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Performance Saddlefits Nth VIC

Phone: +61 408 305 349


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23.01.2022 Pony’s pjs on and Cindy’s asking what time do you call this? Big day full of saddlefits in Cobram and Peechelba thanks for having me #saddlefitting #happyhorse #happyrider #notenoughhoursintheday

22.01.2022 Lovely new Erreplus Vittoria delivered to sweet Indi today. Worth the wait through lockdown for this beauty. It was built to a template we took of Indi’s profile so it fits like a glove. #saddlefitting #erreplussaddle #performancesaddlefitsnthvic #dodgingtherain

21.01.2022 Thinking about getting a saddle fit assessment through Performance Saddlefits and not sure what to expect? Following the assessment process of the Society of Master Saddlers in the UK we will provide you with the following : - Thorough analysis of your horse both static and in movement to ensure that we consider how conformation might affect saddle fit.... - Palpation of your horses back and neck muscles to check for lumps, bumps and soreness that might affect saddle fit. - Thorough check and assessment of your saddle. We check the condition of the flocking, whether the panels are symmetrical, the width of the channel, soundness of girthpoints... Small flocking adjustments can be done on site as part of this assessment. We fit and assess all makes and types of saddle. - Assessment of how the saddle looks when on your horse. Whether it suits the shape of his back, if the panel pitch is correct, if it's the correct length for him, if the gullet is correct, if there is enough clearance in the channel for his spine.... - We then check how the saddle functions with the rider on board. With a full picture from these checks we then can help you come up with SOLUTIONS : It might be a shim or some flocking adjustments are all that's needed for your existing saddle and you are both sorted and good to ride off into the sunset! If not, we carry a range of demo saddles for you to try. This will give you a clear picture of what works and what doesn't for you and your horse. You can then search for the right one either new or second hand (which we are more than happy to come back and help you fit) or we can order a new saddle made to a template of your horse from our range of trusted quality brands. Assessments take up to 2 hours and we provide you with it all on a written guide that you can use and refer to going forward. Our aim is to ensure the best saddle fit solutions for both you and your horse so that you can get on with enjoying your riding. Simple as that!

19.01.2022 About time it got a wash - been a big muddy week!! I’ve put nearly 18,000 kms on this since I bought it in February I have washed it more than once - honest!! #northvictoria #coversomemiles #saddlefitting #saddlebus

18.01.2022 Two custom Loxley dressage saddles delivered today to Leanne and Sally and their horses Gator and Trilly. Both of these ladies have such a wonderful connection with their horses. Great friends doing what they love and having so much fun. Absolutely The Best! #loxley #loxleydressage #saddlefitting #bestjobever

18.01.2022 Two more Loxley dressage saddles have arrived and are waiting to be delivered this week!! This is the best bit! #saddlefitter #newsaddlefeels #loxley #blissoflondon

16.01.2022 My daughter Hannah helped design my new Loxley Foxhunter demo that arrived today. Have a squiz at Bliss of London’s website if you are also keen on a bit of bling! There are sooooo many beautiful options. Book in for a test ride in this beauty. It’s a great all rounder saddle that fits so many shapes and sizes. Particularly this demo with the adjustable tree

16.01.2022 Well I’m all finished for 2020. What a year! Not without its challenges with Covid of course, but every single fitting brings a new combination of horse and rider and therefore something interesting to make my days fly by. I’m so lucky to have a job I’m passionate about! I’m on leave now until week beginning 10th January. Time to hang out with the family and cherish lovely moments such as this. Thank you for all the love and support from all my wonderful clients this past Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. Lucy x

15.01.2022 Slightly unusual saddle fitting today. A stunning Friesian mare named Ytka with her foal at foot. Very hot day so topping up the foal with a drink from Mum before trying some saddles. What an absolute treat to see this! We have a few fitters within the Performance Saddlefits group who have Friesians and I certainly see the attraction. Beautiful temperaments and absolutely stunning!

14.01.2022 My dear daughter tidied up my gullets drawer. The little jobs that appeal when you’re stuck in lockdown I use these all the time when fitting saddles with changeable gullets by sitting them directly on the horse to check that the correct one has been used. Very handy! Inevitably, you always want the one you haven’t yet collected. A bit like demo saddles really! You can never have enough ... #saddlefitting #saddlecollection #toolsofthetrade

13.01.2022 After a very long illness my dear Dad died on Thursday. He was the most amazing father and I will miss him every single day for the rest of my life. He made me ...promise not to try to get to the UK for his funeral which is very hard to accept but I will stick to that promise. I’m carrying on with work in a slight sleep deprived daze but carry on I must as that is what he would have wanted. I’m so very, very grateful to all my wonderful family and friends for all the support and love. I appreciate you all See more

13.01.2022 Massive Spring Cleaning Saddle Sale! Our Performance Saddlefits Team from around Australia has had a huge spring clean out of all their ex demo a...nd second hand saddles so we can combine it into ONE HUGE SALE! If you click on the photos, you can read the description and follow the link to the fitter who is selling them to ask more questions As we know, our sale saddles sell VERY quickly, so jump in quick! 17" Ryder Panamera Dr, Blk Wide, new $4,495 - sale $2995 - 33% off 17" Ryder Trophée Jump Blk MW, new $4,495 - sale $2995 - 33% off 18" Erreplus Elena Dr, Blk adjustable to size- ex demo $3995 17.5" Frank Baines Soprano Blk Monoflap Wide - $2495 HALF PRICE!! 17 Frank Baines Elegance, Blk Wide, new $4295, Sale $2695 16.5, Black Country GP Event, ox Br, Wide, new $3595, Sale - $2495 17, Black Country Kur Dr, Blk, XW HOOP, NEW! - $3595 save $1000 17.5 Black County GPD, Br, XW Used - $2295. 17 Tech 1 Dressage, Blk, Adj to any width. New $3995, Sale - $2995 17 Ryder Trophee Jump, Br, MW-W, New $4495, Sale - $2995 17.5Ryder Panamera Dr, Black, MW-W new $4,495 - sale - $2995 17 Loxley Foxhunter, MW, Cocoa brown, Ex-Demo, - $2000 16.5 Black Country GPD, Serge Panels, W, black, 2nd hand - $1900 17.5’’ Loxley Eventer, monoflap, cocoa brown. Ex Demo - $2900 17 Erreplus Vittoria, Open Seat, Blk, Z panels. Ex Demo - $4900 17 Frank Baines EVOLUTION Br, Wide, RRP $3995, Sale - $1995 16 Black Country GP Event Dk Br RRP $3595 On Sale - $1995 16 Black Country Ricochet Jump, Br, Wide, new $3995, Sale - $2495

13.01.2022 Lockdown gave me the opportunity to tick off some study and get my sign writing done. Can’t miss me now!! I’m taking bookings now for anyone wanting a saddle fit. The best way is to click the ‘Book Now’ button on my Facebook page which will scoot all your details to me and I will be in touch with possible appointment times. #saddlefitting #happyriderhappyhorse #performancesaddlefitsnthvic #lovemyjob

13.01.2022 Exciting news! We are running a competition to win an Erreplus saddle of your choice. It’s very simple to enter but it’s being drawn soon so get in quick! Good Luck everyone

12.01.2022 I’ve been having a sort out in the tack room and I have a more room (think I have got a bit carried away with the saddle collecting thing) and I need to make way for new demos in the New Year. So I have a few saddles for sale! I will even include a fitting worth $150 on saddles 1 to 4 if you are within 50kms of Albury. ALL saddles have changeable gullets and I can provide you with your gullet of choice from MN to XXW (the wider Cavaletti and Loxley gullets are... very generous - U shaped and quite open in the head to accommodate very broad horses!) 1. Cavaletti Show saddle. Brown Available in 3 sizes - 15.5, 16 and 16.5 Cute as anything! Removable knee blocks. Wool flocked so lots of adjustability. Nice enough for the show ring but also fine for a general everyday pony saddle for the kids. Brand new clearance stock. On sale for $1695 (New price $1895) 2. Loxley Event Monoflap. 17.5 Cocoa, beautiful calf nappa leather. Extended eventer seat designed specifically for a cross country balance point as well as being forward cut. Plenty of room for very tall riders. Wool flocked. Ex-demo but not many rides. On sale for $3500 (New price $4495) 3. Cavaletti Dressage Twin Flap 16.5 Black Ex-demo (max 4 rides) Wool flocked. Nice supportive knee blocks on velcro so you can take them out or adjust them to suit. $1695 (New price $1995) 4. Cavaletti Dressage Monoflap 17 Black. Ex-demo (2 rides only!) Wool flocked. Mono for those that like the feeling of closer contact. $1995 (New price $2395) 5. Cavaletti Dressage 17.5 Black Synthetic. Advertising for a client. Less than a year old. Wool flocking. $1000 (New price $1395) 6. Thorowgood GP Compact. 17.5 Black Medium wither profile. Wool flocking. A very versatile saddle. Advertising for a client but hasn’t had much use. $1395 (New price $1695) Drop me a message or ring me if you are interested 0408 305349. Happy to send more photos Lucy

10.01.2022 Quick early walk for the hounds then off to Heathcote and surrounds. Lots of kms ahead today. Beautiful day to see the countryside though! Have a fabulous weekend everyone

09.01.2022 Wrinkles in the seat of your saddle might be a clue to damage in the tree....

08.01.2022 A great video from Zoe Manning (Performance Saddlefits Vic) about girthing

07.01.2022 Delivery of an Erreplus Vittoria to the lovely Daisy and her owner Nat this morning #saddlefitting #erreplussaddles #smilesaysitall#bestjobever

05.01.2022 Ahhh Sundays...a time to recharge and spend time with the family. My daughter Hannah and I have been spending some time with Zeke. He’s a welsh cob x quarter horse and has presented some saddle fitting challenges as he is quite dipped through his profile. I love this photo - a moment of quiet. He’s quite a busy character is Zeke! ... Have a lovely day everyone x

02.01.2022 I am a very organised person, at least I try to be! A place for everything and everything in its place I’m also a bit obsessed with providing the best customer service. For this reason I absolutely love my job management software Servicem8. I literally couldn’t be without it. It organises my working life perfectly. Some of you have asked about the cool message that I send through to let you know my arrival time, well that’s through Servicem8. I just tell it to navigate to next appointment and it calculates my expected arrival time based on your location and sends you a message. Nerdy tech stuff right?! So by far the best way to book in for a saddle fit or to make an enquiry is to click on my Book Now button on my Facebook page and it zooms all your details straight into Servicem8. In there I can keep track of my correspondence with you and everything is in one spot so I don’t lose anyone The more details you can give me the better so I can know exactly how to help and what to pack for appointments. Hope everyone is having a great week! #servicem8 #organisednerd #customerserviceiseverything

02.01.2022 Only 1 Day To Go!!! Have you entered yet?! Entries close tomorrow Tuesday 30th June at midnight so make sure you have followed the instructions, posted y...our horse photo with the Erreplus saddle you want to win, shared and clicked through to enter your details. You will find the post with the email link pinned to the top of our Facebook page! Make sure you click through on it. Good luck everyone!

01.01.2022 A brilliant post from Paula Jeffery on the reasons why correct saddle fit has to benefit the balance of both the horse and the rider

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