Perth Brain Centre | Mental health service
Perth Brain Centre
Phone: +61 8 6500 3277
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25.01.2022 Increasingly students of all ages are turning away from printed textbooks to spend more time studying using screens - but research indicates that this can have a negative impact on learning. Time to get "back to basics" as they say... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #learning
25.01.2022 The Perth Brain Centre welcomes Yuval Gurfinkel ! Yuval holds a Degree in Physiology (BS) and is completing his final year of a Master of Biomedical Science (MBS), specialising in Neuroscience at the University of Western Australia. Yuval is currently researching methods for Alzheimers disease diagnosis, using hyperspectral retinal imaging to investigate ocular biomarkers of Alzheimers disease at the Ralph and Patricia Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute. Yuval is passi...onate about patient care and looks forward to contributing to our understanding of neurological disorders, mental health issues, and chorionic pain, as well as help develop individualised care programs for patients and their families. Yuval is interested in the applications of non-invasive treatments of neurological disorders as well as mental health issues. He is an advocate of implementing exercise within individualised treatment pathways for enhancing physical, social and psychological well-being. The Perth Brain Centre has been providing regular Clinical Placements for students of neuroscience from The University of Western Australia for the past few years and is happy to welcome Yuval to the team.
24.01.2022 A new long-awaited government report has found that almost half of all Australians meet the criteria for a mental illness at some point in their lives and at cost of $220b per year to the economy. These are staggering figures and mental illness is complex with often no single therapy providing the solution. Decades of research indicates that the seeds of mental illness often start to germinate in childhood and adolescence wth lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, screen-time, sleep and stress playing a role. For further information about how to boost brain health see: #perthbraincentre #perth #mentalillness #anxiety #depression #lifestyle
24.01.2022 Feel like a coffee first thing ? Research indicates it's best to wait until after you've had breakfast... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #coffee
24.01.2022 Its that time of the day...But what exactly does coffee do to our brain and body ? #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #coffee
24.01.2022 Trans-Cranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), a type of non-invasive brain stimulation that uses a small electric current to stimulate the brain, is most commonly known as a treatment for depression. Research also shows that tDCS can help reduce pain and fatigue associated with Fibromylagia. For information about tDCS see: #perthbraincentre #perth #fibromyalgia #tDCS
23.01.2022 We hear so much about the importance of practicing gratitude, but what does this mean ? Get some tips from the experts... #perthbraincentre #perth #gratitude #brainhealth
23.01.2022 Yet MORE research that taking time to look at brain activity can help improve our understanding of what is causing experiences such as disassociation - information that can in turn be used to help direct targeted treatment. This is EXACTLY the approach that The Perth Brain Centre has been using for over 10 years. For more information about how scans can help direct personalised drug-free therapies that work by re-wiring or re-training the brain, see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #anxiety #disassociation #scan #qeeg #neuroplasticity
21.01.2022 What are the recommendations for screen time in Australia for children ? Find out... #perthbraincentre #perth #screentime
21.01.2022 More evidence that staying socially connected is important for mental health. So its time to stop scrolling through your social media and talk to someone ! For more tips to boost your brain function and mental health see: #perthbraincentre #perth #anxiety #depression #media
21.01.2022 Yet more research that taking time to actually look at how the brain is working can provide valuable insights into what is going on, and in turn how best to help - An approach that The Perth Brain Centre has taken for more than a decade. For more information about brain scans can help see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #qeeg #scan #anorexia #bodydysmorphicdisorder
20.01.2022 PERTH BRAIN CENTRE - INFORMATION SESSION ! What do you do when medication and talk-based therapies don't work ? Do you want to learn more about how your brain works and how to look after it ? Are you interested in discovering more about how targeted brain-based therapies can help people with problems such as ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, Chronic Pain, Depression, Memory Problems and Migraine, without using drugs or talk-based therapies ? Are you keen to learn more about the exciting... science of Neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to change its own structure and function) ? If the answer to any of these questions is YES - Join us for a Clinic Information Session, see: The Perth Brain Centre has been helping people of all ages for more than 10 years using drug-free treatments that help by re-wiring and re-training the brain. #perthbraincentre #perth #adhd #anxiety #autism #chronicpain #depression #memoryproblems #migraine #neuroplasticity
20.01.2022 As many people around the world prepare for a very different type of festive season this year here are some tips on how to survive a "Zoom Christmas"... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #christmas
20.01.2022 So we have more in common with the rest of the universe than scientists previously thought ! #perthbraincentre #perth #brain
19.01.2022 Time for a brain game ! #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #game
19.01.2022 The Perth Brain Centre is very pleased to be participating in part of a 3-part documentary series with Tenille Bentley exploring the connection between science and sound. Here we are filming for the series in clinic :-) We look forward to sharing more about this exciting project over the next few months... #perthbraincentre #brain #tenillebentley
18.01.2022 MORE EVIDENCE THAT ACTUALLY LOOKING AT THE BRAIN IS A GOOD IDEA - This type of brain imaging is not yet readily accessible, however QEEG Brain Scans are available (and whilst not always a practical solution for infants and very young children) can provide invaluable information about how the brain is working, see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #scan #qeeg
18.01.2022 Do you have a test or exam coming up ? Research indicates that taking a placebo can reduce exam-nerves - EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW IT'S A PLACEBO ! Brain's are amazing :-) #perthbraincentre #perth #anxiety
18.01.2022 How do you take notes ? Research indicates that taking notes by hand is associated with better learning than when using a computer/device - "Old fashioned pen and paper is definitely best". The Perth Brain Centre has been helping people of all ages, for over 10 years, to improve their attention and learning by using QEEG Brain Scans to help target brain-training (neurofeedback). For more information about how neurofeedback can help see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #learning #neurofeedback #adhd
18.01.2022 Do you want your children to do better at school ? Research indicates that children's brains are more active, learn more and remember better when they write by hand (rather than using a keyboard). The Perth Brain Centre has been helping to improve children's attention and learning for over 10 years, using QEEG Brain Scans to help target Neurofeedback Therapy (targeted brainwave training). For more information see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #attention #learning
17.01.2022 New research indicates that childhood trauma changes the structure and function of the brain, accelerating body and brain ageing. This study further highlights the need for effective and early intervention. #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #ptsd #trauma
17.01.2022 Getting enough sleep is critically important, especially for children. Here are some great tips for how to help your children get a better nights sleep... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #sleep
17.01.2022 Monday is nearly over - Smile ! Youll feel better :-) #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #smile
17.01.2022 Are you the same person you used to be ? #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #personality
16.01.2022 Increasingly scientists and clinicians are taking the time to actually look at the brains of people with problems like anxiety, depression, or in this case aggressive and anti-social behaviour. Understanding how an individuals brain is working is key to targeting personalised care - an approach that The Perth Brain Centre has taken for more than a decade. For more information about brain scans can help see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #mentalhealth #scan #qeeg
15.01.2022 Have you heard of Face pareidolia ? Probably not, but you probably do it all the time without even knowing... #perthbraincentre #perth #Facepareidolia
15.01.2022 How exactly does stress affect the brain ? How can you protect yourself from the damaging effects of stress ? Find out... For more information about how your brain works and how you can optimise brain function see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brainhealth #neuroplasticity
14.01.2022 Too much time spent with no purpose is associated with unhappiness. Stay busy! But with what ? Find out... #perthbraincentre #perth #depression
13.01.2022 This research shows that targeted brain-stimulation therapy, guided by mapping brainwave activity, can help improve language problems after stroke. This is exactly the approach taken at The Perth Brain Centre where QEEG Brain Scans help to personalise targeted brain-based therapies including non-invasive brain stimulation, see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #tDCS #stroke #stimulation #scan #qeeg
13.01.2022 How exactly does Christmas affect your brain ? Find out... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #christmas
12.01.2022 Why are some people LEFT-HANDED ? #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #lefthanded
11.01.2022 There are many factors which impact how we age, including just your mindset - SO THINK YOUNG ! #perthbraincentre #perth #brainhealth
11.01.2022 New research indicates that multi-tasking may affect short-term memory... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #memory
11.01.2022 What are your plans this weekend ? We hear a lot about the benefits of walking in "green spaces", but research also shows that spending time in "blue spaces" can boost mood and well-being too... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #nature #mood #mentalhealth
10.01.2022 At The Perth Brain Centre we often help people to improve their social interactions with others - But how can you build rap-paw with cats ? Find out ! #perthbraincentre #perth #cats
10.01.2022 Do you feel that lockdown has affected your memory ? You are not alone... For tips on how to boost brain function see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #memory
10.01.2022 Neurofeedback (targeted brainwave training) is most commonly known as a drug-free treatment for disorders affecting attention, executive control and emotional regulation (such as ADHD, Anxiety and Depression). However, with careful patient selection and using brain-scans to help target therapy, Neurofeedback can also help people with chronic pain. For more information about Neurofeedback Therapy see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #neurofeedback #pain
10.01.2022 For more information about how Trans-Cranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) can help treat depression, see: #perthbraincentre #perth #depression #tdcs #brainstimulation
10.01.2022 They say that people hunger for social contact. New research shows that social isolation and hunger for food are associated with similar patterns of brain activity... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #socialisolation #anxiety
09.01.2022 This Way Up is a great resource that we often recommend to our patients. Here are some great tips for letting others know how you feel and what you need when you feel stressed... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #stress #anxiety
09.01.2022 It can be difficult at times to be grateful, but there is LOTS of research that practicing gratitude changes the brain and boosts mental health. Keeping a Gratitude Journal is simple and powerful - Start today ! #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #gratitude #journal
08.01.2022 Time for a brain game ! #perthbraincentre #perth #brain
08.01.2022 As we all approach Christmas and the long school holidays some of us are wondering how to keep the children entertained - Here are some great BRAINY ideas ! #perthbraincentre #perth #brain
08.01.2022 What are planning to listen to tonight ? And how long should you listen for to get optimum effects on your mood ? Music is medicine, find out more... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #music #mood #mentalhealth
07.01.2022 Stuck for ideas ? Why not head off for a walk ? Research indicates that walking can boost creativity by 60% ! #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #creativity
07.01.2022 ALARMING NEW RESEARCH that nearly one in 12 university students in Western Australia have turned to cognitive enhancers including prescription and illicit drugs in an attempt to boost their academic performance. There are natural ways to help build resilience and boost brain function such as focussing on prioritising diet, exercise and sleep. Biofeedback Training has also been shown to help improve resilience to stress and boost performance, see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #stress #biofeedback
07.01.2022 Have you had breakfast ? Whats the best breakfast for your brain ? Find out... #perthbraincentre #perth #brainhealth #breakfast #food
06.01.2022 Anxiety is the most common mental health problem in Australia and is much more than just feeling stressed or worried. Studies indicate that there are key parts in the brain that can get "all messed up" in anxiety. Perhaps its time for a "brain make-over" to help harness the natural power of the brain to repair - Neuroplasticity... #perthbraincentre #perth #anxiety #neurplasticity
06.01.2022 What colour is Tuesday ? #perthbraincentre #perth #synesthesia
06.01.2022 Should you trust your first impression and "go with your gut" ? How does your brain decide ? Find out... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain
05.01.2022 The Perth Brain Centre welcomes Ann Maria Varghese ! Ann Maria is a Health Science Masters student specialising in Neuroscience at UWA. She completed her undergraduate in Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Medicine) in India. Ann Marias specific interests are Neuropsychiatry and neuroplasticity and she plans to secure a career equally oriented to clinical medicine, academic excellence and medical research. The Perth Brain Centre has been providing regular Clinical... Placements for students of neuroscience from The University of Western Australia for the past few years and is happy to welcome Ann Maria to the team. #perthbraincentre
05.01.2022 October is ADHD Awareness Month - So what is it like to have ADHD ? This short fictional film provides some insights... What do you do if medication doesn't work (or if you would prefer to avoid medication-based treatment) ? Neurofeedback Therapy (targeted brainwave training) can be an effective drug-free treatment for ADHD with the added benefits of sustained results after training finishes. For more information about Neurofeedback Therapy see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #adhd #neurofeedback
04.01.2022 The Perth Brain Centre specialises in providing Biofeedback Training to help people with problems such as Anxiety and Migraine Headaches. So what exactly is Biofeedback ? Find out... #perthbraincentre #perth #biofeedback #anxiety #migraine
04.01.2022 Time to get outside this weekend :-) #perthbraincentre #brainhealth #nature
04.01.2022 Its the weekend and time for a BRAIN GAME ! Yuor barin si amziang nda cna raed amlost anthying... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #game
04.01.2022 Amazingly researchers in Copenhagen has discovered the location of the "Christmas Spirit" in the brain ! #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #christmas2020 #scan
04.01.2022 Neurofeedback (targeted brainwave training) is most commonly known as a drug-free treatment for ADHD, however increasingly people are recognising its potential to help people recover from trauma. For more information about how Neurofeedback can help see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #neurofeedback #ptsd #trauma
03.01.2022 Less screen-time and more green-time is associated with better mental and physical health amongst children and adolescents - important for everyone to remember at this time... #perthbraincentre #perth #mentalhealth #brain
03.01.2022 Did you get enough sleep last night ? For more tips on how to boost brain function see: #perthbraincentre #perth #sleep #mentalhealth
02.01.2022 What are you listening to tonight...Mozart ? The music of Mozart has a clear beneficial effect on brain function with research showing that it can reduce epilepsy. The Perth Brain Centre has been helping people to improve their brain function for over 10 years - For more information see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #mozart #music #epilepsy
02.01.2022 We have shared these great tips before, and it seems appropriate to share these again given that October is ADHD Awareness Month. #perthbraincentre #ADHD
02.01.2022 Merry Christmas ! The Perth Brain Centre will re-open at 8.00 am on Monday 4 January. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!... #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #chistmas2020
02.01.2022 The Perth Brain Centre welcomes Adeline Yong ! Adeline is a final year Master’s student studying Biomedical Science with a Major in Neuroscience at the University of Western Australia. She’s keen to be involved in both clinical and research aspects in the field as well as learn practical and professional skills along the way at The Perth Brain Centre. The Perth Brain Centre has been providing regular Clinical Placements for students of neuroscience from The University of Western Australia for several years and is happy to welcome Adeline to the team.
02.01.2022 Get to bed early tonight ! Studies indicate that insufficient sleep can shrink the brain...So put down your screen, climb into bed and get to sleep early... #perthbraincentre #perth #brainhealth #sleep
01.01.2022 What are your kids doing this weekend ? They could join a circus ! Australian research indicates that learning circus skills improves childrens mental health AND they have fun at the same time. For details of the study see: #perthbraincentre #perth #mentalhealth #circus #kids #children
01.01.2022 The Perth Brain Centre has been using functional brain imaging for over 10 years to help people with problems such as ADHD, Anxiety, Autism and Depression. For more information about how brain scans can help see: #perthbraincentre #perth #brain #scan #qeeg #mentalhealth
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