Perth Birth Photography | Pregnancy care centre
Perth Birth Photography
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25.01.2022 Fetal Movements There is no set number of normal movements you should be feeling every baby is different. Your baby will have their own pattern of movem...ents that you should get to know. From 18-24 weeks on you should feel the baby move more and more. After 32 weeks, the movements will stay roughly the same until you give birth. It is NOT TRUE that babies move less towards the end of pregnancy. You should CONTINUE to feel your baby move right up to the time you go into labour and during labour. Get to know your babys normal pattern of movements. DO NOT WAIT until the next day to seek advice if you are worried about your babys movements. #fetaldevelopment #fetalmovement #student #midwife #childbirth #childbearing #midwives #midwifery #midwifelife #pregnant #pregnancy
24.01.2022 Gosh I just adore this image snapped by photographer Kate Randall. It speaks volumes.....and Quincy the dog holding space for the whole tribe #Repost @kate_r...andall_photography --- Don’t underestimate the power of a carefully chosen birth team Choosing the right people that you connect with, that can hold space for you, support you, love you and empower you throughout your birthing journey is so very important. Please don’t skim over this part of your birth plan. Your birth team can be detrimental to the way you bring your baby earth side. This birth team that I was apart of was magical, all of our energy’s came together perfectly to fully support this goddess and her baby - - - #katerandallphotography #birthteam #birthsupport #bluemountainsbirthphotographer #birthphotographer #birth #exposingbirth #homebirth #birthplan #homebirth #birthphotography #waterbirth #homebirthaftercesarean #hvbac See more
22.01.2022 Be the one. Be that one voice that speaks up to echo the mothers preferences, the parents wishes. . . . From Brittney Hogue - Birth, Baby, Family Photographer... - Central IL . "He's going straight to NICU?" "No, we want him to have time with mom first unless he has to go." Those are words that make you love the team you're surrounded by. The team that says mom has worked unimaginably hard for this moment and she deserves to hold onto it for as long as we can let her. It took only one voice to make sure this moment happened for a mother. And that voice was here, in Peoria. Serving with the greatest care and love. #hellopeoria #hellopeoriaart #34weekpreemie #vbacsuccess #vbacwithoutfear #peoriabirths #peoriabirthphotographer #centralillinoisphotographer #skintoskin #birthphotography
21.01.2022 For pool hire, TENS machines and breast pump hire, please go to The Community
21.01.2022 Its not like the movies! #waterbreak #amnioticsac #mamawarriordoula #diaryofadoula #fridayfacts
21.01.2022 Happy World Breastfeeding week 1st -7th August The aim of the week is to highlight the huge benefits that breastfeeding can bring to the health and welfare of both babies and their mums.
20.01.2022 A word on INTUITION. I just heard someone commenting on the BRAIN acronym saying: well, intuition never saved any babies, a good birth team and birth plan do.... Intuition stops women from seeking help as it gives false reassurance. Well, a good team and plan are important.......BUT, and thats a huge but, as a midwife I would say intuition is MASSIVE for pregnant people. NEVER ignore it! Its the sixth sense that makes women prick their ears up at a quieter than usual baby, it makes them investigate weird symptoms more. It makes them feel unease without being able to put their finger on what exactly is causing the unease. It makes women wake up before their tiny ones need feeding, it makes them start awake just BEFORE the toddler is sick in bed. And I would say that intuition RARELY leads to *not seeking help*. What leads to not seeking help is the *thinking mind* doing a good job rationalising to QUIETEN that intuition. That is what I see again and again. I honestly have not really seen it the other way round. I can remeber one incident where I shut down my intuition and I will never forgive myself for it. Fear (intrinsic or brought on by outside influence) can also quieten the powerful voice of intuition, which is difficult to work though, as its sometimes hard to see what came first, intuition or fear. Ultimately, intuition/gut feeling is a vitally important part of the decision making process, but of course it can be informed by actual clinical information/evidence base too. Any midwife ignoring a mothers intuition is a fool Art by Louise Bourgeois
20.01.2022 The aim of the game is, and always has been, healthy mothers and healthy babies.
20.01.2022 This is what postpartum depression looks like. You cant tell by looking at her, but shes in the most difficult battle of her life. She hates herself every mom...ent, she feels trapped, unseen, unheard, unloved. She loves her children desperately, but sometimes she resents them. But most days she just believes theyd be better off without her. And her husband? She is SURE that if he had even a moments glimpse inside her head, he would leave her in an instant. Shes pretty sure he wants to leave her already. Hes too good of a man to ever do it, but theyd all be better off with another woman. She is trying to be enough for her family and shes failing. When people ask her how shes doing, she knows they dont really want to know. So she says, mom life is hard but Im so blessed. Because she doesnt know how to say Im drowning and everything is dark and I dont know how Im going to make it out alive. Its not sadness. Its not the blues. It is actual, literal HELL. Imagine the saddest you have ever felt in your life. Now multiply that. Now imagine feeling the weight of that sadness and not having any good reason for it being there. There is no processing the emotion because there is no logical reason for it. There is no beginning or end to it. Its not a linear emotion, but an all encompassing weight that you cannot get rid of. That is PPD and it often looks like a mom at the park having a peaceful morning with her beautiful family who adores her. Shes having a good day. A good hour. A good moment. But thats not the whole picture. She needs help. She just doesnt know how to ask because she doesnt know what she needs and she doesnt think anything will ever change the state of misery shes in. Were getting serious today as we chat on peaceful motherhood. Theres nothing that rocks peaceful waters like PPD. Tag a friend thats walking through this, or tag a hubby that needs to read a description of what it is, or send this post to a pastor who needs a better understanding of what PPD is. Ill be sharing more in my stories on Instagram today.
19.01.2022 Birth Trauma Awareness Week Birth trauma is real. The way a woman is treated during childbirth can have a profound effect on her postpartum period and future. F...irst do no harm. The leading cause of maternal death in Australia is suicide. . . ##backtobasicsbirthing #vickihobbs #youruniquebirth #hypnobirthingcentrewa #hypnobirthingaustralia #vbaceducator #birthwithoutfear #birthtrauma #enough #birthchoices #birthchoicesmatter #birthtraumaisreal See more
18.01.2022 Surprise twins! How awesome!!
18.01.2022 A great reminder of the average distribution of weight gain in pregnancy. The healthy range is 11-15kg for those mums starting with a BMI of 18-25. #pregnancy #doula #healthypregnancy #bodywisebirthwise
18.01.2022 Homebirth Newborn Resuscitation ~Potential trigger- newborn resuscitation~ One of peoples greatest concerns about homebirth is-... What if my baby isnt doing great at birth? These photos give an insight into homebirth resuscitation. The differences with hospital resus? The baby stays attached to the mother. In most hospitals in Australia the first thing that happens is the umbilical cord is cut and the baby is taken to a resuscitare on the other side of the room. At home, the cord is left in tact so the blood flow from the placenta continues to go to the baby, giving them essential red blood cells to oxygenate their blood until their breathing is established. The baby is moved and massaged, blown on and talked to to stimulate their reflexes. If this doesnt work, room air is bagged into them through a mask (or mouth) to help trigger their lungs to breathe. In a lot of cases, this is enough. If it isnt, there is a tank of oxygen close by, ready to administer. Youll see in these photos, the baby stays attached to her mother, everyone keeps their calm and the midwives methodically step their way through these processes. You will also notice the mother holding on to the cord to check it is still pulsating, giving reassurance her baby is receiving what it needs. You will also see the midwives assessing the babys heart rate throughout with both touch and stethoscope. Everyone is informed every step of the way, and everyone is involved. I am all too aware that a resus is not always this straightforward, and that babies can need a lot more help. What happens when, for example, the baby needs chest compressions (which are necessary when the fetal heart rate is below 60 bpm or if ventilation doesnt increase the heart rate to above 100 bpm)- in that case the woman is asked to get out of the pool and CPR is still commenced with an intact cord. As the first line of action- doesnt leaving the cord in tact make a whole lot more sense? . A recent study found it does. Intact cord resuscitation versus early cord clamping in the treatment of depressed newborn infants during the first 10 minutes of birth (Nepcord III) a randomized clinical trial- found that the newborns oxygen saturation (Sp02) and APGAR scores were higher at several measured points after birth along with other benefits such as both initiation of breathing and respiration rate when a necessary resuscitation was done bedside with the cord intact on an infant who was not breathing at birth. Midwives- Midwife Jo and Jacqui Wood Mama- Birth Aims - Doula Aimee Sing Aimee Sing . Thank you all involved for your willingness to share this moment. . #homebirth #birth #waterbirth #midwife #midwives #birthphotography #sydneybirthphotographer
17.01.2022 Because I love Fresh Baby Lifestyle Sessions so much, I'm offering $50 off all Fresh Baby Packages booked before the end of this year. <3 Message our page or send an enquiry via my website for more information:
14.01.2022 If your needing some extra support and information about your choices while pregnant, please get in contact one of these beautiful midwives.
12.01.2022 #educationiskey #birthingwithoutfear #knowyouroptions
11.01.2022 A simple, informative way to explain cesarean births.
08.01.2022 If you are a midwife who is currently employed at a Western Australian hospital with two years of recent experience in Birth Suite, please keep reading! We woul...d greatly appreciate your participation in a new research study regarding informed consent during labour. The aim of this study is to discover midwives practice and also what they have witnessed around obtaining informed consent from women during labour in Western Australia. Study findings will inform maternity care providers of the process of obtaining informed consent from women in labour and form the basis of recommendations for future practice. To receive further information about this study please contact Julia Spice (Masters of Philosophy Candidate) by email at [email protected] Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) has approved this study(HRE2020-0308) See more
08.01.2022 Australia's maternity system is in crisis. Please watch and share this video and sign the petition
08.01.2022 Reposted from @positivelybirthing - Theres no such thing as false labour. . Yep, you might find one evening things start niggling, theres some twinges, yo...u loose your mucous plug, have some tightenings, maybe it even feels like its really ramping up! Youre excited! You bounce around on your ball all evening, your partner cancels their plans, you run a bath, watch a funny film, do all the early labour prep youve been planning! Then you both head to bed- to get some sleep & hopefully wake up ready to call the midwife! The following morning, you wake up.. and nothing! That evening the cycle repeats.. the following morning NOTHING! Now youre feeling disheartened, tired, impatient, stressed it FEELS like false labour, someone might have even told you its false labour.. but it isnt . Allow me to reframe things for you. Every single moment of pregnancy- your baby and your body are preparing for birth. Every single minute that passes is one minute closer to meeting your baby. In the last few days of pregnancy theres so much going on in there that we cant see from the outside that needs to happen before your baby is born; just because its stopping & starting or moving slowly, doesnt mean your body isnt doing exactly what its supposed to! These early surges might be encouraging your baby to rotate into the right position; they might be helping your baby tuck their chin down & align themselves for birth; they might be moving your baby further down into your pelvis; they might be causing your cervix to soften, draw forwards, shorten, or begin to open.. youre doing everything right! . So if this is you in a few months time, a few days or maybe even as your read this- youre already one minute closer to meeting your baby this is one minute youll never do again and SOMETHING in there has changed! Things ARE always moving forward! And it WILL reach a point where the starting doesnt stop, until you have your gorgeous baby in your arms! . So for now- Distraction Relaxation Breathing Patience and trust Youre so close. If this was you, what are your best tips for staying positive during this stage? . @milk
07.01.2022 Be the one. Be that one voice that speaks up to echo the mother’s preferences, the parents’ wishes. . . . From Brittney Hogue - Birth, Baby, Family Photographer... - Central IL . "He's going straight to NICU?" "No, we want him to have time with mom first unless he has to go." Those are words that make you love the team you're surrounded by. The team that says mom has worked unimaginably hard for this moment and she deserves to hold onto it for as long as we can let her. It took only one voice to make sure this moment happened for a mother. And that voice was here, in Peoria. Serving with the greatest care and love. #hellopeoria #hellopeoriaart #34weekpreemie #vbacsuccess #vbacwithoutfear #peoriabirths #peoriabirthphotographer #centralillinoisphotographer #skintoskin #birthphotography
06.01.2022 Things are happening to parents and their infants during pregnancy and child birth because they are receiving care that has no basis in fact, evidence, birth ...physiology or bio-mechanics. Parents and infants are easy targets, particularly in late pregnancy and during childbirth. The family bears the brunt of the outcomes in many cases for years to come and occasionally for a lifetime. Please seek the best education, the best preparation, ask questions, evaluate the answers, seek 2nd & 3rd opinions, change providers if necessary, eat well, sleep well, become mindful, seek out the best body workers, seek out the best birth care providers for what you want even if you have to pay for them, fundraise for your care if necessary, practice discerning and trusting your instincts, become a birth geek, exercise well, practice exercises for birth and more. Not being heard and respected? Please please seek help from someone who hears and respects you. How we are birthed and how we give birth means everything. See more
06.01.2022 Birth Without Fear conference coming to Perth!
06.01.2022 I added a couple more movies to my (somewhat) exhaustive list of birth documentaries. Take a look...
05.01.2022 Mummas .. are you pregnant? Soon to give birth? Watch this! Tag someone expecting .. great way to easily explain dilation & the birthing process xx . : #Repost @thebirthhour ..
03.01.2022 Have just been trying to help a woman negotiate her way forward in light of additional conditions that have arisen near the end of her pregnancy. I have come to... appreciate that historically and currently our maternity system primarily functions in a "parent-child" paradigm with the doctors as the "parents" and the women as the "children." More adult-adult interactions where the "power" is more balanced is what I am aiming for... How about you?
02.01.2022 In honour of World Mental Health Day. #WorldMentalHealthDay #QldMentalHealthWeek #QMHW... #WMHD #Birthtrauma #valuementalhealth See more
02.01.2022 So good to finally have this option in WA!
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