Uniting Church in the City, Perth in Perth, Western Australia | Religious organisation
Uniting Church in the City, Perth
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 6103 4222
Address: 97 William Street 6000 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.perthunitingchurch.org.au
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24.01.2022 The Uniting Church in the City will have a combined pre-recorded service from Wesley Church this Sunday. Please note there will be no Zoom worship this week. There are two ways you can join us: 10am via our website:... https://perthunitingchurch.online.church Anytime via our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEwlZGOkAD5YipAFayge8BQ We look forward to you joining us for worship!
22.01.2022 ' Allow me to share with you the testimony of a young woman who shared her life experience about the cliché we so often hear: "Dont go to bed angry". She writes: I can write books about these five little words, not because I think I can or because I like to write, but because of the impact it had on my life... I had just turned 15, an ignorant young girl. My dad was strict, but loving, loved by the community, loved in church. My dad had this one rule that...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Please note that for this Sunday (12 July) and next Sunday (19 July) Trinity will be joining with Ross Memorial for worship via zoom at 9.30am. Please use the Ross Memorial zoom code to access the gathering. via Zoom: www.zoom.us/j/576384575... Zoom Meeting ID: 576 384 575 See more
19.01.2022 Our 2020 music scholars are really looking forward to playing at church on Sundays. This will be their first opportunity since lockdown began. If you are unable to join us on Sunday's then you can enjoy Clare Waters performing Ulpirra (pipe/flute) Ross Edwards (b. 1943) right here. Thanks to Jared Ross audio/visual. #teamwesley #wesleyscholar #wesleymusicscholar #wesleymusic. #wesleymemories #ucic #wesleyatonememories ... #covid19music #wesleymusic2020 #wesleymusicintheheartofthecity #wesley #wesleyan See more
19.01.2022 Looking for a great Christmas present? Our Trinity School for Seniors 2021 Calendars for now for sale! Trinity School for Seniors has produced a wonderful calendar of original artworks by their talented students.... The calendars are $10 each and are for sale from the TSFS and UCIC Offices. They are also great for posting! To order your copy phone 9483 1333 or email [email protected] All proceeds raised go directly towards improving resources within the TSFS community.
18.01.2022 , , , . John 20:19 This passage has kept coming to my mind during these days of the Corona Virus as we have undergone a lock down period. We have feared being infected by the virus and have mostly obeyed the directions to stay home where possible. This is... something we have never experienced before, but we know there have been pandemics in the past and understand they are something to be cautious about. The disciples were in the locked house because they feared the Jews. What was there to fear? They were in a state of unknowing. They had gone through the worst experience of their lives, had seen the cruelty perpetrated on their friend Jesus, felt that if they showed themselves the same thing might happen to them. How are they going to live their lives now? Even if they have been assured by their friend that they will take his message into the world, it is almost too much to think about. And Jesus appears to them. His appearance is altered, but he is still their beloved friend who will always be there for them, even behind locked doors. I do not, as a Minister, show my innermost self too readily because I want to be there for you in your best and worst moments, whatever they may be. It is a year since our beloved son Stewart died. We have been so supported by all of you during this year which we have really appreciated. This was an anniversary that we were not looking forward to, but we gathered as a family with a bring and share meal to honour his memory. Because of the Pandemic and the Coroners workload in London, the Coroners Inquest did not happen till the day after the anniversary of Stewarts death. It was something we felt a bit afraid of, but our family and Maddy, his partner, and her friend Aga, met the Coroner online through Team Meetings and went through the process. It was a good session which offered a real sense of closure. The fear we had of this process was put to rest by meeting with the Coroner. We felt we could now move on. And throughout this year we have felt the presence of Jesus in our lives. We have felt afraid sometimes to leave home and face the unknown the unknown of what people will say and do, the unknown of who will be carrying the virus. But life does indeed go on and even if we at this point in time are not able to be together in our worshipping communities, we know that one day we will be together again. Best of all, our Lord Jesus is with us through all of this, walks with us every step of the way and will never leave us. ~ , -- ' ' .
18.01.2022 Come and join us for our next free 'Wesley at One' recital. Featuring beautiful music from Krista Low (viola da gamba) and Andrew Tait (viola da gamba). Bring along your lunch and enjoy beautiful music in a peaceful sanctuary.... Friday 20 November 1pm Wesley Church, corner William & Hay Streets, Perth #wesleyfreerecital #freerecital #lunchtimerecital #UCIC - it’s on right now!
17.01.2022 ? : , . . : .... I recently read this gripping story and include part of it here for you: In June 1926, Raymond Edmand, a 26-year-old missionary was in the Andes mountains in Ecuador. He and his wife had only been married for about a year and had an 8-week-old son when Raymond was hit by typhoid fever and almost died. Raymond's feet became cold and he fell into a coma. Raymond's wife and friends were so sure that Raymond would die very soon, so the wife coloured her wedding dress in black in preparation for the burial ceremony and a friend bought a coffin to bury Raymond. At the same time, a Bible conference was taking place in Massachusetts, located about 3,500 miles from Ecuador. Dr. Joseph Evans, one of the leaders at the conference, felt a deep burden to pray for Raymond. The participants at the conference left their Bible studies and began to pray for Raymond, even though they did not know Raymond's condition at that time. They prayed past lunchtime and continued to pray until finally, Evans cried, "Praise God! The victory has been won! And indeed, the victory had been won. Raymond returned to health on that same day, lived 41 more years and became the 4th president of Wheaton College. We need to realize that nothing is too difficult for God. What difficulties are you struggling with today? Leave all your problems to God today in prayer. In this Pandemic time, where people get sick, and people lose their jobs and businesses, let remember that God hears our prayers. , , ' , . ~ , -- ' ' .
16.01.2022 Our 2020 music scholars are really looking forward to playing at church on Sunday. This will be their first opportunity since lockdown began. If you cant join us on Sunday then you can enjoy Miah performing Prayer by Ernest Bloch right here. Miah Thanks to Jared Ross audio/visual #teamwesley #wesleyscholar #wesleymusicscholar #wesleymusic. #wesleymemories #ucic #wesleyatonememories ... #covid19music #wesleymusic2020 #wesleymusicintheheartofthecity #wesley #wesleyan See more
16.01.2022 As Christians we have travelled the long road through the current world pandemic with Jesus. We have experienced the ecstatic moments and the moments of agony as we journeyed. We have heard people putting blame on various factors and other people and this has caused me to reflect on our Australian way of life and of the many different cultures that are part of who we are. In Matthews Gospel in chapter 15, we hear of Jesus discomfort at bein...Continue reading
16.01.2022 ! We would love you to join us as we celebrate being able to worship together in person again in our beautiful churches! ... cnr Colin & Hay Street, West Perth 9.30am Corner William & Hay Street, Perth 10am Your safety is our priority and so we do ask that if you are planning to join us that you practise physical distancing and good hand hygiene. For more information visit www.perthunitingchurch.org.au We look forward to you joining us for worship!
16.01.2022 Life is meant to be excellent. God created us humans to be the best we can be. No matter what our gifts and skills are we are created to be a child of God and each one of us is unique. If only our world could understand that, then we might not have the fears that others differences raise up inside of us. And yet we are living in strange times, an unknown future in front of us and this virus is raising up fears that weve never before experienced. Howe...ver, we have an opportunity to show who we are as Christians. To open our arms in a virtual embrace for those we meet and let them know that there is love in abundance. I believe we need to have a generosity of spirit. Jesus said in Matthew 25:29 For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have abundance. Babies are born complete with their full potential to be drawn out. Watch children at play remember yourselves as children they are fully in tune with their creative selves and their imaginations nothing is impossible. I am constantly amazed at our grandchildren when we are caring for them we only have to suggest a topic and away they go and develop it to the full. They have no fear that they might not do things in the correct way. That is how I believe God invites us to be. What gets in the way? Right from birth, we are encouraged to fit the mould the mould of our families and of society. People who are different are scary, labelled antisocial. Yet the only way we can live an abundant life is to develop our full potential. We have to keep on working to uncover our creativity for the whole of our lives. It will be only in this way that we discover abundant living. Thinking again of Matthew 25:12 For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance Jesus goes on to say but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. I think Jesus was saying that we are blessed with every gift within us. The more we use our gifts our lives will be abundant, but if we dont explore our potential to be the best we can be, then our gifts will never see the light of day, and we will not be able to develop them. We want to live abundantly dont we? So lets be brave. Lets explore the creativity within and see what evolves. ~ , -- ' ' .
15.01.2022 Finally, a joyful noise and a warm welcome awaits you after such a long time of silence. Come and join us for our next free 'Wesley at One' recital. Featuring the inspiring performances of Jet Kye Chong (marimba).... Friday 2 October 1pm Wesley Church, corner William & Hay Streets, Perth #wesleyfreerecital #freerecital #lunchtimerecital #ucic #teamwesley #wesleyscholar #wesleymusicscholar #wesleymusic. #ucic #wesleymusic2020 #wesleymusicintheheartofthecity #wesley #wesleyan
15.01.2022 Can you help our friends at Uniting WA?
13.01.2022 Looking for a coffee hit? Our friends at Change Please can help! Enjoy delicious barista made coffee all this week, from 7am to 11am, for free outside Wesley Church.... Change Please is a social enterprise supporting people out of homelessness through training and employing them as baristas. They brew award-winning coffee. But they are not just in the coffee business. They are in the change business. Changing the lives of people experiencing homelessness, by getting you to change your coffee. Want to know more about Change Please? Visit www.changeplease.com.au Or check out their Facebook page: www.facebook.com/changepleaseau Change your coffee, Change a life!
13.01.2022 Our 2020 music scholars are really looking forward to playing at Wesley church on Sundays. This will be their first opportunity since lockdown began. If you are unable to join us on Sunday's then you can enjoy Naoko Uemoto performing Caprice en Forme de Valse, Paul Bonneau (1918-1995) right here. Audio/visual thanks to Jared Ross #teamwesley #wesleyscholar #wesleymusicscholar #wesleymusic. #wesleymemories #ucic #wesleyatonememories ... #covid19music #wesleymusic2020 #wesleymusicintheheartofthecity #wesley #wesleyan See more
12.01.2022 , -- ' ' . ’ Most Christians will probably describe the apostle Paul as an extraordinary person. He turned the world upside down for God, devoting his life to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, leaving no stone unturned. Despite being often threatened, beaten, and even thrown into jail a couple of times, ...nothing ever seemed to dampen his passion to spread the gospel. What a wonderful example to all of us. Yet if one reads the Bible, it does not appear that this was the picture Paul had of himself. In Ephesians 3 Paul gives us a glimpse of what he saw, as he stood in front of the mirror: I was the least qualified of any of the available Christians. He realised that he could do nothing on his own, and that all his accomplishments were ultimately the work of God. In reading Paul's letters, it quickly becomes clear that Paul was very much aware of his own shortcomings. He realised that he could not do anything in his own strength. He knew from his own life story that he only became the person he was, because of God’s grace. He used to pride himself in persecuting and killing Christians, until that life changing day on his way to Damascus. He knew that he deserved nothing, but that God had intervened in his life and turned everything around for him, therefore he did not take pride in any of his work, remaining humble. Humility is born when you realise who you truly are and what you deserve, and that you are where you are now because of God’s grace. The fact that people like Paul, you and I, are able to find our way home, has very little to do with our own abilities, but it is all about what Jesus does. This is why we can’t take credit for our lives; God deserves the honour. This is why humility should always be part and parcel of a Christian life. What is even more significant to understand is that not only is it all God’s work but that he loves and values us so much that even when we turn our backs and walk away God does not stop pursuing us. Yes, even without us asking like Donkey in the story of Shrek, jumping up and down crying: Pick me! Pick me! God is prepared to leave the 99 sheep behind in pursuit of the one that ran off. That is why Paul was amazed that God wanted to use him: God saw to it that I was equipped, but you can be sure that it had nothing to do with my natural abilities. (Ephesians 3:8 MSG) God chooses ordinary people like us. Yes, God does use ministers, pastors and people with big voices, but He also uses ordinary people (with shortcomings) like us. If God could use Paul who had killed dozens and dozens of God’s children, then God can use you too. Yes, God wants to use you, even if like Paul, you think you are the least, worth so little. Here where you are. God wants to use you here where you work, walk and play. ~
10.01.2022 Wesley Ministry of Music. A warm welcome and beautiful music awaits you today, 10am, Wesley Church in our worship service led by the Rev. Frances Hadfield. Our musicians taking part in today’s worship are 2020 Wesley Music Scholar Elena Wittkuhn (cello) alongside Wesley’s Director of Music Angela Currie (organ/piano) Music performed will be by composers Nadia Boulanger (1887-1979) & Edward Elgar (1857-1934)... Photographs by Nik Babic Photography #teamwesley #wesleyscholar #wesleymusicscholar #wesleymusic #wesleymemories #ucic #wesleyatonememories #wesleymusic2020 #wesleymusicintheheartofthecity #wesley #wesleyan #musician #musicianlife
10.01.2022 On Monday I had one of those experiences where you read something that you have read countless times before, but then unexpectedly you hear something fresh... During my morning devotions I got to read a well known passage from 1 Peter, where Peter encourages those who were living as foreigners (1 Peter 1:1) not to be disheartened by the difficulties they were facing. In his letter he redefines difficulties, as something more than mere sufferings, but... opportunities for growth, resulting in us glorifying Gods name. Peter writes: ( ) , , . (1 Peter 1:7). In Bible times, refiners used fire to purify gold. Fire caused impurities to rise to the surface for easier removal. In his letter the apostle uses the gold-refining process as a metaphor to explain the benefits of difficulties. It is during that difficult time that we get to know ourselves in ways that we would otherwise never have, presenting us with an opportunity to scoop off these impurities through the power of God that enables us to do this. Difficult times are never easy, but they do bring forth our true character, presenting us with the opportunity to grow and become more Christlike. By opening ourselves up to these uneasy life experiences, we will get to learn to know our true selves (positive and negative) and grow in ways that that would otherwise not have happened. It is in this regard that Jesus taught that we only get to see whether we truly love, when we are confronted with having to love those who do not make it easy to do so. , ? ?" Jesus said (Matthew 5:46): It is when we are confronted with unloving people that our true character and impurities come to the fore, presenting us with an opportunity to grow. With this in mind I would like to challenge you to reflect upon what you have come to learn about yourself during these challenging times and whether you have grasped the opportunity for growth that came with it, allowing God to be the Potter of your life. There is a well known Chinese proverb that echoes the Biblical truth about the freedom that comes with being purified like gold: True gold fears no fire. ~ , -- ' ' .
10.01.2022 Can you help our friends at CARAD?
09.01.2022 Would you like to hear some live music again from some of Perths top musicians? Did you hear St Andrews Baroques ensemble perform at last years Wesley at One recital? If you did - then I know youd love to hear them again! If you didnt then you have a treat in store. Do you remember past (fabulous) Wesley Music Scholars Krista Low & Sarah Papadopoulos ? Then this Sundays recital at the Government House Ballroom is just for you. #teamwesley #wesleyscholar #wesleymusicscholar
08.01.2022 Most of you, on a visit to the church office, may have noticed the four paintings in the reception area of the four worshipping communities of the UCIC; Wesley, Ross Memorial, Trinity and St Andrews (when it was still part of the UCIC). Visitors always make positive remarks about the four paintings. The beautiful paintings were done by Emilia Young, a member of Ross Memorial. During COVID-19, Ross Memorial and Trinity have had a few combined services, when one of the two mini...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Our General Manager, Simon Godfroy, has released an update on how the Uniting Church in the City is responding to the COVID-19 situation. To read the update visit https://www.perthunitingchurch.org.au/covid-19-response
07.01.2022 The story of Samuel Alexander Armas, is a story about a 21-week-old unborn baby that was operated on by a surgeon named Dr. Joseph Bruner. Little Samuel was diagnosed with spina bifida, a condition that meant that he had an exposed spinal cord at birth. Samuels case was so severe that his prognosis to survive was just about non-existent....Continue reading
06.01.2022 The Uniting Church in the City Wesley Music Scholars will present a delightful programme featuring Angela Currie (piano), Aaron Dungey (violin), Boyd Peters (pipe organ), Dominique Rees (flute), Miah Smith (cello), Naoko Uemoto (saxophone) Clare Waters (clarinet) and Elena Wittkuhn (cello). Tickets including high tea are $30. Concession tickets including high tea are $25. ... Online pay per view streaming is available, tickets are $20. Visit www.stickytickets.com.au/nn96o/kaleidoscope.aspx for tickets. Saturday 22 November 4pm St Augustine Uniting Church, 119 Mangles Street, Bunbury #rossfreerecital #freerecital #lunchtimerecital #ucic
06.01.2022 , -- ' ' . Psalm 100:...Continue reading
06.01.2022 A warm welcome and beautiful music awaits you today, 10am, Wesley Church in our worship service led by the Rev. Frances Hadfield. Our Wesley Music Scholars can finally share their music with you in person. Music Scholars taking part are Boyd Peters (organ), Dominique Rees (flute) & Miah Smith (cello). They will perform, as part of our worship, music by J.S. Bach, Francis Poulenc, Marin Marais, Ernest Bloch, Sergei Rachmaninov & C. M Widor, accompanied by Wesley's Director o...f Music Angela Currie. Photographs by Nik Babic Photography #teamwesley #wesleyscholar #wesleymusicscholar #wesleymusic. #wesleymemories #ucic #wesleyatonememories #covid19music #wesleymusic2020 #wesleymusicintheheartofthecity #wesley #wesleyan
05.01.2022 : ( ) . . -- :... We have collectively discovered that we do not have as much control over our lives and the world as we thought we did. So where does this leave us in a post-COVID-19 world? What can we as Gods people as the church learn? When we are fixated on controlling everything around us, we often neglect the work that God wants to do in us. But one of the greatest ways to fight the need for control is to develop a sense of complete surrender that leads to contentment. Think about it. When we are tempted to control, it is often because we think that we can create a better life ourselves. But when we surrender, contentment follows as we are thankful for what God has given us. Contentment does not mean that we cant seek out change in our lives and in the church. But it does mean that we seek change from a posture of gratitude, not from a posture of self-control. Contentment is one of the recommendations the apostle Paul gives us for fighting anxiety and control in Philippians 4 as he writes from prison, where his life is in lock-down. Creating a better normal for our lives in a post-COVID19 world and church should be a life where we surrender more than ever before, knowing that God can be trusted to control every situation and to bring about good in every season. : , . , . . ~ , -- ' ' .
05.01.2022 This week's Midweek Message is live! Head over to www.perthunitingchurch.org.au/midweek-messages and be encouraged by Rev Dr Herman Nienaber's message this week.
05.01.2022 Please note that for this Sunday (16 August) and next Sunday (23 August) Ross Memorial will be joining with Trinity for worship via zoom at 10am. Please use the Trinity zoom code to access the gathering.... Zoom: www.zoom.us/j/83029339866 Zoom Meeting ID: 830 2933 9866
04.01.2022 Matthew 4: 18-22: , , , , , . , . . , , , , , ... . , , . I think they were very brave. How did these men know who they were following and what did they think they were going to do? How were they able to leave their known way of working to follow a man who offered no security, no particular job offer, no place of rest or security of where their next meal would come from. I believe they must have realized that they were going to be part of a new system, that they were going to make a difference to the world. They must have seen in Jesus, some new exciting prospects that they wanted to be part of. Christians who follow the way of Jesus are never assured of a known way. Rather we are promised that life will be exciting and different as we attempt to create a community where all care for each other. This is never easy. There are always fears about the people we encounter with cultural differences. What we do know, however, is that God, or Higher Power, created us. God created us to be unique individuals. God created us to be the best we can be because God loves all that has been created. With God leading the way there's every reason to hope, every reason to feel confident, and every reason to move forward boldly in your life, expecting the best out of every experience. As we emerge from the depths of the COVID-19 Pandemic and come back to our churches, there will be some anxiety over what we will encounter as we move ahead. But let us trust in Jesus and let us keep our hope alive as we enter new territory. As Martin Luther King Jnr said - If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on, in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream. ~ , -- ' ' .
04.01.2022 , -- ' ' . Have you ever read Isaiah 62: 6-7 on prayer from the Message Translation? Ive posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem.... Day and night they keep at it, praying, calling out, reminding God to remember. They are to give him no peace until he does what he said, until he makes Jerusalem famous as the City of Praise. The God of the universe who never slumbers nor sleep. The God according to Psalm 139 who knows what we will be saying before we say it, comes to us in this verse, encouraging us: . Have you ever been there where you desperately wanted God to intervene in a difficult situation and where you have given up? Well, God invites us to wrestle with him by reminding him of his promises. John Hyde (known as praying Hyde) wrote a book on how to pray with perseverance. Hyde grew up in Carthage, Illinois, in the home of a pastor. At the McCormick Seminary he committed to doing overseas evangelism, so after graduating, he went to India. His traveling ministry took John from village to village, but his preaching only resulted in some repentance until finally he found the truth in Isaiah 62: 6-7 and believed it. At the beginning of 1908, he prayed to win at least one person to come to Christ every day. On December 31, he noted that there were more than 400 people who found their new faith in Christ Jesus. The following year, God placed it in his heart to ask for two more people per day. Again, his prayer was answered. The following year, he prayed for four people per day with similar results. Once, when he stopped in front of a hut to drink, Hyde asked God for ten people to come to faith in Him. He preached the gospel to the family, and at the end of his visit, all families totalling nine people committed their lives to Christ. Suddenly the family's niece, who was playing outside, entered the room and gave her life to Christ. We may never know what hope God may bring to our city if we intercede for people who need Christ in their lives. For years I have been praying for the right opportunity to respectfully share the relevance of the gospel with Neil, the homeless man, in front of Trinity, who passed away on Tuesday morning. God answered that prayer, and in a next Story of Hope, I will share with you how God opened that opportunity in Royal Perth Hospital, four days before the angels came to fetch him Often God wants to see our perseverance and waiting in prayer before He answers our prayers. When we pray earnestly, the heart of God will be moved to answer our prayers. Do we always have a heart that is always determined to pray? Let us always pray in perseverance and hope in waiting for our answers to prayer. ~
04.01.2022 Join us for Social.Justice.Church this Sunday! 6pm at Wesley Uniting Church, corner William & Hay, Street Perth
03.01.2022 Want to invite a friend to come along to Alpha or church? This is how.
03.01.2022 Do you have a few hours to spare to help our friends over at Lifeline WA?
02.01.2022 For the past four years the Uniting Church in the City has been collecting blankets for the homeless. So far, we have received and donated over 600 blankets which is phenomenal! A regular contributor is the Knitter and Crocheted Friends of Lifecare Willetton Physiotherapy. The ladies that attend or are associated with the group make a significant contribution each year. This year they were able to produce and donate 115 blankets plus beanies and scarfs of many colours. Unitin...g Church in the City are now handing out these blankets to organisations that we support in order that those most in need of warm blankets will benefit from the kind efforts of the knitting and crocheting group. The bright colours will certainly lift the spirits and provide comfort to those in need during the winter months. Many of our connections around the city are aware of our blanket collection, and it's quite common for us to receive donations from the congregation, Trinity School for Seniors and other organisations. With winter upon us and cold damp nights these blankets will be very well received and welcomed in keeping out the cold. For more information about getting involved with knitting or crocheting then please do not hesitate to contact one of the ministers or the Uniting Church in the City office.
02.01.2022 Our 2020 music scholars are really looking forward to playing at Wesley church on Sundays. This will be their first opportunity since lockdown began. If you are unable to join us on Sunday's then you can enjoy Aaron Dungey performing Élégie, Alexander Glazunov (1865-1936) right here. Audio/visual thanks to Jared Ross #teamwesley #wesleyscholar #wesleymusicscholar #wesleymusic. #wesleymemories #ucic #wesleyatonememories ... #covid19music #wesleymusic2020 #wesleymusicintheheartofthecity #wesley #wesleyan See more
02.01.2022 It so easily (and far too often) happens that people become captives of their past. It makes me think of a real-life story from World War II. When the war ended in 1945 there was a handful of Japanese soldiers in the Philippines who did not believe that the war was over. One of those soldiers was a man named Hiroo Onoda, who had been the commander of an elite group of Japanese guerrilla soldiers. When the war ended, American airplanes dropped leaflets th...rough the Philippine jungles, but Onoda thought it was a trick, a disinformation campaign, so he remained in the jungle for three more decades! Onoda lived a miserable, isolated existence, refusing to believe the war was over. We can make a similar mistake. In Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV) the prophet writes " ; . , ! ; ? ." Have you ever found yourself stuck in the past? Frequently focusing on your past hurt, rejection, mistakes and trials? Are you still revisiting what is behind you; carrying around baggage that you were not designed to carry? Sometimes it can even be convenient for us to live in our past. We sometimes feel that if we choose not to love or try again, we do not have to worry about rejection, failure or disappointment. It is easier to stay buried in our pain; life will not snatch me breathless when I try to live again. It might seem like a safe zone, but it comes at a great price, depriving us of the fullness of life, which Christ offers. Paul reminds the people for Corinth of this in 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV): "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" Through Christ you do not have to be trapped in your past! . . . . Isaiah 40:31 (NLT) ~ , -- ' ' .
01.01.2022 - It has been 127 days since the UCIC church buildings went into lock-down. Perth inner-city has experienced what many big cities in the world have experienced for decades and some for centuries there is no open church or any Sunday services All there is, is an impressive empty building of a bygone era. Fortunately, the closed UCIC church buildings are not telling the story of a bygone post-Christian era of the church in a changing world. It tells exact...Continue reading
01.01.2022 , -- ' ' . : Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain....Continue reading
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