Peta Swarbrick-Bryant Canberra Progressives for Kurrajong | Political candidate
Peta Swarbrick-Bryant Canberra Progressives for Kurrajong
Phone: +61 432 391 755
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25.01.2022 Join in to hear me speak about my plans for: Fyshwick Waste Recycling Proposal Active Transport Network... Better Health Services Citizens Assemblies Making the Womens Action Plan a priority to tackle DV, homelessness and retiring into poverty A dedicated Minister for Business! Inner South Canberra Community Council Fyshwick Business Association Kingston and Barton Residents Group Register now to attend the ISCCCs candidates forum on 20 September, 4-6pm, Harmonie German Club, 49 Jerrabomberra Avenue, Narrabundah
25.01.2022 Public Servants are people too! And they are a vital part of the fabric of our beautiful Bush Capital...
24.01.2022 Good waterfronts around the world exhibit some common qualities, and top of the list of those common success factors is really a priority around public spacces... currently its dominated by car parks" says Malcolm Snow of City Renewal Canberra West Basin is in danger of being an apartment estate of high-rise buildings permanently blocking or privatising public vistas of and across the lake say the Lake Burley Griffin Guardians The lack of trust is KEY to this pitched... battle. The track record of the government has been to pursue one revenue stream, selling off land and being perceived as susceptible to Developer/Big Profit interests over every day Canberrans. This is why it is TIME to vote in MLAs who WILL hold the decision makers of the day to account, who ARE NOT beholden to big donors. I WILL be a voice for establishing trust through accountability and TRANSPARENT Citizens Assemblies when decisions that will effect Canberrans for decades need to be made. VOTE Canberra Progressives into the LA to hold both the government and the opposition to ACCOUNT.VOTE 1 Peta Swarbrick Kurrajong A great analysis of the issues for and against:
23.01.2022 A free and fair media is crucial to a fair and functional democracy. Coverage for smaller parties and independents means the difference between people hearing about their platforms, their ideas, their solutions, or not. Our community cannot be informed without the active participation of our local media. As the Fifth Estate they have responsibilities to hold the government of the day to account, and to test the opposition, and to make sure minority alternatives are heard... ...Canberra Progressives are up against large party machines with up to half a million dollars to spend just on getting re-elected. That money makes a HUGE difference, and some would say undemocratic contest, if it is "unwinnable" without the same resources to promote, present and persuade. As an organised professional party, with over seventy platforms, offering a viable alternative, Canberra Progressives and other parties cannot get our message out without the support of the press. Policy debate is heating up over poverty, homelessness, COVID 19 recovery plans, development, green spaces, business survival and housing affordability. Major parties are dominating with turf wars, expansive promises, and high temperature language... Minor parties are listening to their communities and tackling local issues tonight at the ACT Minority Party Forum. Engaging with voters, up close and personal. No "set pieces", no scripted speeches. Conversations that are important to many Canberrans about their neighbourhoods, their businesses, their schools, their hospitals and their day to day lives. Thank you to The RiotACT Canberra Weekly and The Canberra Times Canberra CityNews we look forward to seeing you tonight... ABC Canberra WIN News Canberra 9 News Canberra HerCanberra The Chronicle we would love you to join in!
23.01.2022 IT was a breath of fresh air listening to the views of would-be members of the Legislative Assembly at a recent minor party meeting. Michael Moore, former Minister for Health, a true progressive and the only Minority candidate elected to the Legislative Assembly. And a wonderful Canberran.
22.01.2022 What is his Legacy? No more International Airport, Fighting the Canberra Community over multiple developments that do not meet community standards, ... ICAC still not funded with 40+ submissions 1600 people on the street and 60 houses added 10 year queues for social housing Women retiring into poverty in Canberra the richest City per capital Domestic Violence climbing... Maybe its $150 off next quarters rates that he feels most proud of?
22.01.2022 A fabulous and informative video! Thanks Therese Faulkner - Canberra Progressives for Kurrajong Canberra is kinda different in many ways, this great video explains why researching your options, and voting to create an effective cross bench is so important! Vote 1 Canberra Progressives so we can hold the duopoly to account!... Vote for a cross bench and #DemandBetter
21.01.2022 GREAT NEWS! A WIN FOR BETTER POLICY IS A WIN FOR THE PROGRESSIVES Greens announce moratorium, air quality monitoring, extended time for community consultation, greater scrutiny of the proposal using waste expertise and developing a masterplan for Fyshwick.. Canberra Progressives are delighted to see our calls for better community consultation, greater reliance on expertise, and a more holistic approach to planning are being taken up by the Greens. To read more follow Kingst...on & Barton Residents Group or the Inner South Canberra Community Council #diversevoicesbetterdecisions #ethics #evidence #engagement VOTE 1 Peta Swarbrick for Kurrajong OCTOBER 2020
21.01.2022 Hear Hear The RiotACT Canberra Progressives Kurrajong candidates agree! Inner South Canberra Community Council Fyshwick Business Association Kingston and Barton Residents Group... #communityconsultation #evidencebaseddecisions #ethicalchoices
21.01.2022 How to maximise your vote this ACT Election. #ACTVotes2020 #ACTpol20 #Canberra ... #DemandBetter See more
21.01.2022 Win at all Costs? #BeBetter Dear Canberra Liberals I have 10 corflutes - that’s all, funded by friends and family. I work part time and I study, I’m campaigning on my personal time. It’s so disappointing to see such a huge organisation feel so threatened by a minority voice that they need to obscure my one corflute surrounded by a sea of blue so blatantly. See pic 1... I pass this sign everyday and this is what I saw yesterday. So I moved my sign today- it was in deep so it’s off it’s stake so I’ll have to replace it and repair the one you tried to block.. It’s disrespectful and it makes me wonder about the culture of your organisation, a culture of disrespect and win at all cost that trickles down into your volunteers and what they think they need to do - dominate and disrespect minority voices. It’s not a good look, and it makes me wonder if, when I’m elected, whether we can ever work together? It may seem trivial, one sign out of 1000s and there’s so much available space to make a good choice. I think it’s telling of the deeper culture that your team think it’s ok use your raw economic and political power to dominate. At the cost of what’s right and fair. #BeBetter than this - I be moved my sign to show you how it’s done in pic 2 Canberra Progressives believe in listening, we believe in making space for others, we believe in respect. And it’s not just you, to see a similar lack of respect amongst Labor volunteers, follow my friend and fellow candidate Therese Faulkner - Canberra Progressives for Kurrajong. Maybe the truth is you want power, all that there is, not diversity, not inclusivity, not democracy. #DemandBetter There’s still time to say NO to power at all costs and yes to respectful democracy for all..see pic 3 Vote 1 #peta4kurrajong
20.01.2022 You have a huge opportunity to shape Senator Jacqui Lambies thinking about the dangerous mobile phone ban bill. This is the bill that would enable the government to ban mobile phones across the entire immigration detention system, among other terrible things. The bill passed the House of Representatives last week, and is now expected before the Senate when Parliament sits again in October. Senator Lambie most likely holds the deciding vote.... Now Senator Lambie has posted a survey to get feedback from people about how she should vote on the bill. Phones are a lifeline for people seeking asylum and refugees held in detention. They enable access to families, loved ones, legal representation, health support and the outside world. Doctors, lawyers, and human rights organisations are all united in their opposition to the bill. The government hasnt even made the case for why they need this grab-bag of powers, when police can already investigate any allegations of criminal activity. With Jacqui Lambie yet to decide how to vote, shes asking for your help to make her decision, setting up a special survey page to get community feedback. This is an amazing opportunity to tell her what you think and help ensure this bill is defeated in the Senate. Together we can send a loud and clear message from the Australian community to reject this dangerous bill. Click here to tell Jacqui Lambie to oppose the bill.
20.01.2022 WHO WINS MOST? Do you know why gendered budgeting is so important? Are you considering voting for a party because they have promised tax cuts in the form of rate cuts?... Do you know why these are not equal in the benefits they deliver to men versus women? Some of Canberras most pressing issues come from the increasing impoverishment of women. Gendered budgeting is a key to addressing those inequalities AT THEIR SOURCE. If elected I will be calling for: * gendered budgeting, *a mandated Womens Budget Statement to be delivered annually ( we have not had one for several years although it was an ALP promise) *the Office for Women be reinstated back to the Chief Ministers Office Tax Cuts are not good for Women and Children Committing to long term well funded and targeted services is good for women VOTE1 #peta4kurrajong
20.01.2022 It’s Anti-Poverty Week, so I guess that makes it Suicide Prevention Week again too... #DemandBetter #peta4kurrajong
18.01.2022 I have been asked quite a lot recently about what experience I can bring to public life, why people should vote for me. It is a good question. I did some research on our three current political leaders. All three men have been political staffers, lobbyists or party based employees since they were in their 20s as far as I can tell. I cant find any other experience that they have, not in industry, business, community or social services, not in academia, or management,, or technology. They reflect, in the main, the monocultures of the parties that formed them from their earliest adulthood. That is one of the things that sticks out to me, in assessing the decisions that they make, that effect all our lives, is just how little other experience they have in the complex messy thing we call life. I am not a politician, I havent been trained to be one, or think like one or act like one. I am a negotiator, a listener, a thinker, a worker, an organiser, a business owner, a volunteer, a student. I have learned from others, many different ways of looking at my world and solving the problems that I encounter in my daily life. I believe strongly that strength is built on a collective of diverse and divergent perspectives that compete in order to find the the path that reflects the many, not the few. Making good decisions is hard, complex and it takes time and above all respect for each other. And that is why I think we need more voices, and more experiences of life, more everyday passionate people, to make balanced decisions that deliver good fair and just outcomes. I have had a life time getting ready for the challenge. #DemandBetter VOTE 1 Canberra Progressives
18.01.2022 Not sure which parts of the whole interview WIN News Canberra will use tonight( Six o’clock news) but it was great to catch up with Eliza and talk all things PROGRESSIVE! Thanks for the rushes Tim Böhm - Canberra Progressives Don’t forget the 40% of you who haven’t voted yet, if you want SCRUTINY Vote 1 Canberra Progressives!
17.01.2022 Attention to ALL parents and carers who have children transitioning to school! Great webinar with ACT Council of Parents & Citizens Associations Make sure you click on the event and join in, for plenty of preparation tips, resource guides, research overview, and all your questions answered. ... Thank you to all the hardworking Parents and Citizens Associations in ACT.
16.01.2022 Here’s another example of winning the war on respectful democracy... It’s a culture that says arrogance and encourages dominance rather than respect, diversity and democracy. #BeBetter... #DemandBetter See more
16.01.2022 Hear Rob Evans of the Fyshwick Business Association talk about the real impacts of the proposed Heavy Industrial Proposals. Today is the LAST DAY to for PUBLIC response to the EIS. Have your say, and let the government know why they need to reconsider allowing this kind of unsolicited, inappropriate and unwanted development in a mixed use commercial zone that houses so many business,and borders many vulnerable residents, and contributes SIGNIFICANTLY to Inner South Canberra ...Community Councilnd residents agree, the government MUST listen! Here for more information form the Inner South Canberra Community Council Bhm - Canberra ProgressiveseTherese Faulkner - Canberra Progressives for Kurrajong91576886512&extid=NUZtO0z4bnSLtuwS Tim Bhm - Canberra Progressives Therese Faulkner - Canberra Progressives for Kurrajong
16.01.2022 This is why we need a cross bench.... imagine if each candidate had a cap on numbers AND defined designated area in their electorate instead of THIS. I say we mandate maximums, and demand only recyled materials with each candidate applying for their allotted number, WITH A RECYCLE/REUSE PLAN IN PLACE. DOMINANT WANT TO DOMINATE ... VOTE FOR IDEAS NOT POLLUTION VOTE1 Canberra Progressives #ethics #accountability #sustainability #fairplay #notwavingDROWNING
16.01.2022 Check out this great fundraiser at Smiths Alternative Sept 15th! Come and support the fight to save our water.. theres never been a better time. Join the ANU Indigenous Department campaign, Blak is the New Green: Decolonising Environmentalism and Seed Mob and Australian Youth Climate Coalition Canberra - AYCC ACT Speak Up for Climate Justice fundraiser! Show up at 5pm, grab a free coffee, watch the Water Is Life doco and even donate to the fundraiser! ... All proceeds go directly to AYCC/Seed Mob, who are fighting to keep fossil fuels in the ground, build youth-led solutions to the climate crisis, and set up the path for climate justice. Sign up here: One mother, one earth, one country, our water is your water... Details and Tix
16.01.2022 I cant believe what I just got in my letterbox An opposition that needs to mislead voters to ensure votes isnt worthy of our vote. A government that hands out pre election rebate bribes instead of addressing the root causes of poverty, homelessness, rent stress or mortgage stress, isnt worthy of our vote.... Vote 1 Canberra Progressives for a party that wants to bring ethics, accountability and proactive transparency into the Legislative Assembly. Heres what the letter said...
15.01.2022 In case like me you are still unclear about recommended terms of reference for the poverty commission (or TASK FORCE if you want hard dirty work done mainly by women to sound more manly and exciting): The commission must conduct a full analysis to understand Canberras demographic changes, increasing complexity of needs and the changed Canberra geography that has led to gaps in service provision for many vulnerable people. High averages in the ACT mask the persistent pov...erty experienced by many Canberrans. We know that the main drivers of poverty are housing costs and incomes. The ACT has some of the highest housing costs in Australia. Dr Emma Campbell I was disappointed that given all the work ACTCOSS - ACT Council of Social Service does on poverty, across the sector (that sees it first hand, daily) that Alistair Coe seemed so hazy on the drivers of poverty, the terms of reference, first steps, focus or major areas of analysis on ABC Canberra 666 this morning. ZERO mention of women or DV in the makeup of contributing stakeholders. Not good enough. Do your homework if you are serious, appointing political heavyweights looks like a stunt if you seem this disconnected from the issues. More white men in blue ties appointing more white men in blue ties, seemingly as some kind of political tongue poke at the Barr Government. The Commission is a great idea, and as a Candidate for Kurrajong, I absolutely support it, but it must be made up of the right people, for the right reasons with the right terms of reference. AND the funding and political will to ACT on recommendations. Canberra Progressives have MORE housing as a key platform. We also want to tackle DV with more triage and less reactivity. We want to develop a broader more robust economy with a Minister for Business. We dont want to sit around for two years pretending we dont know what the drivers of poverty are. #DemandBetter Read more here about what we already know about poverty and what the sector is already calling for to address the issues:
14.01.2022 Last day of campaigning!! Come on Saffy, we still have work to do!! Vote 1 Canberra Progressives... #peta4kurrajong See more
14.01.2022 ACT ICAC Delayed by Labor and Greens for FOUR YEARS.. WHY?
14.01.2022 This is how I imagine an independent, colourful and diverse cross bench, effectively and proudly balancing the power of the pale stale ( insert your own extra rhyming words here) duopoly. It’s called the Narrabundah Plan and it looks quite magnificent! Imagine the quality of the decisions made with strong, robust and transparent debate. Imagine how much good we could do, imagine the difference we could make. I do!... Vote 1 Canberra Progressives #peata4kurrajong
14.01.2022 An oppositions job is to hold the government accountable. Has anything remotely close to that happened? - - - - - - - - Alistair Coe has been a Liberal MLA for 12 years - and in all that time, the Canberra Liberals have provided nothing but......well, nothing to the people of Canberra. This is because the Canberra Liberals appear to have a far-right, ultra-conservative ideology that is not in step with the values of the ACT, which is a very well-educated, tolerant and prog...ressive place. The election promises being made by the Canberra Liberals for this October are straight from a progressive playbook, and are designed to be a scrumptious carrot dangling on a stick for swinging voters. BUT WE DONT BUY IT! The people of Canberra can sniff out a wolf in sheeps clothing a MILE away. We see through these empty promises that will no doubt, lure in some voters. If Canberra does elect a Liberal government, WE KNOW would see them return to type in a heartbeat once the pressure is off... Just remember - all eleven Canberra Liberals voted AGAINST banning gay conversion therapy. Despite knowing how much Canberrans were in support of same sex marriage and despite knowing we are a wonderfuly tolerant and respectful community, the Canberra Liberals voted against it because they are so far to the right that they cannot even see the centre anymore. When you vote this October, vote for all of Canberra and make sure that we wont let the wolves into our city. VOTE 1 Canberra Progressives #DemandBetter #Trust
14.01.2022 This is a national shame. Community Services should never be put under profit pressure when our most vulnerable are the ones who lose...
13.01.2022 Diversity and dissent makes better democracy, strong cross benches provide that! Use your VOTE for GOOD! #vote1canberraprogressives
13.01.2022 Some thoughts on why I want to see more women in leadership, not hamstrung by their parties line. Until women are helping create the culture of fair and just decision making, using their lived experience to contribute to solutions to the many issues that impact women disproportionately, we cant close the gap. When women do better, everyone does better. Economically, socially, environmentally... Its fact. Its a moral choice for governments, not an economic one. #ethics #empowerment #evidence #DemandBetter Vote 1 Canberra Progressives
12.01.2022 We know the community is sick of big money influencing their politicians - we are too. Which is why the first internal party policy we wrote is that we would not accept it. We will not accept more than $4000 over four years from any single entity. We will not accept a dollar from any business that hurts our environment, our health, or our community cohesion. When we #DemandBetter we start with ourselves.
11.01.2022 When Labor are at lunch eating steak at the top end of town and Liberals are talking progressive, trees, bikes, poverty commissions you know something really is rotten in the state of Canberra. If you want PROGRESS vote PROGRESSIVE. We dont cherry pick. Dont be fooled by wolves in Sheeps clothing..great reminder Bethany Williams... VOTE 1 #peta4kurrajong
10.01.2022 We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again! Our State Schools need professionally trained youth workers and psychologists, not amateurs. * Chaplains have no training to deal with problems faced by today’s schoolchildren.... * Principals compound the problem by taking chaplains, with the view; "any extra help can't hurt". *Chaplains are hired in all states by evangelical churches who want children "to come to Jesus". *$750 million has already be wasted on a program with no benefit whatsoever to schoolchildren. The entire Chaplaincy Program should be scrapped. Thank you #OurStateSchoolsAreNotMissionFields
10.01.2022 There’s hope for political journalism in Canberra (even if our Chief Minister begs to differ) - - - - - - - - - -
10.01.2022 If elected to represent Kurrajong I will use my seat in the ACT Legislative Assembly to call for an overhaul to the current planning and development processes in the ACT in my first #onehundreddays Say NO to complacent planning and the pressure brought to bear by vested interests who stand to profit. Vote 1 #Peta4Kurrajong
10.01.2022 Dont forget to VOTE Canberra! Click here to check on your enrolment status! #actvotes
09.01.2022 Bethany Williams - Canberra Progressives Candidate for Yerrabi in the News as a candidate to watch! If you want real people, real voices, real opportunities to hold the government to account VOTE #Bethany4Yerrabi! And NEVER underestimate the power of an authentic voice of a woman on a MISSION!... #dontgetmadgetelected Go Beth! Vote 1 Canberra Progressives
09.01.2022 Community ACTION matters! IInner South Canberra Community Councilare calling for all residents and business owners effected by the Hi Quality Waste Facility Proposal to respond to the EIS before SEPTEMBER 17th. Please follow their page to get all the details.... Many residents and business owners feel that EIS fails to address significant issues like air quality, hazardous materials, greater risks of fire, as well as truck movements and the proximity to residential areas. CCanberra Progressivesstrongly support community consultation, not only with KKingston and Barton Residents Group, GGriffith Narrabundah Community Associationbut also the FFyshwick Business Associationin order to assess if this proposal is appropriate for the site, and if the Barr Government and the proponents are being held to the standards of best practice to balance the needs of businesses and the community. #evidence #ethics #empowerment #communityaction #scutinymatters
07.01.2022 When youre a minor party you need to be eye catching... Shout out to Ali Bryant and his crew who have been making sure my coasters make it into venues around Canberra!!
07.01.2022 Voice Treaty Truth It starts with Respect, and unless respect is there listening will never happen. The most vulnerable First Nations people, our children, Canberra children and the Canberra Community deserve better.
06.01.2022 In the Canberra Times today: The ACT has a social housing shortfall of 3000 properties, according to data from Homelessness Australia and Everybodys Home released last month. In our clever and rich city, this situation is shameful to me. There are so many organisations calling for more secure housing. This is a moral issue and one I believe is about basic human rights. Its all about a safer, more stable community and a more robust economy for all. Provide affordable and people are happier healthier and spend more money in our economy. Its good sense, its good government, and its good cents too.. Canberra Progressives have a suite of policies targeting affordable housing because we care and we WILL make this a priority if elected! Demand a government that #empowers all members of our community to have a home. Vote 1 Canberra Progressives. Read more here:
06.01.2022 I used to get FURIOUS about all the things I wanted to see change, then someone said to me "Peta, dont get MAD get ELECTED!" VOTE 1 Peta Swarbrick for Kurrajong, I am here to LISTEN, ADVOCATE and ACT.. #transparency... #accountability #livedexperience
05.01.2022 Big gestures, big promises, good headlines but is it good policy when music students fought so hard to save their local education to tertiary levels, and the Barr government refused to fund the program. We will continue to invest in our creative sector, to ensure that the arts not only survive, but also thrive as our community recovers from the single biggest economic and health emergency our city has ever faced $8million dollars committed by Andrew Barr ACT Chief Minister ...yet the $300,000 needed two years ago to continue the hugely successful Tertiary Level Performance H Course at the ANU School of Music was refused. Local musician Lily Bryant doesn’t think so, and she has some important points to make about why musical education needs to be prioritised over arts venues. Read her article, written several years ago, about why the lack of support of ARTS EDUCATION is effecting the our future artists, and why this kind of arts spending doesn’t actually help artists or the arts economy in the ACT. ABC Canberra The RiotACT Canberra CityNews
04.01.2022 Hello Canberra people! I am passionate about the prevention of violence against women and children. I am calling for the introduction of a dedicated Respectful Relationships program in all schools as part of my platform. Until prevention can reduce the epidemic of violence against women, peer based home grown support like AdamasNexus is vital to give the number of women effected the support they need..... Until this issue is given the focus and funding it deserves, Sisters are DOING IT FOR THEMSELVES, and each other! Canberran Kristine Hewett is up for a Westfield Woden Hero award for the amazing work she and her partner Keron Beath with their support group AdamasNexus. Their work is changing the lives of women here in our own community. Support for women living with violence is something I am hugely passionate about and something we know is just not getting the funding, or attention or support it deserves from our governments, state and federal WE CAN HELP Kristine Hewett to keep AdamasNexus going by helping secure this award and the VITAL funding. $10,000 will mean this self funded enterprise can help HUNDREDS more women. There are many worthy Westfield Heroes, and you may voted for your favourite already, if not VOTE FOR KRISTINE! There is less than a week to go and Kristine needs another 200 votes to have a chance to get over the line...lets help her get there. Please help us to keep going and MAKE A DIFFERENCE to so many women.. *Vote NOW! *Share with all your communities here and on other platforms *Tag your friends and family Thanks so much for the opportunity Westfield! #westfieldwoden #adamasnexus #support
03.01.2022 Here is my submission: "I am a resident of Narrabundah and a Candidate in the upcoming ACT elections. I make this submission as a resident and on behalf of the many residents and business owners I have spoken to in the last few months who are deeply concerned by this proposal. I have read the EIS and ARUP reports and looked into the research and evidence of the submissions of the Inner South Canberra Community Council.... As a resident, I support the Inner South Canberra Community Council submission and ALL of its proposals in relation to the inappropriate nature of this development. I am calling for the ACT Government to listen to residents and business owners, and place a moratorium on all proposals like this that are Heavy Industrial in nature. Why is the ACT Govt failing to adhere to its own ACT WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2011-2015 in relation to locating operations of this type to HUME? The ISCCC articulates the many ways in which this proposal is damaging to health and well being of residents, creates unnecessary risk of contamination of air and water, industrial fires and creates traffic hazards on streets that were never designed to deal with huge truck volumes.. The proposal is not appropriate, and fails to meet environmental and community standards. In support of my objection I attach the ISCCC Response, with references. The ISCCC has done an incredible job of assessing many criteria and identifying many concerns and problems with the proponents proposal and the lack of adequate independent assessment or community consultation. I support there submission 100%. The issues raised warrant : moratorium on this and any further similar proposals; air quality monitoring in Fyshwick; and an assessment of the current zoning of Fyshwick given its commercial nature and its proximity to established and future residential developments. Thank you Peta Swarbrick Candidate for Kurrajong Canberra Progressives 16 Finniss Cres Narrabundah ACT 2604" Here is the page where you can make a submission or email:
03.01.2022 Congratulations to an amazing team! Light House architecture and science epitomises Canberra innovation, commitment to sustainability and deep care for our environment. Im a PROUD client, and huge fan of this incredible local business leading the industry in design and ideas towards a smarter greener Canberra. A well deserved win for Founder and Peak Geek, Jenny Edwards and her amazing team Sarah Lebner Rachael Coghlan Rein Williams... #CBRinnovation #sustainableliving #homegrownGENIUS See more
03.01.2022 What a game changer our PM has become. Having such young people being engaged even when they can’t vote is setting us up to finally get rid the old guard and non-progressives in politics. Children are very perceptive and can discern between good and...not so good. Imagine if everyone in Canberra was this politically engaged, imagine if the young could vote out the old guard who don’t believe in climate change, tolerance, equality, compassion and fairness.. I can imagine ...a diversity of voices, good people, not large party blocs.. When you vote, remember it is a privilege, use it wisely. Vote 1 Canberra Progressives #peta4kurrajong
02.01.2022 Beam me up Scottie! And the race for Democracy is in its last leg! I’m here at Ainslie Primary with the awesome team, we are loving Beam AU escooters, such a great colour ( PROGRESSIVE PURPLE) and it’s FREE all Election Day!... Thank you Beam, no Democracy Sausage but I’m having a Democracy Scoot instead! Vote 1 Canberra Progressives
02.01.2022 The video in this link is ALARMING! Absolutely delighted to see this initiative and see that its helping keep construction workers safe, already. Closing down three sites first time out indicates cultural and systemic issues in the standards of safety in the housing construction industry.... Regulation, review and consequences are a must to keep workers safe and ensure Canberra suburbs dont become dilapidated and slum like due to shoddy building standards. Our Better Services platform is all about raising standards - of safety and the quality of peoples homes. Home building is expensive and consumers have a right to rely on having quality homes and a secure asset. Well done Commissioner Jacqui Agius, Healthier Work ACT and Access Canberra on a successful start to Operation Safe Prospect. We look forward to seeing the improvements in safety and quality! #DemandBetter
02.01.2022 #ICYMI Robert Knight - Canberra Progressives for Murrumbidgee spoke at the Sustainable Transport forum co-hosted by the Conservation Council ACT Region. You can have a look here:
01.01.2022 Liberals promise city wide network of cycling paths Advocating for great ideas is why you need to VOTE 1 Canberra Progressives! Canberra needs a cross bench all the time, not just when the ideas we can bring are adopted by a major party as part of their pre election platform.... Imagine if we had a cross bench to stimulate this much creative problem solving ALL TERM LONG instead of the six weeks before an election as the army of corflutes starts looking ragged and trashed by the side of the road. Our major parties need HELP to generate good ideas and great policy. VOTE1 Canberra Progressives and lets Keep the bastards thinking! Check out todays article!!!