Perth Virtual Services in Perth, Western Australia | Business service
Perth Virtual Services
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 431 115 073
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25.01.2022 EVENT COORDINATION Did you know Event Coordination made the top 5 list for most stressful jobs? Yep, thats right. Meeting planning requires expertise in communications, preparation, management, logistics and much more. ... Even crisis management. From my experience with events theres always the possibility of last-minute problems or emergencies - always to be prepared for a plan B! Perth Virtual Services provides an event coordination service and can assist you to create the event you are dreaming of. Whether it be a small workshop/training event, a large-scale conference or a good old sundowner, we can make all the arrangements for you. If you have something in mind you would like us to help you with, contact us today for a FREE CONSULTATION [email protected]
25.01.2022 Its always nice to get beautiful reviews from clients I work with.... I had the pleasure of working with Susie for a period of time, and I can honestly say she is the most amazing, hard working, positive and inspiring woman to work with. Thank you Susie Staton!
25.01.2022 This quote is so true, without problems we really wouldnt grow. With new businesses and indeed any business, its common to come across problems you hadnt imagined before. More often than not this can leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Its easy to fall into the trap of letting problems get to you instead of using it as a tool to grow and develop, and learn what does and does not work for your business.... If youre feeling overwhelmed and would like a helping hand in weeding out any problems you have with your business, contact me today for a free, no obligation business consultation. I love being able to help other small business owners grow and be the best they can be. Working as a team and sharing the load. Contact me today: [email protected] or 043 111 5073
24.01.2022 So to start 2020 off, I have put together a list of 20 reasons to outsource work to a virtual assistant. Perth Virtual Services is an Australian company assisting small and medium businesses find business solutions. TOP 20 REASONS TO OUTSOURCE WORK TO A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT (VA)... 1. You never have enough time to get things done 2. Youve been working the grind for too long and your feeling burnt out 3. You need an expert to type up your correspondence/letter/emails while you get on with things 4. You are not sure what content to put on your website, social media posts etc and need some help 5. You need templates done up but not sure where to start or what information is best to include 6. You cant keep up with daily bookings and quotes because you often miss calls or emails while you are working on the job. 7. Youre bogged down with work over the annual boom period and need some temporary help with keeping things on track 8. Losing time for yourself, an important necessity for any business owner 9. Missing the kids sporting activities because youre constantly working 10. Youre not sure how to research to get the results/information you need 11. You need a presentation done and want it done professionally 12. Youre working late through the night, every night and missing valuable family time 13. You have an event you want to hold and need an event planner/coordinator 14. You have trades staff that require medicals and training but not sure how to go about it 15. Youre not sure what programs to use for your business 16. Youre holding a sundowner and need assistance with venue hire, catering etc 17. Youre starting a business and need help with the initial stages of set up 18. Youre looking for a cost effective and efficient way to gain administrative assistance without hiring a full-time staff member or renting out office space 19. You need an assistant who can be on-call for any duties you might need assistance with during the week, whether it be 1 hour a day or 10 hours a week 20. You need a reliable assistant to look after your business administration while you are on leave or on holiday If youd like to discuss how Perth Virtual Services can assist you, please contact us today for a free, no obligation business consultation! [email protected]
23.01.2022 ITS FRIDAY! Time to put away your superhero cape and enjoy the weekend
23.01.2022 UNDER CONSTRUCTION You may have noticed we have been a little quiet lately! Well, thats because Perth Virtual Services is currently under construction.... We are making some great changes to allow us to provide more services to our clients. Stay tuned!
23.01.2022 OUR MISSION... Perth Virtual Services provides an elite, efficient, high quality administrative service to small businesses in WA. We aim to consistently improve our service, creating excellence in business solutions and consistently building our relationships.
23.01.2022 Perth Virtual Services would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I would like to take a moment to say thank you to all my clients, my friends, the beautiful connections I have made this year and my family for supporting me through what has been an amazing year in my new business venture! May you all have a safe and happy holiday season and farewell the year with a smile on your face as you remember all the milestones youve achieved this year.... Merry Christmas everyone!
22.01.2022 Finishing up an amazing week with my business, looking forward to moving onwards and upwards! Happy Friday!!!
20.01.2022 EVENT COORDINATION Summer weather is finally upon us and it’s a great time to think about your event coordination needs in preparation for Perth’s summer events season. All signs point to a busy festive period, but how do you find time to organise your event on top of an already busy workload? ... There is so much involved and often just the thought of organising an event is stressful! Perth Virtual Services has years of experience in Event Coordination from small workshops to big events and sundowners, we’ve got you covered. If you want an event to rave about this summer, contact us today to see how we can assist you. [email protected] or 043 111 5073 Or visit our website at:
19.01.2022 TIPS FOR BUSINESS EFFICIENCY Even for successful businesses, in the back of your mind, youre always thinking of ways to improve your business. How can you gain more clients? Has your productivity dropped off? How can you improve customer relations? Are you in-line with your financial projections? Where can you improve your procedures?...Continue reading
18.01.2022 Perth Virtual Services is a NEIS success story!
18.01.2022 Yep this is me! Building my empire one day at a time :-)
17.01.2022 Perth Virtual Services would like to wish all our clients and friends a Happy New Year for 2020! May the year ahead be all you dreamed of with abundance of prosperity and happiness
17.01.2022 MONDAY MADNESS! Perth Virtual Services is offering 15% off all services booked for the month of January! To book your free consultation and take advantage of this offer, contact me today on 043 111 5073 or [email protected]
16.01.2022 Great initiative from the Fileroom to assist Australian Businesses. I recommend all local businesses join this online Business Locator so we can all help each other out. If you havent checked out the Fileroom already, they provide a great range of services to assist local and national businesses.... Definitely worth a look
15.01.2022 So what are the benefits of hiring a VA? Apart from the obvious, here is a list of some below If youd like to see how we can help you, contact us today for a FREE no obligation business consultation... [email protected] 043 111 5073
15.01.2022 So after a bit of quiet time, Im ready to get back on track! With all thats going on at the moment, its hard for many of us to keep up with it all. So, Id like to offer a 15% discount for the first 2 hours of service from Perth Virtual Services. ... We provide remote administrative and business solutions to all small and medium businesses and can help you navigate through this time. If youd like to know more, please contact me for a FREE business consultation
15.01.2022 DIARY MANAGEMENT Behind every successful business owner is an efficient, organised diary! As your business grows, and your client demands increase, often administration of this crucial part of your business can become tedious and complicated.... By outsourcing this task to a virtual assistant who specialises in time management, this can benefit your business in a huge way. * Improved Scheduling to make the most of your time * Improved Performance * Improved Customer Service Effective management of your diary will alleviate stress and assist in providing a more efficient service for your clients With over 23 years experience in scheduling and diary management, Perth Virtual Services can help your business function at its best. If youd like a FREE BUSINESS CONSULTATION, contact us today to discuss what we can do to help you. [email protected]
15.01.2022 Another interview sharing my business story... It was great to be the VA Institutes first VA in the Spotlight interview Onwards and Upwards!
13.01.2022 Good morning Monday! Whos ready for an amazing week? I know i am. New Year, new goals, new inspiration...... Lets get started!
12.01.2022 Spring Cleaning Time! The perfect time to get your business up to scratch before the busy summer period. Check out my Blog below on how you can spring clean your business today!
11.01.2022 BENEFITS OF ORGANISING: - Efficiency the greatest advantage a business can have - Improve the Flow of Communication within your Team... - Make your Business more Productive - Better Management skills - Reduce Stress levels Organisation is an essential part of business. Having critical information at your fingertips and easy to find makes the world a less stressful place for everyone. Perth Virtual Services specialises in organising, from Email and Filing Management, to a complete overhaul of your administrative systems. If your business needs to be more organised and productive, contact us today for a FREE Business Consultation on 043 111 5073 or [email protected] Because your Business matters..
11.01.2022 Happy Monday everyone! I just love this quote. For years i worked in jobs i never truly enjoyed, and now, I run my own business doing something I love. Helping other people enjoy their business as much as I enjoy mine. Who else is living their dream and doing work they love?
11.01.2022 WRITERS BLOCK... Definition: Writers block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown. ... The condition ranges from difficulty in coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce a work for years. Thankfully its not years for me,but I have definitely felt a little lost as to what to post over the past few weeks with the pandemic affecting us all at such an intense lev...el. I didnt feel right advertising my business and trying to engage new clients when everybody was losing jobs and businesses shutting down. There were other more important things on everyones mind. So I decided to take a break and focus on family and loved ones. Then the writers block set in. What do I post? What can I say that hasnt been said already during this time of increased restrictions and anxiety. So here it is! Hahaha....a post about writers block! But seriously, now things are returning back to some sort of normality, I am feeling more motivated and will be posting more creative and informative content soon. Stay tuned...
10.01.2022 ** Christmas Special *** Its officially 12 days til Christmas!!! And to celebrate, Perth Virtual Services is offering a 12% discount on all services to new clients, valid until 31 December 2019... Merry Christmas!
10.01.2022 QUIET TIME Perth Virtual Services has taken a bit of quiet time over the past couple of weeks to process all that is going on in the world and focus very important time on friends and family, ensuring loved ones are ok. Its important in such difficult times to be there for one another and I havent felt it was right to advertise my business during this time.... We are though, still in business, and here for anyone who might be in need of virtual assistance during this time and the months ahead. I will be posting more in the coming weeks and months ahead but wish you all well and hope everyone is keeping safe. May we beat this pandemic together!
10.01.2022 So here it is! My first radio interview, providing more information on what I do and how Perth Virtual Services can help you. ... Check it out and feel free to leave me any feedback :-)
10.01.2022 ITS HERE! Perth Virtual Services has been under construction, and were now ready for re-launch! During this time, we have developed and grown our services to adapt to our clients needs.... We are able to offer a broader range of assistance, and specialised services through our new small but mighty team. Each client is given our gold service, providing options, support, professionalism and flexibility. Your business is our business and we want to see you grow, develop and flourish. Through our services, your business will advance to a place of greater efficiency, greater engagement and enhanced processes and procedures. We offer you more time to spend on the greater tasks at hand, more time with family and more time looking after you. After all, when youre at your best, life is worth living! Optimise your business now. Check out our website and give us a call for a FREE Business Consultation. There is no better feeling than being free
10.01.2022 "STAY POSITIVE, WORK HARD & MAKE IT HAPPEN!" This has been my business mantra from day dot and it couldn't be more true. If you want something bad enough, you never lose your way, never give up and you'll always get where you want to go.... A positive mindset and you can make anything happen!
09.01.2022 CELEBRATING 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ! This week marks the 1st year anniversary of Perth Virtual Services. Such an exciting moment for me and Im so proud of how far my business has come. I had the dream to start a virtual assistant business about 3 years ago now, tired of the corporate world and wanting more out of life. I wanted to help small business owners get their businesses off the ground and help them flourish and grow. ... So, I spent a couple of years deciding on when and how to start my dream, doing as much research as possible, upskilling where I could and growing the confidence to go ahead and follow my heart! Its been an amazing journey so far, starting my dream and seeing where it takes me. Id like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends, family, clients and business connections for all their amazing support over the past year and joining me in my amazing journey. THANK YOU!
08.01.2022 Todays Tip Find your Inspiration.. What inspires you in life and drives you forward with your business?... For me its this little guy. Wanting to provide a plentiful life for him and he inspires me every day to be a better person, a better mother and better businesswoman. Whats your inspiration?
08.01.2022 Happy New Financial Year! With the new Financial year already upon us, its a good time to review where your time and money have gone this past year. Where could you make changes to your business to alleviate the financial and administrative burden?... Here at Perth Virtual Services we can provide one-off or ongoing assistance to help get your business back in order. From Email and Filing clean ups, to updating Procedure Manuals and creating Templates, weve got you covered. If youd like help clearing out your clutter, contact us today for a FREE no obligation consultation. [email protected] 043 111 5073
07.01.2022 Looking after your health is literally the MOST important thing in life. It might seem like common sense to most people, but its often a lot harder to take daily steps to look after yourself and your health when you run your own business. Especially when you are the be all and end all of your business. If you dont get things done, they dont get done and who can afford that?... But in saying that, without a healthy body and rested mind, often were no help to anybody, let alone our business. You end up over-stressed, worn-out and the business suffers. To avoid this and keep things consistent, its important to take regular steps for you and your health. So, heres some tips to get you through: 1. Take regular breaks. A 15-minute walk around the block, a 10 minute stretch or a quick walk around the office/work area. A little bit of fresh air and body movement every 2 hours helps keep your brain at optimum level. 2. Learn how to manage stress levels. - Breath - simple right? Long slow breaths even while you are doing your work, brings more air to your muscles and brain, alleviating the physical signs of stress as well as mental fatigue - Take a walk along the beach in the afternoon on your way home from work. Better than being stuck in peak hour traffic! - Do an activity after work that you enjoy go for a swim, have a beer out in the garden, take the kids to the park. Give yourself an hour after work each day to just wind down mentally and enjoy. 3. Food Intake. Swap the caffeine or sugary drinks for an afternoon Vit B drink and a banana. Natural energy stimulants that wont give you the sugar rush come-down. A more natural burst of energy works better with your body long term. 4. Take a Nap thats right, be cheeky and take a 45-minute nap in your lunch hour. Youll feel rested for the rest of the arvo - but this does take training. Not everyone can wind down quick enough to just nap whenever. But if you can, its worth it. 5. Outsource to others. Off load whatever small jobs you can to ease your load. Even the smallest change can make a big difference and maybe give you that time to go and walk along the beach after work. Let someone else close up for the day, finish off those pesky admin tasks or follow up with clients. Stop making excuses that you dont have time to look after yourself! Sacrificing your physical and mental health is not a long-term option. If youre feeling bogged down and want to know how Perth Virtual Services can stop your burn-out, contact us today for a FREE Business Consultation. Dont have time? We can do it virtually over the phone or via skype. Whatever fits in with your schedule. Perth Virtual Services Creating Business Solutions
07.01.2022 What challenges do you face as a small business? Have you taken the time to sit down and work out solutions? And evaluate which is the best option for you?... Theres so many different things to consider - time-frames, budgets.... the list goes on To find the best solution. you need to have a clear understanding of where your business is at in relation to the problem, and where you want it to be. "Identify your problem but give your power and energy to solutions" Tony Robbins
06.01.2022 Happy Womens Day to all the beautiful, strong amazing women I know....and those i dont. May you celebrate all you are today and enjoy this beautiful day xx
06.01.2022 Hmmm....I think I see some exciting news on the horizon... Stay tuned!
06.01.2022 "Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back" This quote is so true, supporting each other is the most important thing in business and in life. I know I wouldn't have my superwoman cape on without all the amazing women in my life.... Thank you to all those who have my back!
05.01.2022 DO YOU NEED A SUPERHERO? Hiring a virtual assistant with the skills to do the tasks you don’t have time for makes perfect business sense. Give us a call today at Perth Virtual Services. We can be your superhero!... [email protected] or 043 11 5073 #perthva #perthvirtualassistants #virtualassistanceservices #outsourcingsolutions #perthbusiness #perthbusinessmum #perthentrepreneur #perthlifestyle #perthvirtualservices #smallbusinessperth #perthsmallbusinesses #superherolife
05.01.2022 WORKING FROM HOME - PRODUCTIVITY TIPS With so many people working from home these days, theres a whole set of new challenges to deal with. One of the hardest challenges is productivity. Working from the confines of home with kids, chores and other matters interrupting your space, its often hard to stay focused!... So here are some tips to help you get more out of your day: 1. DONT WORK IN YOUR PJS As nice as it sounds, if youre too comfy, you get too relaxed and your focus begins to dwindle. Personally, I like to get up early, enjoy a nice coffee outside and take my time to relax into the day and think about what needs to be done. Then I get my ass into gear, get ready and start cracking! I find my mind is most productive during the morning so I tend to get as much done as I can during this time. 2. CREATE A SCHEDULE THAT WORKS FOR YOU AND STICK TO IT Creating a schedule helps to keep you in that work mind-set. When youre in an office, you have your day set out and you stick to it because after all, your there to work. When youre at home your daily structure is a lot more flexible and fluid and its easy to lose track. So set out time frames, time limits and use the most productive time of day to get your work done. Some people are morning people, some work better in the afternoon. Whats your productive time of day? 3. CREATE A WORK-SPACE THAT IS GOOD FOR YOU A work-space should always have lots of natural light, lots of fresh air and be as organised as possible. If you havent worked from home before and dont have an actual office, just make the most of whatever space is most appropriate. And if you need an area away from the kids, that space might just be outside in the garden with your laptop. Not every day, but each day is different so be flexible with your environment. 4. TAKE REGULAR BREAKS Its been proven that taking regular breaks keeps your mind focused and working at its peak level. Its recommended you take a 15 minute break every 2 hours or at least every 3 hours. A quick stretch, coffee break or walk around the block will keep you active, motivated and focused.
04.01.2022 *** Christmas Special *** With Christmas fast approaching, Perth Virtual Services is getting into the festive spirit by offering 10% off the first 5 hours of service for all new clients! Are you feeling overwhelmed with all your business and administrative duties leading up to Christmas?... Do you want to spend more time with your family and kids over the festive season? Contact me today to find out how we can help alleviate your stress and give you more time to enjoy life over the festive season. Perth Virtual Services - 043 111 5073 or [email protected] Offer valid until Christmas Eve - 24th December 2019
02.01.2022 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Hope youre all enjoying this lovely Friday and spoiling your special someone. Or even better, getting spoilt yourself :-)
02.01.2022 BENEFITS OF OPERATIONAL MANUALS Operation manuals are a very important tool for business. They provide knowledge and guidance for staff to refer to as required. It aids to ensure consistency within your business and allows employees to perform correctly and efficiently. They are informative and effective tools when training new staff members and are imperative if you ever need someone to fill in while you, or other staff members, are absent.... Often absences are unplanned and can put great strain on your business if there are no procedures or operation manuals in place to refer to. If you suddenly became unwell or needed time off work for family or personal reasons, who would look after your business? Would they know what to do? Would you trust them to follow or remember instructions on how you would like things to operate? Operation manuals set standards for all employees to follow while maintaining your company image. If you are looking at improving your business, this is a great low-cost way to improve service and employee practise. At Perth Virtual Services, we specialise in creating Manuals. If you think your business operations and standards need creating and implementing, contact us today for a FREE Business Consultation. 043 111 5073 or [email protected]
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