Cr Shanavas Peter JP | Public figure
Cr Shanavas Peter JP
Phone: +61 411 209 089
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25.01.2022 Big shout out to our young landcarers -City of Armadale is reaching out for interested peeps to come together and share your thoughts about all the stuff that makes a place great to live in! Amazing Armadale!
22.01.2022 #Opinion #Poll about #Major events for the financial year 2020-21. In light of Covid-19, as your local Councillor, I would like to know whether you think the City of Armadale should be planning events to the end of this financial year (30th June 2021)
21.01.2022 As of 22nd August 2020
20.01.2022 As of 18/11/2020
19.01.2022 As of 15th August 2020
19.01.2022 The Australian Red Cross is urgently calling for donors as the country faces a shortage of two of its most common types of blood, with supplies down to just two days. DETAILS: #9News | Nightly at 6.00pm
19.01.2022 #Community #Grant #2020/2021 #Round 1. The City of Armadale provides two rounds of community grant funding each financial year to support community-based initiatives developed by groups located in the district. The amount of funding available to community grants varies from $1,000 to $5,000 depending on the category. Application for Round1 is open now and closes 4:30 pm on 29 September 2020. To register your interest, email [email protected] or call 9394 5638 by Monday,... 21 September 2020. Applications must be received by 4.30 pm on 29 September 2020. Armadale Christian Football Club Arks Rugby Union Football Club Forrestdale Senior Cricket Club Armadale Senior Basketball Armadale Senior Football Club Armadale Cricket Club Piara Waters Senior Football Club Perth United Malayalee Association Inc - PUMA SKM Sports club Inc Piara Waters Netball Club Inc. Forrestdale Junior Cricket Club Forrestdale Sporting Association Dale Hockey Club Dale Hockey Club - Juniors Page See more
19.01.2022 FORRESTDALE 4.55pm Crash affecting southbound lanes on TONKIN HWY at the Forrest Rd junction. *Caution advised.... Dated: Sunday, 16 August 2020
18.01.2022 As of 06/09/2020
18.01.2022 Lock your doors! Reports have come through of burglars entering houses through unlocked doors. Please remember to lock your doors. Don't make it easy for these offenders to enter your home.
15.01.2022 As the pandemic continues around the world, the threat of a COVID-19 outbreak in Western Australia is something that we need to be prepared for. Even if it's un...likely, it's vital that we have the protections in place that we need for the worst case scenario. So, in line with health advice, from 5 December, particular WA venues and businesses will be required to maintain mandatory contact registers to support COVID-19 contact tracing. These records will ONLY be used for the purpose of contact tracing, should it be required, and will only be kept for 28 days. Businesses or venues required to keep a contact register include: Food and licenced venues (restaurants, cafés, bars, pubs, taverns, nightclubs) Gyms, indoor sporting centres and pools Places of worship and funeral parlours Beauty and personal care services including hairdressers and barbers Galleries and museums Cinemas, theatres and other entertainment venues Auction houses and real estate inspections Community facilities, libraries and halls Zoos and amusement parks Function centres Accommodation facilities that already have check-in arrangements in place (i.e. hostels, hotels, large camp grounds) The details required for the contact register will include the date, arrival time, names and telephone numbers. Any person aged 16 years and over who attends a business, place or premises, listed above, including patrons, staff, volunteers and contractors will be required to register their contact details. Records are not required to be collected for people collecting takeaway or children under 16 years. To help make checking in to venues as easy as possible and reduce the burden on businesses, we've released a free app, SafeWA. SafeWA is a digital COVID-19 contact register system, which uses unique QR codes for venues that patrons can scan to register their attendance. You can get the app now on Android or iPhone at The app is a free, easy, contactless solution, but it is not mandatory. Alternative formats for contact registers are available, including other electronic tools or a paper-based system, depending on what is suitable for the business, venue or individual. This step to reintroduce contact registers was considered in consultation with industry and business to establish a long term strategy to keep our State safe, given the ongoing impact of the virus internationally. More information on contact registers and the SafeWA app can be found at We've done so well as a State - and we've achieved so much by following the advice and working together. Contact registers might not always be convenient, but we know that in the event of an outbreak they would make a huge difference. Together, by following these guidelines staying vigilant, we can keep WA safe and strong.
14.01.2022 #Based on the latest health advice from the WA State Government and the extension of COVID-19 Phase 4 restrictions, the city Council has endorsed the CEO report to cancel the Armadale Highland Gathering and the Perth Kilt Run 2020. It was a difficult decision, but in the light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the interest of public health and well-being, it will be the best decision. #Opinion #Poll about #Major events for the financial year 2020-21.... In light of Covid-19, as your local Councillor, I would like to know whether you think the City of Armadale should be planning events to the end of this financial year (30th June 2021)
13.01.2022 Big news for Perths south-east this morning with key details locked in for the Byford Rail Extension. The project is now progressing to its important next stag...e, with design work underway and initial works set to commence in November at Thomas Road. The METRONET street-level Byford Station will be built next to the emerging Byford Town Centre, within the existing rail corridor, about 8km south of Armadale Station. The new station will have up to 600 parking bays, a bus interchange and pedestrian crossing over the railway line. Armadale Station will also be expanded with longer platforms for six-car trains, a new Australind platform and an extended pedestrian overpass. The bus interchange will be redeveloped into a modern facility with better access to the station. To help facilitate the rail line, the Thomas Road level crossing will be replaced with a road-over-rail bridge with works to commence in late-2020, supporting more than 330 jobs. This key component of the rail extension has been added to the scope of the Armadale Road to North Lake Road Bridge project, allowing the works to start now in order to save time and money. The concept design phase for the Byford Rail Extension Project is now underway, and the project will now be submitted to Infrastructure Australia for consideration. The main construction contract is expected to be awarded in mid-2021.
12.01.2022 You know the road rules now is your chance to prove it! The traffic signals are out. In what order should the cars go through the intersection?
12.01.2022 #Updates on #Tonkin Hwy/ #Forrest road #Intersection : Many questions were raised at the Technical Committee as a Councillor item about MRWA's proposal to restrict right turn movements from Forrest Road onto Tonkin Highway. Please find the few responses: 1. What impact of road serviceability on Hilbert and Haynes residents? Modeling carried out by MRWA indicates an increase in traffic volume on both Twelfth Road and Eighth Road by approximately 30% immediately following the ...intersection modification proposed by MRWA, being the banning of right turn movements from Forrest Road onto Tonkin Highway northbound. 2. What effects on other local roads, 12th, and 8th roads? Can these roads accommodate the increased volume? Both roads can accommodate the increase in traffic volumes immediately following the intersection changes, however, the level of service for the intersection of Armadale Road and Eighth Road is of concern. In the longer term, both Twelfth Road and Eighth Roads will be upgraded to a median divided road capable of higher traffic volumes. 3. Will it affect road safety due to increased traffic volume? As detailed above, the surrounding road network is capable of accommodating the increased traffic volumes that would result from MRWA's proposed intersection changes; however, to address the concerns noted above regarding the intersection of Armadale and Eighth Roads, the City has written to Main Roads to request signalisation of the Armadale Road and Eighth Road intersection to improve intersection safety. MRWA has advised they will consider the option as part of their internal planning. 4. What will be the possibility of signalled traffic control at the intersection? MRWA is currently investigating the feasibility of providing full movement signalisation of the intersection of Tonkin Highway and Forrest Road. Please send me an email if you have any concerns about this matter. [email protected]
11.01.2022 #New tentative start date of #phase5 will now be Saturday, October 24.
10.01.2022 The assets test is being reintroduced on 25 September for several payments, including JobSeeker Payment. You need to make sure your asset details are accurate b...efore this date. If we dont have your asset details recorded, a task will appear in your Centrelink online account next week. Please provide the information requested. If you dont do this before 25 September, your payment will be suspended. If youve provided information about your assets previously, you wont see this task. You dont need to update your asset details unless they have changed. Remember - you can update your asset information at any time using your Centrelink online account. Our guide shows you how:
10.01.2022 As of 16th August 2020.
08.01.2022 Applications are open for full time Engineering Associate traineeship opportunities across all of our regions. Our two year traineeship offers an incredible opp...ortunity for highly motivated individuals to begin a rewarding career with us. At Main Roads, possibilities are everywhere all you need to do is put your hand up. Visit our website for more information and how to apply
07.01.2022 ***MOBILE PHONE USE FINES - 1 SEPTEMBER 2020*** Good morning all. You will have likely heard about this one on radio and in TV commercials. Be advised that mobi...le phone use penalties while driving will be modified as follows, effective 1 September 2020: - Touching or holding a mobile phone to make receive or end a voice call - $500 3 demerits - Creating, sending or looking at a text, email, social media, photo, video or similar - $1000 4 demerits. Obviously, you shouldnt use your phone while driving anyhow. However, the change in penalties is noteworthy and we encourage you to inform as many people as you can. Thanks all! The wording of the above offences and more info can be found on the RSC website: Kind regards, DAWA Team
07.01.2022 As part of the Denny Avenue Level Crossing Removal project, traffic management will be set up to relocate and replace a water main on Albany Highway from 7 September. Albany Highway will be reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction with traffic management in place, with detours in place for drivers wanting to access local businesses. Upgrades to Albany Highway, Fancote Street and Gilwell Avenue will include utility services relocations, footpaths and pavements.
06.01.2022 As of 04/09/2020
06.01.2022 Become familiar with your local neighbourhood. If you know whats going on in our area, its easier to spot if something seems a bit odd. Report all suspicious activity to Police. Neighbourhood Watch Network #safetyinneighbours
06.01.2022 WAs hard border is our most effective weapon to keep WA safe from COVID-19. That is what the Federal Court has ruled today. This is a comprehensive win for Wes...tern Australia. Before the case proceeds to the High Court, the Federal Court assessed all the evidence from WA, Clive Palmer and the Federal Government. All submissions by Clive Palmer and the Liberal Party were rejected. The Federal Court looked at all other options to protect the WA community and determined that they were less effective at preventing COVID-19 in WA. The Judge agreed with WA that a pre-cautionary approach should be taken, as the health consequences could be potentially catastrophic for our community. Even though WA was up against Clive Palmer and Liberal Party, our approach has been endorsed by the Federal Court. Its now time for Clive Palmer to end this madness once and for all. Clive Palmer should withdraw his High Court challenge now. Thank you to every Western Australian who has supported our case and our measures to protect the community. This is a significant win for our State.
04.01.2022 #New mobile phone penalties come into effect on 1 September 2020. For more info:
01.01.2022 So snake season is upon us again. This guy just relocated from Hilbert. Please feel free to like / follow my page and keep my number ready as our scaly little friends are warming up and on the move.
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