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24.01.2022 Start with yourself... speak to yourself with kindness and compassion. The voice of your highest self, your soul, your innermost essence always speaks to you with love. If you are self critical, harsh or unforgiving of yourself then thats the conditioned overthinking human mind talking. Give it a try... practice self acceptance, self nurturing, self love and let go of the busy unkind mind chatter. See if you feel any different a month from now. ... I use hypnotherapy and other modalities to help clients with this all the time and watching the results is beautiful

24.01.2022 Thank goodness the science shows what the Okinawan people have been experiencing for the last hundred years or so... The Okinawan women live the longest, healthiest lives of anyone on our planet Always choose non-GMO soy ... Xx

24.01.2022 Theres something very powerful about just being yourself rather than trying to fit in

24.01.2022 Imagine if we all ate more plant based wholefoods and reduced our use of fossil fuels, every little helps... vote with the mighty power of your dollar, pound, euro, yen, etc. The rather lovely side benefit of this would likely be healthier, stronger people and the chance for developing countries to be able to redirect the crops grown for livestock to feed hungry humans (and stop the unsustainable rates of deforestation). The Methane Budget study by a global team of scientist...s (covered by The Guardian in the link below) echoes some of the points raised in the Eat Lancet Commission report.... Winner winner bean burritos for dinner

23.01.2022 May you all have a beautiful day This song really speaks to my heart just now, the lyrics are very thought provoking especially in these times hope you enjoy a few minutes of mindfulness if you give yourself the gift of the space in which to listen to something that brings you joy today Theres a good reason the here and now is called the present xx

23.01.2022 Absolute truth... we have way more power than we can comprehend. Making one good choice after another can change the course of your whole life over and over again.

23.01.2022 I love to listen to medical doctors talk about natural ways to powerfully impact our health. I often download a podcast and then pop myself on airplane mode and listen in the car or whilst doing household chores or whilst having a soak in my bath ... this one is great for anyone who has experienced brain fog, forgetfulness or memory loss or who wants to improve their focus and attention or who wants to avoid dementia in later life (so pretty much all of us)! Enjoy...... How to get more out of your brain with Neurologists Dean & Ayesha Sherzai

22.01.2022 How amazing this experience must have been

22.01.2022 Mum you wouldnt ever know this soup is healthy. Best ever compliment from my gorgeous Miss 19. Sometimes you just need something so delicious, so nourishing and so satisfying AND you want it to be super easy and ready really quickly ... this recipe is chock full of beautiful wholefoods that are packed full of nutrients! Its a meal in a soup and doesnt take long to throw together . What more could you want? Fibre, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals... including calcium and iron and so many antioxidants combine in this simple dish making it excellent for boosting mood, cognitive function, immune function, digestive health, skin health, heart and cardiovascular health, improving energy levels and even has anti-cancer properties. Hope you enjoy it! Tip: I keep chunks of fresh ginger and fresh turmeric in my freezer ready to chuck into smoothies and this kind of dish

21.01.2022 What are your older years going to feel like? Do you believe its all in your genes? The writing is on the wall? OR Can you get excited about the health outcomes we can achieve by making simple lifestyle changes? ... Ditching the foods and choices that accelerate aging and switching over to the foods that can literally reverse the biological age of our genetic make up (and our body as a whole) is REAL. The same choices that improve your physical health also raise your energy frequency and impact you on an emotional, mental and spiritual level too. Its truly magical Plus thousands of scientific peer reviewed studies together with long term epidemiological studies combine with hundreds of thousands of pieces of anecdotal evidence ... to tell us that we have way more power and way more control over our health than we have been led to believe! What baby steps might you take today? The future can be very bright if you take control of your health

21.01.2022 An excellent source of brain ‘food’ for anyone who has binge watched a little too much in lockdown... Whether you have an interest in preventing cancer (or if you want to give your body the best chance if you already have cancer) or just want to improve your health generally (not to mention your immune system) this is a very worthwhile program to do - interesting, easy and a breath of fresh air. I did it when he first produced it a few years ago and it correlates with all my other evidence based learning. Chris Wark is a very interesting man with a fascinating life so far. He’s giving his online program away for a limited time

21.01.2022 Focusing on beautiful things can raise your spirit

21.01.2022 I’m having some R&R with my family at the moment, I’m out of signal on and off so if you’ve sent a text about an appointment then I may not have received it. Send me a PM through here and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

20.01.2022 Great reminder for anyone Ive coached ... Want to feel calmer and happier? Focus on toning your vagus nerve and see how wonderful you start to feel

19.01.2022 Kinder to your body, the planet and the cows.... takes a little while to adjust but SO worth ditching the dairy for so many reasons As the T Colin Campbell Center said If you could reduce your relative risk of breast cancer by 80%, wouldnt you do it? A new study claims that women who drink cows milk could increase their risk of developing breast cancer by up to 80% compared to women who drink soy milk. Soy is also protective against heart disease the number one cause... of early death for women and men Buy non-GMO preferably organic (Bonsoy is our favourite in coffee or turmeric lattes but the Woolworths own organic brand is fab in smoothies, soups, sauces and cooking in general) xx

19.01.2022 I’m home from my wonderful holiday - so much fun. I was in two minds whether to share photos as so many are in lockdown but I know I absolutely love to travel vicariously through my friends’ photos so here you go. This beautiful land I’m so fortunate to live in is truly spectacular- my photos never do it justice. It’s been such an interesting trip. We have travelled 3960km/2460 miles (for UK people that’s the same distance as driving from John O’Groats to Lands End four t...imes or if you’re in the US then it’s like driving from New York to Las Vegas!) The state of Western Australia is so vast that driving north from Perth for 1220km/760 miles doesn’t even take you near the top right corner of the state! For that we would have had to drive another 2350km/1450 miles (over 23 hours of solid driving time) blows my mind! We listened to some awesome music and sung ourselves hoarse . Thanks to the fact that there really is only one road (and our new in car sat nav) there were no fallings out about which turn off we needed to take - it would say things like ‘go straight’ and then display the next maneuver as a left turn in 472km My husband has been lucky enough to have dived some of the best dive spots in the world and said diving the Navy Pier in Exmouth was right up there in his top 3 ever dives . For me I found I absolutely loved snorkeling more than I ever have before - it was amazing to see so much abundance of so many sea creatures and corals. It was great to find our Miss 14 loved the snorkeling as much as I did. Food wise I am so happy I managed to stay committed to what I like to eat. I could have planned a little better but I did good! Very grateful for the opportunity to travel and, although I’ve kept all the photos to the scenery and my food, to spend time with our great friends who showed us some incredible snorkeling spots Today is a rest day for me, I’m going to eat well, do some yoga, see some of my family and reflect on the origins of Australia Day and what it means and represents for the traditional custodians of this land and all us lucky ones who get to be here now. I promise I’ll get my appointment spots sorted for everyone waiting - thanks for your continued patience

19.01.2022 As Dr Zack Bush says An incredible update on the fight against glyphosate, "the most dangerous poison in the world" shared by Farmers Footprint Change is possible! Good for Mexico This article [] states:... April 2018: internal FDA emails indicated the agency had trouble finding food sample without traces of glyphosate. Should it be so hard to avoid toxic chemicals in our food supply chain? What do you think?

19.01.2022 I love helping clients become someone who used to smoke ...

19.01.2022 I have an overwhelming feeling I have forgotten to do something, if youre waiting for me to respond or do anything at all that I have said I will then this would be a great time to remind me...

18.01.2022 10C this morning - first dog walk on the beach since it got wintry and stormy (risk of sea hares and blue ring octopuses getting washed up and killing Maisie)! The air was amazing deep breathing and vitamin sea together with the grounding effect of my bare feet on the sand really calms my soul Even if its only 10-20 minutes, prioritise some self care in your day xx

16.01.2022 I invite you to enjoy the concept of Diwali - I first became aware of this festival a few decades ago because of my fondness for fireworks an Indian friend suggested I celebrate it too regardless of the faith I was born into what a wonderful inclusive, loving heart. Diwali is a celebration of the victory of light over darkness, good triumphing over evil and knowledge and truth over ignorance. Diwali means row of lights in Sanskrit and lights, lamps, fireworks... and other illuminations are used to honour Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance - originating in India, it’s now celebrated by many people around the world. Delicious foods are eaten and beautiful patterns are made using colourful powders and flowers - the tradition of Rangoli. Focusing on the light, the love, the truth and the abundance Mother Earth provides is a wonderful devotional practice whatever your faith or spiritual ethos. Diwali is the start of the new year in the Hindu faith ... a time of new beginnings. An excellent time to decide on anything you’d like to bring into your life to create a lighter, brighter, healthier, happier, more abundant experience as you focus on the good you DO want rather than what you don’t. Happy Diwali to you all xx Photo credits:

15.01.2022 Makes me think of the Fibonacci sequence, how amazing nature is

15.01.2022 Maisie knows taking a little time for rest and relaxation is important for raising her vibration and calming her soul. Be like Maisie. It doesnt matter if its just 5 minutes - put on some beautiful music and just be in the moment. Maisie and I are listening to Follow the Sun and other songs by Xavier Rudd a little piece of rest before some Sunday jobs!... Take a listen here Have a great Sunday whatever youre doing xx

15.01.2022 How beautiful ... allegedly edible yet somehow they seem just too pretty to eat

14.01.2022 What the world needs right now is more LOVE Sending love to you today, yes YOU. Show yourself more love today and then share it wherever you can. ... Love is an infinite resource whatever your religion, politics, viewpoint on mask wearing, bank balance, shape, size, colour, job or any of the other illusions that separate us. Together we can share a sense of love, unity and strength and this literally lifts the energy of all around us Lets light up the world with LOVE Pass it on ... share and share and share

13.01.2022 Dr Zack Bush - truest truth right here... Living out of alignment with nature (nature of the human body, nature of the planet, nature of the universe, etc.) brings dis-ease, a lack of ease which brings a lack of health. The trouble is we dont always see whats happening until the symptoms start coming. ... Nature has so many answers but cant be patented so the mainstream we are exposed to ignores it (unless it can be adulterated and therefore patented). The answers to so many of todays diseases are so simple weve been conditioned into not believing in them. BUT when we try them the results can be incredible. Nature, Mother Earth, universal laws Much love to you all xx

12.01.2022 Beans and legumes dont JUST have wonderful effects on your heart health, their mood boosting properties can be amazing Start slowly and add in a quarter cup at first and then increase over time until youre having a cup and a halfs worth of this powerfully nutritious food group per day. If youre having hummus then choose oil free and a quarter of a cup is equal to a half a cup of whole beans. ... Have a fabulous Friday xx

12.01.2022 How totally cool is science when it shows us the way to boost our health and longevity

11.01.2022 Love this gastroenterologist from the USA... he’s talking here of one of the best (and cheapest) foods we can eat each day

10.01.2022 When you get a last minute cancellation in the middle of the day and theres no chance to offer it to your standby list ... a bit of self care is in order. A walk with my dog to sit in the sunshine and watch the tiny fish swim by and take a breather

10.01.2022 I see the link between antibiotics and anxiety/depression all the time in my clients ... so wonderful to utilize the wonders of nature as a first resort and save antibiotics for if/when you really need them

08.01.2022 Do you struggle to still your busy mind? Dont feel like you have to meditate for 45 mins or an hour to reap the benefits, every time you practice calming the mind you are retraining it... Watch this short clip of Maisie living her best life, living entirely in the present moment and see if you can just be in the moment and breathe ... Have a beautiful Sunday xx

06.01.2022 One of my favourite things to hear from clients is their doctor or specialist’s response to the results of the lifestyle medicine choices they’ve made. It makes me do a happy dance. This week I had three different but lovely messages to say: ‘My cardiologist said keep on doing whatever you’re doing, it’s working’ no stents or surgery needed. My doctor says I’m no longer (type 2) diabetic’. ... ’The doctor says I can reduce the (anxiety) medication by half and then she’ll review in 6 weeks to see if we can reduce it further’. We have so much power to change our health trajectory it all starts with simple steps. The best news is that all the things that help with the major chronic diseases also boost our immune system and our mood which is jolly useful especially this year ...

06.01.2022 Whether you’re in uni or high school exam season (or have a child that is) or just need to be mentally alert and focused then the science around this is very clear... eat the berries, beans, veggies, etc. and ditch the junk food A single meal high in saturated fat and sugar can impair cognitive performance (; whereas, eating blueberries can significantly improve cognitive performance within hours of consumption. Nutritionfacts

06.01.2022 Working on building our health, vitality and natural immunity whilst decreasing our risk factors for suffering severe symptoms remains the best possible strategy "Why are the worlds top vaccine promoters, like Paul Offit and Peter Hotez, frantically warning us about the unique and frightening dangers inherent in developing a coronavirus vaccine? Scientists first attempted to develop coronavirus vaccines after Chinas 2002 SARS-CoV outbreak. Team...s of US & foreign scientists vaccinated animals with the four most promising vaccines. At first, the experiment seemed successful as all the animals developed a robust antibody response to coronavirus. However, when the scientists exposed the vaccinated animals to the wild virus, the results were horrifying. Vaccinated animals suffered hyper-immune responses including inflammation throughout their bodies terminating with fatal lung infections. Researchers had seen this same "enhanced immune response" during human testing of the failed RSV vaccine tests in the 1960s. Two children died. Offit, Hotez and even Anthony Fauci (before this) have warned that any new coronavirus vaccine could trigger lethal immune reactions when vaccinated people come in contact with the wild virus. Instead of proceeding with caution, Fauci has made the concerning choice to fast track vaccines, partially funded by the Gates Foundation he is on the board of, without animal studies (that could provide early warning of runaway immune response). As for other vaccines, any injuries are compensated for by the taxpayer, not the company who produces the vaccine. Reagan signed that indemnification in the 80s after which the required vaccine list for children shot up in number. Childrens Health Defence

06.01.2022 formed before the Sun was born mind blowing

06.01.2022 Having overnight salted caramel oats with fresh berries this morning ... a big treat as I usually buy my berries frozen and have them in smoothies, warm porridge bowls or nice cream. Ive read studies suggesting that a single serving of berries could add a year to your life but more importantly they are AMAZING for supporting so many of the functions in the body and they taste delicious too! Have a very happy Monday xx

05.01.2022 Wow! I first started consciously practicing my gratitudes a long time ago. It makes for a really positive start to the day and I find myself being mindful throughout the day of more and more things I'm grateful for. I tend to repeat my practice as I go to bed and have really enjoyed how this focus on the good things in my life made me feel but the science around doing this is VERY cool... In a study on positive psychology, UCLA researchers found that gratitude actually the neural structures of the brain, making us feel happy and content! They found that: 1. Gratitude removes toxic emotions 2. Gratitude reduces pain 3. Gratitude improves sleep quality 4. Gratitude aids in stress reduction 5. Gratitude reduces anxiety and depression So many other benefits but this is a pretty great list. Have a wonderful time thinking of all the things you are grateful for from the biggest to the smallest and everything in between!

05.01.2022 This... we tend to always focus on what else we could do or be and lament our perceived shortcomings. Such a waste of energy (the most precious of commodities along with time). Just know that right now, in this moment, you are totally and completely and utterly enough. ...

04.01.2022 I absolutely love gold standard, robust scientific studies which can be compared and contrasted and together can bring new knowledge or build on and confirm our understanding of things we had previously thought were old wives tales or strange ancient wisdoms... however there are a lot of ways science can be manipulated. This case is a sorry such example. Its wonderful though that these issues are coming to light now and can be dealt with and hopefully bring more integrity and truth into the fray...

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