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Perth NRM in Belmont, Western Australia | Environmental conservation organisation

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Perth NRM

Locality: Belmont, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9374 3333

Address: Level 2, 161 Great Eastern Highway 6104 Belmont, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 #UPDATE (2.25pm): A bushfire warning for the north east part of High Wycombe in the City of Kalamunda has been downgraded to a WATCH AND ACT after the fire was ...contained by firefighters. An emergency warning was issued earlier in the day for people in an area bounded by Larwood Crescent, Adelaide Street, Roe Highway, Buttercup Crescent, Lambertia Crescent, Norwich Way, Torquay Lane, and Olmy Court in High Wycombe. This area is now at a Watch and Act warning level. The alert level for this fire has been downgraded as the fire has been contained. There is a possible threat to lives and homes as a fire is approaching in the area and conditions are changing.

25.01.2022 Community Grants for groups in the Middle Canning Estuary are now available. Submissions close 14 September. Follow the links for more details!

25.01.2022 Its Threatened Species Day. To mark the occassion, were releasing the videos from our recent Threatened Species Webinar, held on August 27, 2020. Wed like to thank everyone who tuned in for the event, and of course, our featured speakers, Dr. Micha Jackson, Dr. Rochelle Steven and Nicola Palmer. These speakers take us through some of the local, regional and national issues in Threatened Species conservation. ... The webinar and videos from this presentation was made possible by Perth NRMs Threatened Species Project. This project is supported by Perth NRM, through funding from the Australian Governments National Landcare Program. #NLP #threatenedspeciesday #threatenedspecies Threatened Species Recovery Hub, The University of Queensland, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, WWF-Australia, Paruna Wildlife Sanctuary.

25.01.2022 There are still a few tickets left to the Community Guide To Identifying Weeds workshop next Friday, featuring Sandy Lloyd, President of the Weed Society of WA (and DPIRD), with information and resources that will be useful to Friends groups and landcare managers. Hope to see you there!

25.01.2022 Well done, waders!

25.01.2022 This is some really exciting work being undertaken by SERCUL as part of the Swan Canning River Recovery Stage Two. Well be providing more info in our newsletter next week! Truly great work from the SERCUL team!

24.01.2022 Beachy vibes, community atmosphere, feel-good planting, tasty morning tea... sounding good?! The Friends of Freo Beaches, the City of Fremantle and Perth NRM invite our wonderful community to join us as we rehabilitate the dunes in front of the North Freo Surf Life Saving Club at Leighton Beach! This Saturday morning, 8th August from 9am! Register below!

24.01.2022 Time for another National Biodiversity Month post! Today were looking at all the hard work that goes in to protecting, rehabilitating and even enhancing our coastline. The beach has historically been an integral part of the Western Australian experience, its often where we spend time during our holidays and its a huge part of our appeal for visitors as well.... However, like many environmental assets, the coast is under increasing pressure from urban development, coastal erosion and inundation, physical damage from recreational uses such as 4WD incursions or simply walking off the paths. Fortunately, many parts of our coastline are under the stewardship of community groups who work hard to save their beaches, undertaking clean-ups and planting native species along ther coast to make the dunes more resilient and provide habitat to remaining wildlife. Perth NRM plays an important role in coastal conservation in our region, providing administrative support and assistance with grant applications, environmental management advice and working with suppliers and local governments to ensure work can be done. Coastal groups are always looking for volunteers, so if the beach is important to you and you want it to be there for the future, join our PNRM Coastal + Marine facebook group or contact us directly to see who you can work with in your area.

23.01.2022 Entered your photos of Jirdarup Bushland yet? Get those cameras or phones out! Or look at photos youve already got - photos taken in Jirdarup (including Kens...ington Bushland and George Street Reserve) in the past also can be entered! But youll need to act quickly - the entry deadline of 30th of September is looming! You can find all the rules on our fabulous new website DATES FOR YOUR DIARY - The public exhibition of the winners AND the best of the rest runs Friday 6th to Wednesday 25th November 2020 in the Kent Street Gallery-Victoria Park Centre for the Arts. We look forward seeing your pictures in the exhibition! FAME and FORTUNE? As well as the $500 cash first prizes (for Fauna, Flora, Habitat/Landscape, Junior and The Peoples Choice categories) and $100 second prizes, courtesy of our wonderful sponsors, your photos could go on public display!! The winners AND the best of the rest photographs will grace the Gallery walls in November! The $10 entry fee (for three photos) goes towards the costs of printing and mounting the winners and the best of the rest. Could that you include YOUR PHOTO(S)? Photo credit: Robert Audcent Photography Website design: Town of Victoria Park Perth NRM Waldecks Garden Centre Bentley Pets and Vets WA Victoria Park Rotary Beaver Tree Services Hawaiians Park Centre BirdLife Western Australia Connect Victoria Park Inc

22.01.2022 Welcome to National Biodiversity Month. Australia has many unique flora and fauna species, all of which have evolved to play a specific role in our ecosystem. Unfortunately, some of these are under threat, such as the Woylie, one of natures ecosystem engineers. Burrowing marsupials such as Woylies are little excavators that help turn the earth under the topsoil, preventing soil compaction, increasing water retention, providing habitat for macroinvertebrates and generally imp...roving the overall biodiversity of their homes. Woylies are part of Perth NRMs Threatened Species program, through our support of the Australian Wildlife Conservancy at sites like Karakamia Sanctuary. Stay tuned for the release of our Threatened Species Webinar next Monday - which combines National Biodiversity Month with Threatened Species Day!

20.01.2022 Hello! Were continuing our series for National Biodiversity Month with something you might not have even thought about Soil! Biodiversity isnt only about birds, animals and plants its also about the relationships between all of these elements to create a productive ecosystem. This is a concept that scales up, and down to the earth beneath our feet. ... Soil is actually a mixture of minerals, organisms, organic matter, liquids, organisms and even gases, that work together to support life. Western Australian farmers are among the worlds leaders in thinking about the biodiversity of their soil. Some of our food producers are working to revive, encourage or create natural soil systems that can reduce agricultures dependence on artificial fertilisers, fungicides, pesticides and other inputs into the land that produces our food. Some of these techniques include year-round perennial plantings or mixed crops to keep the soil active, or holistic grazing and the reintroduction of livestock to farmland. These techniques are designed to build biological life below the surface. To learn more about how some of Western Australias farmers are trying to literally bring our land to life, head over to, proudly supported by Perth NRM.

20.01.2022 Perth NRM is pleased to announce its support of Looking Thru The Lens, a nature-themed photography competition for youth aged 12-18, from the City of Canning. Use a mobile phone or digital camera to capture something within the natural environment in the City of Canning and tell the stories of the flora, fauna and ecosystems around you that you value, and would like to see protected and preserved, now and into the future. Photography workshops will be held at the Canning River Eco Education Centre on Wednesday 7 October in support of the competition.

20.01.2022 Nice work! Well be making our own Threatened Species announcement very soon!

20.01.2022 World Soil Day Speaker - Dean Ryan is a beef, potato, avocado and kiwifruit farmer in Manjimup. He is passionate about soil health and farming sustainably. Having trialed and implemented an array of practices which improve #soilbiodiversity. #WSD2020 #Farmerspeaker #DeanRyan #WSD For more information on this farmer-focussed event for World Soil Day please visit:

20.01.2022 Perth NRM congratulates Cecilia (Cec) McConnell on her appointment as the new Soil and Land Conservation Commissioner. Ms McConnell is a scientist respected for her work in hydrology and natural resource management, and a valuable voice for the future of our State.

18.01.2022 Spring has sprung! Warmer weather means the perfect time to get out into the garden. Learning to identify and deal with weeds will help keep your garden (and your thumb) green. Attend our community workshop to ask questions, get advice for your conservation efforts, and network with other Friends Groups and small landholders.

16.01.2022 A handpicked bunch of blooms from us to you! Many trees, flowers, plants and bulbs begin to grow during the Spring because of ample availability of water, light, warmth and soil.

15.01.2022 Its national #LandcareWeek (until Sunday 9 August), so its a great time to recognise the work undertaken by Community Groups such as the Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group throughout the year. Thanks for sharing these great photos of your school planting day!

13.01.2022 The importance of monitoring and vigilance. Well done, SERCUL.

09.01.2022 A canopy is created when a group of trees grow close enough to connect and extend their habitat for birds and wildlife. A canopy offers freedom of movement, sanctuary from earthbound predators (sorry cat-lovers), shelter and food. This is easily understood when it comes to birds, such as the Carnabys Black Cockatoo, but our region is also home to unique tree-living marsupials such as the Western Ringtail Possum, which is currently a threatened species.... In our urban environments, we sometimes remove old/dead trees for safety reasons but these are the trees that most often have hollows which are an important refuge for our wildlife. However, we can still encourage wildlife by including habitat boxes or other structures with our healthy natives. Plant a stand of trees for the future, and make sure our wildlife has somewhere to call home! #NationalBiodiversityMonth

09.01.2022 A huge thank you to the Marko family, who rushed down to Leighton from Wanneroo after hearing Hannah on ABC Perth this morning! "It was a confluence of a lot of our interests: being out in nature, service in the community, and it was time to get out of bed," said Mr Marko. It was also a great opportunity for a shout-out to the #Scouts from Pelican Point and Subiaco, and the chance to participate in a COVID-safe event.

09.01.2022 Perth NRM had a great time at the Family Friendly Beachcombing Activity in Mullaloo this morning. Proudly presented through funding from the #Coastwest Community Capacity Building grants, it was a fun morning of investigating the beachfront, learning a little about the ecosystem and, importantly, getting out of the house to enjoy our beautiful beaches! We're doing it all again next Tuesday at Leighton Beach in north Fremantle.... Follow the link for details!

08.01.2022 Prepping for a COVID-safe community planting event with Friends of Freo Beaches, the City of Fremantle and volunteers! This event is supported by Perth NRM with funding from Coastwest. #coastcare #veryfreo #landcareweek

06.01.2022 #SignalBoost #FirstNations #Art #Opportunity

04.01.2022 #LandcareWeek was a time of last minute planting and the commencement of seasonal weeding along the Estuary with the Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group (SERAG...). This photo shows SERAGs Saturday Morning at the Cove team at work planting and weeding in a beautiful area of remnant woodland adjoining the Estuary at Alfred Cove. A sapling Eucalyptus rudis was planted to celebrate #Landcare. (Image supplied by SERAG)

03.01.2022 #WeAreIndigenous #IndigenousPeoplesDay

03.01.2022 A group of excited nature lovers joined Perth NRM and Joe Tonga, expert in bats, for a bat bot making workshop on World Environment Day. We learned about bats, their sonar locating abilities, habitats and how they care for their young pups before making bat boxes. The boxes will be painted and named after their makers before becoming bat habitat along the Canning River. ... This event was funded by the Australian Government and supported by the Salter Point Sea Scouts.

03.01.2022 60 students from Rockingham Montessori School came out with their teachers to carry out a beach clean-up and survey at Rockingham Beach today. We collected 4 kg of rubbish from what looked like a really clean beach. The students also collected from the footpaths and access-ways to the beach. All of the results will feed into the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI). Thank you to Luke Martin from ECU for all of his help today. Top items collected: cigarette butts, plastic food packaging and small fragments of rope and net. What a great effort for SeaWeek Australia! #marineeducation; #marineeducators; #PerthNRM; #adoptabeachperth; #take3forthesea; #tenlittlepieces; Perth NRM

03.01.2022 Next in our #SixSeasonsStories series, were taking a brief look at Djilba (the second rains), a season that lasts from August to September. SIx Seasons Stories was filmed with Uncle Nev on Whadjuk land at Adenia Park in Riverton, Western Australia, during Makuru in 2020. This video was created with support from Swan Canning River Recovery Stage Three, delivered by Perth NRM through funding from the Australian Governments Environment Restoration Fund.... Perth NRM acknowledges the traditional custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community. We pay our respects to all members of the Aboriginal communities and their cultures; and to Elders both past, present and emerging.

03.01.2022 The Bat Night Stalk has begun! After some housekeeping and prep, our explorers head out.

03.01.2022 This is the first in a series of SIx Seasons Stories with Uncle Nev, filmed on Whadjuk land at Adenia Park in Riverton, Western Australia, during Makuru in 2020. We are releasing this video to coincide with International Day of the Worlds Indigenous Peoples, Sunday 9 March, 2020. This video was created with support from Swan Canning River Recovery Stage Three, delivered by Perth NRM through funding from the Australian Governments Environment Restoration Fund.... Perth NRM acknowledges the traditional custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community. We pay our respects to all members of the Aboriginal communities and their cultures; and to Elders both past, present and emerging. #SixSeasons #WeAreIndigenous #IndigenousDay #IndigenousPeoplesDay

02.01.2022 As part of our continuing National Biodiversity Month series, were taking a look at the role of the environment in urban infrastructure. Living Steams and Constructed Wetlands are an increasingly popular way to use ecological systems as part of our urban infrastructure, offering improved biodiversity value to our suburbs. There is some fantastic work being done in our region and throughout the country, incorporating issues such as water sensitive urban design, stormwater man...agement and habitat fragmentation. #NationalBiodiversityMonth #biodiversity #livingstreams

01.01.2022 Great achievement and timely! #nationalbiodiversitymonth

01.01.2022 After delays due to COVID restrictions, the Dieback Working Group and our colleagues from South Coast Natural Resource Management Inc. have combined the Dieback Information Group Conference (DWG - DIG) and the South Coast NRM Dieback Information Forum (SCNRM DIF) for a two day event in Perth next week. With remote presentations from experts around the country and further afield, this is a great opportunity for local landcare and bush conservationists to hear the latest on managing Phytophthora.

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