Pete Melov in Sydney, Australia | Organic food shop
Pete Melov
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 467 550 504
Address: 101 King St Mascot 2020 Sydney, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Another Woman, yuong Women could know about to raise their pride...rode double the distance of reverre, but of course,Sybil was ''just a girl'' so a guy who rode half the distance, did less, and acheived less, gets...more.. I cant wait for Barbara Walkers to become mainstream about the past..give me HER story, I know the HIS story is all BS.. talk about real ...
23.01.2022 Sunday at Pete's.. Get your order in before 6 for same day delivery..we had a delivery on the stock is still very good.. We get produce deliveries 3-4 times per week.. The box pictured..the shop is open at 101 king st mascot..7 days..... Great feedback on the sardines.. Barramundi..$19 Herring.$19 All wild caught...and scaled.. The Bara comes in cutlets..$30 kl The papaya paw paw is great at present.. Remember their seeds kill over 700 parasites..just $6.4 kl This is an awesomely cheap way to keep these very dangerous organisms under control.. Grind dried or eat with the papaya..trojan horse... Pete's Liver GB cleanse is up..awesome results with pain and inflammation.. I have done 174! Doing another one next week after 5 days fasting semi fast then mineral fast..! Zeolites in take in heavy metals poisons etc It's food grade! They are just great detoxing. $12! Big lettuce 3.4 Leb cucs are down to 5.8 KL Stone fruits are peaches and nectarines.. 18 kl,. Grannies are back..7.6 KL Mangoes ranging from 2- 4 each Lamb shanks grass fed finished 24 KL My... SAUSAGES ARE BACK! Beef and Lamb! DONT COOK THESE AT HIGH HEAT ! they simply amazing and just 15.50 a KL The amazing BIO Olive Oil from SA.. only $22 a litre.. Potatoes 4.4 KL Dutch Sebago and desirea... Still no sweet potato at present hopefully..tomoz.. Great feedback on the Lion Wolf Food..! Apple cider Vinegar..I make it! The Super many testimonials.. And did you hear 2.5 million Americans are protesting about the corruption in the US elections?. Would be great if we got 200.000 here in Victoria for the corruption down there..and everywhere! 99.9% recover naturally.. To cure it you spend two weeks at home.. Average age dying is 83 in nursing homes with existing diseases.. And doesn't effect children.. And d you wear face cloths made out of old shopping bags..with shoe laces to tie them on..nswhealth face masks.. definition of insanity. Fear addiction. Credit unions..and check out the bank of North Dakota..and Iceland! And the history of the Miller..! #organicgardening #organic #deliveries #deliver #easy #glutenfree #dairyfree #sugarfree
21.01.2022 The ARSE Bra! Welcome plastic tight clothes..that are just amazing for your health..the AMAZING!!!! ARSE Bra..bro! #plastic #infections #health #thrush #vagina #damage #plastic #doesnt #breathe #fake #nothealthy #bacteria #losefittingclothesonly #glutenfree #sugarfree #fake #lazy #offgas #rectumwrecked #organic
19.01.2022 At Pete's! Great produce this weekend and good supply for Sunday! Don't forget to get your orders in before 6 for same day delivery of my Poison free Certified Organic Produce no POISONS! Petesorganicmarket.con WILD CAUGHT AUSTRALIAN SALMON NOW IN JUST $9 KL! I don't stock toxic farmed fish( watch "Tasmanias Toxic Secret" about the lousy fish farms down there..) Sustainability is the basis for all one food source should poison others for's bad house! And our kids shouldn't have to fix our greed! Heaps more amazing herbs to build up our immunity in this cool winter coming..( coldest May in 54 it was colder..54 years ago? So that means weather is completely, unpredictable! Makes sense because it's so enormous..and Nature doesn't read.long range weather forecasts..we can't even get 3 days ahead ..right! ) Basil.. Oregano SUMAC! AND Nutmeg!..all on the site Today! Very good quality! Barramundi! BONE BROTHS! Marinated Beef strips! MSM.. great for inflammation! Clays.. Mighty many testimonials! THE BONE BROTH CHALLENGE! INCREDINLE FEEDBACK! AMAZING OLIVE OIL! not blended! sugar or black tea or tapwater..NOT GASSED!! Stews! Liverrr! Amazing Bacon! Good range of greens.. TARO! Natural testosterone.. WILD YAM! great for inflammation! My Sausages! Water Filters get rid of those poisons from the water Shower more poisons in your shower! You breathe in steam and it's full of the poisons in the water! Heaps more in store! Online 7 days! I deliver 7 days! #organic #delivery #gains #yoicantdolongrangeforecast #glutenfree #dairyfree #sugarfree #poisonfree #chemicalsarepoisons #idonttakedrugs #gains #herbs #immunity #coldmayrecord
19.01.2022 At Pete's Don't forget to get your orders in before 6 for same day delivery of my Poison free Certified Organic Produce no POISONS! Pete's organic Greens are great today! Fennel... Massive Cos 3.... Heaps of Asian Greens.. Snow peas are back..! Great cabbages! And that Wild CAUGHT Native Salmon $9 KL!!! The BARRAMUNDI. 32 KL I only stock AUSTRALIAN Fish WILD caught and sustainable! And tomorrow the Awesome deep sea Black Fish..$9 KL All my fish are in sustainable WILD CAUGHT fisheries and NOT endangered! More herbs.. Celery is very good deep green! Sausages ! Just meat! Marinated Beef Great Eggs.. Olive Oil..awesome Kakadu Plum seed oil..getting rave feedback! Heaps more in store and online! #organic #glutenfree #dairyfree #soyfree #gains #easy #herbs #broths #meat #salmon #wildcaught #grassfed #nutritionnotmedication See more
18.01.2022 At Pete's Organic Market don't forget to get your orders in before 6 for same day delivery of my Poison free Certified Organic Produce no POISONS! You have till 6pm! Don't forget to.get into.NAVEL.THERAPY! amazing..! Minerals,oils..can be the Navel..... The Marinated Beef Strips are back! Great feedback...over 14 spices and herbs in my Apple Cider.. I use ACV for my hair conditioner! Heaps of greens Choy sum.Pak choy.. Heaps of apples all $7.. Mouth Repair all non toxic no poisons! Edible! SKIN lover great.tfor dry skin! Kakadu Plum seed Oil! much great feedback! Shane Terence Shane there is no such thing as a virus..I watched all your vids sponsored by the same agenda that you claim to other species has any state all the " viruses" you's all sponsored sighyence...they are professional liars because they cannot make these things in a natural's all fabricated in fake environments called labs.....if you want to believe labs are Nature go for it..they aren't..and will never be.. The only laboratory is Nature...labs a businesses to ligitimise " sighyence" sighyence doesn't exist..because it is mad win controlled environments with fake animals on guidelines that q exist outside of the fake lab..mate wakeup...! Nature is the only science..nothing else is real..because Nature doesn't do disease..or " viruses" ..there was only observations of Nature undisturbed..alter it in any's fraud... You do not at present understand the term are programmed to believe in labs as Nature..they are not...Nature is the most org business on the planet.. It is the business of Nature.. Your grant labourers who create fake environments to create fake language and illness..are completely disconneure is Science personified.. Nature is an h Emu Oil is back..great oil..the only.Oil that has A,D,K,E and almost dentical.components as the skin.. The amazing Bone Broths.. The amazing Super.Tonic Bio Olive Oil! Great feedback! Breads tomorrow.. Apricot.Banana Garlic And classic.. Stews all.made with.broth Cabbages goog Carrots $2 KL Kombuchas! Open ! 7 days! #open #organic.#gains
11.01.2022 well, Women get things done.. ''this is the new american revolution'' its a start, central banks are the issue.. get ready, we are going to see a can of worms, that has human heads come out... this is going to shake up thr ENTIRE voting system worldwide.. ''the dominion system was designed to produce fraud'''' remember, 99.9% of people recover naturally no interference... average age of death is 84 with pre existing conditions.. and doesnt effecf children.. and we shut down the entire world so we could rig an election, and get the ''great reset'' this is ALL organised crime nothing left or right, they make that bs up as well.. say it, its organised crime..all our ploticians who say nothing and high level corporate people, if they do not address child molestation and voter fraud world wide, they are in on it.. take your money out of banks buy land that produces food do not vote until ALL elections are completely investigated with investigations into all major political parties and donors.. investigate all past elections reform Public banks and remove COMPLETELY, PRIVATE BANKS they are completely corrupt[westpac 26 MILLION fraud breeches, no one was jailed, or even charged] re commence the Commonwealth Banks ORIGINAL charter as in Denison Miller and King O malley look into Icealnds system.. remove ALL current chairs and committees that run 'gov banks' ie the stealth takeover by the reserve bank who are controlled by the the fed, then the fed by the bank of england..then the vatican.. there are theorists, just observationalists... if you fail to observe injustice, to others, eventually, injustice comes time to fix this..its gone on way to long..and billions have died..
10.01.2022 Produce at Pete's! Don't forget to get your orders in before 6 for same day delivery.. 7 days a week.. Same day service! Please order on the day you want it..... No need to order ahead! Great feedback on the boxes.. People are setting up buyers groups..get.10 boxes organised.. You get your $58 box free! Get 5 organised..get a 40% discount! Starting from this Thursday! Great lettuce in huge! Mangoes are in.. The great papaya paw paw..the seeds kill over 700 parasites!, Ground or in food! Take a teaspoon 3 times a day... Super many testimonials.. Skin lovers..big news on this for our US customers. Etc.. My mild yet awesome...$10 And my Mineral Spray..only $ affordable use as a deodorant..! Etc.. Potatoes 4.4 KL Len cucs 5.8 kl Baramundi broths! Baramundi..$30 KL Sardines $19 KL Remember hotter temps lower fats..! Fish..eggs..easier for liver the break down.. I eat to the temperature..not trends or beliefs.. And remember.. 99.9% of people recover naturally .with no medication.. 83 is the average worldwide dying with pre existing diseases.. And..doesn't effect children unless they have a pre existing disease.. No animal or tribal people has any disease.. Check Domi-nion computer fraud.. Soros and the laptop opening.. Here we's all linked to the ban This is a worldwide problem..rigged elections need to be stopped #organnic #market #petes #glutenfree #dairyfree #sugarfree #gains #homedelivery # See more
07.01.2022 More good goods at Pete's... Great produce today.. Get your order in before 6 for same day delivery..great feedback.. Delivered to Tama on Thursday..the couple freaked out on their $100 box..could not believe the value Thanks veges and fruit!.... More . testimonials soonu Granny's are back! Giant lettuce..3.2 Fish are back all WILD CAUGHT ALWAYS! thanks fish! Sardines are back.. Barramundi Herring.. Great range of pastuered chicken..thanks chickens.. Lamb shanks are back thanks sheep! And I have finally got my Love cleanse done am doing my 174th in the next few days.. Watch for people becoming guru liver cleansers after 3-4 cleanses.. Pete's Liver Cleanse on the site..U see this.. is easy last a few times and includes a range of things all other Liver cleanses..never would.. Just a side not most people get them from.a.couple of books. I can look decades younger after it.. And that's when you know the person knows what they are doing..they should look alot different.. I never have fruit as that causes problems, fungal overload..starches both and seeds...just the Super Tonic and ACV alternation I NEVER use apple juice because it is so high in sugar.. This is clear evidence that the liver doesn't need.carbs as all First Nation didn't eat our food.. I urge you to get "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration...revised edition The Liver is amazing! Sorry Ed! #liver #cleanse #easy #organic #detox #glutenfree #sugarfree #dairyfree
03.01.2022 remember, the inventor says it doesnt work...on anything.. 99.9% recover naturally, meaning that nothing is happening.. doesnt effect children.. 83 is the acverage age dying in nursing homes..with preexisting conditions..or diseases, nursing homes are not not gyms, they are of nurses..not personel trainers..
02.01.2022 More delivery at Pete's..restocked from yesterday..always Certified Organic..! Get your orders in before 6 for same day delivery! Great feedback on the boxes.slide right for Gail's! It would be amazing if instead of giving billions of our money to drug companies..... Give it to our Organic Farmers? After all..the drug companies need food to make drugs..we don't need drugs to make food! It's amazing that nutrition has not even been mentioned in this whole event..not once! And yet that is ALL we are taught as kids... Eat Healthy..DONT TAKE DRUGS! But as adults it's ALL that is talked about.. It's mental! And why are all our so called Unhealthy? Get your order in today before 6 for same day delivery.. Mangoes..$3 EA Cherries..$32 KL Cos lettuce $2.90.. awesome Broth. Doing Barramundi Broth now! How good is the Barra! Oz food ! Shallots back in.. Water melons.. 10 LTS OF CO- COCONUT OIL $100! lion Wolf Food! Blue Mountains Honey Tomorrow.. Sprouted Sourdough back tomorrow.. Chickens in today!..great prices.. pastuered..great feedback! The mighty Broths unique..only $8 Lamb,chicken,BEEF,pork,fish,Barra Awesome Olive oil.. And and in store Open 7 days! Deliveries 7 days! And 99.9% recover naturally.. 83 is the average age dying in nursing with pre existing diseases..nursing homes is where you go to get nursed..! Doesn't effect children.. And face cloths don't stop dust or smoke..! #organic #lean #easy #vaxxinesaredrugs #nutrition #glutenfree #sugarfree #dairyfree #poisonfree #gains #children #health #mentsl
02.01.2022 yes, this is all about a disease, that has a natural 99.9% cure rate, and only effects 83 year olds in nursing homes and doesnt effect ..children...sure it up operation Gladio, and the world eccconomic foruum... australia our future awaits for us to act..not talk..
01.01.2022 A white christian Terrorist chemical weapons attack on a Qantas guy...who isn't a real Qantas guy... the bomb was loaded with sugar, preservatives and other da...ngerous ingredients, the attacker was sentenced to death..for using known deadly chemicals in an attack on a man who was forcing children and young people etc to inject poisons into them for a foriegn private company involved in a criminal conspiracy, to take over the world for a event that has a natural cure of 99.9%... The attacker mumbled..''down with the World Economic Forum and its criminal owners'' before being hung drawn and the criminal media..
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