you are all set to start ordering. ... If you are having difficulties setting this up, please contact School24 on 0280411132 for support. Things to note: Orders for the day close at 9.15am same as the canteen window. If you order a recess for your child, they need to present themselves at the canteen window at recess to collect. We will still be operating as per normal via cash lunch orders at the canteen window. The canteen is still opening at recess and lunch for small over the counter snacks and drinks ...and finally, this is a work in progress and quite new for all, please be patient as we are certain to encounter snags and hiccups as we all adjust. HAPPY ORDERING!
21.01.2022 COVID19 Update ( 17 August) Dear Parents and Carers On Monday, the Premier Gladys Berejiklian made several announcements regarding the operation of schools during COVID19.... The Department of Education has updated its advice as follows: Parents and carers are reminded that students must not come to school if they are unwell. Anyone with flu-like symptoms or symptoms of COVID-19 is prohibited from returning to school until a negative test result has been reported. This applies to both staff and students. Formals, dances, graduation ceremonies, choirs and all social events have been banned in New South Wales schools in a bid to stop the spread of coronavirus. Students must remain within their relevant class or year/stage group to limit mixing. Schools must not travel outside their local community or zone, including between rural and regional areas. Spectators, including parents and carers, are not permitted within school grounds or at sporting events held during school hours. All group singing and other chanting activities, as well as the use of wind instruments in group settings, are not permitted. The new restrictions are in addition to existing health advice for schools, including maintaining good hand hygiene, physical distancing for adults and the banning of non-essential school visitors. Warm regards Chantal Beltran
21.01.2022 YEAR 6 FAREWELL Year 6 Farewell will be a little different this year. We will celebrate the Year 6 accomplishments with a lunch on school grounds. When: Wednesday 16 December 2020... Where: School Hall Time: 12:15pm Dress: Beach/Hawaiian theme - students can dress in their farewell outfit for the whole day. All students must wear closed in shoes. Cost: $20 for an individually packaged meal, drinks and desert (Fees in advance may be used if available) There will be a display outside the school (Doonmore St gate) for photos from 8:45am. The Graduation assembly will be held on the same day at 2:00pm. Due to Department of Education restrictions we are unable to have parents, carers and other family attend. We hope to live stream the graduation assembly and will provide further details in the coming weeks. A note will be sent home shortly.
20.01.2022 Have you joined Penrith City Library yet?
19.01.2022 Exciting news! School photos should arrive this week. We aren’t sure which day yet, stay tuned.Exciting news! School photos should arrive this week. We aren’t sure which day yet, stay tuned.
19.01.2022 "Learn as much as you can about the culture and participate." - Aunty Deanna. Each year, NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who are part of some of the oldest continuing cultures on the planet. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #NAIDOC2020 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
18.01.2022 LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY Thursday 18th February 2021 Just a reminder the Leadership Assembly will be on tomorrow for Years 3-6 at 10.00am. School captains, counsellors, house captains, vice captains and library monitors will receive their badges. ... Due to COVID restrictions only those parents and carers of students receiving badges will be able to attend (only 2 persons per student). Please enter the school via the Doonmore Street gate near the canteen, scan the QR Code and complete the sign on book when entering and leaving the school. These will be available outside the hall.
18.01.2022 Today kindergarten got to experience across the road. They explored the racetrack that Mr Redington had mown into the long grass after all the recent rain. We learnt how to cross the road safely with our teachers. A great time was had by all.
18.01.2022 Apologies - date is for next week Friday not this week. Friday 11th September 2020 is Hero Day at PPS
17.01.2022 Kitchen Garden News Fried rice was a winner with students and even the teachers last week in Kitchen Garden lessons. Students selected veggies from the garden and stir-fried a delicious meal with up to 7 different vegetables! The students are learning valuable skills not only in gardening and cooking, but also in cleaning up afterwards! So many students were keen to cook this one at home.... Miss Fell, Kitchen Garden Program
17.01.2022 Click on the link below to read our latest newsletter! All our newsletters can be found on our school website.
17.01.2022 Back to Basics Schoolwear information
16.01.2022 Its Education Week! There are so many ways we are learning together at Penrith Public School. This year we have worked in partnership with Penrith Lakes Environmental Education Centre to establish our kitchen garden. This is a quality, holistic learning experience for students designed to encourage positive food habits, awareness of the environment and sustainability, and working together to grow and prepare food from paddock to plate. Kylie Carson Photography
15.01.2022 Tomorrows Kickstart to Kindy session has had to be cancelled due to the rain. Stay warm and safe!Tomorrows Kickstart to Kindy session has had to be cancelled due to the rain. Stay warm and safe!
14.01.2022 Tell Them From Me - Student Survey As part of our focus on school effectiveness, Penrith Public School will be participating in an online survey for students - Tell Them From Me. The survey will provide us with valuable feedback on what our students think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. During Week 9, all students in Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 will be given an opportunity and time to participate in this survey. The staff and the school will not be able to identify individual students as results will show all student scores combined together. If you DO NOT want your child to participate, please complete the yellow form which is being sent home today and return to the office by Friday 11 September 2020.
14.01.2022 This is tomorrow!
14.01.2022 Kickstart to Kindy has been cancelled today due to the weather. Sorry for any inconvenience causedKickstart to Kindy has been cancelled today due to the weather. Sorry for any inconvenience caused
13.01.2022 GLASSES Are you missing a pair of glasses? These pairs are all at our office. If you can see your pair , please get in touch with our office staff today on 4721 2158.
13.01.2022 Thank you to Imaginations Church for the generous care package for our teachers who have been working extra hard this term.
13.01.2022 SCHOOL SWIMMING CARNIVAL REMINDER Our school swimming carnival for students who can swim 50 metres of the pool is on next Monday 22nd February and all notes and online payments need to be made by this Wednesday. If you require another note, please contact Mr Purse or Mr E.
12.01.2022 As part of SASS recognition week we would like to thank our school administrative and support staff who provide comprehensive support in our schools. This year theyve had to be increasingly flexible to adapt to changing scenarios and pandemic restrictions, highlighting the vital role they play in keeping our schools running efficiently every day. Thank you!
12.01.2022 Why attendance matters
11.01.2022 REMINDER Tomorrow is school photo day. Please ensure students are in full school uniform and at school on time so they do not miss out on their photo. All photo envelopes are due tomorrow & sibling photos will start at 8.45am promptly.
11.01.2022 Week 6 Term 3 newsletter - just click on the link below!
11.01.2022 Stages 2 and 3 have been cooking up a storm in our newly renovated Kitchen Classroom! Check out these corn fritters cooked by some of our students! Yum! Have a go at home, guided by this simple recipe. Stay tuned for more exciting recipes and inspiring photos of our students cooking and enjoying healthy, home-grown food. Miss Fell, PPS Kitchen Garden program
11.01.2022 We didnt manage to get many pictures due to the rain today but as you can see, our teachers take dress ups as seriously as the children do! We also had a fairy, Harry Potter and butterflies who fluttered away before we could snap them! Happy Education Week!
11.01.2022 Garden Fact brought to you by Mrs Lindsay and Mrs Cameron - our Kitchen Garden teachers. Did you know that you need to leave a pumpkin on the vine until the vine browns off? The reason is that the sugars and flavour develop in the late stages of growth. Sometimes this is not always possible. So if you have to harvest a bit early leave about 60-100cm of vine attached. This helps the pumpkin develop its final flavour. Just like we had to do today at school.
08.01.2022 Yay for mufti! Since we are missing Pedlars Fair, we wanted to bring a bit of colour and fun to our week! No money and donations necessary, this is just for fun. Appropriate and safe footwear must be worn.
08.01.2022 Today is National Primary Principals Day and we want to acknowledge and celebrate our principal, Ms Beltran. The contribution she brings every day to our school, staff members, students, families and the wider community is immeasurable. It is said a great principal builds character, inspires dreams, encourages creativity, touches our hearts and changes our lives forever. Ms Beltran personifies this and for that we are grateful! Thank you Ms Beltran.
06.01.2022 We love a good dress up
05.01.2022 From classroom desks to dining room tables. See how the students, parents and teachers from these schools navigated online learning, and what they learned together along the way. #EdWeek20 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
05.01.2022 Second Hand Uniform Shop The second hand uniform shop is operating once again, but under Covid-19 restrictions. Order forms are available on our school website or Skool Loop. Alternatively please phone the office to have one sent home with your child. Send the correct money and order form to school with your child in a sealed envelope. If you order something that doesnt fit, simply return it to the school for an exchange. Items will not be accepted if they are dirty or have... been worn. Cash only, please do not pay online. See more
05.01.2022 Calling all parents and carers: Have you downloaded the School Updates app yet? Opt in to receive notifications about the operational status of our school (e.g. temporary closures). Find out more and download via *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
04.01.2022 HERO DAY YEAR 6 FUNDRAISER On Friday 11th September 2020 come to school dressed as your hero! It could be a family member... respected member of the community (policeman, nurse, fireman etc) person from history celebrity a superhero Please bring a gold coin donation to go towards the Year 6 Farewell.
04.01.2022 Does your child bring a bottle of water to school? Due to COVID-19, we have had to close our school bubblers. Now the weather is warming up, it is essential that every child has water. Water bottles can be refilled at school.
04.01.2022 Keeping children safe online Please refer to the attached links for free webinars and resources which have been selected to support you in continuing the discussion with your children about staying safe and healthy online.
04.01.2022 Follow the link below to our Week 6, Term 4 newsletter
04.01.2022 OVERDUE LIBRARY BOOKS As we approach the end of the year, our library is closing for stocktake. Could you please return all borrowed books to school as soon as possible to assist us in this process.... We hope your child enjoyed borrowing this year and has developed a love of reading.
02.01.2022 Dear families and carers of our 2021 Kindergarten students, We have had to cancel all 2021 direct contact orientation activities and playgroups due to the latest Department of Education COVID19 school operations advice. Unfortunately this means that our planned Monday playgroup and student classroom visits for Term 4 cannot go ahead as planned. We know this may be disappointing and we want to do all we can to help prepare yourself and your child for primary school. We are c...urrently investigating the most appropriate digital platform to deliver information to families over the coming months and will inform you soon how to access this information. The Penrith Public School 2021 Kindergarten Team
01.01.2022 We want to hear from all NSW parents about their before and after school care needs in light of COVID-19. Complete this form to help us improve access to services for public school students: *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
01.01.2022 Always Was, Always Will Be This year our school celebrated NAIDOC week by learning how we are spiritually and culturally connected to this country. Students participated in research tasks, created Aboriginal inspired art and started to brainstorm ideas for a bush tucker garden at our school. We were also proud to have two students selected to represent our school at a NAIDOC event held at Penrith High School. Next week our school is participating in the First Nations Bedtime stories challenge where students will watch five Dreaming stories over five days, told by First Nations elders and knowledge custodians from Central Australia. We are looking forward to joining this event.
01.01.2022 Week 4 Term 1 Newsletter. Click on the link below to catch up on all the latest! Did you know you can find all our newsletters on our school website?
01.01.2022 Dear Parents and Carers The Department of Education has advised that students with flu-like symptoms should be tested for COVID-19. The negative COVID-19 test result must be sighted and received by the school before their return to school.... Could you please advise if your child has had a COVID-19 test and provide a copy of the negative result in due course. Students should not return to school until they have had a negative COVID-19 test and they are symptom free. Warm regards Chantal Beltran | Principal
01.01.2022 Our Year 6 students are selling ice creams for $1 as their fundraiser. Our school leaders are helping sell them in the canteen!Our Year 6 students are selling ice creams for $1 as their fundraiser. Our school leaders are helping sell them in the canteen!
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