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Peter Bolte Ray White Manning Valley | Estate agent

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Peter Bolte Ray White Manning Valley


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17.01.2022 Come and say hello to me sometime today or tomorrow t these beautiful properties!

14.01.2022 Seems to be a bit of this going on of late

13.01.2022 What an amazing response to the Little ray Of Giving this year! Thanks to the incredible generosity to the people of the Manning Valley who contributed and also... to the Samaritans and the Taree Women's Refuge who will ensure these gifts got to where they are most needed. #littlerayofgiving #raywhite #raywhitemanningvalley See more

13.01.2022 The best part of my job. Nick Martin buys his first home in beautiful Wingham!

11.01.2022 Just a short personal message

11.01.2022 Yeah well someone had too do it

06.01.2022 This is a great project to be involved in folks! All you need to do is buy a present, wrap it and label it boy or girl with an age and place it under our Little Ray Of Giving Christmas Tree at Ray White on the corner of Manning and Victoria Streets Taree.

01.01.2022 Hi friends! If you know anyone looking for a sea change be sure to tell them about 44 Hall Street at Old Bar Beach. Its a beautiful property that is sure to impress! #raywhitemanningvalley

01.01.2022 I have found my calling !!! I cannot tell you the pure joy and heartfelt gratitude I have found in making people’s dreams come true. Cynics call it selling houses....... I call it the most emotionally rewarding thing I’ve ever done.

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