Perth Freedive in Safety Bay, Western Australia, Australia | Sport & recreation
Perth Freedive
Locality: Safety Bay, Western Australia, Australia
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25.01.2022 A few days ago I posted a video of me working out while talking about weight training for freediving, but apparently the video had no sound. So this meme will have to do because I dont take gym selfies. Unlike meme guy. Ive posted about swimming and doing yoga, pranayama and lung stretches for freedive training, but weight training can also be highly beneficial. I go to the gym at least 3 times a week to work on leg strength (essential for strong and efficient kicking in al...l disciplines), arm and upper body strength (for free immersion and the CNF pull) and core strength for, well, everything. Its not always easy to make myself walk into the gym and get moving amongst a room full of these guys in the picture, but I know its beneficial, not just for diving, but for my overall health. Oh and Im also slightly broken. I have an angry left knee thats currently inflamed and in pain and I could use that as an excuse to skip the gym (and trust me, I WANT to) but I dont. Instead I modify my training so I dont further aggravate it. So the trifecta of strength, swimming and breath/yoga/meditation training help me keep focus and motivation during the months I cant train in the ocean. And they make those first few dives when I finally get back to the ocean more peaceful and fulfilling. Im still at work for 4 more days but my heart is already in Jemeluk Bay. I cant wait to slip my toes in the water and sink into the great mother ocean with my friends. Deep Week here I come!
24.01.2022 If you try to email me in the next two weeks I wont be able to reply. I cant access emails at work so I wont see yours until the 30th. If you need me, just message me through Facebook :)
24.01.2022 Get it girl! Amber Bourke
23.01.2022 The Rockingham dive crew is back to training! Thanks Chris Bradbury for running the session tonight. Its time to get back into diving shape for summer!
20.01.2022 When your pool doesnt let you do breath hold freediving training yet (I really dont like calling it "hypoxic" training), you do hypercapnic training instead! Today Chris Bradbury and I did: *4 laps freestyle warm up... *Ladders - 1 lap no breath, 1 lap breathe every 9 strokes, every 7, every 5, every 3, REST. Repeat in the opposite direction. *2 laps freestyle (breathe and swim at your own pace). At the end of 2 laps, hold breath for 10 seconds. Repeat but hold for 20, then 30, then 40. *Swim 1 lap freestyle then 1 lap underwater. Repeat once. It was short and sweet but definitely a great way to get back in training the bodys response to lactic acid and high levels of CO2! Well keep up this type of training until Aqua Jetty give us the go-ahead to train with our fins and "mermaid tails", as they call them :)
20.01.2022 To sink into the depths To surrender to its embrace To see beauty in the darkness But always to return, To return to whence I came... And breathe the light Michael Board
20.01.2022 Check out this amazing diving opportunity, run by my friend and national dive champ Adam Sellars. Im hoping to get a chance to join him on this retreat some day!
18.01.2022 Good morning freedivers! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! While Im highly flattered by all the recent phone calls and emails enquiring about my courses and personal coaching, Im not actually teaching at the moment because Ive temporarily sold my soul to the 4/1 FIFO gods. I DO plan on teaching again but I dont quite know when yet. As soon as I know, Ill have another important announcement to post :) If youre looking for Perth-based courses, feel free to send me a personal messag...e and I can point you in the right direction. Or you can post on the Perth Freedive Training page and one of the several active instructors will get in touch with you. Thank you for understanding! I look forward to training with you in the future. Happy diving :)
17.01.2022 I finally got back in the water after a LONG break (due to cold water/weather and work and life commitments)! It felt great to get salty again and stretch my gills. Unfortunately I still dont know when I can teach again. Im working in Perth this month but will be working Saturdays for awhile and will be in America from 10 Feb to 19 March. Im hoping to get some courses going through April and part of May. Fingers crossed! Thanks for your continued interest in training with and for your patience. If youve stumbled upon this page and want to do a course sooner than late March, send me a message and Ill point you in the right direction. Happy and SAFE diving :)
15.01.2022 Hey fellow merfolk! Yes, Im still alive. Sadly Ive had to spend another season out of the water due to an ACL reconstruction. With the COVID restrictions lifting, Id love to teach a few courses but apparently Im not meant to be doing much breath holding while pregnant So hopefully after our little mermaid arrives in October, Ill be able to stretch my lungs again. If youre looking for courses, check out Darren Aitken at SpearAus or Tania Douthwaite. Theyre both and active instructors. If youre having trouble getting in touch with them directly, put up a post on the Perth Freedive Training Facebook page or the WA Undersea Club page and Im sure a local instructor will get back to you :) Happy diving and stay safe! With love, Jackie
14.01.2022 Freediver breath-hold times sound impossible, but the science behind it is actually quite simple.
13.01.2022 So I owe some of you a massive apology! I thought Id deactivated my website but somehow it was still published. I just realised today that I had over 50 inquiries sent to me through the website that never made it to me. So if you messaged me through the website and I didnt get back to you, Im sorry! The best way to get in touch with me is through Facebook :) Happy and safe diving! Jackie
12.01.2022 Hey freediving family! For those of you who have never met me, Im Jackie :) Just thought Id introduce myself and let you know that even though Im not teaching right now, Im always happy to answer any freediving questions you might have, or just have a chat! I hope we can dive together one day! Until then, happy and SAFE diving...
11.01.2022 Gili T is where it all began for me. Its my original freediving home and still holds a huge piece of my heart. The Gilis and neighboring Lombok are struggling after the earthquakes and could use your help. The earthquakes and aftershocks have left over 200,000 people homeless and caused severe issues with food and water supply and sanitation. This is not just about rebuilding the dive tourism industry for foreigners; this is about humanitarian aid and helping people regain ...the basic necessities of human existence. Thanks for your help and thanks to all the Gilis, Lombok and Bali residents who are banding together to help in any way they can. **Donation details are in the comments of the original post.
10.01.2022 Back to 40 meters FIM today and it was so much fun! Im doing my best not to focus on numbers while Im here, instead focusing on just relaxing and perfecting my equalization techniques. So far every single dive has just been pure bliss, even the ones where I lose my mouthfill and end up with a gut full of air! Its so easy to let the numbers rule our training and completely ruin our mental state. As Adam keeps saying, deep diving is all about finding new levels of relaxation, and my relaxation comes from just experiencing the dive, no matter what the dive may bring :) And heres a picture of us practising mouthfill with balloons. Always good for a laugh and an excellent way to practice mouthfill.
10.01.2022 What a beautiful picture! And such an amazing experience.
09.01.2022 Hey freediving family! Jackie here, after a long, long hiatus. I was planning on teaching some courses this summer but Ive gone and torn my last original ACL. So instead, Ill be getting surgery on the 9th and not working at all for several months. My webpage will be deactivated from the 16th of December, but I can still be reached through Facebook if you have any questions, need some diving guidance, or just want to chat I appreciate all the interest in my courses and tra...ining, but there are several other instructors in the Perth area who will be able to help you more than I can. Their details are below (its by no means a comprehensive list, just a list of the instructors who sent me their details). Happy and safe diving! Caroline Haynes PADI and Molchanovs Master FD instructor FbK: @saltfixlife [email protected] Darren Aitken [email protected] Tania Douthwaite [email protected] Dario Carpenito Embodied Ocean Freediving Based in Margaret River AIDA 1, 2 and 3 course and SSI basic, 1, and 2 course Contacts:-0426 894 953 [email protected] also on messenger through our FB page.
09.01.2022 New World Record! Alexey Molchanov 130m Constant Weight! Go Alexey!!
08.01.2022 A million miles of gratitude from the fathoms of my heart for your well wishes from around the world. Im eternally grateful not only to have each one of you in... my life, but ever more so that you took time out of your day to send me your love. Today was perfect and a perfect reminder that I live a blessed life. I started the morning diving the Liberty wreck and followed that up with a very indulgent lunch of a tempeh burger with sweet potato chips and an Oreo milkshake! After a nap I went to Michaels workshop on mental preparations for training and flow state. I cant express how grateful I am to learn from the experiences (and mistakes) of fellow divers. And then I frolicked around a dance floor at Kates and Davides ecstatic dance! It was pure bliss, followed by vegan chocolate cake, a banana smoothie and wine gifted by the lovely and generous Matthew and Patricia from Blue Earth Village/Apneista. My belly and my heart are full from all the delicious food and love, my feet and legs are sore from dancing, and Im grateful to spend another year sharing this world with such incredible people as yourselves.
07.01.2022 Opening day of Origin ECN Vertical Blue 2018
07.01.2022 Today was full of workshops with Kate Middleton, absolutely joyful dives, and lots of smiles :) And at the end of it, I celebrated reaching my old CNF PB with a Bintang, friends and the mighty Mt Agung. My heart is full!
06.01.2022 All packed and ready for Deep Week (not to mention 2 weeks off work!!) :) Amed here I come!
06.01.2022 This is the absolute best. Not sure why its so funny? Take a freediving course and find out :)
06.01.2022 Wowzers! Looks like Im the best Freediving Youtuber....Feeling like a cool cat :P
05.01.2022 Hey everyone! This is my home away from home while Im at work for 4 weeks. Its all the space I have to myself and contains everything I need - a bed, bathroom, cupboards, drawers, window, and the centerpiece that ties it all yoga mat. My little green yoga mat has been with me for about 13 years. Shes way too thin for my old knees, shes wearing out and nowhere near as bright as she used to be, but I cant get rid of her. I leave her on the floor at night so ...when my alarm goes off at 3:45am, I have no excuse not to do my morning freedive stretches and yoga - all I have to do is roll out of bed and onto my mat (which is pretty much exactly what happens). I start my morning with a spine awakening, lung stretching routine I learned from Mike at Freedive Gili and follow that up with uddhiyana banda stretches (so important for deep diving!), kapalbhati breath, 10 minutes of meditation and a short asana sequence. It takes me about 45 minutes to complete and sets me up perfectly for a day at work. Physical training is important to freediving performance, but breath and mental training are just as essential! Find a balance between the two and youll see marked improvements in your performance - not to mention your daily life :)
05.01.2022 Australasian Diving Academy in Rockingham is closing down! Head over soon to take advantage of the discounts on freediving gear.
05.01.2022 Youll get it next time Amber Bourke! Rest well :-)
04.01.2022 Perth Freedive made it to the Sunday Times! I love that freediving is getting more publicity in WA, especially publicity that emphasizes the importance of taking a course in order to be a SAFE and educated diver :) While I appreciate the publicity, Im still not teaching at the moment! Im hoping to run some courses in late March/early April after I get back from the US. Stay tuned and by all means keep sending through your inquiries. If I cant teach you or get you the answers you need, Ill do my best to point you in the right direction.
04.01.2022 Tonights pool session was fantastic! If you need some inspiration for pool training that includes cardio fitness, CO2 training and lactic acid training, check out tonights session below: 40 laps total *16 laps freestyle... *4 laps sprint freestyle (with small fins) *4 laps backstroke kick (with small fins) *4 laps underwater butterfly kick (with small fins. 3 kicks then surface with a half butterfly arm stroke to breathe.) *8 laps breaststroke *4 laps underwater DYN (with small fins) I swam the first 16 laps without a break but for all the sprints, I took small rests in between. Youre welcome to time your rests and stick to an interval, but when it comes to fitness and CO2 training, Im a firm believer in just going when youre ready. It keeps you from fretting and mentally stressing about times and performance and allows you to just keep moving in your own time. Enjoy!
04.01.2022 What do you do when you work 6 to 7 days a week and cant train in the ocean because a croc will eat you before your bathers even get wet? You do pool training! For the past couple weeks, in anticipation of Deep Week, Ive been spending most mornings on my yoga mat doing pranayama, asana and various lung stretches, and most evenings in the pool. As I dont have a buddy to watch me during long breath holds, I keep my training basic: lap swimming with a focus on breastroke and... freestyle, laps of only kicking with my little fins, and no more than 25 meter breath hold swims with sufficient recovery time between each. Quite often when we think of pool training, we think it can only consist of boring statics (my LEAST favorite) and endless laps of DNF and DYN. Never underestimate the importance of simply swimming, especially freestyle and breastroke! Youll not only improve your breathhold but also your technique, strength, and cardiovascular fitness. Whats your favorite way to train? Are you training for any events in particular? Id love to know!
04.01.2022 My new favorite video with one of my favorite people, Michael Board. Its refreshing to see a music video with such an important message...and filmed completely underwater!
04.01.2022 Hey everyone! Im back! Im thinking of running a PADI freediving course on the weekend of 20-21 October. Anyone interested?
02.01.2022 Well folks, Deep Week has officially begun! Its such an honor being able to share the line with great divers like Adam Stern, Davide Carrera and Mike Board. Im doing my best to soak up their wisdom and experience! I made it back to 35 meters today and made some tweaks to my mouth fill, with Adams help. Its been such a pleasure being back in the warm water with great friends! Cant wait to see what tomorrow brings.
02.01.2022 Stay tuned for exciting news about a possible partnership with Adreno! And again, I appreciate all the emails and phone calls, but Im not teaching this winter. But I WILL be teaching this summer! Stay tuned for dates.
02.01.2022 A couple days old now but still relevant :)
02.01.2022 23 meters on 1 breath! Looks like Ill be staying in Gili Trawangan for more Freediving courses. Australia, Ill see you in April instead of March.
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