Performia Australia in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Business service
Performia Australia
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9001 0267
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24.01.2022 ? : Hiring stops being unpredictable You fill the roles you could not fill earlier... You learn exactly how to hire productive people The speed of hiring is increased Youll make decisions faster from useful insights The accuracy of hiring increases You begin to make significantly fewer mistakes in hiring Interviews with candidates are dramatically decreased Youll know in 5 minutes if the candidate is productive Create good PR for your company The head of the company will know who to hire You significantly reduce the risks of hiring, because you will sees the problems in advance Ready to find out more? Message us to schedule your free Performia Discovery. #productivity #performancehiring #recruitmentprocess #journeytosuccess #productiveteam #promotion #productiverecruitment #businessvision #highperformanceteams #rightfit #productivity #hiringsystem #hiring #teams #growth #talentacquisition #staffing #profitability #business #recruitment #hiringprocess #managers #recruiting #recruitmenttools #hiringsuccess #businessowners #entreprenuers #contactless #smallbusinesses #smallbusinessadvice #screening #graduatehiring
24.01.2022 Truth or Viewpoint? Its a candidate short market In our industry, for this role.... there are few people who can do this job Truth or Viewpoint? Its a candidate short market In our industry, for this role.... there are few people who can do this job
23.01.2022 FREE WEBINAR at 6 PM - Do you want to know How to Stabilise Your Company Through Your Team? Find out: > How people and teams get destabilised... > What Managers should be doing now > How to increase team morale > How to get people out of a bad mood > When you get the most HR issues and how to prevent it > How to get the best out of your team > How to make more effective decisions > Our job as Managers > How to use the full potential of your team > How to manage LOW and HIGH producers > How to communicate remotely > The candidate market today > Hiring and Firing Register at:
23.01.2022 Performia is here to support you every day during usual business hours. You can also reach us via our live chat support on our website all other hours. See Performias solutions include online and contactless technologies to keep your team and business running productively.
22.01.2022 LIVE Webinar - How to Stabilise Your Company Through Your TEAM This webinar is for all business owners, managers and HR managers who are interested in getting the best out of their team and increasing efficiency. The webinar will cover these topics:... > How to make more right decisions? > How to get people out of a "bad mood"? > How to make the most out of your teams potential? > How to communicate remotely? > How to hire and dismiss today?
22.01.2022 We love this quote! Isnt it so true? An effective leader combined with the right team can achieve incredible results! This quote is by Halford E. Luccock
20.01.2022 ? Check it on our website along with other publications to support you in your hiring and team building process.
19.01.2022 One area that often gets overlooked is the importance of reference checks. How good are you at doing reference checks? Reference checks place the quality seal on your hiring process. Not done well you will open up your business to possible hiring catastrophes. It might sound dramatic but I assure you losing from hundreds of thousands to millions is going to make you experience some drama and emotion at best. ... Dont compromise when it comes to reference checks. I cant emphasise enough about their importance. Read our full blog with tips on areas you should be checking in reference checks.
17.01.2022 Did you know that Performia is originally a Swedish company, operating in 25+ countries, 30+ languages, 5m+ evaluations completed with tens of thousands of companies who are trained and using our tools every day? Hear Gareth Jekel, Director of Performia Australia provide a snapshot!
16.01.2022 Are you a business owner or executive who wants to build High Performance Teams? Join our community where we discuss foundation and strategies to help you build your high performance team.
16.01.2022 Are you ready to take your team productivity and hiring effectiveness to the next level? Build your team on the right foundation with Performias new and upgraded online training program that will teach you exactly how to hire the right people and build productive teams. Everything you need to know is right here. Comment below or message us for details.
15.01.2022 Free Webinar: Would you like to have practical tips for leading your team members out of the current situation and towards even higher productivity and good work ethic? The consequences following COVID19 and restrictions have shaken the previous normal way of operating for businesses and their teams who have been making changes to stay viable and plan for the future. This is why we have prepared a free webinar on How to stabilise your company through your team. Your team is y...our very powerful resource and you need to know how to get their best potential. This webinar is free to attend. All you need to do is register. Tuesday 12 May, 6pm Topics we will cover over an hour include: How to make more right decisions? How to get people out of a "bad mood"? How to make the most out of your teams potential? How to communicate remotely? How to hire and dismiss today?
15.01.2022 Were going to go live in 10 minutes! Weve got great topics to cover in the webinar. See you!
14.01.2022 Were pleased to be supporting this cause and helping the wedding industry get back onto its feet productively. Performia is providing a strategy for hiring a productive team to the lucky winner. Thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in revenue have been lost from the regional tourism sector since the start of the year, as an economic impact study commissioned by Yarra Ranges Tourism revealed the region will lose 2300 to 3300 jobs this financial year. @findmyperfectvenue... @performiaau @zoe.n.powell @adaandivy_photography @carlylennon__ @love.and__ @amybajada @visual.tonic @myvirtualcollective @the_womens_collective @promotedigitalau @mysweetfix @littlesugarvan @littlemouseteahouse @positivehr_ @amcbizsol @relaxandunwindmassage #weddingplanning #productiveteams
13.01.2022 ? ? Have you ever experienced hiring someone, who to your surprise turned out to be completely different to what you expected from your hiring interview?...Continue reading
12.01.2022 Recently Dr Becky interviewed Negar Riazati Performia Australia CEO on the topic of teams, covering topics including: + Why hire on production + Should companies be hiring now + Reference checks - why do them?... + How to get around the challenges of doing reference checks + Team retention This interview was for Dr Beckys private group of dental practice owners Denteamology (study of teams in dentistry). Dr Becky is also a Performia client and speaks from experience. Thank you to Dr Becky for having us!
11.01.2022 Performia provides the NECESSARY team strategies, tools, mentoring and training to accelerate your business success. We take you on a proven, step by step journey through our partnered approach so you know the exact formula and can build teams that are productive, safe and fun to work with. Start your journey with Performia by booking a Performia Discovery. ... You will already learn new skills and tools from this meeting that will start to improve your hiring and team productivity. Performia is a global Swedish company, in 26+ countries. Performia Australia was founded in 2006 in Melbourne, presently servicing clients nationwide from start up, SME to large and public companies.
11.01.2022 Would you like to know the answer to at least one of these questions? Make sure you register for our free webinar next week. Register at: Why is building productive teams a challenge?... How do you get the balance right when hiring? How do you hire without contact? How do you avoid surprises in hiring? How to hire remotely? How to hire for your office? How to improve the productivity of your company? See more
10.01.2022 Were going to go through the first challenge in building teams and the four typical scenarios youll experience, well also give you tips on what you should be expecting from new team members!
09.01.2022 FREE WEBINAR at 6 PM - How to Stabilise Your Company Through Your Team. Find out: How people and teams get destabilised What Managers should be doing now How to increase team morale... How to get people out of a bad mood When you get the most HR issues and how to prevent it How to get the best out of your team How to make more effective decisions Our job as Managers How to use the full potential of your team How to manage LOW and HIGH producers How to communicate remotely The candidate market today Hiring and Firing Register at:
08.01.2022 FREE WEBINAR - increase profits through your team, build high performance teams We are helping businesses get more prepared. Now and in the future, the productivity and success of your company will be impacted by who you have on your team and your strategy for how you build your team. Do you want to know:... how to increase your profit and margins through your team? how to build a team of high performers? whether you can hire some roles remotely? the difference between hiring and running remote and office-based teams? This is why we have prepared our next Free Webinar: Building High Performance Remote and Office Teams. Wednesday 27 May, 11:00 am (AEST) The webinar will cover these topics: ingredients of high performance teams your hiring strategy hiring/managing remote staff vs local/office teams how to lower your costs when hiring how to cut down the time when hiring how to increase company productivity how to never be taken advantage of how to get your company prepared today how to get your company winning
07.01.2022 Usually when we speak with companies, we find that they are having one or more of these challenges. Of course this pandemic has added a new level of stress to businesses and created a new level of barrier. But imagine if you already have some of these challenges then the market condition changes like it has - it will impact you even more.... So any of these challenges can be faced by companies from small to large and its not industry specific either. Companies of any size, industry and country can face one or all of these challenges. Probably one of the most common challenges weve come across is unsupportive team members, which is when you get someone thats not quite aligned. Another challenge is when you have top producers leaving. And during this pandemic we have seen an unusual high number of fantastic people looking for jobs and these are people who would not normally be applying for jobs. They are looking because of how their company has been impacted which in turn has impacted their job in some form whether the company has downsized or cut their hours. But you dont always lose top producers just because of market conditions. It really depends on also what is happening in the company. Another common issue we see is Low Producers Stay. In normal market conditions this is happening even more; companies keeping low producing staff a lot longer than they should. A massive reason WHY they keep these people is because: THEY DONT KNOW IF ITS THE STAFF MEMBER OR THE COMPANY. They think they should be offering more in training, resources, better marketing material and so forth so they think the company is to blame. And the other reason they dont know is because they are not measuring statistics so how can they know. They dont know what the person is actually producing. One thing that has also been happening during this pandemic is some companies have really been able to see who is helping and who is not, so they have used this opportunity to let go of their low producers. This has meant that there is also an abundant number of low potential candidates on the market more than before. So you have this situation where you have incredible people, mixed with not so good people multiplied by 100. So now you need to be able to very quickly identify who is who because if you move slow, you miss those gems and you could end up with someone you should not hire. Another very common thing that comes up is that the owners or executives are carrying most of the work. Or that the company strategy is not working. If we look at the problem deeper, we find quite often its because there is either not enough good people on the team or the people are not in the right seats. The right people, the right strategy and the right structure paves the way to handle most if not all of these challenges
07.01.2022 What is the number 1 Golden rule when it comes to having successful interviews? Begin the interview with an open mind! While it might be tough to leave your thoughts behind, its very important that you do not let your personal opinions and ideas about the candidate cloud your judgement when you start the interview. This is valid for both positive and negative opinions.... There are candidates who may not have put together a brilliant resume, but that can and will perform at the job really well. There are also candidates that do not look perfect or impressive at first sight, but who, if given a chance, will make you very satisfied with their effort. Never forget that the longest and most expensive hiring is created by people who give you an excellent first impression, have a brilliant CV but that later turn out to be very far from this perfect picture of themselves. Therefore, you should base your opinion of the person on the vital facts you get in the interview. If you have any doubt about a candidate you need to get more information about them; either until your doubts are handled, or confirmed. #Hiring #interviews #businesstips
07.01.2022 The Perfect Job Ad will Get 1 Candidate who will be the Perfect Candidate. Might sound crazy. But its an alternative to the thinking that a lot of candidates is a great sign. Sometimes too many candidates can be a sign the Ad is not working. Would you like some tips on your hiring process? Message us and well help you troubleshoot any hiring or personnel situation.
06.01.2022 Did you know? Weve built a channel all focused on discussions and helpful tips to help you hire the right people and build high performing teams! Its 100% free to join, get support and advice. We want to see you build a successful team, and business!... Join here
06.01.2022 We are LIVE! Join the webinar now.
06.01.2022 Is it possible that you could damage your companys longevity and expansion by only hiring people you know, from your groups or networks? One of the major factors behind why many business owners and executives still hire people they know or from groups theyre a part of, is because of trust. Theyve been burnt before. Now they dont want to make the same mistake again so they start to look at how they can mitigate the mistake by finding people they know on some level. Unfort...unately this is no guarantee that the person from your network is now going to work out since the real source of the hiring mistake hasnt been handled. In fact you could now make the situation worse for you and that group if you need to let them go or WORSE, put off letting them go due to poor performance or attitude because of all the background Secondly, by only hiring from your own networks and people you know, you significantly reduce your companys strengths and diversity in people and thinking. Thirdly, you are missing out on incredibly talented people out there who are even more than before on the job market now. But not for long since productive people are also productive at finding employment. Your networks will also eventually run out so it is important to have a strategy in place for always being able to find fantastic staff for all levels of your organization otherwise you are becoming too dependent and less likely to operate as cause and in control when you want to make something happen. Your strategy in how you find great people for your team is the most important strategy to get in place! Message us to set up an obligation free strategy call.
04.01.2022 Have you ever had those moments when you become more than usual proud of your team? We have a global team in over 24 countries worldwide and even our team who look after our Australian clients are based in Melbourne, Sydney, Philippines and China. Even though we are geographically distanced, we are one of the closest teams there could be. Why? aside from that we communicate daily, one key factor is that at our core, we share one very important value and that is that we like... to help others. Recently we found out that behind the scenes two of our team members had been coordinating sending supplies so they could distribute and help those more vulnerable and in need, sent from China to Philippines. They shared these masks with a trading services company and truck drivers, as well as delivered snacks to checkpoint guards who are working around the clock. We already loved our great team and its these moments that makes you take a step back and be even more proud! Thank you Silvia and Dianne! You are wonderful!
04.01.2022 Are you a Performia Training Alumni? Join our special group designed specifically for our very special community! See Group Link HERE: Http://
02.01.2022 Many Languages. Many Regions. One Team. Same Message Your level of business success is determined by the ability to quickly identify high performing individuals to build high performing teams. ... We will provide you the NECESSARY team strategies, tools, mentoring and training to accelerate your business success by building your very productive team.
02.01.2022 Chances are, youve perfected your hiring or Take our quiz to be sure! Get your instant Team Benchmark Score >> . . .... . . #hiring #hiringtips #hiringprocess #hrtips #productiveteams #teamproductivity #hiringsuccess #hiringstrategy #businessowners
02.01.2022 Always, and even more so in difficult times, we need our team to be proactive, focused and outcome focused. We need a team who works together, supports each other, the company goals and knows the result they need to achieve from their individual roles. Do you have a team of "Doers" or "Performers"? Read more to find out
01.01.2022 Throw back to this Q&A shared some time ago with marketing expert Deena Janes, Managing Director of Your Client Matters. Deena gave great tips for communication and positioning yourself to standout from the noise. Many of the tips are still relevant today.
01.01.2022 Weve built a channel focused on discussions to help you hire the right people and build high performance teams. Its 100% free to join, get support and advice. We want to see you win and we want to support you on that journey! Join here: #hiringtips #productivitytips #productiveteams #hiringprocess #hiringstrategy #businessowners
01.01.2022 Do you want to know how to stabilise your company through your current team and increase efficiency? We have prepared a free webinar on MAY 12, 6PM on this topic for all business owners, managers and HR managers who are interested. THE WEBINAR IS FREE All you have to do is register The webinar will cover these topics: How to make decisions today about your team? How to get people out of a "bad mood"? How to make the most out of your teams potential? How to communicate remotely? How to hire and dismiss today? Would you like to know at least one of these questions? Then be sure to subscribe to the webinar.
01.01.2022 Did you know that your hiring strategy is the most important strategy to get right for growing businesses? Here we explain why. Performia provides you the exact formula, steps and strategy to ensure you hire the right people and build your team with team members who are productive and aligned with your company values. With a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, you owe it to yourself to find out more. Schedule your obligation free Performia Discovery and start your journey to a more ...productive team and business today.
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