Persian Yoga | Businesses
Persian Yoga
Address: 32A Proctor Ave 2208 Kingsgrove, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Heavy Meel variations. Persian Yoga Variations are a systematic progression from the Fundamentals. * From @morshed_mohammad
25.01.2022 The strongest I have ever been #strength #progress #results You know those guys who are just strong, like they were born strong. I'm not one of them. I've had to work for every gain. In 2007 I could only swing 3 kg Meel. Today, for the first time, I could swing three hands of the competition weight 32 (70 lbs) kg pair #authentic #persianmeel Be tireless, consistency produces results.... #persianyoga #waryoga #wayofwarriors See more
24.01.2022 Dumbbells vs Persian Meel . Lets start this: Left video: 15kg Dmb. Performing a shoulder press. The movement is Linear, utilizing only 1 plane of motion out of the 3 available. Therefore: you gain strength in that plane of motion and gain muscle mass for that movement at that angle. . Right Video: 2 counts Swing with Persian Meels. 10 kg meel (this tool can result very tricky due to the distribution of the mass. 10 kg is considered a medium weight already and quite advance... to control. The movements are circular drawing almost a 360 degree motion passing by all the angles possible. Finesse, coordination and rhythm needed. . #repost @rmotioncoach See more
24.01.2022 You! Seekers of truth, it is to you that I reveal these unheard teachings. Undoubtedly, my words will be bitter to those who are ruining the true world with their lies, but sweet to the lovers of wisdom. #thusspokezarathustra #mantra 31/1 #loversofsophia #wisdomworship #zarathustra
23.01.2022 50 kg Sang x 50 hands. This is the last 30 sec of a 7 min flow with my 50 kg shields (25 kg each) that I've been working on for the last 3 years. In #zurkhaneh mastery of the Sang is attained when you press 50 clean hands, i.e. pressing 50 times each hand (100 reps), without the Sang 1. Touching each other. 2. Touching your body. 3. Touching the floor. I finally mastered them this week after 3 years of practice. And now, after appropriate tissue response and adapta.tion, I will confidently graduate to 60 kg #sang #shields and become stronger than ever #mastery #longevity #sustainability #lifelong #ageless #strength #stability #artofstrength #wayofwarriors #persianyoga
22.01.2022 My kind of #sunsalutations follow #persianyoga in #alabama #usa #waryoga
21.01.2022 #research As you may know I am conducting a study that is looking into the prevalence of shoulder pain in club swinging exercise. The preliminary information I have gathered shows interesting individual details but there's not enough data to conduct a conclusive statistical analysis. Please consider contributing to science and our collective understanding of the benefits of club swinging by completing a brief survey: ... If you have already done it then please share this with and tag other's who use and swing #persianmeel #indianclubs #gada #mace #macebell #clubbell A pair of authentic Persian Meel is still up for grabs in the prize draw for those who complete the survey. Link to study: Big-up to those who have completed the study, you can see their countries in the photo. See more
21.01.2022 Successful shoulder rehabilitation incorporates exercise that engage synergistic muscles of the shoulder kinetic link system and the use of functional weight bearing movements in the full range of motion, in addition to exercises that focus on control, coordination and proprioception and kinetic chain activation. Video from Pahlavan Sabri @jabersabri swinging 24 kg pair #persianmeel #shouldersofsteel
20.01.2022 You can actually see the stability development Persian Meel Flow #Repost @_cat.adam_ Iron Tribe Fitness Many reasons to smile today. The weather is nice, my hair is actually starting to get long again, Im seeing the dudes in Little Raine Band at Avondale tonight accompanied by a lovey lady, and Tyler Childers just dropped a new bluegrass album. Today is rad, life is rad.... Tomorrow Im teaching Steel Mace Yoga at Avondale Park @ 11. Just drop a donation, Ill supply the maces. Come party! #pahlavani #persianmeel #zurkhaneh #shoulderhealth #funtionalstrength #ancientstrength See more
19.01.2022 My first discourse in #persian checkout the whole conversation on thanks @pedramtalks for the great job on the #podcast
19.01.2022 In a single battle a #pahlavan #warrior #knight could swing their arms 3-4 thousand times holding one of these Persian battle maces with devastating effect #zombieapocalypse To do that without tearing everything in that shoulder you require a shoulder strength and mobility that is far above what is prevalent today. Get shoulders of steel the ancient time-tested and battlefield proven way #persianyoga #waryoga #battleready
19.01.2022 Experience Persian warrior training Next workshops: Saturday June 12th 2-4 pm @encompassstudios and Saturday July 3rd 12-2 pm @junglebrothersmovement DM if you want to know more #persianyoga #waryoga #warrioryoga #artofstrength
19.01.2022 The first time ever I tried doing double back swings with 20 kg Meel Come test your strength Wednesdays 7 pm @primalnrgfitness
19.01.2022 Iranian heavy Meel swinging champion, 12 hands (24 repetitions) 50 kg #persianmeel Pahlavan Mofid For reference, beginners start at 6 kg and the international champion Pahlavan Farzaneh swings 32 kg (YouTube Ali Farzaneh ) This astounding feat of strength requires a lifetime of practice and incremental adaptation to build tissue tensile strength. Notice the pulsing recoil of the swing and his footwork and you can see the fascial s...lings coordinating crosswise contractions from top to can be certain of his #power & #stability #mobility #strength #corecoordination From strength man attains truth #persianyoga #waryoga #ancientwisdom #timetested #physicalculture #warriorconditioning #rotational #transverse #plane #movement #circular #strength #stability #mobility #endurance #gripstrength #rhythm #shoulder #shoulderworkout #shoulderrehab #chiropractor #chiropractic #pt #physiotherapy See more
17.01.2022 Listen to my podcast (45 min) with @wizardscornerpodcast on Pahlavani #persianyoga the world's oldest martial arts strength conditioning system. Link in bio Thanks Shardan for the high quality work, I really enjoyed the experience and am grateful for the opportunity to share our story
16.01.2022 2 & 10 kg #authentic #persianmeel #thebest In Pahlavani #persianyoga we say, you only buy Meel once It's a family heirloom that you pass on to the next generation. For me only the best is good enough, so I pay a premium for my Meel, not just because I want the best my artisans can offer, but I also aim to help one of the oldest (and most beautiful) traditions on the planet to survive in the global pandemic economy whilst the original community is enduring unjust sanctions, that has only affected small businesses and the public, at a time the market has become saturated by cheaper knockoffs and replicas. Opting for authentic, original and traditionally made items ensures we won't lose another traditional art and culture in the name of capitalist consumerism #ethicalbuyer #votewithyourdollar
16.01.2022 Zarina (meaning "the golden") was a Saka (Scythian) queen, regent and warrior, the sister of Cyraedus, and the wife of Marmares, ruler of the Parthians. She was noted for her beauty, wisdom, and her bravery, as Saka women went into the battlefield with men. According to Saka customs, when a girl turned 13 she was taught archery and to hunt. When war broke out between the Medians, the Parthians and the Saka, she fought in battle and was wounded. Ctesias (Greek historian) related her story towards the end of the 5th century BCE #amazon #queen #warrior #valkyrie #pari #shieldmaiden #warriorculture
15.01.2022 Symbolically the Shena represents the sword and the soul of a warrior, it is our tool, our practical altar and our functional shrine of strength that we worship on with our hands and touch our heart on with every push-up. We consider the feet to be where the lowest consciousness dwells and where the dirt from the external world attaches to us. But this is not only in our culture, I know from growing up in the West that an artist wouldn't step on their tools, nor would you ste...p on an icon, similarly we do not step or stand on the Shena. It is considered disrespectful to do so. Inanimate objects may not have inherent meaning or value, we give them their meaning and value; so I invite you to invite some old-world sacredness into your new-world and recommend that you do not step or stand on the Shena and treat it with respect. If you are going to copy and appropriate our culture without giving anything back to the original community at least you can give us the respect. Surely it's not a big ask. And surely you can find other ways to promote your Also if you think I am doing what I am doing just to sell products you have not understood me or #persianyoga at all. @stevecotterikff @luciana.fitcamp @primal.6 #jabronis do whatever you want, you don't need my approval, but first, do no harm! See more
15.01.2022 "My Shena and the heavier set of Meel arrived today (lighter set is on its way). Thank you so much they are beautiful and functional pieces of art which I will treasure and respect...The Meel are deceptively heavy and I will wait for their younger siblings to arrive, before commence practice." Jon Dyer
14.01.2022 I can't afford cheap stuff! "One of the best investments I have made since I started exercising 20 years ago. It is quality. You can tell. I think there is something to say about owning equipment that is authentic to the originator and crafted by hand. The Meel are not only used to exercise but could be used as decorative art." Michael Catignani In Zurkhaneh we say, you only buy Meel once. Meaning it's a family heirloom that you pass on to the next generation.... #artdealer #functionalart #handmade #authentic #persianmeel #warriorculture #ancestral #heritage #functional #art
13.01.2022 I'm opening Persian Yoga's 1st clinic combining the ancient wisdom of traditional Persian manual therapy and Avicenna's medicine with modern evidence-informed chiropractic care and bodywork, visit and wish me luck :) #bodywork #chiropractor #chiropractic #persianyoga
12.01.2022 Don't try this at home! #meel #balance #unconventional #strength #oldtimestrongman #physicalculture
12.01.2022 #persianmeel challenge & fundamentals intro workshop Sat 14/10/20 12-3 pm @junglebrothersmovement come along for the challenge and workshop, register on
11.01.2022 #lineage It matters who we learn from. It's the difference between superficial understanding and learning a few tricks vs deep mastery of an art. Don't let the jokers and jabronis fool you, they talk the talk but they don't walk it. There's ample videos of them showing they can't swing Meel or even do clean push-ups on the Shena. There's ample videos of them making mockery of the world's oldest living warrior culture for personal gain and social media likes. What can these j...abronis teach you? Be real. Stay authentic. Respect the arts. Photo of a young Pahlavan Jafari (left) with the legendary grandmaster Pahlavan Razzaz. Pahlavan Jafari later shared the arts with Muhammad Ali RIP and many others. #pahlavani #persianyoga #wayofknights #physicalculture #artofstrength
10.01.2022 The legend of Pahlavan Behzad AKA Ibn Saba (son of a captive). Behzad was the son of the ruler of the then Iranian satrapi (fiefdom) of Yemen, after the Muslim Arab conquest of Yemen and expansion into Persia proper, ca. 650 AD, he plans and carries out the assassination of Uthman, the ruler of the Islamic caliphate. It is said the he scales the walls of Uthman's castle with his band of #assassins and slays him in combat but doesn't sever his head when Uthman's two wives enter the scene and throw themselves on his corpse. Behzad, his name meaning born good, manages to escape the heavily guarded citadel and continued to lead a rebellion against the invading #islamic #caliphate #brotherhood of #pahlavans #assassinscreed #waryoga #rebelyoga #persianyoga
10.01.2022 Suren Pahlav - King of the Sakas and Parthians. When capturing the great city of Baghdad he went ahead of his men and was first to scale the city walls, beating off the enemy single handedly. Hstorian Plutarch says about the great Suren: "Suren was no ordinary person; in fortune, family and honour the first after the Persian king; and in point of courage and capacity, as well as size and beauty, superior to the Parthians of his time." 3rd century BC. Those... who have been following me would recognise that his name and the house of his name is the root word for Pahlavani #persianyoga The suffix AN in Persian denotes a nomen loci, a placename or toponym i.e. belonging to, heralding from, and the post suffix i expressing the act of becoming like, ie. becoming like Pahlav or way of Pahlav #pahlavani #wayofwarriors #wayofknights #waryoga See more
09.01.2022 Twist push-ups. 92 in one minute. How many can you do? #persian #pushupchallenge
09.01.2022 So excited for the #Sydney #Kettlebells Alliance Open Comp this Saturday @primalnrgfitness I'll be there to demo #persianyoga @girevoysportaus
09.01.2022 I see your #poledancing and raise you club dancing #gripstrength
07.01.2022 Home is where you are strong! My #zurkhaneh house of strength; authentic Persian Sang (shields), Shena (push-up board), Meel (Persian clubs), Kabbadeh (steel bow) #homegym since 500BC. The Sang are 50 kg, Meel 20 kg and Kabbadeh 12 kg #persianmeel #shoulderworkout #gripstrength #chiropractor #osteopathy #pt #physicaltherapy #physicalculture #movementculture #bjj #wrestling #mma #catchwrestling #f45 #indianclubs #mace #macebell #kettlebells #homegym #garagegym #bouldering #yoga #chiropractic
07.01.2022 Remember a month ago when Indian and Chinese soldiers attacked each other using clubs and maces at a border dispute?! I didn't want to say anything not to offend anyone #politicskills but I thought at the time that it's ironic how even in #2020 #clubswinging settles the score between two nuclear preparation for #armageddon you've got to be handy with the #meel if you know what I mean.. pictured above Indian and below Chinese maces
07.01.2022 Swing often, swing heavy. 50 kg Meel #circular #gripstrength #corestrength #persianyoga
07.01.2022 The wheel of Mithra, AKA the Swastika, is an ancient #Iranian #Aryan symbol for one of the most important natural and astrological occurrences, the passing through the #equinox and #solstice and the subsequent changing of seasons marked by the relative position of #ursamajor to the #northstar Iranians believe that cosmos revolves in perpetuity around a fixed centre (rebirth, immortality) this idea was mythologically represented by the four-horse chariot of #mithra and symbolically illustrated by the broken cross, or swastika, to represent the four elements that give rise to the four seasons, temperaments, humors, ages and states of matter and energy The gold necklace found in Iran, is one of the earliest archaeological findings of the wheel of Mithra #swastika dated to ca. 3200 years ago.
06.01.2022 #Repost @drshanedc Shape Chiropractic Doing the work...... . Thank you @persianyoga for my authentic Shena push-up board. . Check out the equipment at . . . . #chiropractic #drshanedc #persianyoga #shena #pushup #fitnessjourney #naturalhealthcare #kettlebellworkout #kettlebell See more
06.01.2022 Swing Meel for shoulders of steel #circularstrength Modern science suggests that placing the shoulder in an abducted, extended and externally rotated position, specially when weight bearing, increases the risks associated with Rotator Cuff Injuries of the shoulder. The main pain producing exercises have been identified as: Wide grip bench press incline and supine flys Bent arm pullovers... Latissimus pull-downs Behind the neck military presses Power cleans Kipping type gymnastics exercises in CrossFit Photo from Pahlavan Shahin @shahin_sangtarash References: Yamamoto A, Takagishi K, Osawa T, Yanagawa T, Nakajima D, Shitara H, et al. Prevalence and risk factors of a rotator cuff tear in the general population. J Shoulder Elb Surg [Internet]. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees; 2010;19(1):11620. Haupt H. Upper extremity injuries associated with strength training. Clin Sports Med [Internet]. 2001;20(3):48190. Gross ML, Brenner SL, Esformes I, Sonzogni JJ. Anterior shoulder instability in weight lifters. Am J Sports Med. 21(4):599603. Fees M, Decker T, Snyder-Mackler L, Axe MJ. Upper extremity weight-training modifications for the injured athlete. A clinical perspective. Am J Sports Med. 1998;26(5):73242. ' Hak, P., Hodzovic, E. and Hickey B. The nature and prevalence of injury during CrossFit training. J Strength Cond Res. 2013;1. Weisenthal BM, Beck C a., Maloney MD, DeHaven KE, Giordano BD. Injury Rate and Patterns Among CrossFit Athletes. Orthop J Sport Med [Internet]. 2014;2(4):17. Osterås H, Torstensen TA. The dose-response effect of medical exercise therapy on impairment in patients with unilateral longstanding subacromial pain. Open Orthop J. 2010;4:16.
06.01.2022 "Nothing is true; everything is permitted." - The Maxim of the Assassin's Creed founded by Hassan-i Sabbh 1050 CE. To say that nothing is true, is to realize that socially imposed morality is an illusion (mass hysteria), and that we must be the shepherds of our own ethical growth and spiritual evolution. To say that everything is permitted, is to understand that we are the architects of our own actions as creators, and that we must live with the consequences of our manifestations, whether glorious or tragic. - Paraphrased from Ezio Auditore da Firenze #assassinscreed #assassin #pahlavani #darkside #waryoga #wayofwarriors
06.01.2022 Meel variations to develop skill, rhythm, synchronistic hand-eye coordination and dexterity #brainfood Traditionally we train with 2 pair of Meel, a heavy for strength and a lite one for skill development. I'm using 6 kg pair #authentic #persianmeel here. Learn these and other variations with the Meel, Shena and Sang in my Variations instructional manual and videos available from my store, link in bio, as well as from Amazon and Vimeo, search Persian Yoga. Be tireless with your practice. #persianyoga #waryoga #warriorstrength #wayofknights #kshatriyayoga See more
05.01.2022 I can't believe this needs explaining but throwing Meel on the ground like it's trash is not only disrespectful to the art and the artist but the planet too, you'll break it and create waste. In the Zurkhaneh in Iran it's said: eat, drink and enjoy but don't be wasteful, the planet has enough for every man's need but not for every man's greed. #zurkhaneh #templeofstrength #planet #earth #templeoflife #respect #betternolitter
03.01.2022 Copy this jabroni 32 kg #persianmeel 1st swing, 10 years in the making, the journey has just begun I'm challenging the jabronis who steal my culture, bastardize my ancestral arts and sell it for profit without giving anything back to the original community you try to talk the talk faker but do you even walk the walk?! #persianyoga #waryoga #wayofknights #nojabronis #khshatriya
03.01.2022 Up your #bjj game with #shena get #diy instructions when you sign up to my newsletter on From: @nd_justin Playing with the Shena board, working on my @rodolfovieira89 pressure passing #jiujitsu game. @stevie_jj inspired moves. My shoulder and core are smoked!!!!!! @nd_wellness
03.01.2022 Persian Yoga intro workshop at Encompass Movement & Yoga in Emu Heights :)
01.01.2022 Twist push-ups - You'll never need to do #crunches or #situps ever again #shena #ancient #wisdom #timetested #warrior #strength #conditioning
01.01.2022 Split Shena Push-ups for a more powerful #yoga practice. Checkout my instructional videos on YouTube and Vimeo, search for Persian Yoga #ancient #wisdom #kshatriyayoga #waryoga #wayofwarriors
01.01.2022 Heavy Meel variations 20 kg pair For injury proofed shoulders of steel you need: Circular & Rotational movements ... Resistance/load in 360 circumduction Open & Closed Kinetic Chain movement Transverse plane movement Core coordination Hand eye coordination Stability Mobility Endurance Grip strength Rhythm As you can see all of it is integrated in #persianmeel swinging If you suffer from shoulder pain you need this in your life without delay. Start getting better now. #persianyoga #waryoga #ancientwisdom #timetested #physicalculture #warriorconditioning #corecoordination #rotational #transverse #plane #movement #circular #strength #stability #mobility #endurance #gripstrength #rhythm #shoulder #shoulderworkout #shoulderrehab #chiropractor #chiropractic #pt #physiotherapy
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