Pete Jacobs | Athlete
Pete Jacobs
Phone: +61 403 640 700
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23.01.2022 Insulin resistance is a really big problem. Most chronic disease is influenced by insulin resistance. @benjaminbikmanphd reveals the underlying health problem many people have, and how to improve it in his book "Why We Get Sick".
22.01.2022 Second video in a series of 10 minute follow along strength workouts. Link in comments direct to Youtube. Start your weekend out right & keep it going everyday Hit arms, quads, hamstrings, glutes, hips & core. This at home workout needs no equipment, and are great exercises if you are a triathlete, runner, cyclist or anyone needing more activation & strength around their pelvis, core, hips, glutes, quads, & hamstrings.
21.01.2022 Below is an article I wrote for my Live Your Own Fit community. How To Make Decisions Work For You | The Strategy That Helped Me Win A World Title This is a strategy I now use day in day out, helping clients adopt it too. ... Enjoy #mindset #LYFarticle #liveyourfit Supported by Modex
20.01.2022 Latest LYF PODCAST (& YOUTUBE)- ** Low Carb Metabolic Health & Performance | LYF Podcast with Prof Grant Schofield.** Link in the comments below to youtube and podcast apps!
17.01.2022 My latest performance video that can help ANYONE get more from their exercise, and if you compete this is something you have to start practicing. Mind, Body, & Breath. I explain how to control them all for your benefit and how they are linked to one another.
16.01.2022 We have just released another Live Your Own Fit Podcast Episode | What To Expect When Transitioning From Processed Food To Real Food [link below] Learn about digestion symptoms you can experience when making a change from a typical SAD diet (standard australian diet) to a nutrient dense real food diet. Jaim and I chat about our own experience plus the experiences of our clients when adopting new lifestyle habits, specifically consuming quality protein over processed protein options. Enjoy! Your Performance Coach, Pete #podcast #liveyourownfitpodcast #digestion #gutdistress #protein #transtionphase #makeachange #realfood #wholefood #qualityprotein #beyourbest #health #nutrition #improvedigestion #newepisode #healthcoach #performancecoach #wellbeingcoach
16.01.2022 My morning drink routine - @modexnatural , decaf coffee, & sometimes broth. Modex increases the ability for oxygen to be used to produce energy, meaning a cleaner more efficient mitochondrial power plant, with less by products you fatigue less, train better, recover faster. Decaf coffee in the morning with some ghee - I usually have a regular long black when I’m out training, or sometimes at home, but never first thing.... The broth is a sometimes drink, if it’s there and I feel I’m a bit hungry or planning to go out for hours I’ll have it, but I don’t miss it when there’s none in the fridge. Join me @liveyourownfit for more health & performance tips What’s your favourite morning drinks? #domorenaturally #lowcarb #burnfat
16.01.2022 Exciting news, a pathway for learning more about MAF is nearly here I’ll be going through this course shortly, looking forward to meeting others in the learning portal.
13.01.2022 I am so grateful to Bob Babbitt for this interview. I have so many fond memories in Kona on the Bob Babbit show. Thanks to Bob and the team for having me. I never take these opportunities to share my story, my learnings with the world for granted . We chat about my race performances, mindset and the endurance world at large. ... Hope you can learn something from our chat. Now as a Performance Coach my mission is to help you achieve your endurance and life goals, so reach out anytime. Live Your Own Fit Live Your Own Fit Bob Babbitt
09.01.2022 Low Carb Confusion! Lowering processed foods and carbohydrates is one step to better health & aerobic fitness, but you need to know a dozen other steps to feel great consistently and keep improving health and performance. Three tips: 1. Increase protein & fat. 2. Keep electrolytes high.... 3. Follow a plan. Book a complimentary Discovery Call with Me or Jaimie
08.01.2022 Have you signed up to our LYF Newsletter? Here we share inspo and info on all things health and performance related. You'll also receive our free ebook on "health, energy and sustainable fat loss" upon subscription. Link to subscribe and read our latest newsletter is below. ...
08.01.2022 @profgrant.schofield is entertaining & informative for all. . **Low Carb Metabolic Health & Performance | LYF Podcast with Prof Grant Schofield** Now on podcast apps & YouTube, this was a priceless chat. Click on my story to find the iTunes or YouTube links. ... Hi, I am Grant Schofield, Professor of Public Health (Auckland University of Technology) and director of the university’s Human Potential Centre (HPC) located at the Millennium Campus in Auckland, New Zealand. My research and teaching interests are in wellbeing and chronic disease prevention especially reducing the risk and eventual mortality and morbidity from obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. I live by the motto be the best you can be and have a strong commitment to peak performance in which I also do consulting work. Don’t miss this episode, it’s one of the best . @prekure is Grants business, along with his wife Louise Schofield, so do have a look at @prekure if you are a health coach who wants further accreditation, or anybody who wants a free roadmap to improving your blood sugar control. Thanks to @jaimiellejacobs for great content and laughs, & out business @liveyourownfit . Get in touch with with us if you want support and have questions about improving your health and lifestyle
08.01.2022 Thanks to Professor Grant Schofield of PreKure for being our guest on the Live Your Own Fit Podcast. Itunes Link: Episode Page Link: This is a must listen to if you are interested in: Optimising Your Athletic Performance Optimising Your Everyday Performance Ageing Well Metabolic Health Optimising Energy Production
07.01.2022 Check out the pic of Puny Pete (me - a few pages in) in this great article about the other side of the nutrition story.
04.01.2022 This will kick along your health and fitness knowledge and practical understanding very nicely
02.01.2022 It was an honor to talk to Dr Ben Bikman, a global leader in health and metabolism. Low Carb is not a radical diet, it's an important nutrtional approach to improving your health and lowering your risk of mortality from most chronic diseases. Improve your health and you can improve your perfromance in every aspect of life. Become a better fat burner, become more aerobic, and everything changes for the better. Send me a message and we can have a 15minute chat to see if I can you with your symptoms through Live Your Own Fit Health & Performance Family. Watch the complete youtube on Live Your OWn Fit Youtube channel (link in the comments). Or listen on your preffereed podcast app (apple/spotify).