Permaculture Australia | Community organisation
Permaculture Australia
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25.01.2022 Use and value diversity: Volunteers come from all over the Blue Mountains to help with regenerating a very special gully in Gundungurra including Permafund Patron Rowe Morrow. "The restoration work we do here is extremely important it’s about sharing our story, a place, but it’s also about bringing back to people the connection we have with everything that happens here. Each plant that we put in has its own story and its own lifecycle, and you can feel the past as well a...s the present. Aunty Sharyn Are you involved in any land restoration work to share?
25.01.2022 Earth Care, People Care & Fair Share "I'd say to consumers that you have the power to make change... if you look for brands that are doing better on the issues that matter to you (like) labour rights, the environment, animal welfare, then that does actually influence brands."
23.01.2022 Respondents said they want councils to remove roadblocks and unlock vacant land... they want food gardens on verges and in every new development, and community gardens in every suburb. Now is the time for action. Read more in PA members Sustain: The Australian Food Network Pandemic survey results here: Community Gardens Australia Costa Georgiadis Official
22.01.2022 Facing Fire Please see attached flyer for Permaculture Co-Originator David Holmgren's presentation and Q & A on 'Fire Resilient Design and Land and Climate Care' this coming Sunday morning at 9:00am (details and Zoom link below). Details: Sunday 22 November 2020 @ 9:00am (AESST) Zoom link: Please join us 5 minutes early so we can start on time.
20.01.2022 Some interesting news from Noosa as the council bans new beehives in suburbia. Do you live in this council or have a similar ruling?
19.01.2022 Australia's platypus habitat has shrunk 22% in 30 years with calls for the mammal to be officially listed as nationally threatened species. The biggest threats include land-clearing, regulation of rivers and drought.
19.01.2022 "The world has changed immeasurably over the last thirty years, with ‘more, bigger, better’ being the common mantra. But in the midst there is a growing community of people who are looking at our history, searching for answers to the issues that we face." Azby Brown Settle in with a Sake or a cuppa for this *fantastic* interview with author Azby Brown, local food advocate Su Dennett, permaculture co-orginator David Holmgren & PA's Virginia as they discuss why we should never ...stop thinking about the future. RetroSuburbia Melliodora Hepburn Permaculture Permaculture Principles Milkwood Permaculture Tasmania PermacultureWest Permaculture Sydney West Permaculture Sydney North Permaculture South Australia Permaculture Noosa & our Cooroy Community Permaculture Gardens Melliodora Wholesale Permaculture Resources
17.01.2022 These photos are from Aranya Agricultural Alternatives in India, our third Permafund grant recipient for 2020/2021. The Permafund grant will support permaculture farms for small and marginal female farmers in rural India Small amounts of funds making a huge difference to grassroots communities around the world - Earth Care, People Care & Fair Share.... A huge thank you for your generous donations - which have funded an incredible 51 projects in 15 countries! We have a large number of projects on the 'waitlist' for funding - if you are interested in supporting please head to the PA website :)
15.01.2022 New Zealand couple shuns developers to give 900 hectares of land to nation saying "it was ‘the right thing to hand the beautiful plot in to national trust for conservation"
14.01.2022 "The 2020 National NAIDOC Poster, Shape of Land, was designed by Tyrown Waigana, a Noongar and Saibai Islander man. Tyrown’s artwork tells the story of how the Rainbow Serpent came out of the Dreamtime to create this land. It is represented by the snake and it forms the shape of Australia, which symbolises how it created the lands. The overlapping colours on the outside is the Dreamtime. The figure inside the shape of Australia is a representation of Indigenous Australians showing that this country - since the dawn of time - Always Was, Always Will Be Aboriginal Land." This week is NAIDOC week and there are so many great events online and conversations to share.Check out for more information.
13.01.2022 What drought, La Niña and emotional hardship has taught these farmers about a better future "If the country is covered and protected then it's not blowing dust and degrading. That is very important."
13.01.2022 On the blog this week, read more from Byron Bay-based PA member & permaculture educator Janene about lessons learnt during Covid lockdown & the rise in permaculture popularity - plus some design tips for public gardens who get pesky visitors Love to grow_ Milkwood Permaculture Principles Permaculture Tasmania Permaculture South Australia PermacultureWest Permaculture Sydney West Permaculture Sydney North Permaculture Noosa & our Cooroy Community Permaculture Gardens RetroSuburbia
11.01.2022 Radical hope - bushfire resources for a la nina year. A great selection of resources compiled by PA members Milkwood to get you started on some design preparedness. Pop in the comments below any additional resources you've found useful so we can share them too....
10.01.2022 Indigenous fire management set to scale up in Bega Valley after devastating Black Summer bushfires: "Cultural burning is something that we need to watch and learn and listen to because I think it's the only way that we're going to save ourselves into the future"
09.01.2022 Would you like to grow more of your own fresh produce but you’re not sure what to plant where? David Holmgren, permaculture co-originator, has just released another free PDF download from his bestselling book, RetroSuburbia, that you are sure to find helpful as you move from being less of a consumer to more of a producer. It's free to download until then end of Dec here
07.01.2022 Produce no waste: Robyn & Andrew from a small town in Southern Tassie have created a ‘Waste Not Produce’ Market stall - raising thousands of dollar for local community groups by selling donated surplus backyard produce & preventing food waste. "Gardeners are happy that any excess garden produce will be used and locals love to get fresh produce, particularly if they don't garden themselves. And community organisations are benefiting from the cash. It's simple, and lovely. ...We enjoy it, and have met so many amazing people. We consider ourselves very fortunate to be able to do this." Robyn Do you have something similar happening in your local area? . . . . Permaculture Tasmania Permaculture South Australia PermacultureWest Permaculture Sydney West Permaculture Sydney North Milkwood RetroSuburbia Permaculture Principles
03.01.2022 Robert Pekin lost his family’s 4th-generation farm, and in despair, walked away from everything and into the wilderness. After much soul-searching he completed a permaculture course and explored CSA's - developing a new way to link food producers more directly with those who eat the produce. #nationalAgday #AgDayAU #permacultureaustralia #regenerativeagriculture #foodconnect ABC Radio National FoodConnect...
02.01.2022 Thank you to Yayasan Emas Hitam Indonesia for sharing this great update. Two more community trainings conducted to support food security projects in Bali, an area hard hit from the fallout of Covid-19 travel restrictions. PA's Permafund is thrilled to be able to support this project as well as another 12 projects across the globe in 2020/2021 thanks to your generous donations. We still have 4 fantastic projects on our 'waitlist' to fund - to support or to find out more check out the link in our bio.
01.01.2022 Milton farmers help conserve rare subtropical rainforest on New South Wales south coast
01.01.2022 We'll be introducing one of our Permafund projects each Friday, sharing the stories of the projects you've helped fund. These photos are from Fambidzanai Permaculture Centre in Zimbabwe, who provide training for food and income security projects. PA's Permafund will support the setup of a biogas model plant for learning in urban & peri urban areas as part of the latest grant round.... We've funded 51 projects in 15 countries with 4 projects on the 'waitlist' to support thanks to your generous donations. To support or to find out more check out the link in our bio. . . . . #permacultureaustralia #permaculture #permafundaustralia Permaculture Principles Milkwood Melliodora Hepburn Permaculture Melliodora Wholesale Permaculture Resources RetroSuburbia Permacoach Limestone Permaculture Pip Magazine Permaculture Tasmania Permafund - Permaculture International Public Fund
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