Petchell Mechanical in Wyalkatchem, Western Australia | Automotive, aircraft & boat
Petchell Mechanical
Locality: Wyalkatchem, Western Australia
Phone: +61 438 300 117
Address: 1 Riches street 6485 Wyalkatchem, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 The guys worked together to remove the gear box out of this Mack Fleetliner. They will fit the new clutch in the morning. Hopefully, it will be carting grain in no time! #teamwork #mechanic #mechaniclife #mechanicbusiness #mack #macktrucks #trucks #gearbox #clutch #trucklife #molnar #molnarhoist #tools #mackfleetliner #petchellmechanical #wyalkatchem #wheatbeltbusiness #wheatbeltwa #tools #greasemonkey
25.01.2022 Molnar hoist columns! Right tools for the right job! The boys completed a service on this tipper truck. ... #molnar #molnarhoist #tipper #tippertruck #wyalkatchem #service #generalservice #truck #shireofwyalkatchem #mechanics #mechaniclife #wheatbelt #wheatbeltwa #wheatbeltbusiness #righttools #hoist #rightjob
25.01.2022 REMINDER The workshop is shut for the next few days and doesn’t reopen until the 4th of Jan. Thanks for your understanding.
24.01.2022 I hope these farmers have packed their jumpers?! These New Holland headers should be freezing in the cab. Another air con job done and dusted!... #newholland #newhollandagriculture #newhollandheader #fieldservice #fieldservicemechanic #aircons #airconmaintenance #freezing #cold #bringyajumper #mechanics #mechaniclife #jobstobedone #harvest #harvest2020 #wyalkatchem #wheatbeltbusiness #wheatbeltwa #mechanicbusiness #smallbusiness
24.01.2022 Hudson & James are back on deck tomorrow, while the rest of us continue to slack off. Head into the workshop or give them a call on 0438 300 117. #holidaytime #boysareback #open #mechanics #workshop #apprentice #fieldservice #fieldservicemechanic #gotyoucovered #petchellmechanical #shireofwyalkatchem #wheatbelt
24.01.2022 Merry Christmas from the Petchell Crew! We hope you have a fabulous day filled with magical moments and happiness.
24.01.2022 We’re still slacking off enjoying the beach, swimming and fishing...but the workshop is OPEN! Brandon, Hudson and Casey are all back on deck. For all your mechanical needs give them a call on 0438 300 117. ... Might be back... Maybe? See you Monday! #beach #sun #surf #sand #holidays #summer #longdrives #relax #mechanics #workshop #open #petchellmechanical
24.01.2022 SMALL BUSINESS MATTERS It’s WA Small Business Day When you buy from a small business, an actual person does a happy dance!! ... #shoplocal #celebrate #smallbizwa #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #petchellmechanical #smallbusinessmatters #shopsmall #wheatbelt #wheatbeltwa #wheatbeltbusiness #wyalkatchem
22.01.2022 Hudson and James fit a new window to this Tarago van. #windscreens #brokenglass #cracked #wefix #tarago #van #mechanics #mechaniclife #petchellmechanical #wyalkatchem #mechanicbusiness #wheatbeltbusiness #wheatbeltwa
22.01.2022 Introducing Brandon Ward - Mechanic Brandy started his Diesel Apprenticeship back in 2015. With his knowledge of engines and interest in truck mechanics then, we knew that he was going to be a great mechanic.... In 2019 he was signed off as a Heavy Diesel Mechanic, and he decided to stick with us. You will often find him tucked in the back of the shed, usually covered in oil and grease, under a truck. You will most likely hear him, before you see him! Some facts about Brandon...reluctantly answered : Favourite food: Bacon Dream vehicle: Golf Cart Go to tool: 3/4 Impact Wrench Favourite movie: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective A couple of throwback pics of camera shy, Brandy! #introducing #brandy #heavydiesel #mechanic #apprentice #camerashy #petchellmechanical #oil #grease #trucks #quality #impactwrench #tools #camerashy #loud #wheatbelt #wyalkatchem #smallbusiness
22.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS A big congratulations to Callam Dickson for winning our #rogator colouring-in competition. Awesome job!! Callam won a scale model of a RoGator1300B, worth over $300, and very kindly donated by Croplands Equipment. It was very hard to judge. We had some awesome entries. If you would like your picture back, please come and collect it. All entrants can collect a candy cane from the office as well. ... #croplands #croplandsequipment #rogator #rogator1300 #colouring #colouringincompetition #winner #candycanes #mechanics #smallbusiness #wheatbelt #wheatbeltwa #petchellmechanical
21.01.2022 CHRISTMAS VACAY MAINTENANCE The Christmas holidays are fast approaching. Before you head off on your Christmas adventure don’t forget to check your vehicles wheel bearings. These wheel bearings came off a trailer. The customer was lucky they didn’t lose their wheel. ... Not sure what you’re looking at? Feel free to drop in or give us a call on 0438 300 117. #wheelbearings #bearings #trailer #cars #vehicles #faulty #besafe #checkthem #safetyfirst #maintenance #petchellmechanical #christmas #vacay #holidays #wheatbelt #giveusacall #bookin
21.01.2022 We’re CLOSED today for the Queens Birthday public holiday. Normal opening hours resume tomorrow. Enjoy your day off!
18.01.2022 The boys worked together to strip down the final drive of this Caterpillar 920 loader. #teamwork #caterpillar #loader #920loader #caterpillar #tools #grease #finaldrive #mechanicwork #mechanics #mechanicshop #onestopshop #heavydiesel #wegotyoucovered #tools
18.01.2022 Reminiscing about the weekend...while preparing for a BIG week ahead! Who else prepares for the week ahead on a Sunday night? #takemeback #familytime #makingmemories #timeout #relax #favourites #special #birthdaytime #family #organising #schedule #jobs #smallbusiness #businesslife #moretolife #familybusiness
17.01.2022 Whoops! This is a good reminder to always make sure your battery clamps are secure. This could cause a potential fire or serious acid damage to your vehicle.... Whenever working on or are around batteries you should wear eye protection, because batteries let off a highly flammable gas that can explode with a spark! #danger #batteries #bosch #flammable #batteryacid #spark #battery #batteryclamps #vehicles #petchellmechanical #wyalkatchem #shireofwyalkatchem #mechanics #safety #safetyfirst #glasses #eyeprotection #besafe
17.01.2022 PRE OWNED ROGATOR FOR SALE RG1300 2702 hours on the clock... 6300L chemical tank 120ft boom Give Steven a call on 0427 811 007 for more information! #forsale #rogator #rg1300 #rogatorrg1300 #sprayer #croplands #croplandsequipment #petchellmechanical #preowned #boom #chemical #wyalkatchem #wheatbeltbusiness #mechanicbusiness
17.01.2022 Hudson going in deep! Giving this Land Cruiser a new set of injectors! #injectors #newinjectors #blocked #landcruiser #toyota #mechanic #heavydiesel #petchellmechanical #denzo #200series #wyalkatchem #fuelleak #engine #fuel #diesel #dielselinjection #commonrail #v8 #unitedfuelinjection #onestopshop #cars #automotive #shireofwyalkatchem
17.01.2022 ‘Hey Steven, I’m going to take a photo of you working on this ute?’ ‘Yeah!’ Do you want me to smile or act natural? ... ‘What are you doing so I know what to write...’ Steven was ‘actually’ looking for the belt numbers to order them. Whoops! #socialmedia #workshopphotographer #nomechanicskills #luckyimmarriedtoone #photosarehardwork #smile #actnatural #mechanic #parts #partsorder #whatdoweneed #ute #belts #hardwork #orhardlyworking #petchellmechanical #mechanicworkshop #funnyfriday #smallbusiness #mechanicbusiness #familybusiness #husbandwifeteam
17.01.2022 HELPFUL HINT Do you know what this picture is of? This is a badly failed universal joint.... These are the flexible joints that join the gearbox/transfer case output to the differentials. It’s important to grease and check your uni joints at least every 10,000kms. You need to check if the uni joint looks to be in good condition, seals are not damaged and that there is no sideways movement. This is particularly important if your vehicle is driven on a lot of unsealed road or on farms. If you hear Clunk with a ringing sound when shifting from Drive to Reverse, that can be a sign of a failed uni joint. Please note: Front wheel drives do not have uni joints. Having trouble finding it or what to look for? Don’t hesitate to drop in and ask. We would be more than happy to show you! #universaljoints #unijoints #failed #failing #clunk #mechanic #grease #petchellmechanical #smallbusiness #wheatbelt #wyalkatchem #notsure #dropin #wecanshowyou #helpfulhints
16.01.2022 With the click of a finger...the weekend is over! What have you been up to? What jobs have you achieved? How does your Sunday night look? We try to organise the week ahead so it runs smoothly...who are we kidding though? #family #life #kids #smallbusiness #employees #customers #school #teaching... #whatcouldgowrong #lastweekofschool Let’s see how we go! What does your week look like? #organised #soithink #planning #jobs #checklist #spannerintheworks #wheatbelt #wyalkatchem #wevegotthis
16.01.2022 We’ve been everywhere... Today has been hectic! Steven & Brandon have travelled the Wheatbelt. Wyalkatchem, Nalkaine, Yorkrakine, Cunderdin, Trayning and everywhere in between. ... Broken down vehicles at harvest time can be pretty stressful, thanks for being patient with us! Finally home, but back at it in the morning! #fieldservice #fieldservicemechanic #mechanic #mechaniclife #brokendown #brokendownvehicles #trucks #vehicles #wheatbelt #wheatbeltwa #wheatbeltbusiness #wegoeverywhere #smallbusiness #mechanicbusiness #tools #petchellmechanical #wyalkatchem
16.01.2022 Steven and James carried out some auto electrics and fixed the lights on a couple of New Holland TR headers. While they were there, they also repaired the air conditioning unit. Hopefully it’s nice cool in the cab now! #fieldservice #fieldservicemechanic #newholland #trheaders #apprentice #learningtheropes #newhollandtrheader #agriculture #autoelectrics #airconditioning #repairs #tools #headlights #wiring #mechanic #mechaniclife #smallbusiness #wyalkatchem #wheatbeltbusiness #wheatbeltwa #petchellmechanical
16.01.2022 HYDROSTATIC HOSES Last week we were pretty excited to make some hydrostatic hoses for a harvester, using the Ryco Diehard Isobaric hose. For all your hydraulic hose needs, look no further than Petchell Mechanical.... 0438 300 117 #hydrostatic #hydrostatichoses #crimper #gerrardhydraulics #hydraulichose #harvester #isobaric #isobarichoses #ryco #rycodiehard #mechanics #tools #hose #smallbusiness #onestopshop #wegotit #petchellmechanical
16.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day? There’s more to say than R U Ok? Make sure you have the conversation!... A conversation could change a life! #ruok #ruokday #startaconversation #conversation #conversationstarters #talk #dontbottleitup #brave #mecahnics #petchellmechanical #couldchangeyourlife #life #changeyourmindset #
14.01.2022 HELPFUL HINTS Radiator Caps Have you checked your radiator cap lately?... In the past month, we have found 3 faulty caps! Next time you have your bonnet up, take the time to inspect your cap. Check the rubber seals aren’t perished or broken. Check the valve at the bottom of the cap is still attached and in working condition. This simple check may save your vehicle from overheating and causing severe damage to your engine! Avoid removing the cap, if the engine is hot! If you absolutely have to remove it while the engine is hot, be extremely cautious! #radiator #radiatorcap #radiatorcaps #engine #overheating #tools #inspect #checkyourcap #mechanics #tools #mechaniclife #saveyourengine #sociallyemcourse #petchellmechanical #helpfulhints #smallbusiness
14.01.2022 Next Tuesday is Australia Day. The workshop will be closed. See you at the Australia Day celebrations at the Wylie pool. ... Normal trading hours for the rest of the week. Shire of Wyalkatchem Wyalkatchem CRC #shireofwyalkatchem #petchellmechanical #wyalkatchemcrc #australiaday2021
13.01.2022 There’s one week left of school holidays in WA. Steven and Noah have a few jobs they need to tick off this morning. Koorda, Trayning and then back to Wyalkatchem...and most likely a few stops in between. #fieldservice #fieldservicemechanic #helper #juniorapprentice #worktobedone #mechanic #mechanicbusiness #trucks #brokendown #excavator #petchellmechanical #wyalkatchem #shireofwyalkatchem #blueskies #schoolholidays
13.01.2022 James gave this Holden Colorado a service to start with and discovered that it had a coolant leak. Steven then proceeded to teach James the ropes of a cooling system and help fix the coolant leak. #mechanic #theboss #apprentice #hopeheslistening #sauce #service #coolingsystems #petchellmechanical #coolant #redcoolant #mechanicwork #molnar #molnarhoist #coolantleak #holden #colorado #ute #smallbusiness #wyalkatchem #teamwork #onestopshop
13.01.2022 FIELD SERVICE Yesterday the boys received a phone call about a broken down mini excavator on the side of the road. Steven & James headed out bush (the other side of Koorda) to have a look and see if there was an easy fix. Unfortunately, no such luck! They managed to get it on the trailer and take it back to the workshop.... With a bit of help from D & D Transport, we managed to get the excavator on the hoist to allow us easy access to repair a blown hose. It definitely wasn’t an easy fix and took a lot longer than what he had anticipated, but we waved it off this afternoon, ready for it to get back to work! #excavator #miniexcavator #kubota #fieldservice #fieldservicemechanic #brokendown #rycohydraulics #castrol #elbowgrease #hardwork #sauce #danddtransport #wyalkatchem #outbush #mechanics #tools #wheatbelt #smallmechanicshop #onestopshop
12.01.2022 ‘Lest we forget’
11.01.2022 Do you need your parts over the Christmas break? We’ve accumulated an assortment of parts that have been specifically ordered in for customers. If we’ve ordered something in for you, please remember to come and collect it. ... We’ve got a massive pile of parts here that have been paid for but not collected.
10.01.2022 Brandon and Steven did a valve set, and wired up a radio on this John Deere 670GP. #johndeere #670gp #johndeeregp #mechanic #mechaniclife #fieldservice #fieldservicemechanic #valveset #tools #radio #wiring #autoelectrics #toolbox #wyalkatchem #petchellmechanical #wheatbeltbusiness #wheatbeltwa #smallbusiness #smallbusinesswa
10.01.2022 FOR SALE Pre-owned RoGator RG1300 It’s done 2702 hours.... 6300L chemical tank. 120 ft boom. Give Steven a call if you’re keen to check it out! 0427 811 007
09.01.2022 Steven and Hudson spent yesterday afternoon and this morning getting this truck back on the road. When they arrived on sight, they discovered that the radiator had failed. They spent the afternoon pulling out the old radiator whilst the customer drove to Perth to pick up a new one. This morning they got up with the chooks and put the new radiator in. ... This truck was up and going by 10am, all ready to collect it’s next load of grain. #truck #volvo #volvofh #fieldservice #fieldservicemechanic #tools #hiab #kevrek #failed #radiator #truck #breakdown #grain #transfer #harvest #harvest2020 #petchellmechanical #smallbusiness #wyalkatchem #koorda #wheatbelt #wheatbeltwa #wheatbeltbusiness
09.01.2022 HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the wonderful Dads, Step Dads and Pops out there! Especially to these very special Dads!! We hope you have the best day and get spoilt.... #fathersday #dads #pops #stepdads #celebrate #spoilt #mechanics #boilermaker #waterboy #beers #sociallyemcourse #werelucky
09.01.2022 Brandon and James gave this plant trailer a BIG birthday this week! Bearings, brakes, mud flaps, rewiring and some modifications. #bearings #brakes #mudflaps #rewiring #modifications #plant #trailer #grease #mechanic #mechanicwork #tools #onestopshop #wyalkatchem #wheatbeltbusiness
08.01.2022 LOOKS WHATS BACK! RoGator1300C We will give her a quick bath and then it’s back in the paddock for some demos.... Let us know if you’re keen on taking this RoGator for a test drive?! 0427 811 007 #petchellmechanical #croplandsequipment #croplands #rogator #rogator1300c #demo #testdrive #giveusacall #bathtime #brandnew #sparkly #wyalkatchem #wheatbelt #smallbusiness #supportlocal
08.01.2022 What are your long weekend plans? We’re closed on Monday for the WA day public holiday.
08.01.2022 Have you checked in? R U OK? Day, may have passed, but here’s your friendly reminder to check in with your friends, and follow up from your previous conversation. Don’t be scared! Ask the question!... R U OK? #ruok #ruokday #followup #checkin #askamate #chat #talk #shouldertoleanon #helpinghand #dontjusttalkfooty #wwheatbelt #wyalkatchem #smallbusiness #mechanics #men #mentalhealth #makethechange
07.01.2022 Hello! We’ve never really introduced ourselves or our team on here properly, so here we go... We’re Steven & Christy Petchell - husband & wife team, owners of Petchell Mechanical.... We have two gorgeous kids, Noah & India and live on a property just out of town. We are situated in the small Wheatbelt town of Wyalkatchem, WA. We started this business six years ago as a mobile mechanic service. A mechanic (Steven) with a small truck and some tools. Over this time our little business has completely exceeded our expectations. We never thought that we would be managing employees, having field service vehicles, travelling the Wheatbelt or owning a workshop. We are so grateful for the support our community and customers offer us and the opportunities we have been given. Some FUN facts about us: Steven completed his Apprenticeship in the workshop, in which we now own. Christy is a teacher, so naturally the ‘boss’. Steven loves a good chat, laugh and always has a great ‘Dad’ joke to share. We love exploring WA and going on adventures. If you see us around, make sure you come and say hi! Stay tuned for next week, when we introduce the next member of our team! #mechanic #teacher #petchellmechanical #businessowners #introductions #opportunities #workshop #apprentice #employees #mobilemechanic #fieldservice #life #wheatbelt #wyalkatchem #community #support #grateful #boss #adventures #smallbusiness #smallbiz #somuchtolearn
07.01.2022 What a mess! James and Brandon working together to replace the rear suspension bushes on this Iveco Powerstar. #mess #messmakers #grease #oil #rubber #dust #dirt #burntrubber #iveco #powerstar #ivecopowerstar #truck #truckmechanic #heavydiesel #petchellmechanical #shireofwyalkatchem #bushes #rearbushes #suspension #apprentice #mechanics #safetyfirst
06.01.2022 We can also fix your kitchenware! No job too small, or big! We’ve got you covered! #mechanics #silversoldering #twomechanics #onetray #kitchenware #wegotyou #snapon #snapontools #blowtorch #joketime #actuallyhappened #communityspirit #tools #onestopshop #nojobtoobig #wyalkatchem #smallbusinessowners
06.01.2022 The shed is full. The block across the road is full. This January is shaping up to be one of our busiest months. ... Looks like the tools will be out today. #grader #rogators #cars #utes #mechanics #trucks #fieldservice #aircon #busy #january #newyear #whatholiday #work #workinghard #heavydiesel #blueskies #wheatbelt #petchellmechanical #shireofwyalkatchem
05.01.2022 We received this pre-owned RoGator a little while ago. A few minor repairs, and off she goes to her next Farming Family! Are you in the market for a machine? Brand new or preowned...give us a call, we’re only too happy to help. 0427 811 007... #preowned #notalwaysbrandnew #enquirewithin #rogator #croplands #croplandsequipment #mechanic #minorrepairs #likenew #wyalkatchem #agriculture #sprayer #sprayertechnology #teamwork #shoplocal #farmers #seeding #petchellmechanical
03.01.2022 We are closed today for the Australia Day public holiday. Have a great day!!
03.01.2022 The three stooges preparing to fit a Eaton Fuller clutch to this Mack Fleetliner. #threestooges #mechanics #mechaniclife #trucks #trucklife #mack #macktrucks #mackfleetliner #eatonfuller #clutch #smallbusiness #petchellmechanical #mechanicbuisness #wyalkatchem #gettingitdone #apprentice
03.01.2022 Huddo & his ‘apprentices’ repairing an oil leak on the front diff of this Hilux. #hilux #ute #oilleak #apprentices #getamongstit #mechanics #tools #interestingwork #familybusiness #supportsmall #wheatbelt #smallbusiness #toyota #sociallyemcourse #oil #cvshaft #brakepads #toyotagenuineparts
01.01.2022 HYDRAULIC HOSES Are you looking for a local business that makes hydraulic hoses? Look no further!... You can come to us, or we can come to you! We can make: Standard 1/4 - 1 inch single and double braided hoses. Larger, high pressure isobaric and multi-spiral hoses. Hydrostatic hoses. We have a wide selection of hoses, crimps and adaptors in store. We can also repair hoses onsite. Give us a call on 0438 300 117.
01.01.2022 WHAT ARE YOUR LONG WEEKEND PLANS? If you need parts or products to complete that special project you have been working on, make sure you give us a call, and we can check we have it in stock or order it in for you. ... Don’t forget!! Give us a call tomorrow! 0438 300 117 #closedmonday #publicholiday #longweekend #projects #plans #jobs #products #parts #callus #tomorrow #mechanics #mechaniclife #tools #wyalkatchem #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowners
01.01.2022 Off to work with Dad today! Could we be anymore excited? Look out mechanics, we’re here to teach you a thing or two! #littlestapprentices #apprentices #apprenticemechanics #excited #workshop #workwithdad #iwanttobelikedad #mischiefmakers #sociallyemcourse #nextgeneration #hivis #sayhello #petchellmechanical #wheatbelt #wyalkatchem #mechanicbusiness #familybusiness
01.01.2022 Hudson travelled out to a farm to replace a blown hydraulic hose. Did you know we can make and repair hydraulic hoses on sight? Call us on 0438 300 117 for all your hydraulic hose needs! ... #hydraulic #hydraulichose #breakdowns #repairs #onsight #fieldservice #fieldservicemechanic #johndeere #header #outandabout #wyalkatchem #wheatbelt #wheatbeltbusiness #smallbusiness #wefix #callus #mechanic #mechaniclife
01.01.2022 Hudson was pressure testing the cooling system looking for leaks on this Nissan D22 Navara. What do you think he found? #nissan #navara #nissand22 #pressuresystem #coolingsystem #pressuretesting #mechanics #petchellmechanical #wyalkatchem #wheatbelt #pressuretester #smallbusiness #mechanicbusiness
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