Performance Method in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Business service
Performance Method
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 437 771 577
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24.01.2022 She’s my Buba and this year would have been immeasurably worse without her. Little girl. @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
24.01.2022 Sumo wave load: Wave 1 6x 165kg 4x 175kg 2x 185kg... Wave 2 6x 170kg 4x 18g 2x 190kg - shown . Man, oh man, I haven’t posted a deadlift video in sooooome time. While I’ve been focusing on HMB, I’ve kept off training for maximal strength to preserve energy. In knowing myself, I haven’t lifted sumo for many months because I knew I would go full potato. . Well, I lifted sumo last week and it happened. Deadlifting is fun! I guess the road to 260kg is back on in 2021. Haven’t PB’d by deadlift in literally years (sadboi). I’m going to use straps because I don’t plan on getting on platform anytime soon and it makes it so much easier. . Going to stay away from strict periodisation and work a bit more intuitively, with undulating sets and with a lot RIR work. . Yah, only pushing deadlift, don’t care about bench...for now. See more
23.01.2022 Sunday training with @teamvultures Two handed axe fight @conored16. I’ve got the blue kicks - definitely not period . Had some great rounds with heaps of the team and it was really informative to fight opponents all different sizes, weights and experience levels! .... This was mine and Conor’s first time fighting with two handed axes and it was a blast. I lika da choppah but need to work on my grappling game I think. . Looking forward to first official fights with @tyrs_warriors next week! See more
20.01.2022 Squat rebuild with @kelsyelise Kelsy came to me looking to compete in powerlifting which I absolutely love! Over the last few years I’ve noticed more and more females looking to become STRONG and focus on performance rather than solely focus on being skinnier or thinner. Not that there is anything wrong with that but it’s seriously awesome to see the stigma of getting ‘too big’ slowly fading out. FIRST VIDEO: Little understanding of squat mechanic, no core engagement, exce...ssive external knee drive (knees out!) and excessive lumbar flexion in the hole. SECOND VIDEO: Squat pattern explained, ribs to hips allowing core engagement, no focus on driving knees out but rather loading the quads Very impressed with Kelsy’s skill acquisition as the time between videos is around 10 minutes. This process usually takes a few sessions to understand the numerous key cues needed for a decent squat. In my opinion explaining the bio mechanical process (sans unnecessary jargon) of each exercise, the start, middle and end of the exercise and what it should look and feel like is essential for quality coaching. Something I’m increasingly saying to clients is: ‘Don’t try and emulate what the movement LOOKS like but focus on what’s internally driving the movement’ Not sure what internally drives your squat or need instruction on improving the safety and efficacy of your lifts? Shoot me a message. I have space for literally 2 more sessions in my books. #goodbyejobkeeper Ron Seeto
19.01.2022 Cool to think that I’m the biggest I’ve ever been while also probably the most aerobically fit. Who says you can’t be all go and all show?
19.01.2022 Got the high waisted memo far too late but there’s always next year. Legend has it, the higher the pants the more experienced the strength coach. Can’t be leaving anything to chance, fam!
18.01.2022 And sometimes training is much needed therapy. A healthy outlet of pushing yourself to exhaustion and for those who like it, beyond that point. . As I become more advanced as a coach and my tools becomes sharper and science and data influence more and more of my means; I always want to connect in with the purity of what we do in the gym. . I hope to never lose sight of what one of the most important reasons to train or exercise; to feel wholly alive, complete and in the mome...nt of exerting and really living. . The beauty and pain of being present in a hard workout, proving to yourself that you are alive and your body is truly a wonderful, wonderful thing. . I’m sure to many what I just wrote sounds horrible and I get that. But comfort breeds complacency and in complacency, stagnant waters lie. . If you haven’t already, hurt yourself a little today with you this in mind: . I am here today and I am alive. . See more
15.01.2022 Strapped for time? Keep it simple. Quick second leg session of the week post work, super unmotivated and hungry. . Hack squat 5x6x120kg @3010 Seated leg curl ... 5x10 @2010 Standing calf raise 3x10 @3210 . I picked two great exercises that covered quads and hamstrings, increased the sets to 5, kept intensity high to eliminate any fucking around volume and got it done. . Your second session of any muscle group sometimes doesn’t have to be very technical. Hit the muscle groups to tick the box for frequency and 5 sets goes a long way to hit a minimum 12 sets per muscle group for minimum volume for growth. . Keep it ez. See more
14.01.2022 Five weeks progress! Body fat is down a collective 5.9% Skin folds down a collective 24.5mm ... Not only just awesome results but ensuring Johnnie & Linn know we did it so they can keep the weight off permanently! Losing weight isn't the real flex KEEPING it off is Hit me up if you want to make real, lasting change with your health and fitness!
14.01.2022 All the decisions I’ve ever made in my life, both positives and negatives, have led me to this point right here. Fighting with an axe. . Real talk, It’s feeling like Im growing into the type of man small boy Ron would have been proud of. The fighting with swords part for sure but in all the other ways that matter as well. . It’s quite a feeling.
13.01.2022 And just like that my first harness is complete. I have a full set of armour that fits amazingly. I think it took me 9 months to collect a full suit. It took a fair amount of time and decent chunk of money #noregrats . It’s also approximately 1 year since my first training session with @teamvultures under the tutelage of @swride. Wouldn’t be anywhere near where I am without him. Appreciate it immensely, dude. . I’ve had a dozen training rounds and one buhurt and I can’t wai...t for more. I really believe this sport is going to explode in the next 5-10 years and I hope to be apart of it, nay, leave my mark on it. . Here’s to many more awkward conversations explaining my very nerdy, very violent hobby. See more
12.01.2022 The human race has only one effective weapon and that is laughter -Mark Twain. . 1st picture: Cool edit by @squinn90 2nd picture: The real picture I wanted to head this caption but I’m sure some people (my mum) don’t want to be assaulted by that. ... . I laugh at myself. Like, a lot. I can’t help it, I’m hilarious (Just ask my clients - one more set ho ho ho) and I will not apologise for that. . Of course I really mean being able to laugh at yourself when it matters, that being, when you probably don’t want to laugh at yourself. When it hurts to laugh. But here’s the thing, that’s when you need it the most. . Here’s another quote that I’ve remembered my whole life: . Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone." -Ella Wheeler Wilcox . When things go wrong, fall apart, implode or sadly drift away, sometimes laughter is all we have. Laughter can set your spirits free in the most tragic of circumstances. There are many stories of POW’s in WWII who were imprisoned for up to 7 years who told their saviours that laughter was the only thing that got through it. Laughter was all they had. Laughter brought them all together and forged a spirit that overcame an unfathomable experience. . I think laughter is one of the most powerful expressions of humanity. It’s the indomitable will to overcome. To do more than survive but to thrive in the darkest of times. . Being able to laugh at yourself is powerful sign of resilience and mental strength. Laughing at yourself shows humility and a level of self reflection that is really, really needed in today’s society. . No one is perfect. We are all deeply flawed but that is what makes us all so very beautiful. The imperfections. The mistakes. And the ability to laugh at our pain, to find humor in it and to overcome it. . Does this mean your immediate reaction to shitness should be to laugh? Probably not, you weirdo. But to deal your circumstances as a part of a healthy acceptance? Absolutely. . @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia See more
12.01.2022 CONDITIONING Two workouts with a few hours and a nap in between. For time: 1km run... 100 burpees 1km run 19:57 Low impact duo 5 rds of 2 mins Assault Bike 2 mins Rower 2 mins Running Look, I used to avoid cardio like it was a newly discovered respiratory virus that humans do not have immunity too...actually, wait, not like that because it turns out a whole heap of people sure as shit don’t avoid that. Ha! Relevance I used to avoid cardio because it was a whole heap of effort and it hurt and made me feel sick. I love cardio now because it’s a whole heap of effort and it hurts. Anecdotally, I just feel better when my aerobic conditioning is decent. I feel healthier and it’s great knowing I’m not going to be out of breath living an active lifestyle. I love the challenge and the endorphin rush afterwards. That shit is nice! I mean, the main reason I’m doing it now is so I can swing swords for longer but the other reasons are good too!
11.01.2022 This shit is just getting harder and harder the older and fatter I get. # Ron Seeto
10.01.2022 I took a mental health day today. This has been what I've been living in #fashun I'm just a bit tired, it's not a big deal. I knew that if I felt really drained just chilling at home and the thought of running sessions made me big-big sigh, I needed to take a day. I invest a lot of energy into my clients. Personal training well imo takes a LOT of energy. Not only am I paying attention to each rep and assessing but there is a helluva lot more 'soft skilled' work going on behin...d the scenes. Assessing effort and emotional state - Is the client they capable of more output? - Is the client emotionally willing to commit to more intensity? - Is the client fatigued and if so, what amount of fatigue is systematic and what is simply acute? - Is the client enjoying their session? - What has occurred recently in life/work that may affect adherence or emotional commitment to their goals? - Has the client had a bad day and would they prefer to talk about it or leave it completely alone and zone into the session? I consider these points to be incredibly important to a successful PT career. Simple fact is there is a helluva lot of technically below average/average trainers out there who are successful because they're soft skills are well developed and their clients like them. They may not get many results but if their clients like them and they aren't injuring their clients and they keep coming back... then hey, that's a successful business. As technically advanced as I am as a coach and nutritionist, one the major reasons why I've been in the game so long is because of my interpersonal skills. I would go so far to say having a above average interpersonal skills is a huge benefit to any industry and something that makes life way more interesting. +75 points to charisma and you unlock a helluva lot more conversational options in life. If you know what I mean But having such a large emotional output is very draining and you should try and be aware of your limits. Emotional burn out is a very real thing especially in customer service roles and I very much view coaching as a service.
07.01.2022 Effective training > Excessive volume PT at @goodlifefortitudevalley . >Be me >Ask new client how many days they train... >Client trains 6 days a week >Client doesn’t get DOMs or get that fatigued >Client is not growing despite excessive volume >Experienced trainer Ron drops new client’s training sessions to 4 days, cuts out approx 30% of volume and teaches a little something called intensity. >New client now has some DOMS, is fatigued and more importantly is now growing. . Oftentimes when I begin working with a new client who is training 6 days a week I’m immediately sceptical of the intensity of which they train. And I’m generally right. 6 days of quality resistance training is incredibly exhausting and 80% of the gym population have no business training with this frequency. . In this instance usually the new client has not been training with anywhere NEAR the req. intensity for chronic adaption. To shore up this lackadaisical attitude, the new client adds more exercises or days thinking that more is better. And it works. For a while at least. This is definition of JUNK volume. Extra sets or exercises trained without intensity that don’t actually grow you all that muscle. . I generally program 4-5 days because I coach applicable INTENSITY. Forcing the muscle to ADAPT by growing means exposing the muscle to ever increasing loads. This is uncomfortable. Usually the new client has avoided intensity either due to this discomfort or purely because they haven’t been shown how to push their limits safely and are worried about injuring themselves through average technique. . Say this with me: Your intensity in the gym is going to be dictated by your ability to recover. . Pushing your intensity to requisite levels is TIRING. As in really tiring. And if your recovery protocols aren’t up to scratch, you’re going to be slowly beating yourself into the ground WITHOUT maximising adaption. Yes, that’s right, all the effort, all the intensity and minimal lean muscle gain. . Recovery protocols: 8-9 hours sleep Requisite protein intake - 1.7-2g per kg Carbs - After protein & fat targets, discretionary kcals should be mostly carbs. Minimise stress BIG DEAL See more
07.01.2022 Don’t be a prisoner of your mindset One of the biggest hurdles to first starting gym is that most people don't see themselves as one of those gym people. It's fine for OTHER people but it's not for me. Oh no no. It's usually because an individual has trouble escaping a heavily policed set of internal barriers. ... I'm THIS kind of person and definitely not THAT kind of person. They can't SEE themselves training because they haven't done it before. Compound that with many years or decades NOT focusing on their health and fitness and this disconnect becomes entrenched as a characteristic. Lifting weights and eating protein doesn't fit their own view of who they are. It doesn't fit the mould of who they think they are and what they are comfortable with. This is the comfort zone. The comfort zone is where you feel safe. It’s where you are very much in control of yourself and your surroundings. It's where you don't have to risk exposure and negative feedback because you tried something new. Everything is safe. Life homeostasis. Here's something I say to my clients when I ask them to do soemthing they may not want to. "You can't do the same things as you've always done because those habits and choices are exactly what got you in this position. You need to do something different because you want different results". Physical change takes time but it’s quantifiable. Changing your mindset takes even longer and it much harder to measure but it’s as important as the physical change. Trying new things is fucking scary. Especially as we get older. But trying new things is the absolute goddamn spice of life. At any moment you could drastically change anything in your life you want to. My advice: Life is waaaaay too short to not uncover every little stone you have even the smallest inkling to. Oh, and lift some weight and eat some protein.
07.01.2022 I hope you open this as someone is walking past and you have to explain why you’re into shirtless guys in helmets, you kinky ol’ so-an-so
06.01.2022 Fashion tip: Do enough squats and all jeans are skinny jeans.
05.01.2022 Reality of natty lifting 3 years in between photos. First pic: 81-82kg Second pic: 78kg... So you like lifting weights do you? Excellent! Because if you really want to pack on kilograms of lean muscle, it’s going to take a long ass time! The first year or two of your lifting life is going to be jam packed full of gains. ESPECIALLY if you follow a program, prioritise eating well and sleep well. I gained something like 7-8kg in the first year of lifting seriously. I was definitely obsessed back then and I’m glad I was. IMO your best physique changes will be the stints of absolute obsession. Now in saying that, that kind of focus shouldn’t be for forever but a decent 6-9 months of focus can be better than literal years of half assing but that’s another post. During my building/bulking and cutting cycles I’m retreading a lot of weight ranges. The expectation is when you cut that you wont see your lower range because of the massing but yes, you will again and that doesn’t mean you haven’t built muscle, you’ve just had the law of diminishing returns kick you in the ass and you’ve built a little less than expected. For example: I still have to cut down to 75ish kg to be really cut but I’m now am so much bigger at that weight than I was years ago. At 78ish kg I’m much bigger than I was at 80+ kg. All I’m saying is that you’ll have to pay less attention to the scales and more on visual changes after a certain point. You’re not going to be packing on kilograms steadily after years of training. It’s also important to note that during this time absolutely focusing on building the most muscle has not be my aim. I definitely could have built more muscle or even been stronger but I simply did not want to put in the higher levels of commitment needed. Also after a point you need to balance out your goals with your willingness to sacrifice other areas of your life. My training since the first photo has been roughly 4/5sessions a week with 70% nutrition dialled in. Now my focus changed to steel fighting I don’t think I have to energy time or focus to be pushing hard with hypertrophy. Once I establish myself in HMB then maybe I can pursue a pure bodybuilding block.
05.01.2022 You got any of that there Serotonin? Okay, how about tryptophan? . This my way of saying I feel pretty emotionally average. And you know what, that’s okay. Some days you feel smeh and some days you feel really great. . Peaks and troughs people, peaks and troughs. Yah, I’m fine. Having been on this planet for some time, I’ve learned not to stress over the emotional day to day too much until I’ve checked off a few key items. ... . When was the last time you ate? Are you dehydrated? How much sleep have you had lately? Is there something is causing you stress or anxiety? Have you had a break? When is the last time you exercised? . If I run through this check list and it’s been a day or two, it’s time to deep dive a little and get into some honesty with myself. . One thing I do when I’m self assessing is try to be without bias (kind of impossible but still worthwhile) and not overlay what I EXPECT myself to be feeling and instead be truthful. A lot of the times things may bother us that we think should be ‘beneath’ us or shouldn’t bother us but they do. . This is just my part of de-mystifying the highlight reel of Instagram. Well, peeling back the curtain. That’s still a pretty gratuitous ab and dog shot. See more
04.01.2022 Yo, you need some fitness or speed? Ya boy gots you covered fah both, no doubt no doubt.
04.01.2022 Body comp/performance gains with nutrition client @emjseymour . Em is a stone cold weapon. I reasonably can’t credit for that but I will. I’ve been handling Em’s nutrition for on and off for approximately 18 months now. We first starting working together to help her bring balance to her physique and prep her into a powerlifting competition (which she won, this is a running theme for Em). I think this block was maybe 10 weeks or so. We worked on her nutritional literacy and... Em devoured all information and after the first block, took the reins of her daily nutritional needs and killed it. . We’ve now gone through this process 3 times now (Compositional work, cutting into comp, her winning comp and/or best female lifter) and she just keeps getting better and better! . As a fitness and performance professional I believe I work as a guide, facilitator and accountability touchstone, my clients are the ones who actually DO the work. My plans don’t mean shit if they aren’t followed, absorbed and worked on. . I work best as a multiplier. I’m not interested in having my clients RELYING on me to get them across the line. I EMPOWER people to get to their goals. . Do I do nothing? Hell, no. I’ve put a lot of money, time and effort into continuing my professional development and you know what I keep coming back to? . Simple is better than complex Work ethic beats everything Work ethic is a choice Strong women are the future . Okay, after all that. Check out the rig! You go, hunni See more
03.01.2022 Maybe it's time to try and be swole again
03.01.2022 Sword only sparring with @swride. @teamvultures . . Recording my sets and watching for technique breakdown has been instrumental for my lifting and doing the same for my armoured fights is starting to pay off. Just trying to be less spazzy with each round.
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